AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-09-18Print Unicode characters unescaped by default.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Separate the tests and the main program.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add a COPYING file with too many words in it.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Documentation. Copious.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Move everything around - delete old Haskell code, clean up build.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Slightly better string interpolation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add the builtin 'select' function.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add a missing file from prev commitStephen Dolan
2012-09-18Builtin functions defined in jq.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18-Werror was a little overzealous.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Builtin function 'type'.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Fix a precedence bug.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Recursive functions + bugfix for stack reallocation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Make the code compile with warnings-as-errors.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Fix debugging code in execute.c so that debug jq compiles again.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Make "not" a builtin function rather than syntax.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Redefine true and false. Define empty, distict from null.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Merge branch 'master' of github:stedolan/jqStephen Dolan
2012-09-17First pass at string interpolation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Add a "tostring" function.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Support rendering a JSON value to a string buffer.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Better support for appending strings in JV.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-16Bind builtin functions in a slightly less ugly way.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-16Builtin function 'length', for arrays/objects/strings.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-16Hrm. Update operators (//=, +=, etc.) aren't very well thought out.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Add update operators (+=, -=, *=, /= and //=)Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Make .[] capable of iteration over objects as well as arrays.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Pretty-printing of JSON values.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11JSON stream parser.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11More error handling - locations of refs to undefined symbols.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Better error handling and messages for invalid index/assign operations.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11More error handling in the parser.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Proper error messages from lexer errors (e.g. bad characters).Stephen Dolan
2012-09-11Much, much better error reporting from the parser.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10'==' operator, tests for equality and operator precedence.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10String -> number conversions with "tonumber".Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10Multiplication and division operators.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10Subtraction - as expected for numbers, ruby-style set diff for arrays.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10String concatenation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10Sensible error messages when a silly addition is performed.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10jv_string_fmt (create printf-formatted JSON strings)Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10Plug a memory leak in jv_object_mergeStephen Dolan
2012-09-10Make jv_invalid() first-class values capable of holding an error.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-10When comparing two objects for equality, we don't need to recurseStephen Dolan
2012-09-10Make a main program that doesn't spam debugging info.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-09Make the '+' operator merge objects.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-09Bugfix for expanding objects.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-09Print bad number values (Inf,NaN) "correctly".Stephen Dolan
2012-09-06null and string literals now exist, so add testsStephen Dolan
2012-09-06UTF8 coding utilities and unicode escaping in jv_dump()'d strings.Stephen Dolan