use crate::context::AppContext; use crate::error::AppResult; use crate::ui::AppBackend; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use super::reload; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum SubprocessCallMode { Interactive, Spawn, Capture, } pub fn current_filenames(context: &AppContext) -> Vec<&str> { let mut result = Vec::new(); if let Some(curr_list) = context.tab_context_ref().curr_tab_ref().curr_list_ref() { let mut i = 0; curr_list .iter_selected() .map(|e| e.file_name()) .for_each(|file_name| { result.push(file_name); i += 1; }); if i == 0 { if let Some(entry) = curr_list.curr_entry_ref() { result.push(entry.file_name()); } } } result } fn execute_sub_process( context: &mut AppContext, words: &[String], mode: SubprocessCallMode, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut command = Command::new(words[0].clone()); for word in words.iter().skip(1) { match (*word).as_str() { "%s" => { current_filenames(context).into_iter().for_each(|x| { command.arg(x); }); } "%p" => { if let Some(curr_list) = context.tab_context_ref().curr_tab_ref().curr_list_ref() { let mut i = 0; curr_list .iter_selected() .map(|e| e.file_path()) .for_each(|file_path| { command.arg(file_path); i += 1; }); if i == 0 { if let Some(entry) = curr_list.curr_entry_ref() { command.arg(entry.file_path()); } } } } s => { command.arg(s); } }; } match mode { SubprocessCallMode::Interactive => { let status = command.status(); match status { Ok(status) => { if status.code() == Some(0) { Ok(()) } else { Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Command failed with {:?}", status), )) } } Err(err) => Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Shell execution failed: {:?}", err), )), } } SubprocessCallMode::Spawn => { command .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; Ok(()) } SubprocessCallMode::Capture => { let output = command .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .output()?; if output.status.code() == Some(0) { context.last_stdout = Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string()); Ok(()) } else { Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Command failed with {:?}", output.status), )) } } } } /// Handler for Joshuto's `shell` and `spawn` commands. pub fn sub_process( context: &mut AppContext, backend: &mut AppBackend, words: &[String], mode: SubprocessCallMode, ) -> AppResult { match mode { SubprocessCallMode::Interactive => { // Joshuto needs to release the terminal when handing it over to some interactive // shell command and restore it afterwards backend.terminal_drop(); execute_sub_process(context, words, mode)?; backend.terminal_restore(context.config_ref().mouse_support)?; let _ = reload::soft_reload_curr_tab(context); context .message_queue_mut() .push_info(format!("Finished: {}", words.join(" "))); } SubprocessCallMode::Spawn => { execute_sub_process(context, words, mode)?; context .message_queue_mut() .push_info(format!("Spawned: {}", words.join(" "))); } SubprocessCallMode::Capture => { execute_sub_process(context, words, mode)?; let _ = reload::soft_reload_curr_tab(context); } }; Ok(()) }