use failure; use failure::Fail; //use failure::Backtrace; //use async_value::AError; use termion::event::Key; use parking_lot::Mutex; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::foldview::LogEntry; use crate::mediaview::MediaError; pub type HResult = Result; #[derive(Fail, Debug, Clone)] pub enum HError { #[fail(display = "IO error: {} ", _0)] IoError(String), #[fail(display = "Mutex failed")] MutexError, #[fail(display = "Can't lock!")] TryLockError, #[fail(display = "Channel failed: {}", error)] ChannelTryRecvError{#[cause] error: std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError}, #[fail(display = "Channel failed: {}", error)] ChannelRecvError{#[cause] error: std::sync::mpsc::RecvError}, #[fail(display = "Channel failed")] ChannelSendError, #[fail(display = "Timer ran out while waiting for message on channel!")] ChannelRecvTimeout(#[cause] std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError), #[fail(display = "Previewer failed on file: {}", file)] PreviewFailed{file: String}, #[fail(display = "StalePreviewer for file: {}", file)] StalePreviewError{file: String}, #[fail(display = "Accessed stale value")] StaleError, #[fail(display = "Failed: {}", _0)] Error(String), #[fail(display = "Was None!")] NoneError, #[fail(display = "Async Error: {}", _0)] AError(async_value::AError), #[fail(display = "No widget found")] NoWidgetError, #[fail(display = "Path: {:?} not in this directory: {:?}", path, dir)] WrongDirectoryError{ path: PathBuf, dir: PathBuf}, #[fail(display = "Widget finnished")] PopupFinnished, #[fail(display = "No completions found")] NoCompletionsError, #[fail(display = "No more history")] NoHistoryError, #[fail(display = "No core for widget")] NoWidgetCoreError, #[fail(display = "No header for widget")] NoHeaderError, #[fail(display = "You wanted this!")] Quit, #[fail(display = "HBox ratio mismatch: {} widgets, ratio is {:?}", wnum, ratio)] HBoxWrongRatioError{ wnum: usize, ratio: Vec }, #[fail(display = "Got wrong widget: {}! Wanted: {}", got, wanted)] WrongWidgetError{got: String, wanted: String}, #[fail(display = "Strip Prefix Error: {}", error)] StripPrefixError{#[cause] error: std::path::StripPrefixError}, #[fail(display = "INofify failed: {}", _0)] INotifyError(String), #[fail(display = "Tags not loaded yet")] TagsNotLoadedYetError, #[fail(display = "Undefined key: {:?}", key)] WidgetUndefinedKeyError{key: Key}, #[fail(display = "Terminal has been resized!")] TerminalResizedError, #[fail(display = "Widget has been resized!")] WidgetResizedError, #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Log(String), #[fail(display = "Metadata already processed")] MetadataProcessedError, #[fail(display = "No files to take from widget")] WidgetNoFilesError, #[fail(display = "Invalid line in settings file: {}", _0)] ConfigLineError(String), #[fail(display = "New input in Minibuffer")] MiniBufferInputUpdated(String), #[fail(display = "Failed to parse into UTF8")] UTF8ParseError(std::str::Utf8Error), #[fail(display = "Failed to parse integer!")] ParseIntError(std::num::ParseIntError), #[fail(display = "Failed to parse char!")] ParseCharError(std::char::ParseCharError), #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Media(MediaError), #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Mime(MimeError), #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] KeyBind(KeyBindError), #[fail(display = "FileBrowser needs to know about all tab's files to run exec!")] FileBrowserNeedTabFiles, #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] FileError(crate::files::FileError), #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Nix(#[cause] nix::Error), #[fail(display = "Refresh parent widget!")] RefreshParent, #[fail(display = "Refresh parent widget!")] MiniBufferEvent(crate::minibuffer::MiniBufferEvent), } impl HError { pub fn log(log: &str) -> HResult { Err(HError::Log(String::from(log))).log_and() } pub fn quit() -> HResult<()> { Err(HError::Quit) } pub fn wrong_ratio(wnum: usize, ratio: Vec) -> HResult { Err(HError::HBoxWrongRatioError{ wnum: wnum, ratio: ratio }) } pub fn no_widget() -> HResult { Err(HError::NoWidgetError) } pub fn wrong_widget(got: &str, wanted: &str) -> HResult { Err(HError::WrongWidgetError{ got: got.to_string(), wanted: wanted.to_string() }) } pub fn popup_finnished() -> HResult { Err(HError::PopupFinnished) } pub fn tags_not_loaded() -> HResult { Err(HError::TagsNotLoadedYetError) } pub fn undefined_key(key: Key) -> HResult { Err(HError::WidgetUndefinedKeyError { key: key }) } pub fn wrong_directory(path: PathBuf, dir: PathBuf) -> HResult { Err(HError::WrongDirectoryError{ path: path, dir: dir }) } pub fn preview_failed(file: &crate::files::File) -> HResult { let name =; Err(HError::PreviewFailed{ file: name }) } pub fn terminal_resized() -> HResult { Err(HError::TerminalResizedError) } pub fn widget_resized() -> HResult { Err(HError::WidgetResizedError) } pub fn stale() -> HResult { Err(HError::StaleError) } pub fn config_error(line: String) -> HResult { Err(HError::ConfigLineError(line)) } pub fn metadata_processed() -> HResult { Err(HError::MetadataProcessedError) } pub fn no_files() -> HResult { Err(HError::WidgetNoFilesError) } pub fn input_updated(input: String) -> HResult { Err(HError::MiniBufferInputUpdated(input)) } } #[derive(Fail, Debug, Clone)] pub enum ErrorCause { #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Str(String) } lazy_static! { static ref LOG: Mutex> = Mutex::new(vec![]); } pub fn get_logs() -> HResult> { let logs = LOG.lock().drain(..).collect(); Ok(logs) } pub fn put_log>(log: L) -> HResult<()> { LOG.lock().push(log.into()); Ok(()) } pub trait ErrorLog where Self: Sized { fn log(self); fn log_and(self) -> Self; } // impl ErrorLog for HResult { // fn log(self) { // if let Err(err) = self { // put_log(&err).ok(); // } // } // fn log_and(self) -> Self { // if let Err(err) = &self { // put_log(err).ok(); // } // self // } // } // impl ErrorLog for Result { // fn log(self) { // if let Err(err) = self { // put_log(&err.into()).ok(); // } // } // fn log_and(self) -> Self { // if let Err(err) = &self { // put_log(&err.clone().into()).ok(); // } // self // } // } impl ErrorLog for Result where E: Into + Clone { fn log(self) { if let Err(err) = self { let err: HError = err.into(); put_log(&err).ok(); } } fn log_and(self) -> Self { if let Err(ref err) = self { let err: HError = err.clone().into(); put_log(&err).ok(); } self } } impl ErrorLog for E where E: Into + Clone { fn log(self) { let err: HError = self.into(); put_log(&err).ok(); } fn log_and(self) -> Self { let err: HError = self.clone().into(); put_log(&err).ok(); self } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::io::Error) -> Self { let err = HError::IoError(format!("{}", error)); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: failure::Error) -> Self { let err = HError::Error(format!("{}", error)); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError) -> Self { let err = HError::ChannelTryRecvError { error: error }; err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::sync::mpsc::RecvError) -> Self { let err = HError::ChannelRecvError { error: error }; err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError) -> Self { let err = HError::ChannelRecvTimeout(error); err } } impl From> for HError { fn from(_error: std::sync::mpsc::SendError) -> Self { let err = HError::ChannelSendError; err } } impl From> for HError { fn from(_: std::sync::PoisonError) -> Self { let err = HError::MutexError; err } } impl From> for HError { fn from(_error: std::sync::TryLockError) -> Self { let err = HError::TryLockError; err } } impl From for HError { fn from(_error: std::option::NoneError) -> Self { let err = HError::NoneError; err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::path::StripPrefixError) -> Self { let err = HError::StripPrefixError{error: error }; err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: notify::Error) -> Self { let err = HError::INotifyError(format!("{}", error)); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: async_value::AError) -> Self { let err = HError::AError(error); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::str::Utf8Error) -> Self { let err = HError::UTF8ParseError(error); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::num::ParseIntError) -> Self { let err = HError::ParseIntError(error); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: nix::Error) -> Self { let err = HError::Nix(error); err } } impl From for HError { fn from(error: std::char::ParseCharError) -> Self { let err = HError::ParseCharError(error); err } } // MIME Errors #[derive(Fail, Debug, Clone)] pub enum MimeError { #[fail(display = "Need a file to determine MIME type")] NoFileProvided, #[fail(display = "File access failed! Error: {}", _0)] AccessFailed(Box), #[fail(display = "No MIME type found for this file",)] NoMimeFound, #[fail(display = "Paniced while trying to find MIME type for: {}!", _0)] Panic(String), } impl From for HError { fn from(e: MimeError) -> Self { HError::Mime(e) } } impl From for HError { fn from(e: KeyBindError) -> Self { HError::KeyBind(e) } } impl From for HError { fn from(e: crate::minibuffer::MiniBufferEvent) -> Self { HError::MiniBufferEvent(e) } } #[derive(Fail, Debug, Clone)] pub enum KeyBindError { #[fail(display = "Movement has not been defined for this widget")] MovementUndefined, #[fail(display = "Keybind defined with wrong key: {} -> {}", _0, _1)] WrongKey(String, String), #[fail(display = "Defined keybind for non-existing action: {}", _0)] WrongAction(String), #[fail(display = "Failed to parse keybind: {}", _0)] ParseKeyError(String), #[fail(display = "Trouble with ini file! Error: {}", _0)] IniError(Arc), #[fail(display = "Couldn't parse as either char or u8: {}", _0)] CharOrNumParseError(String), #[fail(display = "Wanted {}, but got {}!", _0, _1)] CharOrNumWrongType(String, String) } impl From for KeyBindError { fn from(err: ini::ini::Error) -> Self { KeyBindError::IniError(Arc::new(err)) } } impl From for HError { fn from(err: crate::files::FileError) -> Self { HError::FileError(err) } }