baseurl = "" builddrafts = false canonifyurls = true contentdir = "content" languageCode = "en-US" layoutdir = "layouts" publishdir = "public" theme = "cocoa" author = "Matthias Beyer" title = "imag" pygmentsuseclasses = true #disqusshortname = "cocoaexamplesite" # Comment out to disable Disqus. pluralizelisttitles = false #googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" [permalinks] fixed = ":title/" #blog = "blog/:slug/" blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug" [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" weight = -120 identifier = "blog" url = "/blog/" [[menu.main]] name = "About" weight = -110 identifier = "about" url = "/about/" [[menu.main]] name = "Releases" weight = -110 identifier = "releases" url = "/releases/" [[menu.main]] name = "Who" weight = -100 identifier = "who" url = "/who/" [[menu.main]] name = "Mailinglist" weight = -80 identifier = "mailinglist" url = "/mailinglist/" [[menu.main]] name = "Docs" weight = -70 identifier = "docs" url = "/doc/" [[menu.main]] name = "Code" weight = -60 identifier = "code" url = "" [params] latestpostscount = 5 # how many posts to display on the home page i18n_flags = false # whether to display small country flags for available translations author = "imag" cachebuster = true # add the current unix timestamp in query string for cache busting css assets dateform = "Jan 2, 2006" dateformfull = "Mon Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 MST" description = "Don't panic" email = "" extracssfiles = [ "/css/tables.css" ] # In your `static` directory, add/remove files as necessary. #faviconfile = "img/leaf.ico" #github = "//" highlightjs = true lang = "en" #linkedin = "//" noshowreadtime = false # if true, don't show " minutes read" in posts selfintro = "" # appears in the site header when set to a non-empty string #twitter = "//" #mastodon = "//" # highlightjslanguages = ["go"] # additional languages not included in the "common" set # highlightjsStyle = "darcula" piwik = false # If true, Piwik integration is enabled # piwik_url = "//" # URL to your Piwik installation. Must End with a slash # piwik_id = 2 # Id of your site in Piwik #avatar = "img/profile.png" # path to image in static dir e.g img/avatar.png (do not use in the same time as gravatar) # gravatar = "" # do not use in the same time as avatar # The following are DEPRECATED. #gatracker = "XYZ" # use googleAnalytics instead #initials = "ad" # displayed on single post page; deprecated in v0.3.0.