use std::thread; use termion::event::Key; use crate::commands::{CommandKeybind, CursorMoveUp, JoshutoCommand, JoshutoRunnable}; use crate::config::{JoshutoCommandMapping, JoshutoConfig}; use crate::context::JoshutoContext; use crate::tab::JoshutoTab; use crate::ui; use crate::util::event::{Event, Events}; use crate::util::menu::OptionMenu; fn recurse_get_keycommand<'a>( events: &Events, keymap: &'a JoshutoCommandMapping, backend: &'a mut ui::TuiBackend, ) -> Option<&'a dyn JoshutoCommand> { let event = { let mut menu = OptionMenu::new(backend, events); let keymap_len = keymap.len(); // TODO: format keys better, rather than debug let mut display_vec: Vec = keymap .iter() .map(|(k, v)| format!(" {:?}\t{}", k, v)) .collect(); display_vec.sort(); let display_str: Vec<&str> = display_vec.iter().map(|v| v.as_str()).collect(); let result = menu.get_option(&display_str); eprintln!("{:?}", result); let event =; event }; let command = match event { Ok(Event::Input(input)) => match input { Key::Esc => None, key @ Key::Char(_) => match keymap.get(&key) { Some(CommandKeybind::CompositeKeybind(m)) => { recurse_get_keycommand(events, &m, backend) } Some(CommandKeybind::SimpleKeybind(s)) => Some(s.as_ref()), _ => None, }, _ => None, }, _ => None, }; command } pub fn run(config_t: JoshutoConfig, keymap_t: JoshutoCommandMapping) { let mut backend: ui::TuiBackend = ui::TuiBackend::new().unwrap(); let mut context = JoshutoContext::new(config_t); match std::env::current_dir() { Ok(curr_path) => match JoshutoTab::new(curr_path, &context.config_t.sort_option) { Ok(s) => context.push_tab(s), Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}", e); return; } }, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}", e); return; } } { let tmp = CursorMoveUp::new(0); tmp.execute(&mut context, &mut backend); } backend.render(&context); let mut io_handle = None; while !context.exit { /* checking if there are workers that need to be run */ if !context.worker_queue.is_empty() { if let None = io_handle.as_ref() { let worker = context.worker_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); io_handle = { let event_tx =; let sync_tx =; let thread = thread::spawn(move || { worker.start(); while let Ok(evt) = worker.recv() { let _ = event_tx.send(evt); let _ = sync_tx.send(()); } worker.handle.join(); let _ = event_tx.send(Event::IOWorkerResult); let _ = sync_tx.send(()); }); Some(thread) }; } } match { Ok(event) => { match event { Event::IOWorkerProgress(p) => { eprintln!("{}", &format!("bytes copied {}", p)); } Event::IOWorkerResult => { match io_handle { Some(handle) => { handle.join(); eprintln!("io_worker done"); } None => {} } io_handle = None; } Event::Input(key) => match keymap_t.get(&key) { None => { eprintln!("Unknown keycode: {:?}", key); } Some(CommandKeybind::SimpleKeybind(command)) => { if let Err(e) = command.execute(&mut context, &mut backend) { eprintln!("{}", e.cause()); } } Some(CommandKeybind::CompositeKeybind(m)) => { let mut cmd = None; let mut map: &JoshutoCommandMapping = &m; loop { let event2 = { let mut menu = OptionMenu::new(&mut backend, &; // TODO: format keys better, rather than debug let mut display_vec: Vec = map .iter() .map(|(k, v)| format!(" {:?}\t{}", k, v)) .collect(); display_vec.sort(); let display_str: Vec<&str> = display_vec.iter().map(|v| v.as_str()).collect(); let result = menu.get_option(&display_str); result }; match event2 { None => break, Some(key) => match key { Key::Char(_) => match map.get(&key) { Some(CommandKeybind::CompositeKeybind(m)) => map = &m, Some(CommandKeybind::SimpleKeybind(s)) => { cmd = Some(s.as_ref()); break; } None => break, }, _ => {} }, } } if let Some(command) = cmd { if let Err(e) = command.execute(&mut context, &mut backend) { eprintln!("{}", e.cause()); } } } }, } backend.render(&context); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{:?}", e); break; } } } }