use termion::event::Key; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use crate::coordinates::{Coordinates}; use crate::widget::{Widget, WidgetCore}; use crate::fail::{HResult, HError, ErrorLog}; use crate::term::ScreenExt; type HMap = HashMap>; #[derive(Debug)] struct History { history: HMap, position: Option, loaded: bool } impl History { fn new() -> History { History { history: HashMap::new(), position: None, loaded: false } } fn load(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { if self.loaded { return Ok(()) } let hpath = crate::paths::history_path()?; let hf_content = std::fs::read_to_string(hpath)?; let history = hf_content.lines().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut hm: HMap, line| { let parts = line.splitn(2, ":").collect::>(); if parts.len() == 2 { let (htype, hline) = (parts[0].to_string(), parts[1].to_string()); match hm.get_mut(&htype) { Some(hvec) => hvec.push(hline), None => { let hvec = vec![hline]; hm.insert(htype, hvec); } }; } hm }); self.history = history; self.loaded = true; Ok(()) } fn save(&self) -> HResult<()> { let hpath = crate::paths::history_path()?; let history = self.history.iter().map(|(htype, hlines)| { hlines.iter().map(|hline| format!("{}:{}\n", htype, hline)) .collect::() }).collect::(); std::fs::write(hpath, history)?; Ok(()) } fn reset(&mut self) { self.position = None; } fn add(&mut self, htype: &str, input: &str) { self.load().ok(); let history = match self.history.get_mut(htype) { Some(history) => history, None => { let hvec = Vec::new(); self.history.insert(htype.to_string(), hvec); self.history.get_mut(htype).unwrap() } }; history.push(input.to_string());; } fn get_prev(&mut self, htype: &str) -> HResult { self.load()?; let history = self.history.get(htype)?; let mut position = self.position; let hist_len = history.len(); if position == Some(0) { position = None; } if hist_len == 0 { return Err(HError::NoHistoryError); } if let Some(position) = position { let historic = history[position - 1].clone(); self.position = Some(position - 1); Ok(historic) } else { let historic = history[hist_len - 1].clone(); self.position = Some(hist_len - 1); Ok(historic) } } fn get_next(&mut self, htype: &str) -> HResult { self.load()?; let history = self.history.get(htype)?; let mut position = self.position; let hist_len = history.len(); if hist_len == 0 { return Err(HError::NoHistoryError); } if position == Some(hist_len) || position == None { position = Some(0); } if let Some(position) = position { let historic = history[position].clone(); self.position = Some(position + 1); Ok(historic) } else { let historic = history[0].clone(); self.position = Some(1); Ok(historic) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct MiniBuffer { core: WidgetCore, query: String, input: String, position: usize, history: History, completions: Vec, last_completion: Option, continuous: bool } impl MiniBuffer { pub fn new(core: &WidgetCore) -> MiniBuffer { let xsize = crate::term::xsize(); let ysize = crate::term::ysize(); let coordinates = Coordinates::new_at(xsize, 1, 1, ysize); let mut core = core.clone(); core.coordinates = coordinates; MiniBuffer { core: core, query: String::new(), input: String::new(), position: 0, history: History::new(), completions: vec![], last_completion: None, continuous: false } } pub fn query(&mut self, query: &str, cont: bool) -> HResult { self.continuous = cont; if !cont || self.query != query { self.query = query.to_string(); self.clear(); } self.core.screen()?.cursor_hide().log(); match self.popup() { Err(HError::MiniBufferCancelledInput) => self.input_cancelled()?, err @ Err(HError::MiniBufferInputUpdated(_)) => err?, _ => {} }; if self.input == "" { self.clear(); self.input_empty()?; } Ok(self.input.clone()) } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.input.clear(); self.position = 0; self.history.reset(); self.completions.clear(); self.last_completion = None; } pub fn complete(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { if !self.input.ends_with(" ") { if !self.completions.is_empty() { self.cycle_completions()?; return Ok(()); } let part = self.input .rsplitn(2, " ") .take(1) .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::(); let completions = find_files(&part); if let Ok(mut completions) = completions { let completion = completions.pop()?; let completion = completion.to_string_lossy(); self.input = self.input[..self.input.len() - part.len()].to_string(); self.input.push_str(&completion); self.position += &completion.len() - part.len(); self.last_completion = Some(completion.to_string()); self.completions = completions; } else { let completions = find_bins(&part); if let Ok(mut completions) = completions { let completion = completions.pop()?; let completion = completion.to_string_lossy(); self.input = self.input[..self.input.len() - part.len()].to_string(); self.input.push_str(&completion); self.position += &completion.len() - part.len(); self.last_completion = Some(completion.to_string()); self.completions = completions; } } } else { self.input += "$s"; self.position += 2 } Ok(()) } pub fn cycle_completions(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let last_comp = self.last_completion.as_ref()?; let last_len = last_comp.len(); self.input = self.input.trim_end_matches(last_comp).to_string(); self.position = self.position.saturating_sub(last_len); let next_comp = self.completions.pop()?; let next_comp = next_comp.to_string_lossy(); self.input.push_str(&next_comp); self.position += next_comp.len(); self.last_completion = Some(next_comp.to_string()); Ok(()) } pub fn history_up(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { if let Ok(historic) = self.history.get_prev(&self.query) { self.position = historic.len(); self.input = historic; } Ok(()) } pub fn history_down(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { if let Ok(historic) = self.history.get_next(&self.query) { self.position = historic.len(); self.input = historic; } Ok(()) } pub fn clear_line(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.input.clear(); self.position = 0; Ok(()) } pub fn delete_word(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let old_input_len = self.input.len(); let (before_cursor, after_cursor) = self.input.split_at(self.position); let no_trim_len = before_cursor.len(); let before_cursor = before_cursor.trim_end(); if no_trim_len != before_cursor.len() { self.position -= no_trim_len - before_cursor.len(); self.input = before_cursor.to_string() + after_cursor; return Ok(()); } if before_cursor.ends_with("/") { let mut new_input = before_cursor.to_string(); new_input.pop(); self.input = new_input + after_cursor; self.position -= 1; return Ok(()); }; let dir_boundary = before_cursor.rfind("/"); let word_boundary = before_cursor.rfind(" "); let boundaries = (dir_boundary, word_boundary); let new_input = match boundaries { (Some(dir_boundary), Some(word_boundary)) => { if dir_boundary > word_boundary { before_cursor .split_at(dir_boundary).0 .to_string() + "/" } else { before_cursor .split_at(word_boundary).0 .to_string() + " " } } (Some(dir_boundary), None) => { before_cursor .split_at(dir_boundary).0 .to_string() + "/" } (None, Some(word_boundary)) => { before_cursor .split_at(word_boundary).0 .to_string() + " " } (None, None) => "".to_string() } + after_cursor; let len_difference = old_input_len - new_input.len(); self.position -= len_difference; self.input = new_input; Ok(()) } pub fn input_finnished(&self) -> HResult<()> { return HError::popup_finnished() } pub fn input_cancelled(&self) -> HResult<()> { self.core.show_status("Input cancelled").log(); return HError::minibuffer_cancel() } pub fn input_updated(&self) -> HResult<()> { return HError::input_updated(self.input.clone()) } pub fn input_empty(&self) -> HResult<()> { self.core.show_status("Empty!").log(); return HError::minibuffer_empty() } } pub fn find_bins(comp_name: &str) -> HResult> { use osstrtools::OsStrTools; let paths = std::env::var_os("PATH")?; let paths = paths.split(":"); let completions = paths.iter().map(|path| { std::fs::read_dir(path).map(|read_dir| {|file| { let file = file?; let name = file.file_name(); // If length is different that means the file starts with comp_name if &name.trim_start(comp_name).len() != &name.len() { Ok(name) } else { Err(HError::NoCompletionsError) } }) }) }).flatten() .flatten() .filter(|s| s.is_ok()) .map(|s| s.unwrap()) .collect::>(); if completions.is_empty() { return Err(HError::NoCompletionsError); } Ok(completions) } pub fn find_files(comp_name: &str) -> HResult> { use osstrtools::OsStrTools; let mut path = std::env::current_dir()?; let comp_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&comp_name); path.push(&comp_path); // Tried to complete on an incorrect path if comp_name.ends_with("/") && !path.is_dir() { return Err(HError::NoCompletionsError) } let comp_name = OsStr::new(comp_name); let filename_part = path.file_name()?; let dir = if path.is_dir() { &path } else { path.parent()? }; let dir = std::path::PathBuf::from(dir); let prefix = comp_name.trim_end(&filename_part); let reader = std::fs::read_dir(&dir)?; let completions =|file| { let file = file?; let name = file.file_name(); if name.trim_start(&filename_part).len() != name.len() { let mut completion = OsString::new(); if file.file_type()?.is_dir() { completion.push(prefix.trim_end("/")); // When completing something in the curren dir this will be empty if completion != "" { completion.push("/"); } completion.push(name); // Add final slash to directory completion.push("/"); Ok(completion) } else { completion.push(prefix); completion.push(name); Ok(completion) } } else { Err(HError::NoCompletionsError) } }).filter_map(|res| res.ok()) .collect::>(); if completions.is_empty() { return Err(HError::NoCompletionsError); } Ok(completions) } impl Widget for MiniBuffer { fn get_core(&self) -> HResult<&WidgetCore> { Ok(&self.core) } fn get_core_mut(&mut self) -> HResult<&mut WidgetCore> { Ok(&mut self.core) } fn refresh(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(()) } fn get_drawlist(&self) -> HResult { let (xpos, ypos) = self.get_coordinates()?.u16position(); Ok(format!("{}{}{}{}: {}", crate::term::goto_xy(xpos, ypos), termion::clear::CurrentLine, crate::term::header_color(), self.query, self.input)) } fn on_key(&mut self, key: Key) -> HResult<()> { let prev_input = self.input.clone(); self.do_key(key)?; if self.continuous && prev_input != self.input { self.input_updated()?; } Ok(()) } fn after_draw(&self) -> HResult<()> { let cursor_pos = crate::term::string_len(&self.query) + ": ".len() + self.position; let mut screen = self.core.screen()?; let ysize = screen.ysize()?; screen.goto_xy(cursor_pos, ysize).log(); screen.cursor_show().log(); Ok(()) } } use crate::keybind::*; impl Acting for MiniBuffer { type Action = MiniBufferAction; fn search_in(&self) -> Bindings { self.core.config().keybinds.minibuffer } fn do_action(&mut self, action: &Self::Action) -> HResult<()> { use MiniBufferAction::*; match action { InsertChar(ch) => { self.input.insert(self.position, *ch); self.position += 1; } InsertTab(n) => { let fnstr = format!("${}", n-1); self.input.insert_str(self.position, &fnstr); self.position += 2; } Cancel => { self.clear(); self.input_cancelled()? } Finish => { if self.input != "" { self.history.add(&self.query, &self.input); } self.input_finnished()? }, Complete => self.complete()?, DeleteChar => { if self.position != self.input.len() { self.input.remove(self.position); } }, BackwardDeleteChar => { if self.position != 0 { self.input.remove(self.position - 1); self.position -= 1; } } CursorLeft => { if self.position != 0 { self.position -= 1; } }, CursorRight => { if self.position != self.input.len() { self.position += 1; } }, HistoryUp => self.history_up()?, HistoryDown => self.history_down()?, ClearLine => self.clear_line()?, DeleteWord => self.delete_word()?, CursorToStart => self.position = 0, CursorToEnd => self.position = self.input.len(), } Ok(()) } }