path: root/docs/content/en/functions/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 51 deletions
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-title: absURL
-description: Creates an absolute URL based on the configured baseURL.
-date: 2017-02-01
-publishdate: 2017-02-01
-lastmod: 2017-02-01
-categories: [functions]
- docs:
- parent: "functions"
-keywords: [urls]
-signature: ["absURL INPUT"]
-workson: []
-relatedfuncs: [relURL]
-deprecated: false
-aliases: []
-Both `absURL` and `relURL` consider the configured value of `baseURL` in your site's [`config` file][configuration]. Given a `baseURL` set to ``:
-{{ "mystyle.css" | absURL }} → ""
-{{ "mystyle.css" | relURL }} → "/hugo/mystyle.css"
-{{ "" | relURL }} → ""
-{{ "" | absURL }} → ""
-The last two examples may look strange but can be very useful. For example, the following shows how to use `absURL` in [JSON-LD structured data (SEO)][jsonld], where some of your images for a piece of content may or may not be hosted locally:
-{{< code file="layouts/partials/schemaorg-metadata.html" download="schemaorg-metadata.html" >}}
-<script type="application/ld+json">
- "@context" : "",
- "@type" : "BlogPosting",
- "image" : {{ apply .Params.images "absURL" "." }}
-{{< /code >}}
-The above uses the [apply function][] and also exposes how the Go template parser JSON-encodes objects inside `<script>` tags. See [the safeJS template function][safejs] for examples of how to tell Hugo not to escape strings inside of such tags.
-{{% note "Ending Slash" %}}
-`absURL` and `relURL` are smart about missing slashes, but they will *not* add a closing slash to a URL if it is not present.
-{{% /note %}}
-[apply function]: /functions/apply/
-[configuration]: /getting-started/configuration/
-[safejs]: /functions/safejs