--- title: The people behind the project --- This project was started by [Matthias Beyer](https://beyermatthias.de/) . Other contributors are (in alphabetic order): * Andre Bogus * Dylan DPC * Gavin Thomas Claugus * geemili * Homu * John Sirois * Julian Ganz * Kai Sickeler * Kevin K * LeRoyce Pearson * Marcel Müller * mario * mario-kr * Mario Krehl * Matthew Piziak * Matthijs Hofstra * Raphael Nestler * Robert Ignat * Roman Schemenau * Ron Dahlgren * schwente * Steven Allen * Yase (as of [a0d7f8321f22c1996c5f5cecb7e3c679ac7fe195](http://git.imag-pim.org/imag/commit/?id=a0d7f8321f22c1996c5f5cecb7e3c679ac7fe195), on Fri, May 4th 2018 - fetched via `git log --oneline --format="%an" | sort -u | grep -v 'Matthias Beyer'`)