path: root/common/paths/pathparser.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/paths/pathparser.go')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/paths/pathparser.go b/common/paths/pathparser.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..842d9307b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/paths/pathparser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package paths
+import (
+ "path"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+var defaultPathParser PathParser
+// PathParser parses a path into a Path.
+type PathParser struct {
+ // Maps the language code to its index in the languages/sites slice.
+ LanguageIndex map[string]int
+// Parse parses component c with path s into Path using the default path parser.
+func Parse(c, s string) *Path {
+ return defaultPathParser.Parse(c, s)
+// NormalizePathString returns a normalized path string using the very basic Hugo rules.
+func NormalizePathStringBasic(s string) string {
+ // All lower case.
+ s = strings.ToLower(s)
+ // Replace spaces with hyphens.
+ s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, " ", "-")
+ return s
+// Parse parses component c with path s into Path using Hugo's content path rules.
+func (parser PathParser) Parse(c, s string) *Path {
+ p, err := parser.parse(c, s)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return p
+func (pp *PathParser) parse(component, s string) (*Path, error) {
+ ss := NormalizePathStringBasic(s)
+ p, err := pp.doParse(component, ss)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if s != ss {
+ var err error
+ // Preserve the original case for titles etc.
+ p.unnormalized, err = pp.doParse(component, s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ } else {
+ p.unnormalized = p
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func (pp *PathParser) doParse(component, s string) (*Path, error) {
+ p := &Path{
+ component: component,
+ posContainerLow: -1,
+ posContainerHigh: -1,
+ posSectionHigh: -1,
+ posIdentifierLanguage: -1,
+ }
+ hasLang := pp.LanguageIndex != nil
+ hasLang = hasLang && (component == files.ComponentFolderContent || component == files.ComponentFolderLayouts)
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+ s = path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(s))
+ if s == "." {
+ s = ""
+ }
+ }
+ if s == "" {
+ s = "/"
+ }
+ // Leading slash, no trailing slash.
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "/") {
+ s = "/" + s
+ }
+ if s != "/" && s[len(s)-1] == '/' {
+ s = s[:len(s)-1]
+ }
+ p.s = s
+ slashCount := 0
+ for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ c := s[i]
+ switch c {
+ case '.':
+ if p.posContainerHigh == -1 {
+ var high int
+ if len(p.identifiers) > 0 {
+ high = p.identifiers[len(p.identifiers)-1].Low - 1
+ } else {
+ high = len(p.s)
+ }
+ id := types.LowHigh{Low: i + 1, High: high}
+ if len(p.identifiers) == 0 {
+ p.identifiers = append(p.identifiers, id)
+ } else if len(p.identifiers) == 1 {
+ // Check for a valid language.
+ s := p.s[id.Low:id.High]
+ if hasLang {
+ if _, found := pp.LanguageIndex[s]; found {
+ p.posIdentifierLanguage = 1
+ p.identifiers = append(p.identifiers, id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case '/':
+ slashCount++
+ if p.posContainerHigh == -1 {
+ p.posContainerHigh = i + 1
+ } else if p.posContainerLow == -1 {
+ p.posContainerLow = i + 1
+ }
+ if i > 0 {
+ p.posSectionHigh = i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isContentComponent := p.component == files.ComponentFolderContent || p.component == files.ComponentFolderArchetypes
+ isContent := isContentComponent && files.IsContentExt(p.Ext())
+ if isContent {
+ id := p.identifiers[len(p.identifiers)-1]
+ b := p.s[p.posContainerHigh : id.Low-1]
+ switch b {
+ case "index":
+ p.bundleType = PathTypeLeaf
+ case "_index":
+ p.bundleType = PathTypeBranch
+ default:
+ p.bundleType = PathTypeContentSingle
+ }
+ if slashCount == 2 && p.IsLeafBundle() {
+ p.posSectionHigh = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func ModifyPathBundleTypeResource(p *Path) {
+ if p.IsContent() {
+ p.bundleType = PathTypeContentResource
+ } else {
+ p.bundleType = PathTypeFile
+ }
+type PathType int
+const (
+ // A generic resource, e.g. a JSON file.
+ PathTypeFile PathType = iota
+ // All below are content files.
+ // A resource of a content type with front matter.
+ PathTypeContentResource
+ // E.g. /blog/
+ PathTypeContentSingle
+ // All bewlow are bundled content files.
+ // Leaf bundles, e.g. /blog/my-post/
+ PathTypeLeaf
+ // Branch bundles, e.g. /blog/
+ PathTypeBranch
+type Path struct {
+ s string
+ posContainerLow int
+ posContainerHigh int
+ posSectionHigh int
+ component string
+ bundleType PathType
+ identifiers []types.LowHigh
+ posIdentifierLanguage int
+ trimLeadingSlash bool
+ unnormalized *Path
+// TrimLeadingSlash returns a copy of the Path with the leading slash removed.
+func (p Path) TrimLeadingSlash() *Path {
+ p.trimLeadingSlash = true
+ return &p
+func (p *Path) norm(s string) string {
+ if p.trimLeadingSlash {
+ s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "/")
+ }
+ return s
+// IdentifierBase satifies identity.Identity.
+func (p *Path) IdentifierBase() string {
+ return p.Base()[1:]
+// Component returns the component for this path (e.g. "content").
+func (p *Path) Component() string {
+ return p.component
+// Container returns the base name of the container directory for this path.
+func (p *Path) Container() string {
+ if p.posContainerLow == -1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return p.norm(p.s[p.posContainerLow : p.posContainerHigh-1])
+// ContainerDir returns the container directory for this path.
+// For content bundles this will be the parent directory.
+func (p *Path) ContainerDir() string {
+ if p.posContainerLow == -1 || !p.IsBundle() {
+ return p.Dir()
+ }
+ return p.norm(p.s[:p.posContainerLow-1])
+// Section returns the first path element (section).
+func (p *Path) Section() string {
+ if p.posSectionHigh <= 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return p.norm(p.s[1:p.posSectionHigh])
+// IsContent returns true if the path is a content file (e.g.
+// Note that this will also return true for content files in a bundle.
+func (p *Path) IsContent() bool {
+ return p.BundleType() >= PathTypeContentResource
+// isContentPage returns true if the path is a content file (e.g.,
+// but nof if inside a leaf bundle.
+func (p *Path) isContentPage() bool {
+ return p.BundleType() >= PathTypeContentSingle
+// Name returns the last element of path.
+func (p *Path) Name() string {
+ if p.posContainerHigh > 0 {
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh:]
+ }
+ return p.s
+// Name returns the last element of path withhout any extension.
+func (p *Path) NameNoExt() string {
+ if i := p.identifierIndex(0); i != -1 {
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh : p.identifiers[i].Low-1]
+ }
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh:]
+// Name returns the last element of path withhout any language identifier.
+func (p *Path) NameNoLang() string {
+ i := p.identifierIndex(p.posIdentifierLanguage)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return p.Name()
+ }
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh:p.identifiers[i].Low-1] + p.s[p.identifiers[i].High:]
+// BaseNameNoIdentifier returns the logcical base name for a resource without any idenifier (e.g. no extension).
+// For bundles this will be the containing directory's name, e.g. "blog".
+func (p *Path) BaseNameNoIdentifier() string {
+ if p.IsBundle() {
+ return p.Container()
+ }
+ return p.NameNoIdentifier()
+// NameNoIdentifier returns the last element of path withhout any identifier (e.g. no extension).
+func (p *Path) NameNoIdentifier() string {
+ if len(p.identifiers) > 0 {
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh : p.identifiers[len(p.identifiers)-1].Low-1]
+ }
+ return p.s[p.posContainerHigh:]
+// Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory.
+func (p *Path) Dir() (d string) {
+ if p.posContainerHigh > 0 {
+ d = p.s[:p.posContainerHigh-1]
+ }
+ if d == "" {
+ d = "/"
+ }
+ d = p.norm(d)
+ return
+// Path returns the full path.
+func (p *Path) Path() (d string) {
+ return p.norm(p.s)
+// Unmormalized returns the Path with the original case preserved.
+func (p *Path) Unmormalized() *Path {
+ return p.unnormalized
+// PathNoLang returns the Path but with any language identifier removed.
+func (p *Path) PathNoLang() string {
+ return p.base(true, false)
+// PathNoIdentifier returns the Path but with any identifier (ext, lang) removed.
+func (p *Path) PathNoIdentifier() string {
+ return p.base(false, false)
+// PathRel returns the path relativeto the given owner.
+func (p *Path) PathRel(owner *Path) string {
+ ob := owner.Base()
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(ob, "/") {
+ ob += "/"
+ }
+ return strings.TrimPrefix(p.Path(), ob)
+// BaseRel returns the base path relative to the given owner.
+func (p *Path) BaseRel(owner *Path) string {
+ ob := owner.Base()
+ if ob == "/" {
+ ob = ""
+ }
+ return p.Base()[len(ob)+1:]
+// For content files, Base returns the path without any identifiers (extension, language code etc.).
+// Any 'index' as the last path element is ignored.
+// For other files (Resources), any extension is kept.
+func (p *Path) Base() string {
+ return p.base(!p.isContentPage(), p.IsBundle())
+// BaseNoLeadingSlash returns the base path without the leading slash.
+func (p *Path) BaseNoLeadingSlash() string {
+ return p.Base()[1:]
+func (p *Path) base(preserveExt, isBundle bool) string {
+ if len(p.identifiers) == 0 {
+ return p.norm(p.s)
+ }
+ if preserveExt && len(p.identifiers) == 1 {
+ // Preserve extension.
+ return p.norm(p.s)
+ }
+ id := p.identifiers[len(p.identifiers)-1]
+ high := id.Low - 1
+ if isBundle {
+ high = p.posContainerHigh - 1
+ }
+ if high == 0 {
+ high++
+ }
+ if !preserveExt {
+ return p.norm(p.s[:high])
+ }
+ // For txt files etc. we want to preserve the extension.
+ id = p.identifiers[0]
+ return p.norm(p.s[:high] + p.s[id.Low-1:id.High])
+func (p *Path) Ext() string {
+ return p.identifierAsString(0)
+func (p *Path) Lang() string {
+ return p.identifierAsString(1)
+func (p *Path) Identifier(i int) string {
+ return p.identifierAsString(i)
+func (p *Path) Identifiers() []string {
+ ids := make([]string, len(p.identifiers))
+ for i, id := range p.identifiers {
+ ids[i] = p.s[id.Low:id.High]
+ }
+ return ids
+func (p *Path) IsHTML() bool {
+ return files.IsHTML(p.Ext())
+func (p *Path) BundleType() PathType {
+ return p.bundleType
+func (p *Path) IsBundle() bool {
+ return p.bundleType >= PathTypeLeaf
+func (p *Path) IsBranchBundle() bool {
+ return p.bundleType == PathTypeBranch
+func (p *Path) IsLeafBundle() bool {
+ return p.bundleType == PathTypeLeaf
+func (p *Path) identifierAsString(i int) string {
+ i = p.identifierIndex(i)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ id := p.identifiers[i]
+ return p.s[id.Low:id.High]
+func (p *Path) identifierIndex(i int) int {
+ if i < 0 || i >= len(p.identifiers) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return i
+// HasExt returns true if the Unix styled path has an extension.
+func HasExt(p string) bool {
+ for i := len(p) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if p[i] == '.' {
+ return true
+ }
+ if p[i] == '/' {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return false