--- title: collections.IsSet description: Reports whether the key exists within the collection. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [isset] related: - functions/collections/Dictionary - functions/collections/Group - functions/collections/IndexFunction - functions/collections/Where - functions/go-template/if - functions/go-template/with returnType: bool signatures: [collections.IsSet COLLECTION KEY] aliases: [/functions/isset] --- For example, consider this site configuration: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [params] showHeroImage = false {{< /code-toggle >}} It the value of `showHeroImage` is `true`, we can detect that it exists using either `if` or `with`: ```go-html-template {{ if site.Params.showHeroImage }} {{ site.Params.showHeroImage }} → true {{ end }} {{ with site.Params.showHeroImage }} {{ . }} → true {{ end }} ``` But if the value of `showHeroImage` is `false`, we can't use either `if` or `with` to detect its existence. In this case, you must use the `isset` function: ```go-html-template {{ if isset site.Params "showheroimage" }}

The showHeroImage parameter is set to {{ site.Params.showHeroImage }}.

{{ end }} ``` {{% note %}} When using the `isset` function you must reference the key using lower case. See the previous example. {{% /note %}}