path: root/docs/content/en/content-management
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+ _build:
+ list: never
+ publishResources: false
+ render: never
+Files within this headless branch bundle are markdown snippets. Each file must contain front matter delimiters, though front matter fields are not required.
+Include the rendered content using the "include" shortcode.
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+# Do not remove front matter.
+| Kind | Description | Example |
+| `home` | The landing page for the home page | `/index.html` |
+| `page` | The landing page for a given page | `my-post` page (`/posts/my-post/index.html`) |
+| `section` | The landing page of a given section | `posts` section (`/posts/index.html`) |
+| `taxonomy` | The landing page for a taxonomy | `tags` taxonomy (`/tags/index.html`) |
+| `term` | The landing page for one taxonomy's term | term `awesome` in `tags` taxonomy (`/tags/awesome/index.html`) |
+Four other page kinds unrelated to content are `robotsTXT`, `RSS`, `sitemap`, and `404`. Although primarily for internal use, you can specify the name when disabling one or more page kinds on your site. For example:
+{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
+disableKinds = ['robotsTXT','404']
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
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+title: Content management
+linkTitle: Overview
+description: Hugo makes managing large static sites easy with support for archetypes, content types, menus, cross references, summaries, and more.
+categories: []
+keywords: []
+ docs:
+ identifier: content-management-overview
+ parent: content-management
+ weight: 10
+weight: 10
+aliases: [/content/,/content/organization]
+A static site generator needs to extend beyond front matter and a couple of templates to be both scalable and *manageable*. Hugo was designed with not only developers in mind, but also content managers and authors.
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+title: Archetypes
+description: An archetype is a template for new content.
+categories: [content management]
+keywords: [archetypes,generators,metadata,front matter]
+ docs:
+ parent: content-management
+ weight: 140
+ quicklinks:
+weight: 140
+toc: true
+aliases: [/content/archetypes/]
+## Overview
+A content file consists of [front matter] and markup. The markup is typically markdown, but Hugo also supports other [content formats]. Front matter can be TOML, YAML, or JSON.
+The `hugo new content` command creates a new file in the `content` directory, using an archetype as a template. This is the default archetype:
+{{< code-toggle file=archetypes/ fm=true >}}
+title = '{{ replace .File.ContentBaseName `-` ` ` | title }}'
+date = '{{ .Date }}'
+draft = true
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+When you create new content, Hugo evaluates the [template actions] within the archetype. For example:
+hugo new content posts/
+With the default archetype shown above, Hugo creates this content file:
+{{< code-toggle file=content/posts/ fm=true >}}
+title = 'My First Post'
+date = '2023-08-24T11:49:46-07:00'
+draft = true
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+You can create an archetype for one or more [content types]. For example, use one archetype for posts, and use the default archetype for everything else:
+## Lookup order
+Hugo looks for archetypes in the `archetypes` directory in the root of your project, falling back to the `archetypes` directory in themes or installed modules. An archetype for a specific content type takes precedence over the default archetype.
+For example, with this command:
+hugo new content posts/
+The archetype lookup order is:
+1. archetypes/
+1. archetypes/
+1. themes/my-theme/archetypes/
+1. themes/my-theme/archetypes/
+If none of these exists, Hugo uses a built-in default archetype.
+## Functions and context
+You can use any [template function] within an archetype. As shown above, the default archetype uses the [`replace`](/functions/strings/replace) function to replace hyphens with spaces when populating the title in front matter.
+Archetypes receive the following objects and values in [context]:
+- `.Date`
+- `.Type`
+- `.Site` (see [details](/variables/site/))
+- `.File` (see [details](/variables/file/))
+As shown above, the default archetype passes `.File.ContentBaseName` as the argument to the `replace` function when populating the title in front matter.
+## Include content
+Although typically used as a front matter template, you can also use an archetype to populate content.
+For example, in a documentation site you might have a section (content type) for functions. Every page within this section should follow the same format: a brief description, the function signature, examples, and notes. We can pre-populate the page to remind content authors of the standard format.
+{{< code file=archetypes/ >}}
+date: '{{ .Date }}'
+draft: true
+title: '{{ replace .File.ContentBaseName `-` ` ` | title }}'
+A brief description of what the function does, using simple present tense in the third person singular form. For example:
+`someFunction` returns the string `s` repeated `n` times.
+## Signature
+func someFunction(s string, n int) string
+## Examples
+One or more practical examples, each within a fenced code block.
+## Notes
+Additional information to clarify as needed.
+{{< /code >}}
+Although you can include [template actions] within the content body, remember that Hugo evaluates these once---at the time of content creation. In most cases, place template actions in a [template] where Hugo evaluates the actions every time you [build](/getting-started/glossary/#build) the site.
+## Leaf bundles
+You can also create archetypes for [leaf bundles](/getting-started/glossary/#leaf-bundle).
+For example, in a photography site you might have a section (content type) for galleries. Each gallery is leaf bundle with content and images.
+Create an archetype for galleries:
+├── galleries/
+│ ├── images/
+│ │ └── .gitkeep
+│ └── <-- same format as
+Subdirectories within an archetype must contain at least one file. Without a file, Hugo will not create the subdirectory when you create new content. The name and size of the file are irrelevant. The example above includes a&nbsp;`.gitkeep` file, an empty file commonly used to preserve otherwise empty directories in a Git repository.
+To create a new gallery:
+hugo new galleries/bryce-canyon
+This produces:
+├── galleries/
+│ └── bryce-canyon/
+│ ├── images/
+│ │ └── .gitkeep
+│ └──
+## Use alternate archetype
+Use the `--kind` command line flag to specify an alternate archetype when creating content.
+For example, let's say your site has two sections: articles and tutorials. Create an archetype for each content type:
+To create an article using the articles archetype:
+hugo new content articles/
+To create an article using the tutorials archetype:
+hugo new content --kind tutorials articles/
+[content formats]: /getting-started/glossary/#content-format
+[content types]: /getting-started/glossary/#content-type
+[context]: /getting-started/glossary/#context
+[front matter]: /getting-started/glossary/#front-matter
+[template actions]: /getting-started/glossary/#template-action
+[template]: /getting-started/glossary/#template
+[template function]: /getting-started/glossary/#function
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+title: Build options
+description: Build options help define how Hugo must treat a given page when building the site.
+categories: [content management,fundamentals]
+keywords: [build,content,front matter, page resources]
+ docs:
+ parent: content-management
+ weight: 70
+weight: 70
+toc: true
+aliases: [/content/build-options/]
+Build options are stored in a reserved front matter object named `_build` with these defaults:
+{{< code-toggle file=content/example/ fm=true >}}
+list = 'always'
+publishResources = true
+render = 'always'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+: When to include the page within page collections. Specify one of:
+ - `always`
+ : Include the page in _all_ page collections. For example, `site.RegularPages`, `.Pages`, etc. This is the default value.
+ - `local`
+ : Include the page in _local_ page collections. For example, `.RegularPages`, `.Pages`, etc. Use this option to create fully navigable but headless content sections.
+ - `never`
+ : Do not include the page in _any_ page collection.
+: Applicable to [page bundles], determines whether to publish the associated [page resources]. Specify one of:
+ - `true`
+ : Always publish resources. This is the default value.
+ - `false`
+ : Only publish a resource when invoking its [`Permalink`], [`RelPermalink`], or [`Publish`] method within a template.
+: When to render the page. Specify one of:
+ - `always`
+ : Always render the page to disk. This is the default value.
+ - `link`
+ : Do not render the page to disk, but include it in all page collections.
+ - `never`
+ : Never render the page to disk, and exclude it from all page collections.
+[page bundles]: content-management/page-bundles
+[page resources]: /content-management/page-resources
+[`Permalink`]: /methods/resource/permalink
+[`RelPermalink`]: /methods/resource/relpermalink
+[`Publish`]: /methods/resource/publish
+{{% note %}}
+Any page, regardless of its build options, will always be available by using the [`.Page.GetPage`] or [`.Site.GetPage`] method.
+[`.Page.GetPage`]: /methods/page/getpage
+[`.Site.GetPage`]: /methods/site/getpage
+{{% /note %}}
+## Example -- headless page
+Create a unpublished page whose content and resources can be included in other pages.
+├── headless/
+│ ├── a.jpg
+│ ├── b.jpg
+│ └── <-- leaf bundle
+└── <-- home page
+Set the build options in front matter:
+{{< code-toggle file=content/headless/ fm=true >}}
+title = 'Headless page'
+ list = 'never'
+ publishResources = false
+ render = 'never'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+To include the content and images on the home page:
+{{< code file=layouts/_default/home.html >}}
+{{ with .Site.GetPage "/headless" }}
+ {{ .Content }}
+ {{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
+ <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{< /code >}}
+The published site will have this structure:
+├── headless/
+│ ├── a.jpg
+│ └── b.jpg
+└── index.html
+In the example above, note that:
+1. Hugo did not publish an HTML file for the page.
+2. Despite setting `publishResources` to `false` in front matter, Hugo published the [page resources] because we invoked the [`RelPermalink`] method on each resource. This is the expected behavior.
+## Example -- headless section
+Create a unpublished section whose content and resources can be included in other pages.
+[branch bundle]: /content-management/page-bundles
+├── headless/
+│ ├── note-1/
+│ │ ├── a.jpg
+│ │ ├── b.jpg
+│ │ └── <-- leaf bundle
+│ ├── note-2/
+│ │ ├── c.jpg
+│ │ ├── d.jpg
+│ │ └── <-- leaf bundle
+│ └── <-- branch bundle
+└── <-- home page
+Set the build options in front matter, using the `cascade` keyword to "cascade" the values down to descendant pages.
+{{< code-toggle file=content/headless/ fm=true >}}
+title = 'Headless section'
+ list = 'local'
+ publishResources = false
+ render = 'never'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+In the front matter above, note that we have set `list` to `local` to include the descendant pages in local page collections.
+To include the content and images on the home page:
+{{< code file=layouts/_default/home.html >}}
+{{ with .Site.GetPage "/headless" }}
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ {{ .Content }}
+ {{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
+ <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{< /code >}}
+The published site will have this structure:
+├── headless/
+│ ├── note-1/
+│ │ ├── a.jpg
+│ │ └── b.jpg
+│ └── note-2/
+│ ├── c.jpg
+│ └── d.jpg
+└── index.html
+In the example above, note that:
+1. Hugo did not publish an HTML file for the page.
+2. Despite setting `publishResources` to `false` in front matter, Hugo correctly published the [page resources] because we invoked the [`RelPermalink`] method on each resource. This is the expected behavior.
+## Example -- list without publishing
+Publish a section page without publishing the descendant pages. For example, to create a glossary:
+├── glossary/
+│ ├──
+│ ├──
+│ ├──
+│ └──
+Set the build options in front matter, using the `cascade` keyword to "cascade" the values down to descendant pages.
+{{< code-toggle file=content/glossary/ fm=true >}}
+title = 'Glossary'
+render = 'always'
+ list = 'local'
+ publishResources = false
+ render = 'never'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+To render the glossary:
+{{< code file=layouts/glossary/list.html >}}
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ <dt>{{ .Title }}</dt>
+ <dd>{{ .Content }}</dd>
+ {{ end }}
+{{< /code >}}
+The published site will have this structure:
+├── glossary/
+│ └── index.html
+└── index.html
+## Example -- publish without listing
+Publish a section's descendant pages without publishing the section page itself.
+├── books/
+│ ├──
+│ ├──
+│ └──
+Set the build options in front matter:
+{{< code-toggle file=content/books/ >}}
+title = 'Books'
+render = 'never'
+list = 'never'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+The published site will have this structure:
+├── books/
+│ ├── book-1/
+│ │ └── index.html
+│ └── book-2/
+│ └── index.html
+└── index.html
+## Example -- conditionally hide section
+Consider this example. A documentation site has a team of contributors with access to 20 custom shortcodes. Each shortcode takes several arguments, and requires documentation for the contributors to reference when using them.
+Instead of external documentation for the shortcodes, include an "internal" section that is hidden when building the production site.
+├── internal/
+│ ├── shortcodes/
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ └──
+│ └──
+├── reference/
+│ ├──
+│ ├──
+│ └──
+├── tutorials/
+│ ├──
+│ ├──
+│ └──
+Set the build options in front matter, using the `cascade` keyword to "cascade" the values down to descendant pages, and use the `target` keyword to target the production environment.
+{{< code-toggle file=content/internal/ >}}
+title = 'Internal'
+render = 'never'
+list = 'never'
+environment = 'production'
+{{< /code-toggle >}}
+The production site will have this structure:
+├── reference/
+│ ├── reference-1/
+│ │ └── index.html
+│ ├── reference-2/
+│ │ └── index.html
+│ └── index.html
+├── tutorials/
+│ ├── tutorial-1/
+│ │ └── index.html
+│ ├── tutorial-2/
+│ │ └── index.html
+│ └── index.html
+└── index.html
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+title: Comments
+description: Hugo ships with an internal Disqus template, but this isn't the only commenting system that will work with your new Hugo website.
+categories: [content management]
+keywords: [sections,content,organization]
+ docs:
+ parent: content-management
+ weight: 220
+weight: 220
+toc: true
+aliases: [/extras/comments/]
+Hugo ships with support for [Disqus](, a third-party service that provides comment and community capabilities to websites via JavaScript.
+Your theme may already support Disqus, but if not, it is easy to add to your templates via [Hugo's built-in Disqus partial][disquspartial].
+## Add Disqus
+Hugo comes with all the code you need to load Disqus into your templates. Before adding Disqus to your site, you'll need to [set up an account][disqussetup].
+### Configure Disqus
+Disqus comments require you set a single value in your [site's configuration file][configuration] like so:
+{{< code-toggle file="hugo" >}}
+shortname = 'your-disqus-shortname'
+{{</ code-toggle >}}
+For many websites, this is enough configuration. However, you also have the option to set the following in the [front matter] of a single content file:
+* `disqus_identifier`
+* `disqus_title`
+* `disqus_url`
+### Render Hugo's built-in Disqus partial template
+Disqus has its own [internal template](/templates/internal/#disqus) available, to render it add the following code where you want comments to appear:
+{{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}