// // imag - the personal information management suite for the commandline // Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Matthias Beyer and contributors // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version // 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // use std::collections::BTreeMap; use clap::ArgMatches; use vobject::icalendar::ICalendar; use vobject::icalendar::Event; use handlebars::Handlebars; use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::Error; use failure::Fail; use toml_query::read::TomlValueReadTypeExt; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime; use libimagstore::store::FileLockEntry; use libimagstore::store::Store; use libimagentryref::reference::fassade::RefFassade; use libimagentryref::reference::Ref; use libimagentryref::reference::Config; use libimagentryref::hasher::default::DefaultHasher; use crate::libimagcalendar::store::EventStore; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParsedEventFLE<'a> { inner: FileLockEntry<'a>, data: ICalendar, } impl<'a> ParsedEventFLE<'a> { /// Because libimagcalendar only links to the actual calendar data, we need to read the data and /// parse it. /// With this function, a FileLockEntry can be parsed to a ParsedEventFileLockEntry /// (ParsedEventFLE). pub fn parse(fle: FileLockEntry<'a>, refconfig: &Config) -> Result { fle.as_ref_with_hasher::() .get_path(refconfig) .and_then(|p| ::std::fs::read_to_string(p).map_err(|e| Error::from(e.compat()))) .and_then(|s| ICalendar::build(&s).map_err(|e| Error::from(e.compat()))) .map(|cal| ParsedEventFLE { inner: fle, data: cal, }) } pub fn get_entry(&self) -> &FileLockEntry<'a> { &self.inner } pub fn get_data(&self) -> &ICalendar { &self.data } } pub fn get_event_print_format<'rc>(config_value_path: &'static str, rt: &Runtime, scmd: &ArgMatches) -> Result> { scmd.value_of("format") .map(String::from) .map(Ok) .unwrap_or_else(|| { rt.config() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No configuration file"))? .read_string(config_value_path)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Configuration 'contact.list_format' does not exist")) }) .and_then(|fmt| { let mut hb = Handlebars::new(); hb.register_template_string("format", fmt)?; hb.register_escape_fn(::handlebars::no_escape); ::libimaginteraction::format::register_all_color_helpers(&mut hb); ::libimaginteraction::format::register_all_format_helpers(&mut hb); Ok(hb) }) } pub fn build_data_object_for_handlebars<'a>(i: usize, event: &Event<'a>) -> BTreeMap<&'static str, String> { macro_rules! process_opt { ($t:expr, $text:expr) => { ($t).map(|obj| obj.into_raw()).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from($text)) } } let mut data = BTreeMap::new(); data.insert("i" , format!("{}", i)); data.insert("dtend" , process_opt!(event.dtend() , "")); data.insert("dtstart" , process_opt!(event.dtstart() , "")); data.insert("dtstamp" , process_opt!(event.dtstamp() , "")); data.insert("uid" , process_opt!(event.uid() , "")); data.insert("description" , process_opt!(event.description() , "")); data.insert("summary" , process_opt!(event.summary() , "")); data.insert("url" , process_opt!(event.url() , "")); data.insert("location" , process_opt!(event.location() , "")); data.insert("class" , process_opt!(event.class() , "")); data.insert("categories" , process_opt!(event.categories() , "")); data.insert("transp" , process_opt!(event.transp() , "")); data.insert("rrule" , process_opt!(event.rrule() , "")); data } pub fn kairos_parse(spec: &str) -> Result { match ::kairos::parser::parse(spec).map_err(|e| Error::from(e.compat()))? { ::kairos::parser::Parsed::Iterator(_) => { trace!("before-filter spec resulted in iterator"); Err(anyhow!("Not a moment in time: {}", spec)) } ::kairos::parser::Parsed::TimeType(tt) => { trace!("before-filter spec resulted in timetype"); tt.calculate() .map_err(|e| Error::from(e.compat()))? .get_moment() .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Not a moment in time: {}", spec)) } } } pub fn find_event_by_id<'a>(store: &'a Store, id: &str, refconfig: &Config) -> Result>> { if let Some(entry) = store.get_event_by_uid(id)? { debug!("Found directly: {} -> {}", id, entry.get_location()); return ParsedEventFLE::parse(entry, refconfig).map(Some) } for sid in store.all_events()? { let sid = sid?; let event = store.get(sid.clone())?.ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("Cannot get {}, which should be there.", sid) })?; trace!("Checking whether {} is represented by {}", id, event.get_location()); let parsed = ParsedEventFLE::parse(event, refconfig)?; let found = parsed .get_data() .events() .any(|event| { let take = event .as_ref() .map(|e| { trace!("Checking whether {:?} starts with {}", e.uid(), id); e.uid().map(|uid| uid.raw().starts_with(id)).unwrap_or(false) }) .unwrap_or(false); if take { trace!("Seems to be relevant"); } take }); if found { return Ok(Some(parsed)) } } Ok(None) }