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authorStephen Dolan <>2012-09-19 00:40:35 +0100
committerStephen Dolan <>2012-09-19 00:40:35 +0100
commit63a2b85883be8850e418c5dbb64e05d115abc00b (patch)
tree6100cecd59d4b892266d3b38e63bc0245ab48df2 /tutorial
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+ <h1>Tutorial</h1>
+ <p>Twitter have a JSON API, so let&#8217;s play with that. This URL gets us the last 5 tweets about JSON:</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>curl ''</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result1">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result1" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>{"completed_in":0.108,"max_id":247677287108067328,"max_id_str":"247677287108067328","next_page":"?page=2&max_id=247677287108067328&q=json&rpp=5&include_entities=1","page":1,"query":"json","refresh_url":"?since_id=247677287108067328&q=json&include_entities=1","results":[{"created_at":"Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:44:01 +0000","entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[{"url":"http:\/\/\/XRvh1ZVw","expanded_url":"http:\/\/\/Ri7I0M","display_url":"\/Ri7I0M","indices":[112,132]}],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"imagemechanics","name":"Jason Cotterell","id":57271393,"id_str":"57271393","indices":[3,18]}]},"from_user":"_AaronNg","from_user_id":79771704,"from_user_id_str":"79771704","from_user_name":"NgChenChong","geo":null,"id":247677287108067328,"id_str":"247677287108067328","iso_language_code":"en","metadata":{"result_type":"recent"},"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/2523558403\/ek8mo4j4beq84iw28gjl_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_images\/2523558403\/ek8mo4j4beq84iw28gjl_normal.jpeg","source":"&lt;a href=&quot;http:\/\/\/&quot;&gt;web&lt;\/a&gt;","text":"RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\nhttp:\/\/\/XRvh1ZVw","to_user":null,"to_user_id":0,"to_user_id_str":"0","to_user_name":null}, ...
+ </div>
+ <p>There&#8217;s lots of info and no whitespace, so to make it a bit more legible we pipe it through jq, telling jq to just spit the input back at us using the expression <code>.</code>:</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>curl '' | jq '.'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result2">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result2" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>
+ "since_id_str": "0",
+ "since_id": 0,
+ "results_per_page": 5,
+ "completed_in": 0.108,
+ "max_id": 247677287108067330,
+ "max_id_str": "247677287108067328",
+ "next_page": "?page=2&max_id=247677287108067328&q=json&rpp=5&include_entities=1",
+ "page": 1,
+ "query": "json",
+ "refresh_url": "?since_id=247677287108067328&q=json&include_entities=1",
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "from_user_name": "NgChenChong",
+ "from_user_id_str": "79771704",
+ "from_user_id": 79771704,
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg",
+ "iso_language_code": "en",
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "to_user": null
+ /* lots more fields... */
+ },
+ /* lots more results... */
+ ]
+ </div>
+ <p>Let&#8217;s pull out the first tweet:</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>curl '' | jq '.results[0]'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result3">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result3" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>{
+ "from_user_name": "NgChenChong",
+ "from_user_id_str": "79771704",
+ "from_user_id": 79771704,
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg",
+ "iso_language_code": "en",
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "to_user": null
+ /* lots more fields... */
+ </div>
+ <p>For the rest of the examples, I&#8217;ll leave out the <code>curl</code> command - it&#8217;s not going to change.</p>
+<p>There&#8217;s still a lot of info we don&#8217;t care about there, so we&#8217;ll restrict it down to the most interesting fields.</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>jq '.results[0] | {from_user, text}'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result4">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result4" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>{
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg"
+ </div>
+ <p>The <code>|</code> operator in jq feeds the output of one filter (<code>.results[0]</code> which gets the first element of the results array) into the input of another (<code>{from_user, text}</code> which builds an object of those two fields).</p>
+<p>Now let&#8217;s get the rest of the tweets:</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>jq '.results[] | {from_user, text}'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result5">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result5" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>{
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg"
+ "text": "RT @_kud: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; --",
+ "from_user": "blouerat"
+ "text": "Dynamic Forms Mobile App by pmadiset: Few Forms details are hosted on our server in the form of JSON. This JSON ...",
+ "from_user": "cebu_iphone"
+ "text": "iPhone 5 website insanity - Video compressing using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; (Oh #Apple, U So #Awesome...)",
+ "from_user": "dieswaytoofast"
+ "text": "RT @umutm: A very nice web-based JSON editor -",
+ "from_user": "Leolik"
+ </div>
+ <p><code>.results[]</code> returns each element of the results array, one at a time, which are all fed into <code>{from_user, text}</code>.</p>
+<p>Data in jq is represented as streams of JSON values - every jq expression runs for each value in its input stream, and can produce any number of values to its output stream.</p>
+<p>Streams are serialised by just separating JSON values with whitespace. This is a <code>cat</code>-friendly format - you can just join two JSON streams together and get a valid JSON stream.</p>
+<p>If you want to get the output as a single array, you can tell jq to &#8220;collect&#8221; all of the answers by wrapping the filter in square brackets:</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>jq '[.results[] | {from_user, text}]'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result6">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result6" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>[
+ {
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "RT @_kud: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; --",
+ "from_user": "blouerat"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Dynamic Forms Mobile App by pmadiset: Few Forms details are hosted on our server in the form of JSON. This JSON ...",
+ "from_user": "cebu_iphone"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "iPhone 5 website insanity - Video compressing using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; (Oh #Apple, U So #Awesome...)",
+ "from_user": "dieswaytoofast"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "RT @umutm: A very nice web-based JSON editor -",
+ "from_user": "Leolik"
+ }
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+<p>Next, let&#8217;s try getting the URLs out of those API results as well. In each tweet, the Twitter API includes a field called &#8220;entities&#8221; which looks like this:</p>
+ &quot;user_mentions&quot;: [],
+ &quot;urls&quot;: [{
+ &quot;indices&quot;: [83, 103],
+ &quot;display_url&quot;: &quot;;,
+ &quot;expanded_url&quot;: &quot;;,
+ &quot;url&quot;: &quot;;
+ }],
+ &quot;hashtags&quot;: [
+ {&quot;indices&quot;: [108, 114], &quot;text&quot;: &quot;Apple&quot; },
+ {&quot;indices&quot;: [121, 129], &quot;text&quot;: &quot;Awesome&quot;}
+ ]
+<p>We want to pull out all of the &#8220;url&#8221; fields inside that array of url objects, and make a simple list of strings to go along with the &#8220;from_user&#8221; and &#8220;text&#8221; fields we already have.</p>
+ <div class="tutorial-example">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <pre>jq '.results[] | {from_user, text, urls: [.entities.urls[].url]}'</pre>
+ <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#result7">Show result</a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="result7" class="accordion-body collapse"><pre>{
+ "urls": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text": "RT @imagemechanics: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt;.\n",
+ "from_user": "_AaronNg"
+ "urls": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text": "RT @_kud: iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; --",
+ "from_user": "blouerat"
+ "urls": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text": "Dynamic Forms Mobile App by pmadiset: Few Forms details are hosted on our server in the form of JSON. This JSON ...",
+ "from_user": "cebu_iphone"
+ "urls": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text": "iPhone 5 website insanity - Video compressing using JPEG, JSON, and &lt;canvas&gt; (Oh #Apple, U So #Awesome...)",
+ "from_user": "dieswaytoofast"
+ "urls": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text": "RT @umutm: A very nice web-based JSON editor -",
+ "from_user": "Leolik"
+ </div>
+ <p>Here we&#8217;re making an object as before, but this time the urls field is being set to <code>[.entities.urls[].url]</code>, which collects all of the URLs defined in the entities object.</p>
+ <hr />
+<p>Here endeth the tutorial! There&#8217;s lots more to play with, go read <a href='/manual'>the manual</a> if you&#8217;re interested, and <a href='/download'>download jq</a> if you haven&#8217;t already.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <footer>
+ <div class="container">
+ <p>This website is made with <a href=''>Bonsai</a> and <a href=''>Twitter Boostrap</a>. jq is licensed under the MIT license (code) and the <a href=''>CC-BY-3.0</a> license (docs).</p>
+ </div>
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