path: root/hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go b/hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go
index 5b2121ef8..22a33c35a 100644
--- a/hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/content_render_hooks_test.go
@@ -14,361 +14,61 @@
package hugolib
import (
- "fmt"
- qt ""
-func TestRenderHookEditNestedPartial(t *testing.T) {
- config := `
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithWorkingDir("/mywork").WithConfigFile("toml", config).Running()
- b.WithTemplates("_default/single.html", "{{ .Content }}")
- b.WithTemplates("partials/mypartial1.html", `PARTIAL1 {{ partial "mypartial2.html" }}`)
- b.WithTemplates("partials/mypartial2.html", `PARTIAL2`)
- b.WithTemplates("_default/_markup/render-link.html", `Link {{ .Text | safeHTML }}|{{ partial "mypartial1.html" . }}END`)
- b.WithContent("", `---
-title: P1
-[First Link]( "Google's Homepage")
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `Link First Link|PARTIAL1 PARTIAL2END`)
- b.EditFiles("layouts/partials/mypartial1.html", `PARTIAL1_EDITED {{ partial "mypartial2.html" }}`)
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `Link First Link|PARTIAL1_EDITED PARTIAL2END`)
- b.EditFiles("layouts/partials/mypartial2.html", `PARTIAL2_EDITED`)
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `Link First Link|PARTIAL1_EDITED PARTIAL2_EDITEDEND`)
-func TestRenderHooks(t *testing.T) {
- config := `
-autoHeadingID = true
-autoHeadingIDType = "github"
-block = true
-title = true
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithWorkingDir("/mywork").WithConfigFile("toml", config).Running()
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", `{{ .Content }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode1.html", `{{ partial "mypartial1" }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode2.html", `{{ partial "mypartial2" }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode3.html", `SHORT3|`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode4.html", `
-<div class="foo">
-{{ .Inner | markdownify }}
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode5.html", `
-Inner Inline: {{ .Inner | .Page.RenderString }}
-Inner Block: {{ .Inner | .Page.RenderString (dict "display" "block" ) }}
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("shortcodes/myshortcode6.html", `.Render: {{ .Page.Render "myrender" }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("partials/mypartial1.html", `PARTIAL1`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("partials/mypartial2.html", `PARTIAL2 {{ partial "mypartial3.html" }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("partials/mypartial3.html", `PARTIAL3`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("partials/mypartial4.html", `PARTIAL4`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("customview/myrender.html", `myrender: {{ .Title }}|P4: {{ partial "mypartial4" }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/_markup/render-link.html", `{{ with .Page }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}|{{ .Destination | safeURL }}|Title: {{ .Title | safeHTML }}|Text: {{ .Text | safeHTML }}|END`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("docs/_markup/render-link.html", `Link docs section: {{ .Text | safeHTML }}|END`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/_markup/render-image.html", `IMAGE: {{ .Page.Title }}||{{ .Destination | safeURL }}|Title: {{ .Title | safeHTML }}|Text: {{ .Text | safeHTML }}|END`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/_markup/render-heading.html", `HEADING: {{ .Page.Title }}||Level: {{ .Level }}|Anchor: {{ .Anchor | safeURL }}|Text: {{ .Text | safeHTML }}|Attributes: {{ .Attributes }}|END`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("docs/_markup/render-heading.html", `Docs Level: {{ .Level }}|END`)
- b.WithContent("customview/", `---
-title: Custom View
-{{< myshortcode6 >}}
- `, "blog/", `---
-title: Cool Page
-[First Link]( "Google's Homepage")
-{{< myshortcode3 >}}
-[Second Link]( "Google's Homepage")
-![Drag Racing](/images/Dragster.jpg "image title")
-## Some Heading {.text-serif #a-heading title="Hovered"}
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: Cool Page2
-layout: mylayout
-{{< myshortcode1 >}}
-[Some Text]( "Google's Homepage")
-,[No Whitespace Please](,
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: Cool Page3
-{{< myshortcode2 >}}
-`, "docs/", `---
-title: Docs 1
-[Docs 1]( "Google's Homepage")
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: Cool Page With Image
-![Drag Racing](/images/Dragster.jpg "image title")
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: Cool Page With Markdownify
-{{< myshortcode4 >}}
-Inner Link: [Inner Link]( "Google's Homepage")
-{{< /myshortcode4 >}}
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: With RenderString
-{{< myshortcode5 >}}Inner Link: [Inner Link]( "Hugo's Homepage"){{< /myshortcode5 >}}
-`, "blog/", `---
-title: With Headings
-# Heading Level 1
-some text
-## Heading Level 2
-### Heading Level 3
- "docs/", `---
-title: Doc With Heading
-# Docs lvl 1
- )
- for i := 1; i <= 30; i++ {
- // Add some content with no shortcodes or links, i.e no templates needed.
- b.WithContent(fmt.Sprintf("blog/", i), `---
-title: No Template
-## Content
- }
- counters := &testCounters{}
- b.Build(BuildCfg{testCounters: counters})
- b.Assert(int(counters.contentRenderCounter), qt.Equals, 45)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p1/index.html", `
-Cool Page||Title: Google's Homepage|Text: First Link|END
-Cool Page||Title: |Text:|END
-Cool Page|https://bar.baz/|Title: |Text: https://bar.baz/|END
-Cool Page||Title: |Text:|END
-Cool Page||Title: |Text:|END
-Text: Second
-<p>IMAGE: Cool Page||/images/Dragster.jpg|Title: image title|Text: Drag Racing|END</p>
- b.AssertFileContent("public/customview/p1/index.html", `.Render: myrender: Custom View|P4: PARTIAL4`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p2/index.html",
-,Cool Page2||Title: |Text: No Whitespace Please|END,`,
- )
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p3/index.html", `PARTIAL3`)
- // We may add type template support later, keep this for then. b.AssertFileContent("public/docs/docs1/index.html", `Link docs section: Docs 1|END`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p4/index.html", `<p>IMAGE: Cool Page With Image||/images/Dragster.jpg|Title: image title|Text: Drag Racing|END</p>`)
- // markdownify
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p5/index.html", "Inner Link: ||Title: Google's Homepage|Text: Inner Link|END")
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p6/index.html",
- "Inner Inline: Inner Link: With RenderString||Title: Hugo's Homepage|Text: Inner Link|END",
- "Inner Block: <p>Inner Link: With RenderString||Title: Hugo's Homepage|Text: Inner Link|END</p>",
- )
- b.EditFiles(
- "layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html", `EDITED: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|`,
- "layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html", `IMAGE EDITED: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|`,
- "layouts/docs/_markup/render-link.html", `DOCS EDITED: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|`,
- "layouts/partials/mypartial1.html", `PARTIAL1_EDITED`,
- "layouts/partials/mypartial3.html", `PARTIAL3_EDITED`,
- "layouts/partials/mypartial4.html", `PARTIAL4_EDITED`,
- "layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode3.html", `SHORT3_EDITED|`,
- )
- counters = &testCounters{}
- b.Build(BuildCfg{testCounters: counters})
- // Make sure that only content using the changed templates are re-rendered.
- b.Assert(int(counters.contentRenderCounter), qt.Equals, 7)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/customview/p1/index.html", `.Render: myrender: Custom View|P4: PARTIAL4_EDITED`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p1/index.html", `<p>EDITED:|</p>`, "SHORT3_EDITED|")
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p2/index.html", `PARTIAL1_EDITED`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p3/index.html", `PARTIAL3_EDITED`)
- // We may add type template support later, keep this for then. b.AssertFileContent("public/docs/docs1/index.html", `DOCS EDITED:|</p>`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p4/index.html", `IMAGE EDITED: /images/Dragster.jpg|`)
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p6/index.html", "<p>Inner Link: EDITED:|</p>")
- b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/p7/index.html", "HEADING: With Headings||Level: 1|Anchor: heading-level-1|Text: Heading Level 1|Attributes: map[id:heading-level-1]|END<p>some text</p>\nHEADING: With Headings||Level: 2|Anchor: heading-level-2|Text: Heading Level 2|Attributes: map[id:heading-level-2]|ENDHEADING: With Headings||Level: 3|Anchor: heading-level-3|Text: Heading Level 3|Attributes: map[id:heading-level-3]|END")
- //
- b.AssertFileContent("public/docs/p8/index.html", "Docs Level: 1")
-func TestRenderHooksDeleteTemplate(t *testing.T) {
- config := `
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithWorkingDir("/mywork").WithConfigFile("toml", config).Running()
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", `{{ .Content }}`)
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/_markup/render-link.html", `html-render-link`)
- b.WithContent("", `---
-title: P1
-[First Link]( "Google's Homepage")
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `<p>html-render-link</p>`)
- b.RemoveFiles(
- "layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html",
- )
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `<p><a href="" title="Google's Homepage">First Link</a></p>`)
-func TestRenderHookAddTemplate(t *testing.T) {
- config := `
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithWorkingDir("/mywork").WithConfigFile("toml", config).Running()
- b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", `{{ .Content }}`)
- b.WithContent("", `---
-title: P1
-[First Link]( "Google's Homepage")
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `<p><a href="" title="Google's Homepage">First Link</a></p>`)
- b.EditFiles("layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html", `html-render-link`)
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
- b.AssertFileContent("public/p1/index.html", `<p>html-render-link</p>`)
func TestRenderHooksRSS(t *testing.T) {
- b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
- b.WithTemplates("index.html", `
+ files := `
+-- hugo.toml --
+baseURL = ""
+disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
+-- layouts/index.html --
{{ $p := site.GetPage "" }}
{{ $p2 := site.GetPage "" }}
P1: {{ $p.Content }}
P2: {{ $p2.Content }}
- `, "index.xml", `
+-- layouts/index.xml --
{{ $p2 := site.GetPage "" }}
{{ $p3 := site.GetPage "" }}
P2: {{ $p2.Content }}
P3: {{ $p3.Content }}
- `,
- "_default/_markup/render-link.html", `html-link: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|`,
- "_default/_markup/render-link.rss.xml", `xml-link: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|`,
- "_default/_markup/render-heading.html", `html-heading: {{ .Text }}|`,
- "_default/_markup/render-heading.rss.xml", `xml-heading: {{ .Text }}|`,
- )
- b.WithContent("", `---
+-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html --
+html-link: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|
+-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.rss.xml --
+xml-link: {{ .Destination | safeURL }}|
+-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.html --
+html-heading: {{ .Text }}|
+-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.rss.xml --
+xml-heading: {{ .Text }}|
+-- content/ --
title: "p1"
P1. [I'm an inline-style link](
# Heading in p1
-`, "", `---
+-- content/ --
title: "p2"
-P1. [I'm an inline-style link](
+P2. [I'm an inline-style link](
# Heading in p2
- "", `---
-title: "p2"
+-- content/ --
+title: "p3"
outputs: ["rss"]
P3. [I'm an inline-style link](
- )
- b.Build(BuildCfg{})
+ b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder(
+ IntegrationTestConfig{
+ T: t,
+ TxtarString: files,
+ },
+ ).Build()
b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `
P1: <p>P1. html-link:|</p>
@@ -376,7 +76,7 @@ html-heading: Heading in p1|
html-heading: Heading in p2|
b.AssertFileContent("public/index.xml", `
-P2: <p>P1. xml-link:|</p>
+P2: <p>P2. xml-link:|</p>
P3: <p>P3. xml-link:|</p>
xml-heading: Heading in p2|
@@ -453,8 +153,12 @@ title: "p2"
-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.html --
Heading: {{ .Text }}|
-Self Fragments: {{ .Page.Fragments.Identifiers }}|
-P1 Fragments: {{ (site.GetPage "").Fragments.Identifiers }}|
+{{ with .Page }}
+Self Fragments: {{ .Fragments.Identifiers }}|
+{{ end }}
+{{ with (site.GetPage "") }}
+P1 Fragments: {{ .Fragments.Identifiers }}|
+{{ end }}
-- layouts/_default/single.html --
{{ .Content}}
@@ -474,5 +178,4 @@ P1 Fragments: [b c z]
Self Fragments: [d e f]
P1 Fragments: [b c z]