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+headline: jq 1.3 Manual
+history: |
+ *The manual for the development version of jq can be found
+ [here](/jq/manual).*
+body: |
+ A jq program is a "filter": it takes an input, and produces an
+ output. There are a lot of builtin filters for extracting a
+ particular field of an object, or converting a number to a string,
+ or various other standard tasks.
+ Filters can be combined in various ways - you can pipe the output of
+ one filter into another filter, or collect the output of a filter
+ into an array.
+ Some filters produce multiple results, for instance there's one that
+ produces all the elements of its input array. Piping that filter
+ into a second runs the second filter for each element of the
+ array. Generally, things that would be done with loops and iteration
+ in other languages are just done by gluing filters together in jq.
+ It's important to remember that every filter has an input and an
+ output. Even literals like "hello" or 42 are filters - they take an
+ input but always produce the same literal as output. Operations that
+ combine two filters, like addition, generally feed the same input to
+ both and combine the results. So, you can implement an averaging
+ filter as `add / length` - feeding the input array both to the `add`
+ filter and the `length` filter and dividing the results.
+ But that's getting ahead of ourselves. :) Let's start with something
+ simpler:
+manpage_intro: |
+ jq(1) -- Command-line JSON processor
+ ====================================
+ `jq` [<options>...] <filter> [<files>...]
+ `jq` can transform JSON in various ways, by selecting, iterating,
+ reducing and otherwise mangling JSON documents. For instance,
+ running the command `jq 'map(.price) | add'` will take an array of
+ JSON objects as input and return the sum of their "price" fields.
+ By default, `jq` reads a stream of JSON objects (whitespace
+ separated) from `stdin`. One or more <files> may be specified, in
+ which case `jq` will read input from those instead.
+ The <options> are described in the [INVOKING JQ] section, they
+ mostly concern input and output formatting. The <filter> is written
+ in the jq language and specifies how to transform the input
+ document.
+manpage_epilogue: |
+ ## BUGS
+ Presumably. Report them or discuss them at:
+ Stephen Dolan `<>`
+ - title: Invoking jq
+ body: |
+ jq filters run on a stream of JSON data. The input to jq is
+ parsed as a sequence of whitespace-separated JSON values which
+ are passed through the provided filter one at a time. The
+ output(s) of the filter are written to standard out, again as a
+ sequence of whitespace-separated JSON data.
+ You can affect how jq reads and writes its input and output
+ using some command-line options:
+ * `--slurp`/`-s`:
+ Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the
+ input, read the entire input stream into a large array and run
+ the filter just once.
+ * `--raw-input`/`-R`:
+ Don't parse the input as JSON. Instead, each line of text is
+ passed to the filter as a string. If combined with `--slurp`,
+ then the entire input is passed to the filter as a single long
+ string.
+ * `--null-input`/`-n`:
+ Don't read any input at all! Instead, the filter is run once
+ using `null` as the input. This is useful when using jq as a
+ simple calculator or to construct JSON data from scratch.
+ * `--compact-output` / `-c`:
+ By default, jq pretty-prints JSON output. Using this option
+ will result in more compact output by instead putting each
+ JSON object on a single line.
+ * `--color-output` / `-C` and `--monochrome-output` / `-M`:
+ By default, jq outputs colored JSON if writing to a
+ terminal. You can force it to produce color even if writing to
+ a pipe or a file using `-C`, and disable color with `-M`.
+ * `--ascii-output` / `-a`:
+ jq usually outputs non-ASCII Unicode codepoints as UTF-8, even
+ if the input specified them as escape sequences (like
+ "\u03bc"). Using this option, you can force jq to produce pure
+ ASCII output with every non-ASCII character replaced with the
+ equivalent escape sequence.
+ * `--raw-output` / `-r`:
+ With this option, if the filter's result is a string then it
+ will be written directly to standard output rather than being
+ formatted as a JSON string with quotes. This can be useful for
+ making jq filters talk to non-JSON-based systems.
+ * `--arg name value`:
+ This option passes a value to the jq program as a predefined
+ variable. If you run jq with `--arg foo bar`, then `$foo` is
+ available in the program and has the value `"bar"`.
+ - title: Basic filters
+ entries:
+ - title: "`.`"
+ body: |
+ The absolute simplest (and least interesting) filter
+ is `.`. This is a filter that takes its input and
+ produces it unchanged as output.
+ Since jq by default pretty-prints all output, this trivial
+ program can be a useful way of formatting JSON output from,
+ say, `curl`.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.'
+ input: '"Hello, world!"'
+ output: ['"Hello, world!"']
+ - title: "`.foo`"
+ body: |
+ The simplest *useful* filter is .foo. When given a
+ JSON object (aka dictionary or hash) as input, it produces
+ the value at the key "foo", or null if there's none present.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.foo'
+ input: '{"foo": 42, "bar": "less interesting data"}'
+ output: [42]
+ - program: '.foo'
+ input: '{"notfoo": true, "alsonotfoo": false}'
+ output: ['null']
+ - title: "`.[foo]`, `.[2]`, `.[10:15]`"
+ body: |
+ You can also look up fields of an object using syntax like
+ `.["foo"]` (.foo above is a shorthand version of this). This
+ one works for arrays as well, if the key is an
+ integer. Arrays are zero-based (like javascript), so `.[2]`
+ returns the third element of the array.
+ The `.[10:15]` syntax can be used to return a subarray of an
+ array. The array returned by `.[10:15]` will be of length 5,
+ containing the elements from index 10 (inclusive) to index
+ 15 (exclusive). Either index may be negative (in which case
+ it counts backwards from the end of the array), or omitted
+ (in which case it refers to the start or end of the array).
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[0]'
+ input: '[{"name":"JSON", "good":true}, {"name":"XML", "good":false}]'
+ output: ['{"name":"JSON", "good":true}']
+ - program: '.[2]'
+ input: '[{"name":"JSON", "good":true}, {"name":"XML", "good":false}]'
+ output: ['null']
+ - program: '.[2:4]'
+ input: '["a","b","c","d","e"]'
+ output: ['["c", "d"]']
+ - program: '.[:3]'
+ input: '["a","b","c","d","e"]'
+ output: ['["a", "b", "c"]']
+ - program: '.[-2:]'
+ input: '["a","b","c","d","e"]'
+ output: ['["d", "e"]']
+ - title: "`.[]`"
+ body: |
+ If you use the `.[foo]` syntax, but omit the index
+ entirely, it will return *all* of the elements of an
+ array. Running `.[]` with the input `[1,2,3]` will produce the
+ numbers as three separate results, rather than as a single
+ array.
+ You can also use this on an object, and it will return all
+ the values of the object.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[]'
+ input: '[{"name":"JSON", "good":true}, {"name":"XML", "good":false}]'
+ output:
+ - '{"name":"JSON", "good":true}'
+ - '{"name":"XML", "good":false}'
+ - program: '.[]'
+ input: '[]'
+ output: []
+ - program: '.[]'
+ input: '{"a": 1, "b": 1}'
+ output: ['1', '1']
+ - title: "`,`"
+ body: |
+ If two filters are separated by a comma, then the
+ input will be fed into both and there will be multiple
+ outputs: first, all of the outputs produced by the left
+ expression, and then all of the outputs produced by the
+ right. For instance, filter `.foo, .bar`, produces
+ both the "foo" fields and "bar" fields as separate outputs.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.foo, .bar'
+ input: '{"foo": 42, "bar": "something else", "baz": true}'
+ output: ['42', '"something else"']
+ - program: ".user, .projects[]"
+ input: '{"user":"stedolan", "projects": ["jq", "wikiflow"]}'
+ output: ['"stedolan"', '"jq"', '"wikiflow"']
+ - program: '.[4,2]'
+ input: '["a","b","c","d","e"]'
+ output: ['"e"', '"c"']
+ - title: "`|`"
+ body: |
+ The | operator combines two filters by feeding the output(s) of
+ the one on the left into the input of the one on the right. It's
+ pretty much the same as the Unix shell's pipe, if you're used to
+ that.
+ If the one on the left produces multiple results, the one on
+ the right will be run for each of those results. So, the
+ expression `.[] | .foo` retrieves the "foo" field of each
+ element of the input array.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[] | .name'
+ input: '[{"name":"JSON", "good":true}, {"name":"XML", "good":false}]'
+ output: ['"JSON"', '"XML"']
+ - title: Types and Values
+ body: |
+ jq supports the same set of datatypes as JSON - numbers,
+ strings, booleans, arrays, objects (which in JSON-speak are
+ hashes with only string keys), and "null".
+ Booleans, null, strings and numbers are written the same way as
+ in javascript. Just like everything else in jq, these simple
+ values take an input and produce an output - `42` is a valid jq
+ expression that takes an input, ignores it, and returns 42
+ instead.
+ entries:
+ - title: Array construction - `[]`
+ body: |
+ As in JSON, `[]` is used to construct arrays, as in
+ `[1,2,3]`. The elements of the arrays can be any jq
+ expression. All of the results produced by all of the
+ expressions are collected into one big array. You can use it
+ to construct an array out of a known quantity of values (as
+ in `[.foo, .bar, .baz]`) or to "collect" all the results of a
+ filter into an array (as in `[.items[].name]`)
+ Once you understand the "," operator, you can look at jq's array
+ syntax in a different light: the expression `[1,2,3]` is not using a
+ built-in syntax for comma-separated arrays, but is instead applying
+ the `[]` operator (collect results) to the expression 1,2,3 (which
+ produces three different results).
+ If you have a filter `X` that produces four results,
+ then the expression `[X]` will produce a single result, an
+ array of four elements.
+ examples:
+ - program: "[.user, .projects[]]"
+ input: '{"user":"stedolan", "projects": ["jq", "wikiflow"]}'
+ output: ['["stedolan", "jq", "wikiflow"]']
+ - title: Objects - `{}`
+ body: |
+ Like JSON, `{}` is for constructing objects (aka
+ dictionaries or hashes), as in: `{"a": 42, "b": 17}`.
+ If the keys are "sensible" (all alphabetic characters), then
+ the quotes can be left off. The value can be any expression
+ (although you may need to wrap it in parentheses if it's a
+ complicated one), which gets applied to the {} expression's
+ input (remember, all filters have an input and an
+ output).
+ {foo: .bar}
+ will produce the JSON object `{"foo": 42}` if given the JSON
+ object `{"bar":42, "baz":43}`. You can use this to select
+ particular fields of an object: if the input is an object
+ with "user", "title", "id", and "content" fields and you
+ just want "user" and "title", you can write
+ {user: .user, title: .title}
+ Because that's so common, there's a shortcut syntax: `{user, title}`.
+ If one of the expressions produces multiple results,
+ multiple dictionaries will be produced. If the input's
+ {"user":"stedolan","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}
+ then the expression
+ {user, title: .titles[]}
+ will produce two outputs:
+ {"user":"stedolan", "title": "JQ Primer"}
+ {"user":"stedolan", "title": "More JQ"}
+ Putting parentheses around the key means it will be evaluated as an
+ expression. With the same input as above,
+ {(.user): .titles}
+ produces
+ {"stedolan": ["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}
+ examples:
+ - program: '{user, title: .titles[]}'
+ input: '{"user":"stedolan","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}'
+ output:
+ - '{"user":"stedolan", "title": "JQ Primer"}'
+ - '{"user":"stedolan", "title": "More JQ"}'
+ - program: '{(.user): .titles}'
+ input: '{"user":"stedolan","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}'
+ output: ['{"stedolan": ["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}']
+ - title: Builtin operators and functions
+ body: |
+ Some jq operator (for instance, `+`) do different things
+ depending on the type of their arguments (arrays, numbers,
+ etc.). However, jq never does implicit type conversions. If you
+ try to add a string to an object you'll get an error message and
+ no result.
+ entries:
+ - title: Addition - `+`
+ body: |
+ The operator `+` takes two filters, applies them both
+ to the same input, and adds the results together. What
+ "adding" means depends on the types involved:
+ - **Numbers** are added by normal arithmetic.
+ - **Arrays** are added by being concatenated into a larger array.
+ - **Strings** are added by being joined into a larger string.
+ - **Objects** are added by merging, that is, inserting all
+ the key-value pairs from both objects into a single
+ combined object. If both objects contain a value for the
+ same key, the object on the right of the `+` wins.
+ `null` can be added to any value, and returns the other
+ value unchanged.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.a + 1'
+ input: '{"a": 7}'
+ output: ['8']
+ - program: '.a + .b'
+ input: '{"a": [1,2], "b": [3,4]}'
+ output: ['[1,2,3,4]']
+ - program: '.a + null'
+ input: '{"a": 1}'
+ output: ['1']
+ - program: '.a + 1'
+ input: '{}'
+ output: ['1']
+ - program: '{a: 1} + {b: 2} + {c: 3} + {a: 42}'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['{"a": 42, "b": 2, "c": 3}']
+ - title: Subtraction - `-`
+ body: |
+ As well as normal arithmetic subtraction on numbers, the `-`
+ operator can be used on arrays to remove all occurences of
+ the second array's elements from the first array.
+ examples:
+ - program: '4 - .a'
+ input: '{"a":3}'
+ output: ['1']
+ - program: . - ["xml", "yaml"]
+ input: '["xml", "yaml", "json"]'
+ output: ['["json"]']
+ - title: Multiplication, division - `*` and `/`
+ body: |
+ These operators only work on numbers, and do the expected.
+ examples:
+ - program: '10 / . * 3'
+ input: 5
+ output: [6]
+ - title: '`length`'
+ body: |
+ The builtin function `length` gets the length of various
+ different types of value:
+ - The length of a **string** is the number of Unicode
+ codepoints it contains (which will be the same as its
+ JSON-encoded length in bytes if it's pure ASCII).
+ - The length of an **array** is the number of elements.
+ - The length of an **object** is the number of key-value pairs.
+ - The length of **null** is zero.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[] | length'
+ input: '[[1,2], "string", {"a":2}, null]'
+ output: [2, 6, 1, 0]
+ - title: '`keys`'
+ body: |
+ The builtin function `keys`, when given an object, returns
+ its keys in an array.
+ The keys are sorted "alphabetically", by unicode codepoint
+ order. This is not an order that makes particular sense in
+ any particular language, but you can count on it being the
+ same for any two objects with the same set of keys,
+ regardless of locale settings.
+ When `keys` is given an array, it returns the valid indices
+ for that array: the integers from 0 to length-1.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'keys'
+ input: '{"abc": 1, "abcd": 2, "Foo": 3}'
+ output: ['["Foo", "abc", "abcd"]']
+ - program: 'keys'
+ input: '[42,3,35]'
+ output: ['[0,1,2]']
+ - title: '`has`'
+ body: |
+ The builtin function `has` returns whether the input object
+ has the given key, or the input array has an element at the
+ given index.
+ `has($key)` has the same effect as checking whether `$key`
+ is a member of the array returned by `keys`, although `has`
+ will be faster.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'map(has("foo"))'
+ input: '[{"foo": 42}, {}]'
+ output: ['[true, false]']
+ - program: 'map(has(2))'
+ input: '[[0,1], ["a","b","c"]]'
+ output: ['[false, true]']
+ - title: '`to_entries`, `from_entries`, `with_entries`'
+ body: |
+ These functions convert between an object and an array of
+ key-value pairs. If `to_entries` is passed an object, then
+ for each `k: v` entry in the input, the output array
+ includes `{"key": k, "value": v}`.
+ `from_entries` does the opposite conversion, and
+ `with_entries(foo)` is a shorthand for `to_entries |
+ map(foo) | from_entries`, useful for doing some operation to
+ all keys and values of an object.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'to_entries'
+ input: '{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
+ output: ['[{"key":"a", "value":1}, {"key":"b", "value":2}]']
+ - program: 'from_entries'
+ input: '[{"key":"a", "value":1}, {"key":"b", "value":2}]'
+ output: ['{"a": 1, "b": 2}']
+ - program: 'with_entries(.key |= "KEY_" + .)'
+ input: '{"a": 1, "b": 2}'
+ output: ['{"KEY_a": 1, "KEY_b": 2}']
+ - title: '`select`'
+ body: |
+ The function `select(foo)` produces its input unchanged if
+ `foo` returns true for that input, and produces no output
+ otherwise.
+ It's useful for filtering lists: '`[1,2,3] | map(select(. >= 2))`'
+ will give you `[3]`.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'map(select(. >= 2))'
+ input: '[1,5,3,0,7]'
+ output: ['[5,3,7]']
+ - title: '`empty`'
+ body: |
+ `empty` returns no results. None at all. Not even `null`.
+ It's useful on occasion. You'll know if you need it :)
+ examples:
+ - program: '1, empty, 2'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: [1, 2]
+ - program: '[1,2,empty,3]'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['[1,2,3]']
+ - title: '`map(x)`'
+ body: |
+ For any filter `x`, `map(x)` will run that filter for each
+ element of the input array, and produce the outputs a new
+ array. `map(.+1)` will increment each element of an array of numbers.
+ `map(x)` is equivalent to `[.[] | x]`. In fact, this is how
+ it's defined.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'map(.+1)'
+ input: '[1,2,3]'
+ output: ['[2,3,4]']
+ - title: '`add`'
+ body: |
+ The filter `add` takes as input an array, and produces as
+ output the elements of the array added together. This might
+ mean summed, concatenated or merged depending on the types
+ of the elements of the input array - the rules are the same
+ as those for the `+` operator (described above).
+ If the input is an empty array, `add` returns `null`.
+ examples:
+ - program: add
+ input: '["a","b","c"]'
+ output: ['"abc"']
+ - program: add
+ input: '[1, 2, 3]'
+ output: [6]
+ - program: add
+ input: '[]'
+ output: ["null"]
+ - title: '`range`'
+ body: |
+ The `range` function produces a range of numbers. `range(4;10)`
+ produces 6 numbers, from 4 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive). The numbers
+ are produced as separate outputs. Use `[range(4;10)]` to get a range as
+ an array.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'range(2;4)'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['2', '3']
+ - program: '[range(2;4)]'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['[2,3]']
+ - title: '`tonumber`'
+ body: |
+ The `tonumber` function parses its input as a number. It
+ will convert correctly-formatted strings to their numeric
+ equivalent, leave numbers alone, and give an error on all other input.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[] | tonumber'
+ input: '[1, "1"]'
+ output: [1, 1]
+ - title: '`tostring`'
+ body: |
+ The `tostring` function prints its input as a
+ string. Strings are left unchanged, and all other values are
+ JSON-encoded.
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[] | tostring'
+ input: '[1, "1", [1]]'
+ output: ['"1"', '"1"', '"[1]"']
+ - title: '`type`'
+ body: |
+ The `type` function returns the type of its argument as a
+ string, which is one of null, boolean, number, string, array
+ or object.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'map(type)'
+ input: '[0, false, [], {}, null, "hello"]'
+ output: ['["number", "boolean", "array", "object", "null", "string"]']
+ - title: '`sort, sort_by`'
+ body: |
+ The `sort` functions sorts its input, which must be an
+ array. Values are sorted in the following order:
+ * `null`
+ * `false`
+ * `true`
+ * numbers
+ * strings, in alphabetical order (by unicode codepoint value)
+ * arrays, in lexical order
+ * objects
+ The ordering for objects is a little complex: first they're
+ compared by comparing their sets of keys (as arrays in
+ sorted order), and if their keys are equal then the values
+ are compared key by key.
+ `sort_by` may be used to sort by a particular field of an
+ object, or by applying any jq filter. `sort_by(foo)`
+ compares two elements by comparing the result of `foo` on
+ each element.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'sort'
+ input: '[8,3,null,6]'
+ output: ['[null,3,6,8]']
+ - program: 'sort_by(.foo)'
+ input: '[{"foo":4, "bar":10}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":2, "bar":1}]'
+ output: ['[{"foo":2, "bar":1}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":4, "bar":10}]']
+ - title: '`group_by`'
+ body: |
+ `group_by(.foo)` takes as input an array, groups the
+ elements having the same `.foo` field into separate arrays,
+ and produces all of these arrays as elements of a larger
+ array, sorted by the value of the `.foo` field.
+ Any jq expression, not just a field access, may be used in
+ place of `.foo`. The sorting order is the same as described
+ in the `sort` function above.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'group_by(.foo)'
+ input: '[{"foo":1, "bar":10}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":1, "bar":1}]'
+ output: ['[[{"foo":1, "bar":10}, {"foo":1, "bar":1}], [{"foo":3, "bar":100}]]']
+ - title: '`min`, `max`, `min_by`, `max_by`'
+ body: |
+ Find the minimum or maximum element of the input array. The
+ `_by` versions allow you to specify a particular field or
+ property to examine, e.g. `min_by(.foo)` finds the object
+ with the smallest `foo` field.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'min'
+ input: '[5,4,2,7]'
+ output: ['2']
+ - program: 'max_by(.foo)'
+ input: '[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]'
+ output: ['{"foo":2, "bar":3}']
+ - title: '`unique`'
+ body: |
+ The `unique` function takes as input an array and produces
+ an array of the same elements, in sorted order, with
+ duplicates removed.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'unique'
+ input: '[1,2,5,3,5,3,1,3]'
+ output: ['[1,2,3,5]']
+ - title: '`reverse`'
+ body: |
+ This function reverses an array.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'reverse'
+ input: '[1,2,3,4]'
+ output: ['[4,3,2,1]']
+ - title: '`contains`'
+ body: |
+ The filter `contains(b)` will produce true if b is
+ completely contained within the input. A string B is
+ contained in a string A if B is a substring of A. An array B
+ is contained in an array A is all elements in B are
+ contained in any element in A. An object B is contained in
+ object A if all of the values in B are contained in the
+ value in A with the same key. All other types are assumed to
+ be contained in each other if they are equal.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'contains("bar")'
+ input: '"foobar"'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: 'contains(["baz", "bar"])'
+ input: '["foobar", "foobaz", "blarp"]'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: 'contains(["bazzzzz", "bar"])'
+ input: '["foobar", "foobaz", "blarp"]'
+ output: ['false']
+ - program: 'contains({foo: 12, bar: [{barp: 12}]})'
+ input: '{"foo": 12, "bar":[1,2,{"barp":12, "blip":13}]}'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: 'contains({foo: 12, bar: [{barp: 15}]})'
+ input: '{"foo": 12, "bar":[1,2,{"barp":12, "blip":13}]}'
+ output: ['false']
+ - title: '`recurse`'
+ body: |
+ The `recurse` function allows you to search through a
+ recursive structure, and extract interesting data from all
+ levels. Suppose your input represents a filesystem:
+ {"name": "/", "children": [
+ {"name": "/bin", "children": [
+ {"name": "/bin/ls", "children": []},
+ {"name": "/bin/sh", "children": []}]},
+ {"name": "/home", "children": [
+ {"name": "/home/stephen", "children": [
+ {"name": "/home/stephen/jq", "children": []}]}]}]}
+ Now suppose you want to extract all of the filenames
+ present. You need to retrieve `.name`, `.children[].name`,
+ `.children[].children[].name`, and so on. You can do this
+ with:
+ recurse(.children[]) | .name
+ examples:
+ - program: 'recurse(.foo[])'
+ input: '{"foo":[{"foo": []}, {"foo":[{"foo":[]}]}]}'
+ output:
+ - '{"foo":[{"foo":[]},{"foo":[{"foo":[]}]}]}'
+ - '{"foo":[]}'
+ - '{"foo":[{"foo":[]}]}'
+ - '{"foo":[]}'
+ - title: String interpolation - `\(foo)`
+ body: |
+ Inside a string, you can put an expression inside parens
+ after a backslash. Whatever the expression returns will be
+ interpolated into the string.
+ examples:
+ - program: '"The input was \(.), which is one less than \(.+1)"'
+ input: '42'
+ output: ['"The input was 42, which is one less than 43"']
+ - title: "Format strings and escaping"
+ body: |
+ The `@foo` syntax is used to format and escape strings,
+ which is useful for building URLs, documents in a language
+ like HTML or XML, and so forth. `@foo` can be used as a
+ filter on its own, the possible escapings are:
+ * `@text`:
+ Calls `tostring`, see that function for details.
+ * `@json`:
+ Serialises the input as JSON.
+ * `@html`:
+ Applies HTML/XML escaping, by mapping the characters
+ `<>&'"` to their entity equivalents `&lt;`, `&gt;`,
+ `&amp;`, `&apos;`, `&quot;`.
+ * `@uri`:
+ Applies percent-encoding, by mapping all reserved URI
+ characters to a `%xx` sequence.
+ * `@csv`:
+ The input must be an array, and it is rendered as CSV
+ with double quotes for strings, and quotes escaped by
+ repetition.
+ * `@sh`:
+ The input is escaped suitable for use in a command-line
+ for a POSIX shell. If the input is an array, the output
+ will be a series of space-separated strings.
+ * `@base64`:
+ The input is converted to base64 as specified by RFC 4648.
+ This syntax can be combined with string interpolation in a
+ useful way. You can follow a `@foo` token with a string
+ literal. The contents of the string literal will *not* be
+ escaped. However, all interpolations made inside that string
+ literal will be escaped. For instance,
+ @uri "\(.search)"
+ will produce the following output for the input
+ `{"search":"jq!"}`:
+ Note that the slashes, question mark, etc. in the URL are
+ not escaped, as they were part of the string literal.
+ examples:
+ - program: '@html'
+ input: '"This works if x < y"'
+ output: ['"This works if x &lt; y"']
+# - program: '@html "<span>Anonymous said: \(.)</span>"'
+# input: '"<script>alert(\"lol hax\");</script>"'
+# output: ["<span>Anonymous said: &lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;lol hax&quot;);&lt;/script&gt;</span>"]
+ - program: '@sh "echo \(.)"'
+ input: "\"O'Hara's Ale\""
+ output: ["\"echo 'O'\\\\''Hara'\\\\''s Ale'\""]
+ - title: Conditionals and Comparisons
+ entries:
+ - title: '`==`, `!=`'
+ body: |
+ The expression 'a == b' will produce 'true' if the result of a and b
+ are equal (that is, if they represent equivalent JSON documents) and
+ 'false' otherwise. In particular, strings are never considered equal
+ to numbers. If you're coming from Javascript, jq's == is like
+ Javascript's === - considering values equal only when they have the
+ same type as well as the same value.
+ != is "not equal", and 'a != b' returns the opposite value of 'a == b'
+ examples:
+ - program: '.[] == 1'
+ input: '[1, 1.0, "1", "banana"]'
+ output: ['true', 'true', 'false', 'false']
+ - title: if-then-else
+ body: |
+ `if A then B else C end` will act the same as `B` if `A`
+ produces a value other than false or null, but act the same
+ as `C` otherwise.
+ Checking for false or null is a simpler notion of
+ "truthiness" than is found in Javascript or Python, but it
+ means that you'll sometimes have to be more explicit about
+ the condition you want: you can't test whether, e.g. a
+ string is empty using `if .name then A else B end`, you'll
+ need something more like `if (.name | count) > 0 then A else
+ B end` instead.
+ If the condition `A` produces multiple results, then `B` is evaluated
+ once for each result that is not false or null, and `C` is evaluated
+ once for each false or null.
+ More cases can be added to an if using `elif A then B` syntax.
+ examples:
+ - program: |-
+ if . == 0 then
+ "zero"
+ elif . == 1 then
+ "one"
+ else
+ "many"
+ end
+ input: 2
+ output: ['"many"']
+ - title: '`>, >=, <=, <`'
+ body: |
+ The comparison operators `>`, `>=`, `<=`, `<` return whether
+ their left argument is greater than, greater than or equal
+ to, less than or equal to or less than their right argument
+ (respectively).
+ The ordering is the same as that described for `sort`, above.
+ examples:
+ - program: '. < 5'
+ input: 2
+ output: ['true']
+ - title: and/or/not
+ body: |
+ jq supports the normal Boolean operators and/or/not. They have the
+ same standard of truth as if expressions - false and null are
+ considered "false values", and anything else is a "true value".
+ If an operand of one of these operators produces multiple
+ results, the operator itself will produce a result for each input.
+ `not` is in fact a builtin function rather than an operator,
+ so it is called as a filter to which things can be piped
+ rather than with special syntax, as in `.foo and .bar |
+ not`.
+ These three only produce the values "true" and "false", and
+ so are only useful for genuine Boolean operations, rather
+ than the common Perl/Python/Ruby idiom of
+ "value_that_may_be_null or default". If you want to use this
+ form of "or", picking between two values rather than
+ evaluating a condition, see the "//" operator below.
+ examples:
+ - program: '42 and "a string"'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: '(true, false) or false'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['true', 'false']
+# - program: '(true, false) and (true, false)'
+# input: 'null'
+# output: ['true', 'false', 'false', 'false']
+ - program: '(true, true) and (true, false)'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['true', 'false', 'true', 'false']
+ - program: '[true, false | not]'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['[false, true]']
+ - title: Alternative operator - `//`
+ body: |
+ A filter of the form `a // b` produces the same
+ results as `a`, if `a` produces results other than `false`
+ and `null`. Otherwise, `a // b` produces the same results as `b`.</