use std::cmp::{Ord, Ordering}; use std::ops::Index; use std::fs::Metadata; use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::str::FromStr; use lscolors::LsColors; use tree_magic; use users::{get_current_username, get_current_groupname, get_user_by_uid, get_group_by_gid}; use chrono::TimeZone; use failure::Error; use notify::DebouncedEvent; use rayon::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder}; use alphanumeric_sort::compare_str; use mime_guess; use pathbuftools::PathBufTools; use async_value::{Async, Stale}; use crate::fail::{HResult, HError, ErrorLog}; use crate::dirty::{AsyncDirtyBit, DirtyBit, Dirtyable}; use crate::widget::Events; use crate::icon::Icons; lazy_static! { static ref COLORS: LsColors = LsColors::from_env().unwrap_or_default(); static ref TAGS: RwLock<(bool, Vec)> = RwLock::new((false, vec![])); static ref ICONS: Icons = Icons::new(); } fn make_pool(sender: Option>) -> ThreadPool { let sender = Arc::new(Mutex::new(sender)); ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(8) .exit_handler(move |thread_num| { if thread_num == 0 { if let Ok(lock) = sender.lock() { if let Some(sender) = lock.as_ref() { sender.send(Events::WidgetReady).ok(); } } } }) .build() .expect("Failed to create thread pool") } pub fn load_tags() -> HResult<()> { std::thread::spawn(|| -> HResult<()> { let tag_path = crate::paths::tagfile_path()?; if !tag_path.exists() { import_tags().log(); } let tags = std::fs::read_to_string(tag_path)?; let mut tags = tags.lines() .map(|f| PathBuf::from(f)) .collect::>(); let mut tag_lock = TAGS.write()?; tag_lock.0 = true; tag_lock.1.append(&mut tags); Ok(()) }); Ok(()) } pub fn import_tags() -> HResult<()> { let mut ranger_tags = crate::paths::ranger_path()?; ranger_tags.push("tagged"); if ranger_tags.exists() { let tag_path = crate::paths::tagfile_path()?; std::fs::copy(ranger_tags, tag_path)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn check_tag(path: &PathBuf) -> HResult { tags_loaded()?; let tagged =; Ok(tagged) } pub fn tags_loaded() -> HResult<()> { let loaded =; if loaded { Ok(()) } else { HError::tags_not_loaded() } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Files { pub directory: File, pub files: Vec, pub meta_upto: Option, pub meta_updated: bool, pub sort: SortBy, pub dirs_first: bool, pub reverse: bool, pub show_hidden: bool, pub filter: Option, pub dirty: DirtyBit, pub dirty_meta: AsyncDirtyBit, } impl Index for Files { type Output = File; fn index(&self, pos: usize) -> &File { &self.files[pos] } } impl Dirtyable for Files { fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty.is_dirty() } fn set_dirty(&mut self) { self.dirty.set_dirty(); } fn set_clean(&mut self) { self.dirty.set_clean(); } } impl Files { pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result { let direntries: Result, _> = std::fs::read_dir(&path)?.collect(); let dirty = DirtyBit::new(); let dirty_meta = AsyncDirtyBit::new(); let files: Vec<_> = direntries? .iter() .map(|file| { let name = file.file_name(); let name = name.to_string_lossy(); let path = file.path(); File::new(&name, path, Some(dirty_meta.clone())) }) .collect(); let mut files = Files { directory: File::new_from_path(&path, None)?, files: files, meta_upto: None, meta_updated: false, sort: SortBy::Name, dirs_first: true, reverse: false, show_hidden: true, filter: None, dirty: dirty, dirty_meta: dirty_meta, }; files.sort(); if files.files.len() == 0 { files.files = vec![File::new_placeholder(&path)?]; } Ok(files) } pub fn new_from_path_cancellable(path: &Path, stale: Stale) -> Result { let direntries: Result, _> = std::fs::read_dir(&path)?.collect(); let dirty = DirtyBit::new(); let dirty_meta = AsyncDirtyBit::new(); let files: Vec<_> = direntries? .iter() .map(|file| { if stale.is_stale().ok()? { None } else { let name = file.file_name(); let name = name.to_string_lossy(); let path = file.path(); Some(File::new_with_stale(&name, path, Some(dirty_meta.clone()), stale.clone())) } }) .fuse() .flatten() .collect(); if stale.is_stale()? { return Err(crate::fail::HError::StalePreviewError { file: path.to_string_lossy().to_string() })?; } let mut files = Files { directory: File::new_from_path(&path, None)?, files: files, meta_upto: None, meta_updated: false, sort: SortBy::Name, dirs_first: true, reverse: false, show_hidden: true, filter: None, dirty: dirty, dirty_meta: dirty_meta, }; files.sort(); if files.files.len() == 0 { files.files = vec![File::new_placeholder(&path)?]; } Ok(files) } pub fn get_file_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut File> { let filter = self.filter.clone(); let show_hidden = self.show_hidden; let file = self.files .iter_mut() .filter(|f| f.kind == Kind::Placeholder || !(filter.is_some() && ! .filter(|f| !(!show_hidden &&"."))) .nth(index); file } pub fn get_files(&self) -> Vec<&File> { self.files .iter() .filter(|f| f.kind == Kind::Placeholder || (!(self.filter.is_some() && ! .filter(|f| !(!self.show_hidden &&"."))) .collect() } pub fn get_files_mut(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut File> { let filter = self.filter.clone(); let show_hidden = self.show_hidden; self.files .iter_mut() .filter(|f| f.kind == Kind::Placeholder || !(filter.is_some() && ! .filter(|f| !(!show_hidden &&"."))) .collect() } pub fn sort(&mut self) { match self.sort { SortBy::Name => self .files .sort_by(|a, b| { compare_str(&, & }), SortBy::Size => { self.meta_all_sync().log(); self.files.sort_by(|a, b| { match (a.meta(), b.meta()) { (Ok(a_meta), Ok(b_meta)) => { if a_meta.size() == b_meta.size() { compare_str(&, & } else { a_meta.size().cmp(&b_meta.size()).reverse() } } _ => return std::cmp::Ordering::Equal } }); } SortBy::MTime => { self.meta_all_sync().log(); self.files.sort_by(|a, b| { match (a.meta(), b.meta()) { (Ok(a_meta), Ok(b_meta)) => { if a_meta.mtime() == b_meta.mtime() { compare_str(&, & } else { a_meta.mtime().cmp(&b_meta.mtime()).reverse() } } _ => return std::cmp::Ordering::Equal } }); } }; if self.dirs_first { self.files.sort_by(|a, b| { if a.is_dir() && !b.is_dir() { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); self.files.sort_by(|a, b| { if".") && !".") { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); } if self.reverse { self.files.reverse(); } self.set_dirty(); } pub fn cycle_sort(&mut self) { self.sort = match self.sort { SortBy::Name => SortBy::Size, SortBy::Size => SortBy::MTime, SortBy::MTime => SortBy::Name, }; } pub fn reverse_sort(&mut self) { self.reverse = !self.reverse } pub fn toggle_hidden(&mut self) { self.show_hidden = !self.show_hidden; self.set_dirty(); if self.show_hidden == true && self.len() > 1 { self.remove_placeholder(); } } pub fn replace_file(&mut self, old: Option<&File>, new: Option) -> HResult<()> { let (tag, selected) = if let Some(old) = old { if let Some(old) = self.find_file_with_path(&old.path) { (old.tag, old.selected) } else { (None, false) } } else { (None, false) };|old| self.files.remove_item(old));|mut new| { new.tag = tag; new.selected = selected; self.files.push(new); }); self.sort(); if self.len() == 0 { let placeholder = File::new_placeholder(&; self.files.push(placeholder); } else { self.remove_placeholder(); } Ok(()) } fn remove_placeholder(&mut self) { let dirpath =; self.find_file_with_path(&dirpath).cloned() .map(|placeholder| self.files.remove_item(&placeholder)); } pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &DebouncedEvent) -> HResult<()> { match event { DebouncedEvent::Create(path) => { self.path_in_here(&path)?; let file = File::new_from_path(&path, Some(self.dirty_meta.clone()))?; self.files.push(file); self.sort(); }, DebouncedEvent::Write(path) | DebouncedEvent::Chmod(path) => { self.path_in_here(&path)?; let file = self.find_file_with_path(&path)?; file.reload_meta()?; }, DebouncedEvent::Remove(path) => { self.path_in_here(&path)?; let file = self.find_file_with_path(&path)?.clone(); self.files.remove_item(&file); }, DebouncedEvent::Rename(old_path, new_path) => { self.path_in_here(&new_path)?; let mut file = self.find_file_with_path(&old_path)?; = new_path.file_name()?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); file.path = new_path.into(); file.reload_meta()?; }, DebouncedEvent::Error(err, path) => { dbg!(err); dbg!(path); }, _ => {}, } self.set_dirty(); Ok(()) } pub fn path_in_here(&self, path: &Path) -> HResult { let dir = &; let path = if path.is_dir() { path } else { path.parent().unwrap() }; if dir == path { Ok(true) } else { HError::wrong_directory(path.into(), dir.to_path_buf())? } } pub fn find_file_with_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&File> { self.get_files() .iter() .find(|f| .cloned() } pub fn find_file_with_path(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Option<&mut File> { self.files.iter_mut().find(|file| file.path == path) } pub fn meta_all_sync(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { for file in self.files.iter_mut() { if !file.meta_processed { file.meta_sync().log(); } } self.set_dirty(); self.meta_updated = true; Ok(()) } pub fn meta_all(&mut self) { let len = self.len(); self.meta_upto(len, None); } pub fn meta_upto(&mut self, to: usize, sender: Option>) { let meta_files = if self.meta_upto > Some(to) { self.meta_upto.unwrap() } else { if to > self.len() { self.len() } else { to } }; if self.meta_upto >= Some(meta_files) && !self.dirty_meta.is_dirty() { return } self.set_dirty(); self.dirty_meta.set_clean(); let meta_pool = make_pool(sender.clone()); let show_hidden = self.show_hidden; for file in self.files .iter_mut() .filter(|f| !(!show_hidden &&"."))) .take(meta_files) { if !file.meta_processed { file.take_meta(&meta_pool, &mut self.meta_updated).ok(); } if file.is_dir() { file.take_dirsize(&meta_pool, &mut self.meta_updated).ok(); } } self.meta_upto = Some(meta_files); } pub fn meta_set_fresh(&self) -> HResult<()> { self.files.get(0)?.meta.set_fresh()?; Ok(()) } pub fn set_filter(&mut self, filter: Option) { self.filter = filter; // Do this first, so we know len() == 0 needs a placeholder self.remove_placeholder(); if self.len() == 0 { let placeholder = File::new_placeholder(&; self.files.push(placeholder); } self.set_dirty(); } pub fn get_filter(&self) -> Option { self.filter.clone() } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.get_files().len() } pub fn get_selected(&self) -> Vec<&File> { self.files.iter().filter(|f| f.is_selected()).collect() } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Kind { Directory, File, Placeholder } impl std::fmt::Display for SortBy { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { let text = match self { SortBy::Name => "name", SortBy::Size => "size", SortBy::MTime => "mtime", }; write!(formatter, "{}", text) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum SortBy { Name, Size, MTime, } impl PartialEq for File { fn eq(&self, other: &File) -> bool { if self.path == other.path { true } else { false } } } impl Hash for File { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {; self.path.hash(state); } } impl Eq for File {} impl std::fmt::Debug for File { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { write!(formatter, "{:?}", self.path) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct File { pub name: String, pub path: PathBuf, pub kind: Kind, pub dirsize: Option>, pub target: Option, pub color: Option, pub meta: Async, pub dirty_meta: Option, pub meta_processed: bool, pub selected: bool, pub tag: Option } impl File { pub fn new( name: &str, path: PathBuf, dirty_meta: Option) -> File { let tag = check_tag(&path).ok(); let meta = File::make_async_meta(&path, dirty_meta.clone(), None); let dirsize = if path.is_dir() { Some(File::make_async_dirsize(&path, dirty_meta.clone(), None)) } else { None }; File { name: name.to_string(), kind: if path.is_dir() { Kind::Directory } else { Kind::File }, path: path, dirsize: dirsize, target: None, meta: meta, meta_processed: false, dirty_meta: dirty_meta, color: None, selected: false, tag: tag, } } pub fn new_with_stale(name: &str, path: PathBuf, dirty_meta: Option, stale: Stale) -> File { let tag = check_tag(&path).ok(); let meta = File::make_async_meta(&path, dirty_meta.clone(), Some(stale.clone())); let dirsize = if path.is_dir() { Some(File::make_async_dirsize(&path, dirty_meta.clone(), Some(stale))) } else { None }; File { name: name.to_string(), kind: if path.is_dir() { Kind::Directory } else { Kind::File }, path: path, dirsize: dirsize, target: None, meta: meta, meta_processed: false, dirty_meta: dirty_meta, color: None, selected: false, tag: tag, } } pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path, dirty_meta: Option) -> HResult { let pathbuf = path.to_path_buf(); let name = path .file_name() .map(|name| name.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or("/".to_string()); Ok(File::new(&name, pathbuf, dirty_meta)) } pub fn new_placeholder(path: &Path) -> Result { let mut file = File::new_from_path(path, None)?; = "".to_string(); file.kind = Kind::Placeholder; Ok(file) } pub fn meta_sync(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let stale = self.meta.get_stale(); let meta = std::fs::metadata(&self.path)?; self.meta = Async::new_with_value(meta); self.meta.put_stale(stale); self.process_meta() } pub fn make_async_meta(path: &PathBuf, dirty_meta: Option, stale_preview: Option) -> Async { let path = path.clone(); let mut meta = Async::new(move |stale: &Stale| { if stale.is_stale()? { HError::stale()? } Ok(std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path)?) });|s| meta.put_stale(s));|mut d| meta.on_ready(move |_,_| { d.set_dirty(); Ok(()) }).log() ); meta } pub fn make_async_dirsize(path: &PathBuf, dirty_meta: Option, stale_preview: Option) -> Async { let path = path.clone(); let mut dirsize = Async::new(move |stale: &Stale| { if stale.is_stale()? { HError::stale()? } Ok(std::fs::read_dir(&path)?.count()) });|s| dirsize.put_stale(s));|mut d| dirsize.on_ready(move |_,_| { d.set_dirty(); Ok(()) }).log() ); dirsize } pub fn meta(&self) -> HResult<&Metadata> { Ok(self.meta.get()?) } fn take_dirsize(&mut self, pool: &ThreadPool, meta_updated: &mut bool) -> HResult<()> { let dirsize = self.dirsize.as_mut()?; if let Ok(_) = dirsize.value { return Ok(()) } if !dirsize.is_running() { dirsize.run_pooled(Some(&*pool))?; } if dirsize.is_ready() { dirsize.pull_async()?; *meta_updated = true; } Ok(()) } pub fn take_meta(&mut self, pool: &ThreadPool, meta_updated: &mut bool) -> HResult<()> { if self.meta_processed { return Ok(()) } if !self.meta.is_running() { self.meta.run_pooled(Some(&*pool))?; } if self.meta.is_ready() { self.meta.pull_async()?; self.process_meta()?; *meta_updated = true; } Ok(()) } pub fn process_meta(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { if let Ok(meta) = self.meta.get() { let color = self.get_color(&meta); let target = if meta.file_type().is_symlink() { self.path.read_link().ok() } else { None }; self.color = color; = target; self.meta_processed = true; } Ok(()) } pub fn reload_meta(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { self.meta_processed = false; self.meta = File::make_async_meta(&self.path, self.dirty_meta.clone(), None);; if self.dirsize.is_some() { self.dirsize = Some(File::make_async_dirsize(&self.path, self.dirty_meta.clone(), None)); self.dirsize.as_mut()?.run()?; } Ok(()) } fn get_color(&self, meta: &std::fs::Metadata) -> Option { match COLORS.style_for_path_with_metadata(&self.path, Some(&meta)) { Some(style) => style.clone().foreground, None => None, } } pub fn calculate_size(&self) -> HResult<(u64, String)> { if let Some(ref dirsize) = self.dirsize { return Ok((dirsize.value.clone()? as u64, "".to_string())) } let mut unit = 0; let mut size = self.meta()?.size(); while size > 1024 { size /= 1024; unit += 1; } let unit = match unit { 0 => "", 1 => " KB", 2 => " MB", 3 => " GB", 4 => " TB", 5 => " wtf are you doing", _ => "", } .to_string(); Ok((size, unit)) } pub fn get_mime(&self) -> Option { if let Some(ext) = self.path.extension() { let mime = mime_guess::get_mime_type(&ext.to_string_lossy()); Some(mime) } else { // Fix crash in tree_magic when called on non-regular file self.meta() .ok() .and_then(|meta| { if meta.is_file() { let mime = tree_magic::from_filepath(&self.path); mime::Mime::from_str(&mime).ok() } else { None } }) } } pub fn is_text(&self) -> bool { tree_magic::match_filepath("text/plain", &self.path) } pub fn parent(&self) -> Option { Some(self.path.parent()?.to_path_buf()) } pub fn parent_as_file(&self) -> HResult { let pathbuf = self.parent()?; File::new_from_path(&pathbuf, None) } pub fn grand_parent(&self) -> Option { Some(self.path.parent()?.parent()?.to_path_buf()) } pub fn grand_parent_as_file(&self) -> HResult { let pathbuf = self.grand_parent()?; File::new_from_path(&pathbuf, None) } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { self.kind == Kind::Directory } pub fn read_dir(&self) -> Result { Files::new_from_path(&self.path) } pub fn strip_prefix(&self, base: &File) -> PathBuf { if self == base { return PathBuf::from("./"); } let base_path = base.path.clone(); match self.path.strip_prefix(base_path) { Ok(path) => PathBuf::from(path), Err(_) => self.path.clone() } } pub fn path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.path.clone() } pub fn toggle_selection(&mut self) { self.selected = !self.selected } pub fn is_selected(&self) -> bool { self.selected } pub fn is_tagged(&self) -> HResult { if let Some(tag) = self.tag { return Ok(tag); } let tag = check_tag(&self.path)?; Ok(tag) } pub fn toggle_tag(&mut self) -> HResult<()> { let new_state = match self.tag { Some(tag) => !tag, None => { let tag = check_tag(&self.path); !tag? } }; self.tag = Some(new_state); match new_state { true => TAGS.write()?.1.push(self.path.clone()), false => { TAGS.write()?.1.remove_item(&self.path); }, } self.save_tags()?; Ok(()) } pub fn save_tags(&self) -> HResult<()> { std::thread::spawn(|| -> HResult<()> { let tagfile_path = crate::paths::tagfile_path()?; let tags =; let tags_str = tags.1.iter().map(|p| { let path = p.to_string_lossy().to_string(); format!("{}\n", path) }).collect::(); std::fs::write(tagfile_path, tags_str)?; Ok(()) }); Ok(()) } pub fn is_readable(&self) -> HResult { let meta = self.meta()?; let current_user = get_current_username()?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let current_group = get_current_groupname()?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let file_user = get_user_by_uid(meta.uid())? .name() .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); let file_group = get_group_by_gid(meta.gid())? .name() .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); let perms = meta.mode(); let user_readable = perms & 0o400; let group_readable = perms & 0o040; let other_readable = perms & 0o004; if current_user == file_user && user_readable > 0 { Ok(true) } else if current_group == file_group && group_readable > 0 { Ok(true) } else if other_readable > 0 { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } pub fn pretty_print_permissions(&self) -> HResult { let perms: usize = format!("{:o}", self.meta()?.mode()).parse().unwrap(); let perms: usize = perms % 800; let perms = format!("{}", perms); let r = format!("{}r", crate::term::color_green()); let w = format!("{}w", crate::term::color_yellow()); let x = format!("{}x", crate::term::color_red()); let n = format!("{}-", crate::term::highlight_color()); let perms = perms.chars().map(|c| match c.to_string().parse().unwrap() { 1 => format!("{}{}{}", n,n,x), 2 => format!("{}{}{}", n,w,n), 3 => format!("{}{}{}", n,w,x), 4 => format!("{}{}{}", r,n,n), 5 => format!("{}{}{}", r,n,x), 6 => format!("{}{}{}", r,w,n), 7 => format!("{}{}{}", r,w,x), _ => format!("---") }).collect(); Ok(perms) } pub fn pretty_user(&self) -> Option { if self.meta().is_err() { return None } let uid = self.meta().unwrap().uid(); let file_user = users::get_user_by_uid(uid)?; let cur_user = users::get_current_username()?; let color = if == cur_user { crate::term::color_green() } else { crate::term::color_red() }; Some(format!("{}{}", color, } pub fn pretty_group(&self) -> Option { if self.meta().is_err() { return None } let gid = self.meta().unwrap().gid(); let file_group = users::get_group_by_gid(gid)?; let cur_group = users::get_current_groupname()?; let color = if == cur_group { crate::term::color_green() } else { crate::term::color_red() }; Some(format!("{}{}", color, } pub fn pretty_mtime(&self) -> Option { if self.meta().is_err() { return None } let time: chrono::DateTime = chrono::Local.timestamp(self.meta().unwrap().mtime(), 0); Some(time.format("%F %R").to_string()) } pub fn icon(&self) -> &'static str { ICONS.get(&self.path) } pub fn short_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.path.short_path() } pub fn short_string(&self) -> String { self.path.short_string() } }