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Imag is a CLI PIM suite with a nice API-ish commandline interface, so you can
integrate it in your tools of coice (Editor, MUA, RSS reader, etc etc).
-## Modules
+For detailed information, please read [the documentation](./doc/) (You can
+either read the Markdown files or compile it to HTML/PDF using
-All the modules have access to a shared store (which lives in `~/.imag/store/`
-by default). Files are named after a schema:
- ~/.imag/store/<module_name>-<hashtype>-<hash>.imag
-Where module name is "bookmark" for example. The hashtype is "UUID" by default
-and the "hash" is a UUID then. Other types are possible as well:
-- SHA1
-- SHA512
-for example (though it might not be a good idea to use SHA hashes,
-see [Linking](#Linking))
-Some modules might not want to store content there, for example you don't want
-to put your icalendar files in there. So the calendar module just crawls through
-your ical files and puts only a link and some hashsums (for refinding on content
-move) to the store. Changes are not tracked via this model.
-If a (for example ical-)file gets removed, the store entry gets invalid and has
-to be garbage-collected.
-### Linking
-The UUID/SHA hashes in the file names can be used to connect two store entries.
-For example, an entry from the wiki could refer to a contact by a UUID, because
-the file for the contact has a UUID in its name. These UUIDs are constant and
-should not change.
-A link chain like this
- Wiki -> Shopping List -> Calendar Entry
- | |
- | v
- | Contact -> Calendar Entry -> Bookmark
- v
- Wiki Entry -> Bookmark
-is totally possible. Scenario: You have a Wiki entry of a recipe you like to
-cook. The recipe is linked to a shopping list, where you want to buy the
-ingredients. Of course, you want to do this on a specific date (calendar entry).
-And you want to do this with your Girlfriend, so she (as a contact) is linked to
-the calendar entry. Her Birthday is linked to her Contact and for her Birthday,
-you saw something on amazon, so you bookmarked it and linked it to the calendar
-On the other hand, the Shopping list has links to some other Wiki entry, because
-it contains Kiwi, and you have notes about Kiwi, how to cook them properly. You
-saw this on some website, so you linked to the website from your wiki entry, of
-### Header
-So each file in the store has a certain format:
- ---
- <header>
- ---
- <content>
-The header contains some structured data (either JSON or YAML), the module uses
-to store data closely related to the content.
-For example, the bookmark-module will use the header only and store URL and tags
-in some JSON format. The Wiki module might use the Header for storing some meta
-information about the wiki article (tags, category, maybe even links to other
-store entries) and the content is the wiki article content written down by the
-The content is just text entered from the user. In the best case, the module
-should't touch the content at all.
-Here is a short overview what are the modules like:
-| Module | Indexer | Header-Format | Content | Expl | Dep |
-| :----------- | ------- | ------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------- |
-| Bibliography | X | JSON | X | .bib | Notes |
-| Bookmarks | | JSON | | | |
-| Calendar | X | JSON | | | |
-| Contacts | X | JSON | | | |
-| Image | X | JSON | | | Notes |
-| Mail | X | JSON | | | |
-| Movie | X | JSON | | | Notes |
-| Music | X | JSON | | | Notes |
-| News | X | JSON | | | |
-| Notes | | YAML | X | Content | |
-| Shoppinglist | | YAML | | | Notes, Todo |
-| Todo | | YAML | | | Notes |
-| Wiki | | YAML | X | Content | |
-- An "Indexer" Module does only index some data and stores only some information
- on how to content
-- "Header-Format": Which format is chosen for the header. Basically: YAML if the
- user might want to edit the header, otherwise JSON (pretty).
-- "Content" means that the content part of a store entry is used
-- "Expl": What the content part of a file is used for. "Content" means simply
- user content.
-- "Dep" means that the module uses this other module as a dependency for
- extending its own functionality
-### External Dependencies
-| Library | Optional | Module |
-| :------------ | :------: | :------- |
-| vcard | | Contacts |
-| icalendar | | Calendar |
-| XDG | X | Contacts |
-| | X | Calendar |
-| | X | Notes |
-| | X | Mail |
-| | X | Wiki |
-| | X | Todo |
-| | X | Shopping List |
-| | X | BibMan |
-| | X | Music |
-| | X | Movie |
-| | X | Image |
-| Markdown | | Notes |
-| | | Wiki |
-| Maildir | | Mail |
-| BibTex parsing | X | BibMan |
-| git-annex | X | BibMan |
-| | X | Music |
-| | X | Movie |
-| | X | Image |
-| Exif | X | Image |
-| id3 | X | Music |
-| RSS/Atom | | News |
-(Optional means that these things are optional for the main functionality, but
-should be implemented at some point to offer powerful functionality)
-### Bookmarks
-Bookmarks should be stored in a simple format:
-{ "URL": "", "TAGS": ["ducks", "r", "great"]}
-| Required util feature | Purpose |
-| :------------------------------------ | :------------ |
-| XDG-open (Browser) | External program |
-### Contacts
-Contacts are just read and indexed by `imag`, to create an internal index of
-them and to be able to refer to.
-### Calendar
-Calendar are just read and indexed by `imag`, to create an internal index of
-them and to be able to refer to.
-### Notes
-Just plain text notes.
-### Mail
-`imag` should be able to index all your mail and make them accessible through
-its interfaces, so you can link contacts, calendar entries, wiki pages, todo
-notes, etc etc. to your mail.
-Some of these things (like linking contacts, calendar entries) should be
-linked automatically.
-### Personal Wiki
-`imag` should contain a complete personal wiki software. It should contain of
-simple markdown files which have a YAML header, nothing too special for the
-first step.
-Some more ideas:
-- Extract URLs and put them into store as Bookmarks
-### Todo-List
-`imag` should also contain a full todo-tool. I'm thinking about integrating
-taskwarrior through a wrapper here.
-### Shoppinglist
-Simply dot-and-tick lists, uses Todo and Notes in combination.
-### Bibliography management
-BibTex would be the first step, maybe we should be able to add the actual PDFs
-here as well... didn't waste too much thoughts on this by now. If we have the
-PDF data, we need git-annex.
-### News (RSS)
-Just indexing, reading news is not task of `imag` and so isn't syncing.
-### Image
-Just indexing photos.
-### Video
-Just indexing movies.
-### Music
-Just indexing music.
+_Nothing here yet. This is about to be written as soon as there is a working
+base implemented._
# License