// // imag - the personal information management suite for the commandline // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Matthias Beyer and contributors // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version // 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use prettytable::Table; use prettytable::Row; use prettytable::Cell; use kairos::parser::Parsed; use kairos::parser::parse as kairos_parse; use clap::ArgMatches; use failure::Fallible as Result; use failure::ResultExt; use failure::Error; use resiter::Filter; use resiter::AndThen; use resiter::Map; use libimagstore::store::FileLockEntry; use libimagtimetrack::timetracking::TimeTracking; use libimagtimetrack::store::TimeTrackStore; use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime; pub fn list(rt: &Runtime) -> Result<()> { let (_, cmd) = rt.cli().subcommand(); let cmd = cmd.unwrap(); // checked in main() let gettime = |cmd: &ArgMatches, name| { match cmd.value_of(name).map(kairos_parse) { Some(Ok(Parsed::TimeType(tt))) => { let tt = tt .calculate() .context(format_err!("Failed to calculate date from '{}'", cmd.value_of(name).unwrap()))?; Ok(tt.get_moment().cloned()) }, Some(Ok(Parsed::Iterator(_))) => { Err(format_err!("Expected single point in time, got '{}', which yields a list of dates", cmd.value_of(name).unwrap())) }, Some(Err(e)) => Err(e), None => Ok(None), } }; let start = gettime(&cmd, "start-time")?; let end = gettime(&cmd, "end-time")?; let list_not_ended = cmd.is_present("list-not-ended"); let show_duration = cmd.is_present("show-duration"); list_impl(rt, start, end, list_not_ended, show_duration) } pub fn list_impl(rt: &Runtime, start: Option, end: Option, list_not_ended: bool, show_duration: bool) -> Result<()> { use filters::failable::filter::FailableFilter; let start_time_filter = |timetracking: &FileLockEntry| -> Result { start.map(|s| match timetracking.get_start_datetime()? { Some(dt) => Ok(dt >= s), None => { warn!("Funny things are happening: Timetracking has no start time"); Ok(false) } }) .unwrap_or(Ok(true)) }; let end_time_filter = |timetracking: &FileLockEntry| -> Result { end.map(|s| match timetracking.get_end_datetime()? { Some(dt) => Ok(dt <= s), None => Ok(list_not_ended), }) .unwrap_or(Ok(true)) }; let filter = start_time_filter.and(end_time_filter); let mut table = Table::new(); let title_row = if !show_duration { Row::new(["Tag", "Start", "End"].iter().map(|s| Cell::new(s)).collect()) } else { Row::new(["Tag", "Start", "End", "Duration"].iter().map(|s| Cell::new(s)).collect()) }; table.set_titles(title_row); let table_empty = rt.store() .get_timetrackings()? .and_then_ok(|e| filter.filter(&e).map(|b| (b, e))) .filter_ok(|tpl| tpl.0) .map_ok(|tpl| tpl.1) .and_then_ok(|e| { debug!("Processing {:?}", e.get_location()); let tag = e.get_timetrack_tag()?; debug!(" -> tag = {:?}", tag); let start = e.get_start_datetime()?; debug!(" -> start = {:?}", start); let end = e.get_end_datetime()?; debug!(" -> end = {:?}", end); let v = match (start, end) { (None, _) => { let mut v = vec![String::from(tag.as_str()), String::from(""), String::from("")]; if show_duration { v.push(String::from("")); } v }, (Some(s), None) => { let mut v = vec![ String::from(tag.as_str()), format!("{}", s), String::from(""), ]; if show_duration { v.push(String::from("")); } v }, (Some(s), Some(e)) => { let mut v = vec![ String::from(tag.as_str()), format!("{}", s), format!("{}", e), ]; if show_duration { let duration = e - s; let dur = format!("{days} Days, {hours} Hours, {minutes} Minutes, {seconds} Seconds", days = duration.num_days(), hours = duration.num_hours(), minutes = duration.num_minutes(), seconds = duration.num_seconds()); v.push(dur); } v }, }; let cells : Vec = v.iter().map(|s| Cell::new(s)).collect(); table.add_row(Row::new(cells)); rt.report_touched(e.get_location())?; Ok(false) }) .collect::>>()? .iter() .any(|b| !b); if !table_empty { table.print(&mut rt.stdout()) .context("Failed to print table") .map_err(Error::from) .map(|_| ()) } else { Ok(()) } }