use std::io::{Stdout, Write, BufWriter, BufRead}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}; use termion; use termion::screen::AlternateScreen; use termion::raw::{IntoRawMode, RawTerminal}; use parse_ansi::parse_bytes; use crate::unicode_width::{UnicodeWidthStr, UnicodeWidthChar}; use crate::fail::{HResult, ErrorLog}; use crate::trait_ext::ExtractResult; pub type TermMode = AlternateScreen>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Screen { screen: Arc>, size: Arc>>, terminal: String } impl Screen { pub fn new() -> HResult { let screen = BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout()).into_raw_mode()?; let mut screen = AlternateScreen::from(screen); let terminal = std::env::var("TERM").unwrap_or("xterm".into()); screen.cursor_hide()?; Ok(Screen { screen: Arc::new(Mutex::new(screen)), size: Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)), terminal: terminal }) } pub fn set_size(&self, size: (usize, usize)) -> HResult<()> { *self.size.write()? = Some(size); Ok(()) } pub fn is_resized(&self) -> HResult { Ok( } pub fn get_size(&self) -> HResult<(usize, usize)> { match { Some((xsize, ysize)) => Ok((xsize, ysize)), None => Ok((self.xsize()?, self.ysize()?)) } } pub fn take_size(&self) -> HResult<(usize, usize)> { Ok(self.size.write()?.take()?) } pub fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) -> HResult<()> { if self.terminal.starts_with("xterm") || self.terminal.starts_with("screen") || self.terminal.starts_with("tmux"){ write!(self, "\x1b]2;hunter: {}\x1b\\", title)?; } if self.terminal.starts_with("tmux") { write!(self, "\x1bkhunter: {}\x1b\\", title)?; } Ok(()) } } impl Write for Screen { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { self.screen .lock() .map_err(|_| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Screen Mutex poisoned!")) .and_then(|mut s| s.write(buf)) } fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { self.screen .lock() .map_err(|_| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Screen Mutex poisoned!")) .and_then(|mut s| s.flush()) } } pub trait ScreenExt: Write { fn suspend_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()>; fn activate_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()>; fn suspend(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.cursor_show().log(); self.suspend_raw_mode().log(); self.to_main_screen() } fn activate(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.cursor_hide().log(); self.activate_raw_mode().log(); self.to_alternate_screen() } fn cursor_hide(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", termion::cursor::Hide)?; self.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn cursor_show(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", termion::cursor::Show)?; self.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn reset(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", termion::style::Reset)?; Ok(()) } fn clear(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}{}", termion::style::Reset, termion::clear::All)?; Ok(()) } fn write_str(&mut self, str: &str) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", str)?; Ok(()) } fn goto_xy(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> HResult<()> { let x = x as u16; let y = y as u16; write!(self, "{}", goto_xy(x + 1, y + 1))?; Ok(()) } fn size(&self) -> HResult<(usize, usize)> { let (xsize, ysize) = termion::terminal_size()?; Ok(((xsize-1) as usize, (ysize-1) as usize)) } fn xsize(&self) -> HResult { let (xsize, _) = termion::terminal_size()?; Ok((xsize - 1) as usize) } fn ysize(&self) -> HResult { let (_, ysize) = termion::terminal_size()?; Ok((ysize - 1) as usize) } fn to_main_screen(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", termion::screen::ToMainScreen)?; self.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn to_alternate_screen(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { write!(self, "{}", termion::screen::ToAlternateScreen)?; self.flush()?; Ok(()) } } impl ScreenExt for Screen { fn suspend_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.screen .lock()? .suspend_raw_mode() } fn activate_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.screen .lock()? .activate_raw_mode() } } impl ScreenExt for TermMode { fn suspend_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(RawTerminal::suspend_raw_mode(self)?) } fn activate_raw_mode(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(RawTerminal::activate_raw_mode(self)?) } } pub fn flush_stdin() { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut stdin = stdin.lock(); // Not 100% sure if it's OK to just call consume like this stdin.consume(10); } pub fn xsize() -> u16 { let (xsize, _) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap(); xsize } pub fn xsize_u() -> usize { let (xsize, _) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap(); xsize as usize - 1 } pub fn ysize() -> u16 { let (_, ysize) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap(); ysize } pub fn size() -> HResult<(usize, usize)> { let (xsize, ysize) = termion::terminal_size()?; Ok(((xsize-1) as usize, (ysize-1) as usize)) } pub fn size_pixels() -> HResult<(usize, usize)> { let (xsize, ysize) = termion::terminal_size_pixels()?; Ok((xsize as usize, ysize as usize)) } pub fn cell_ratio() -> HResult { let (xsize, ysize) = size()?; let (xpix, ypix) = size_pixels()?; let cell_xpix = xpix as f32 / (xsize+1) as f32; let cell_ypix = ypix as f32 / (ysize+1) as f32; let ratio = cell_xpix / cell_ypix; Ok(ratio) } pub fn sized_string(string: &str, xsize: u16) -> String { string.chars().fold("".to_string(), |acc, ch| { let width: usize = unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr::width(acc.as_str()); if width + 1 >= xsize as usize { acc } else { acc + &ch.to_string() } }) } #[derive(Debug)] enum Token<'a> { Text(&'a str), Ansi(&'a str) } fn get_tokens(string: &str) -> Vec { let mut tokens = parse_bytes(string.as_bytes()) .fold((Vec::new(), 0), |(mut tokens, last_tok), ansi_pos| { if last_tok == 0 { // first iteration if ansi_pos.start() != 0 { // there is text before first ansi code tokens.push(Token::Text(&string[0..ansi_pos.start()])); } tokens.push(Token::Ansi(&string[ansi_pos.start()..ansi_pos.end()])); (tokens, ansi_pos.end()) } else if last_tok == ansi_pos.start() { // next token is another ansi code tokens.push(Token::Ansi(&string[ansi_pos.start()..ansi_pos.end()])); (tokens, ansi_pos.end()) } else { // there is text before the next ansi code tokens.push(Token::Text(&string[last_tok..ansi_pos.start()])); tokens.push(Token::Ansi(&string[ansi_pos.start()..ansi_pos.end()])); (tokens, ansi_pos.end()) } }); // last part is just text, add it to tokens if string.len() > tokens.1 { tokens.0.push(Token::Text(&string[tokens.1..string.len()])); } tokens.0 } pub fn string_len(string: &str) -> usize { let tokens = get_tokens(&string); tokens.iter().fold(0, |len, token| { match token { Token::Text(text) => len + text.len(), _ => len } }) } pub fn sized_string_u(string: &str, xsize: usize) -> String { let tokens = get_tokens(&string); let sized = tokens.iter().try_fold((String::new(), 0), |(mut sized, width), token| { let (tok, tok_width) = match token { Token::Text(text) => { let tok_str = text; let tok_width = text.width(); (tok_str, tok_width) }, Token::Ansi(ansi) => (ansi, 0) }; // adding this token makes string larger than xsise if width + tok_width > xsize { let chars_left = xsize + 1 - width; // fill up with chars from token until xsize is reached let fillup = tok.chars().try_fold((String::new(), 0), |(mut fillup, fillup_width), chr| { let chr_width = chr.width().unwrap_or(0); if fillup_width + chr_width > chars_left { Err((fillup, fillup_width)) } else { fillup.push(chr); Ok((fillup, fillup_width + chr_width)) } }); let (fillup, fillup_width) = fillup.extract(); sized.push_str(&fillup); // we're done here, stop looping Err((sized, width + fillup_width)) } else { sized.push_str(&tok); Ok((sized, width + tok_width)) } }); let (mut sized_str, sized_width) = sized.extract(); // pad out string if sized_width < xsize { let padding = xsize-sized_width; for _ in 0..padding { sized_str += " "; } } sized_str } // Do these as constants pub fn highlight_color() -> String { format!( "{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightGreen), //termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Black) ) } pub fn normal_color() -> String { format!( "{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::White), //termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Black) ) } pub fn color_red() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Red)) } pub fn color_yellow() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Yellow)) } pub fn color_green() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Green)) } pub fn color_light_green() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightGreen)) } pub fn color_cyan() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Cyan)) } pub fn color_light_yellow() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightYellow)) } pub fn color_orange() -> String { let color = termion::color::Fg(termion::color::AnsiValue::rgb(5 as u8 , 4 as u8, 0 as u8)); format!("{}", color) } pub fn from_lscolor(color: &lscolors::Color) -> String { match color { lscolors::Color::Black => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Black)), lscolors::Color::Red => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Red)), lscolors::Color::Green => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Green)), lscolors::Color::Yellow => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Yellow)), lscolors::Color::Blue => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Blue)), lscolors::Color::Magenta => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Magenta)), lscolors::Color::Cyan => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::Cyan)), lscolors::Color::White => format!("{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::White)), _ => format!("{}", normal_color()), } } // pub fn cursor_left(n: u16) -> String { // format!("{}", termion::cursor::Left(n)) // } pub fn gotoy(y: u16) -> String { format!("{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, y)) } pub fn goto_xy(x: u16, y: u16) -> String { format!("{}", termion::cursor::Goto(x, y)) } pub fn goto_xy_u(x: usize, y: usize) -> String { let x = (x+1) as u16; let y = (y+1) as u16; format!("{}", termion::cursor::Goto(x, y)) } // pub fn move_top() -> String { // gotoy(1) // } pub fn move_bottom() -> String { gotoy(ysize()) } pub fn reset() -> String { format!("{}", termion::style::Reset) } pub fn invert() -> String { format!("{}", termion::style::Invert) } pub fn cursor_save() -> String { format!("{}", termion::cursor::Save) } pub fn cursor_restore() -> String { format!("{}", termion::cursor::Restore) } pub fn header_color() -> String { format!( "{}{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::White), termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Blue) ) } pub fn status_bg() -> String { format!("{}", termion::color::Bg(termion::color::LightBlue)) }