AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-20Implement support for bash & completion flow generationisidentical/feature/shell-completionBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-19Embed the structurally defined flows into ZSHBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-19more refinementsBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-18fish generation etc.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-16xBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-16Refine zsh to suggest URLs after methods.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-10Automate ZSH completion.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-10Improve single-binary method wording (#1399)Jan Brasna
2022-05-09Typo fix (#1397)Standa Opichal
2022-05-09Fix-up standalone binary docs. (#1396)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-09updated fish completions for httpie 3.2.1 (#1394)Jannik Vieten
2022-05-09Update release-linux-standalone.ymlBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-09Standalone binary documentation.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Use the proper directory name for the choco action. (#1392)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Update the chocolatey spec (#1391)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Automatically attach debian packages and linux binaries to the release (#1390)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Changelog for Taskaya
2022-05-06Mask the stdout/stderr for the inner daemon process on MacOS (#1389)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Checking headers to determine auto-streaming (#1383)Brian Egleston
2022-05-05Use make install to get the dependencies as wellBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Create the virtual env for the build action.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Final release prep for 3.2.0 (#1387)3.2.0Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Add missing changelog entries (#1386)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Contributors for 3.2.0 (#1374)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Automatic release update warnings. (#1336)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Man page fixes (#1364)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Hide pretty help (#1384)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Don't make bold the default for pie themes (#1385)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Update installation instructions for debian (#1373)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Refactor palette (#1378)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-03Deprecate --history-print (#1380)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-03Use sentence case for the group names in the parser (#1381)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-28Skip on pyOpenSSL (#1376)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-28Disable PackIt CI on the PRs (#1375)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-16Fix typos (user-facing and non-user-facing) (#1357)luzpaz
2022-04-15Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3 to 4 (#1355)dependabot[bot]
2022-04-14Explain that we lost 54k stars in the README with a link to blog postJakub Roztocil
2022-04-14Single binary executables (#1330)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Don't block users with the warning thread. (#1350)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14[Major] UI Enhancements (#1321)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Add support for sending secure cookies over localhost (#1327)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Use the raw request version when the original is not accessible (#1352)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Limit concurrency of our test workflow (#1353)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-11Bump actions/stale from 4 to 5 (#1347)dependabot[bot]
2022-04-03Implement support for multiple headers with the same name in sessions (#1335)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-03Add `httpie cli plugins` in favor of the new cli namespace. (#1320)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-03Don't send `Content-Length` for `OPTIONS` requests when there is no data. (#1...Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-01Ping werkzeug to <2.1.0 (#1345)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-22Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 1 to 2 (#1332)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-22Bump peter-evans/find-comment from 1 to 2 (#1333)dependabot[bot]