path: root/docs/config.toml
diff options
authorBjørn Erik Pedersen <>2017-07-18 10:33:58 +0200
committerBjørn Erik Pedersen <>2017-07-18 10:33:58 +0200
commit4c220c4ac2302b6c0a535c1099f2d393d57049c6 (patch)
tree76036635bff9d53416f0de68c266dd989a30de45 /docs/config.toml
parentdeccc54004cbe88ddbf8f3f951d3178dc0693189 (diff)
parent6dbde8d731f221b027c0c60b772ba82dad759943 (diff)
Fixes #3709
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/config.toml')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/docs/config.toml b/docs/config.toml
index 075576e18..aafb6aa00 100644
--- a/docs/config.toml
+++ b/docs/config.toml
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
+baseURL = ""
+paginate = 100
+defaultContentLanguage = "en"
+enableEmoji = true
+# Set the unicode character used for the "return" link in page footnotes.
+footnotereturnlinkcontents = "↩"
+languageCode = "en-us"
+metaDataFormat = "yaml"
title = "Hugo: A Fast and Flexible Website Generator"
-baseurl = ""
-MetaDataFormat = "yaml"
+theme = "gohugoioTheme"
+googleAnalytics = "UA-7131036-4"
pluralizeListTitles = false
# We do redirects via Netlify's _redirects file, generated by Hugo (see "outputs" below).
disableAliases = true
- plainIDAnchors = true
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "REDIR" ]
@@ -23,113 +31,191 @@ baseName = "_redirects"
isPlainText = true
notAlternative = true
+twitter = "GoHugoIO"
- description = "Documentation of Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator built with love by spf13, bep and friends in Go"
- author = "Steve Francia (spf13) and friends"
- release = "0.26-DEV"
+ description = "The world’s fastest framework for building websites"
+ ## Used for views in rendered HTML (i.e., rather than using the .Hugo variable)
+ release = "Hugo-Next"
+ ## Setting this to true will add a "noindex" to *EVERY* page on the site
+ removefromexternalsearch = false
+ ## Gh repo for site footer (include trailing slash)
+ ghrepo = ""
+ ### Edit content repo (set to automatically enter "edit" mode; this is good for "improve this page" links)
+ ghdocsrepo = ""
+ ## Gitter URL
+ gitter = ""
+ ## Discuss Forum URL
+ forum = ""
+ ## Google Tag Manager
+ gtmid = ""
+ # First one is picked as the Twitter card image if not set on page.
+ images = ["images/gohugoio-card.png"]
+ flex_box_interior_classes = "flex-auto w-100 w-40-l mr3 mb3 bg-white ba b--moon-gray nested-copy-line-height"
+ #sidebar_direction = "sidebar_left"
+## Configuration for BlackFriday markdown parser:
+ plainIDAnchors = true
+ hrefTargetBlank = true
+ angledQuotes = false
+ latexDashes = true
+## As of v0.20, all content files include a default "categories" value that's the same as the section. This was a cheap future-proofing method and should/could be changed accordingly.
- tag = "tags"
- group = "groups"
- name = "Download Hugo"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-download'></i>"
- url = ""
- weight = -200
- name = "Site Showcase"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-cubes'></i>"
- url = "/showcase/"
- weight = -180
- name = "Theme Showcase"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-puzzle-piece'></i>"
- url = ""
- weight = -170
- name = "Press & Articles"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-bullhorn'></i>"
- url = "/community/press/"
- weight = -160
- name = "Discuss Hugo"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-comments'></i>"
- url = ""
- weight = -150
- name = "About Hugo"
- identifier = "about"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i>"
- weight = -110
- name = "Release Notes"
- url = "/release-notes/"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-newspaper-o'></i>"
- weight = -111
- name = "Getting Started"
- identifier = "getting started"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-road'></i>"
- weight = -100
- name = "Content"
- identifier = "content"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-file-text'></i>"
- weight = -90
+ category = "categories"
+# High level items
+ name = "About Hugo"
+ weight = 1
+ identifier = "about"
+ url = "/about/"
+ name = "Getting Started"
+ weight = 5
+ identifier = "getting-started"
+ url = "/getting-started/"
+ name = "Themes"
+ weight = 15
+ identifier = "themes"
+ post = "break"
+ url = "/themes/"
+# Core Menus
+ name = "Content Management"
+ weight = 20
+ identifier = "content-management"
+ post = "expanded"
+ url = "/content-management/"
+ name = "Templates"
+ weight = 25
+ identifier = "templates"
+ url = "/templates/"
+ name = "Functions"
+ weight = 30
+ identifier = "functions"
+ url = "/functions/"
+ name = "Variables"
+ weight = 35
+ identifier = "variables"
+ url = "/variables/"
+ name = "CLI"
+ weight = 40
+ post = "break"
+ identifier = "commands"
+ url = "/commands/"
+ name = "Troubleshooting"
+ weight = 60
+ identifier = "troubleshooting"
+ url = "/troubleshooting/"
+ name = "Tools"
+ weight = 70
+ identifier = "tools"
+ url = "/tools/"
+ name = "Hosting & Deployment"
+ weight = 80
+ identifier = "hosting-and-deployment"
+ url = "/hosting-and-deployment/"
+ name = "Contribute"
+ weight = 100
+ post = "break"
+ identifier = "contribute"
+ url = "/contribute/"
+# name = "Tags"
+# weight = 120
+# identifier = "tags"
+# url = "/tags/"
+# [[]]
+# name = "Categories"
+# weight = 140
+# identifier = "categories"
+# url = "/categories/"
+######## QUICKLINKS
+ [[menu.quicklinks]]
+ name = "Fundamentals"
+ weight = 1
+ identifier = "fundamentals"
+ url = "/tags/fundamentals/"
+ name = "News"
+ weight = 1
+ identifier = "news"
+ url = "/news/"
+ [[]]
+ name = "Docs"
+ weight = 5
+ identifier = "docs"
+ url = "/documentation/"
+ [[]]
name = "Themes"
+ weight = 10
identifier = "themes"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-desktop'></i>"
- weight = -85
- parent = "themes"
- name = "Theme Showcase"
- url = ""
- weight = -170
- name = "Templates"
- identifier = "layout"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-columns'></i>"
- weight = -80
- name = "Taxonomies"
- identifier = "taxonomy"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-tags'></i>"
- weight = -70
- name = "Extras"
- identifier = "extras"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-gift'></i>"
- weight = -60
+ url = ""
+ # Anything with a weight > 100 gets an external icon
+ [[]]
name = "Community"
+ weight = 150
+ icon = true
identifier = "community"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-group'></i>"
- weight = -50
- parent = "community"
- name = "Discussion Forum"
+ post = "external"
url = ""
- weight = 150
- name = "Tutorials"
- identifier = "tutorials"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-book'></i>"
- weight = -40
- name = "Troubleshooting"
- identifier = "troubleshooting"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-wrench'></i>"
- weight = -30
- name = "Tools"
- url = "/tools/"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-cogs'></i>"
- weight = -25
- name = "Hugo Cmd Reference"
- identifier = "commands"
- pre = "<i class='fa fa-space-shuttle'></i>"
- weight = -20
- url = "/commands/"
+ [[]]
+ name = "GitHub"
+ weight = 200
+ identifier = "github"
+ post = "external"
+ url = ""