use lazy_static; use termion::event::Key; use failure::{self, Fail}; use crate::widget::{Widget, WidgetCore}; use crate::coordinates::Coordinates; use crate::async_value::Stale; use crate::fail::{HResult, HError, ErrorLog}; use crate::imgview::ImgView; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, mpsc::{channel, Sender}}; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write}; use std::process::Child; #[derive(Fail, Debug, Clone)] pub enum MediaError { #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] NoPreviewer(String) } impl From for HError { fn from(e: MediaError) -> HError { HError::Media(e) } } impl std::cmp::PartialEq for MediaView { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.core == other.core } } lazy_static! { static ref MUTE: Arc> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(false)); static ref AUTOPLAY: Arc> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(true)); } pub struct MediaView { core: WidgetCore, imgview: Arc>, file: PathBuf, controller: Sender, paused: bool, media_type: MediaType, height: Arc>, position: Arc>, duration: Arc>, stale: Stale, process: Arc>>, preview_runner: Option>, Arc>, Arc>) -> HResult<()> + Send + 'static>> } #[derive(Clone,Debug)] pub enum MediaType { Video, Audio } impl MediaType { pub fn to_str(&self) -> &str { match self { MediaType::Video => "video", MediaType::Audio => "audio" } } } impl MediaView { pub fn new_from_file(core: WidgetCore, file: &Path, media_type: MediaType) -> HResult { // Check if previewer is present, or bail out to show message let media_previewer = core.config().media_previewer; if crate::minibuffer::find_bins(&media_previewer).is_err() { let msg = format!("Couldn't find previewer: {}{}{}!", crate::term::color_red(), media_previewer, crate::term::normal_color()); core.show_status(&msg).log(); return Err(MediaError::NoPreviewer(msg))?; } let imgview = ImgView { core: core.clone(), buffer: vec![], file: None }; let (tx_cmd, rx_cmd) = channel(); // Stuff that gets moved into the closure let imgview = Arc::new(Mutex::new(imgview)); let thread_imgview = imgview.clone(); let path = file.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let sender = core.get_sender(); let stale = Stale::new(); let tstale = stale.clone(); let rx_cmd = Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx_cmd)); let process = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let cprocess = process.clone(); let ctype = media_type.clone(); let ccore = core.clone(); let media_previewer = core.config().media_previewer; let g_mode = core.config().graphics; let run_preview = Box::new(move | auto, mute, height: Arc>, position: Arc>, duration: Arc>| -> HResult<()> { loop { if tstale.is_stale()? { return Ok(()); } // Use current size. Widget could have been resized at some point let (xsize, ysize, xpix, ypix) = { let view = thread_imgview.lock()?; let (xsize, ysize) = view.core.coordinates.size_u(); let (xpix, ypix) = view.core.coordinates.size_pixels()?; (xsize, ysize, xpix, ypix) }; let cell_ratio = crate::term::cell_ratio()?; let mut previewer = std::process::Command::new(&media_previewer) .arg(format!("{}", (xsize+1))) // Leave space for position/seek bar .arg(format!("{}", (ysize-1))) .arg(format!("{}", xpix)) .arg(format!("{}", ypix)) .arg(format!("{}", cell_ratio)) .arg(format!("{}", ctype.to_str())) .arg(format!("{}", auto)) .arg(format!("{}", mute)) .arg(format!("{}", g_mode)) .arg(&path) .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stderr(std::process::Stdio::null()) .spawn() .map_err(|e| { let msg = format!("Couldn't run {}{}{}! Error: {:?}", crate::term::color_red(), media_previewer, crate::term::normal_color(), &e.kind()); ccore.show_status(&msg).log(); MediaError::NoPreviewer(msg) })?; let mut stdout = BufReader::new(previewer.stdout.take()?); let mut stdin = previewer.stdin.take()?; cprocess.lock().map(|mut p| *p = Some(previewer))?; let mut frame = vec![]; let newline = String::from("\n"); let mut line_buf = String::new(); let rx_cmd = rx_cmd.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || -> HResult<()> { for cmd in rx_cmd.lock()?.iter() { write!(stdin, "{}", cmd)?; write!(stdin, "\n")?; stdin.flush()?; } Ok(()) }); loop { // Check if preview-gen finished and break out of loop to restart if let Ok(Some(code)) = cprocess.lock()? .as_mut()? .try_wait() { if code.success() { break; } else { let msg = String::from("hunter-media failed!"); return Err(failure::format_err!("{}", msg))?; } } stdout.read_line(&mut line_buf)?; // Newline means frame is complete if line_buf == newline { let new_height; line_buf.clear(); stdout.read_line(&mut line_buf)?; let h = line_buf.trim().parse::()?; let mut height = height.lock().unwrap(); if *height != h { new_height = true; } else { new_height = false; } *height = h; line_buf.clear(); stdout.read_line(&mut line_buf)?; let pos = &line_buf.trim(); *position.lock().unwrap() = pos .parse::()?; line_buf.clear(); stdout.read_line(&mut line_buf)?; let dur = &line_buf.trim(); *duration.lock().unwrap() = dur .parse::()?; if let Ok(mut imgview) = thread_imgview.lock() { if new_height { imgview.core.clear()?; } imgview.set_image_data(frame); sender.send(crate::widget::Events::WidgetReady) .map_err(|e| HError::from(e)) .log(); } line_buf.clear(); frame = vec![]; continue; } else { frame.push(line_buf); line_buf = String::new(); } } } }); Ok(MediaView { core: core.clone(), imgview: imgview, file: file.to_path_buf(), media_type: media_type, controller: tx_cmd, paused: false, height: Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)), position: Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)), duration: Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)), stale: stale, process: process, preview_runner: Some(run_preview) }) } pub fn start_video(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let runner = self.preview_runner.take(); if runner.is_some() { let stale = self.stale.clone(); let autoplay = self.autoplay(); let mute = self.mute(); let height = self.height.clone(); let position = self.position.clone(); let duration = self.duration.clone(); let clear = self.get_core()?.get_clearlist()?; std::thread::spawn(move || -> HResult<()> { // Sleep a bit to avoid overloading the system when scrolling let sleeptime = std::time::Duration::from_millis(50); std::thread::sleep(sleeptime); if !stale.is_stale()? { print!("{}", clear);|runner| runner(autoplay, mute, height, position, duration).log()); } Ok(()) }); } Ok(()) } pub fn play(&self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(self.controller.send(String::from("p"))?) } pub fn pause(&self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(self.controller.send(String::from ("a"))?) } pub fn progress_bar(&self) -> HResult { let xsize = self.core.coordinates.xsize_u(); let position = self.position.lock()?.clone(); let duration = self.duration.lock()?.clone(); if duration == 0 || position == 0 { Ok(format!("{:elements$}", "|", elements=xsize)) } else { let element_percent = 100 as f32 / xsize as f32; let progress_percent = position as f32 / duration as f32 * 100 as f32; let element_count = progress_percent as f32 / element_percent as f32; Ok(format!("{:|>elements$}|{: >empty$}", "", "", empty=xsize - (element_count as usize), elements=element_count as usize)) } } pub fn progress_string(&self) -> HResult { let position = self.position.lock()?.clone(); let duration = self.duration.lock()?.clone(); let fposition = self.format_secs(position); let fduration = self.format_secs(duration); Ok(format!("{} / {}", fposition, fduration)) } pub fn get_icons(&self, lines: usize) -> HResult { let (xpos, ypos) = self.core.coordinates.position_u(); let (xsize, _) = self.core.coordinates.size_u(); let mute_char = "🔇"; let pause_char = "⏸"; let play_char = "▶"; let mut icons = String::new(); if * == true { icons += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos+xsize-2, ypos+lines); icons += mute_char; } else { // Clear the mute symbol, or it doesn't go away icons += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos+xsize-2, ypos+lines); icons += " "; } if * == true { icons += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos+xsize-4, ypos+lines); icons += play_char; } else { icons += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos+xsize-4, ypos+lines); icons += pause_char; } Ok(icons) } pub fn format_secs(&self, secs: usize) -> String { let hours = if secs >= 60*60 { (secs / 60) / 60 } else { 0 }; let mins = if secs >= 60 { (secs / 60) %60 } else { 0 }; format!("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", hours, mins, secs % 60) } pub fn toggle_pause(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let auto =; let pos = self.position.lock()?.clone(); // This combination means only first frame was shown, since // self.paused will be false, even with autoplay off if pos == 0 && auto == false && self.paused == false { self.toggle_autoplay(); self.start_video()?; self.paused = false;; return Ok(()) } if self.paused { self.toggle_autoplay();; self.paused = false; } else { self.pause()?; self.toggle_autoplay(); self.paused = true; } Ok(()) } pub fn quit(&self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(self.controller.send(String::from("q"))?) } pub fn seek_forward(&self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(self.controller.send(String::from(">"))?) } pub fn seek_backward(&self) -> HResult<()> { Ok(self.controller.send(String::from("<"))?) } pub fn autoplay(&self) -> bool { if let Ok(autoplay) = { return *autoplay; } return true; } pub fn mute(&self) -> bool { if let Ok(mute) = { return *mute; } return false; } pub fn toggle_autoplay(&self) { if let Ok(mut autoplay) = AUTOPLAY.write() { *autoplay = !*autoplay; } } pub fn toggle_mute(&self) { if let Ok(mut mute) = MUTE.write() { *mute = !*mute; if *mute { self.controller.send(String::from("m")).ok(); } else { self.controller.send(String::from("u")).ok(); } } } pub fn kill(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let proc = self.process.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || -> HResult<()> { proc.lock()? .as_mut() .map(|p| { p.kill().map_err(|e| HError::from(e)).log(); p.wait().map_err(|e| HError::from(e)).log(); }); Ok(()) }); Ok(()) } } impl Widget for MediaView { fn get_core(&self) -> HResult<&WidgetCore> { Ok(&self.core) } fn get_core_mut(&mut self) -> HResult<&mut WidgetCore> { Ok(&mut self.core) } fn set_coordinates(&mut self, coordinates: &Coordinates) -> HResult<()> { if &self.core.coordinates == coordinates { return Ok(()); } self.core.coordinates = coordinates.clone(); let mut imgview = self.imgview.lock()?; imgview.set_image_data(vec![]); imgview.set_coordinates(&coordinates)?; let (xsize, ysize) = self.core.coordinates.size_u(); let (xpix, ypix) = self.core.coordinates.size_pixels()?; let cell_ratio = crate::term::cell_ratio()?; let xystring = format!("xy\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", xsize+1, ysize-1, xpix, ypix, cell_ratio); self.controller.send(xystring)?; Ok(()) } fn refresh(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.start_video().log(); Ok(()) } fn get_drawlist(&self) -> HResult { let (xpos, ypos) = self.core.coordinates.position_u(); let height = *self.height.lock()?; let progress_str = self.progress_string()?; let progress_bar = self.progress_bar()?; let frame= self.imgview .lock() .map(|img| img.get_drawlist())?; let mut frame = frame?; frame += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos, ypos+height); frame += &progress_str; frame += &self.get_icons(height)?; frame += &crate::term::goto_xy_u(xpos, ypos+height+1); frame += &progress_bar; Ok(frame) } fn on_key(&mut self, key: Key) -> HResult<()> { self.do_key(key) } } impl Drop for MediaView { fn drop(&mut self) { self.stale.set_stale().ok(); self.kill().log(); self.core.clear().log(); } } use crate::keybind::*; impl Acting for MediaView { type Action = MediaAction; fn search_in(&self) -> Bindings { self.core.config() } fn do_action(&mut self, action: &MediaAction) -> HResult<()> { use MediaAction::*; match action { SeekForward => self.seek_forward()?, SeekBackward => self.seek_backward()?, TogglePause => self.toggle_pause()?, ToggleMute => self.toggle_mute(), } Ok(()) } }