path: root/hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go b/hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go
index 44500cae5..b37cf0e78 100644
--- a/hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/hugo_modules_test.go
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ import (
- ""
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ JS imported in module: |
- b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.SourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.Assets.Dirs), qt.IsNil)
+ b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.ProjectSourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.AssetsWithDuplicatesPreserved.Fs), qt.IsNil)
b.AssertFileContentFn("package.json", func(s string) bool {
return s == `{
@@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ JS imported in module: |
b.WithSourceFile("package.json", origPackageJSON)
- b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.SourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.Assets.Dirs), qt.IsNil)
+ b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.ProjectSourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.AssetsWithDuplicatesPreserved.Fs), qt.IsNil)
b.AssertFileContentFn("package.json", func(s string) bool {
return s == `{
@@ -265,7 +263,7 @@ JS imported in module: |
b := newTestBuilder(t, "")
- b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.SourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.Assets.Dirs), qt.IsNil)
+ b.Assert(npm.Pack(b.H.BaseFs.ProjectSourceFs, b.H.BaseFs.AssetsWithDuplicatesPreserved.Fs), qt.IsNil)
b.AssertFileContentFn("package.json", func(s string) bool {
return s == `{
@@ -656,139 +654,6 @@ min_version = 0.55.0
c.Assert(logger.LoggCount(logg.LevelWarn), qt.Equals, 3)
-func TestModulesSymlinks(t *testing.T) {
- skipSymlink(t)
- wd, _ := os.Getwd()
- defer func() {
- os.Chdir(wd)
- }()
- c := qt.New(t)
- workingDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-mod-sym")
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- // We need to use the OS fs for this.
- cfg := config.New()
- cfg.Set("workingDir", workingDir)
- cfg.Set("publishDir", "public")
- fs := hugofs.NewFromOld(hugofs.Os, cfg)
- defer clean()
- const homeTemplate = `
-Data: {{ .Site.Data }}
- createDirsAndFiles := func(baseDir string) {
- for _, dir := range files.ComponentFolders {
- realDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, dir, "real")
- c.Assert(os.MkdirAll(realDir, 0o777), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(fs.Source, filepath.Join(realDir, "data.toml"), []byte("[hello]\nother = \"hello\""), 0o777), qt.IsNil)
- }
- c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(fs.Source, filepath.Join(baseDir, "layouts", "index.html"), []byte(homeTemplate), 0o777), qt.IsNil)
- }
- // Create project dirs and files.
- createDirsAndFiles(workingDir)
- // Create one module inside the default themes folder.
- themeDir := filepath.Join(workingDir, "themes", "mymod")
- createDirsAndFiles(themeDir)
- createSymlinks := func(baseDir, id string) {
- for _, dir := range files.ComponentFolders {
- // Issue #9119: private use language tags cannot exceed 8 characters.
- if dir != "i18n" {
- c.Assert(os.Chdir(filepath.Join(baseDir, dir)), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(os.Symlink("real", fmt.Sprintf("realsym%s", id)), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(os.Chdir(filepath.Join(baseDir, dir, "real")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(os.Symlink("data.toml", fmt.Sprintf(filepath.FromSlash("datasym%s.toml"), id)), qt.IsNil)
- }
- }
- }
- createSymlinks(workingDir, "project")
- createSymlinks(themeDir, "mod")
- config := `
-baseURL = ""
-weight = 1
-weight = 2
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithNothingAdded().WithWorkingDir(workingDir)
- b.WithLogger(loggers.NewDefault())
- b.Fs = fs
- b.WithConfigFile("toml", config)
- c.Assert(os.Chdir(workingDir), qt.IsNil)
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContentFn(filepath.Join("public", "en", "index.html"), func(s string) bool {
- // Symbolic links only followed in project. There should be WARNING logs.
- return !strings.Contains(s, "symmod") && strings.Contains(s, "symproject")
- })
- bfs := b.H.BaseFs
- for i, componentFs := range []afero.Fs{
- bfs.Static[""].Fs,
- bfs.Archetypes.Fs,
- bfs.Content.Fs,
- bfs.Data.Fs,
- bfs.Assets.Fs,
- bfs.I18n.Fs,
- } {
- if i != 0 {
- continue
- }
- for j, id := range []string{"mod", "project"} {
- statCheck := func(fs afero.Fs, filename string, isDir bool) {
- shouldFail := j == 0
- if !shouldFail && i == 0 {
- // Static dirs only supports symlinks for files
- shouldFail = isDir
- }
- _, err := fs.Stat(filepath.FromSlash(filename))
- if err != nil {
- if i > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(filename, "toml") && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "files not supported") {
- // OK
- return
- }
- }
- if shouldFail {
- c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
- c.Assert(err, qt.Equals, hugofs.ErrPermissionSymlink)
- } else {
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- }
- }
- c.Logf("Checking %d:%d %q", i, j, id)
- statCheck(componentFs, fmt.Sprintf("realsym%s", id), true)
- statCheck(componentFs, fmt.Sprintf("real/datasym%s.toml", id), false)
- }
- }
func TestMountsProject(t *testing.T) {
@@ -820,248 +685,21 @@ title: "My Page"
func TestMountsContentFile(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- c := qt.New(t)
- workingDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-modules-content-file")
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- defer clean()
- configTemplate := `
-baseURL = ""
-title = "My Modular Site"
-workingDir = %q
+ files := `
+-- hugo.toml --
+disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term", "RSS", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "page", "section"]
+disableLiveReload = true
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = ""
- target = "content/"
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = "mycontent"
- target = "content/blog"
- tomlConfig := fmt.Sprintf(configTemplate, workingDir)
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).Running()
- cfg := config.New()
- cfg.Set("workingDir", workingDir)
- cfg.Set("publishDir", "public")
- b.Fs = hugofs.NewDefault(cfg)
- b.WithWorkingDir(workingDir).WithConfigFile("toml", tomlConfig)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", `
-{{ .Title }}
-{{ .Content }}
-{{ $readme := .Site.GetPage "/" }}
-{{ with $readme }}README: {{ .Title }}|Filename: {{ path.Join .File.Filename }}|Path: {{ path.Join .File.Path }}|FilePath: {{ path.Join .File.FileInfo.Meta.PathFile }}|{{ end }}
-{{ $mypage := .Site.GetPage "/blog/" }}
-{{ with $mypage }}MYPAGE: {{ .Title }}|Path: {{ path.Join .File.Path }}|FilePath: {{ path.Join .File.FileInfo.Meta.PathFile }}|{{ end }}
-{{ $mybundle := .Site.GetPage "/blog/mybundle" }}
-{{ with $mybundle }}MYBUNDLE: {{ .Title }}|Path: {{ path.Join .File.Path }}|FilePath: {{ path.Join .File.FileInfo.Meta.PathFile }}|{{ end }}
-`, "_default/_markup/render-link.html", `
-{{ $link := .Destination }}
-{{ $isRemote := strings.HasPrefix $link "http" }}
-{{- if not $isRemote -}}
-{{ $url := urls.Parse .Destination }}
-{{ $fragment := "" }}
-{{- with $url.Fragment }}{{ $fragment = printf "#%s" . }}{{ end -}}
-{{- with .Page.GetPage $url.Path }}{{ $link = printf "%s%s" .Permalink $fragment }}{{ end }}{{ end -}}
-<a href="{{ $link | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if $isRemote }} target="_blank"{{ end }}>{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>
- os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(workingDir, "mycontent"), 0o777)
- os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(workingDir, "mycontent", "mybundle"), 0o777)
- b.WithSourceFile("", `---
-title: "Readme Title"
-Readme Content.
- filepath.Join("mycontent", ""), `
-title: "My Page"
-* [Relative Link From Page](mybundle)
-* [Relative Link From Page, filename](mybundle/
-* [Link using original path](/mycontent/mybundle/
-`, filepath.Join("mycontent", "mybundle", ""), `
-title: "My Bundle"
-* [Dot Relative Link From Bundle](../
-* [Link using original path](/mycontent/
-* [Link to Home](/)
-* [Link to Home,](/
-* [Link to Home,](/
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `
-README: Readme Title
-Readme Content.
-MYPAGE: My Page|Path: blog/|FilePath: mycontent/|
-MYBUNDLE: My Bundle|Path: blog/mybundle/|FilePath: mycontent/mybundle/|
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/mypage/index.html", `
-<a href="">Relative Link From Page</a>
-<a href="">Relative Link From Page, filename</a>
-<a href="">Link using original path</a>
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/mybundle/index.html", `
-<a href="">Dot Relative Link From Bundle</a>
-<a href="">Link using original path</a>
-<a href="">Link to Home</a>
-<a href="">Link to Home,</a>
-<a href="">Link to Home,</a>
- b.EditFiles("", `---
-title: "Readme Edit"
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `
-Readme Edit
-func TestMountsPaths(t *testing.T) {
- c := qt.New(t)
- type test struct {
- b *sitesBuilder
- clean func()
- workingDir string
- }
- prepare := func(c *qt.C, mounts string) test {
- workingDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-mounts-paths")
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- configTemplate := `
-baseURL = ""
-title = "My Modular Site"
-workingDir = %q
- tomlConfig := fmt.Sprintf(configTemplate, workingDir, mounts)
- tomlConfig = strings.Replace(tomlConfig, "WORKING_DIR", workingDir, -1)
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(c).Running()
- cfg := config.New()
- cfg.Set("workingDir", workingDir)
- cfg.Set("publishDir", "public")
- b.Fs = hugofs.NewDefault(cfg)
- os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workingDir, "content", "blog"), 0o777)
- b.WithWorkingDir(workingDir).WithConfigFile("toml", tomlConfig)
- return test{
- b: b,
- clean: clean,
- workingDir: workingDir,
- }
- }
- c.Run("Default", func(c *qt.C) {
- mounts := ``
- test := prepare(c, mounts)
- b := test.b
- defer test.clean()
- b.WithContent("blog/", `---
-title: P1
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- p := b.GetPage("blog/")
- f := p.File().FileInfo().Meta()
- b.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(f.Path), qt.Equals, "blog/")
- b.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(f.PathFile()), qt.Equals, "content/blog/")
- b.Assert(b.H.BaseFs.Layouts.Path(filepath.Join(test.workingDir, "layouts", "_default", "single.html")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("_default/single.html"))
- })
- c.Run("Mounts", func(c *qt.C) {
- absDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-mounts-paths-abs")
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- defer clean()
- mounts := `[module]
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = ""
- target = "content/"
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = "mycontent"
- target = "content/blog"
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = "subdir/mypartials"
- target = "layouts/partials"
- [[module.mounts]]
- source = %q
- target = "layouts/shortcodes"
+source = ""
+target = "content/"
+-- --
+# Hello World
+-- layouts/index.html --
+Home: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}|
- mounts = fmt.Sprintf(mounts, filepath.Join(absDir, "/abs/myshortcodes"))
- test := prepare(c, mounts)
- b := test.b
- defer test.clean()
- subContentDir := filepath.Join(test.workingDir, "mycontent", "sub")
- os.MkdirAll(subContentDir, 0o777)
- myPartialsDir := filepath.Join(test.workingDir, "subdir", "mypartials")
- os.MkdirAll(myPartialsDir, 0o777)
- absShortcodesDir := filepath.Join(absDir, "abs", "myshortcodes")
- os.MkdirAll(absShortcodesDir, 0o777)
- b.WithSourceFile("", "---\ntitle: Readme\n---")
- b.WithSourceFile("mycontent/sub/", "---\ntitle: P1\n---")
- b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join(absShortcodesDir, "myshort.html"), "MYSHORT")
- b.WithSourceFile(filepath.Join(myPartialsDir, "mypartial.html"), "MYPARTIAL")
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- p1_1 := b.GetPage("/blog/sub/")
- p1_2 := b.GetPage("/mycontent/sub/")
- b.Assert(p1_1, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
- b.Assert(p1_2, qt.Equals, p1_1)
- f := p1_1.File().FileInfo().Meta()
- b.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(f.Path), qt.Equals, "blog/sub/")
- b.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(f.PathFile()), qt.Equals, "mycontent/sub/")
- b.Assert(b.H.BaseFs.Layouts.Path(filepath.Join(myPartialsDir, "mypartial.html")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("partials/mypartial.html"))
- b.Assert(b.H.BaseFs.Layouts.Path(filepath.Join(absShortcodesDir, "myshort.html")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("shortcodes/myshort.html"))
- b.Assert(b.H.BaseFs.Content.Path(filepath.Join(subContentDir, "")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("blog/sub/"))
- b.Assert(b.H.BaseFs.Content.Path(filepath.Join(test.workingDir, "")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash(""))
- })
+ b := Test(t, files)
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Home: |<h1 id=\"hello-world\">Hello World</h1>\n|")