AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-05`render_description()` and layout explorationisidentical/feature/dont-crop-stylesJakub Roztocil
2022-05-04xBatuhan Taskaya
2022-04-29Prioritize pie styles.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-29Display all choices on --helpBatuhan Taskaya
2022-04-28Disable PackIt CI on the PRs (#1375)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-16Fix typos (user-facing and non-user-facing) (#1357)luzpaz
2022-04-15Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3 to 4 (#1355)dependabot[bot]
2022-04-14Explain that we lost 54k stars in the README with a link to blog postJakub Roztocil
2022-04-14Single binary executables (#1330)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Don't block users with the warning thread. (#1350)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14[Major] UI Enhancements (#1321)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Add support for sending secure cookies over localhost (#1327)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Use the raw request version when the original is not accessible (#1352)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-14Limit concurrency of our test workflow (#1353)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-11Bump actions/stale from 4 to 5 (#1347)dependabot[bot]
2022-04-03Implement support for multiple headers with the same name in sessions (#1335)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-03Add `httpie cli plugins` in favor of the new cli namespace. (#1320)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-03Don't send `Content-Length` for `OPTIONS` requests when there is no data. (#1...Batuhan Taskaya
2022-04-01Ping werkzeug to <2.1.0 (#1345)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-22Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 1 to 2 (#1332)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-22Bump peter-evans/find-comment from 1 to 2 (#1333)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-14Fix/tweak docsJakub Roztocil
2022-03-12Fix broken docs link (#1322)Ethan Mills
2022-03-09Integrate automatic releases. (#1315)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-08Add table headers for upgrade flags (#1314)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-08Update chocolatey for releaseBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-08Release prep for 3.1.0 (#1313)3.1.0Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-08Decouple parser definition from argparse (#1293)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Fix documentation styling errors.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Change error messages to use a better format.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07TweakJakub Roztocil
2022-03-07Tweak SECURITY and add a Security policy section to docsJakub Roztocil
2022-03-07Polish sessions docsJakub Roztocil
2022-03-07Apply suggestions from the reviewBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Implement new style cookiesBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Fix the tests with the latest layoutBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Tweak compact helpJakub Roztocil
2022-03-07Make the naked invocation display a compacted helpBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Mention about interactive prompt on key passphrasesBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Implement support for private key passphrasesBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Style fix on the changelogBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Add changelog entryBatuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Update httpie/uploads.pyJakub Roztocil
2022-03-07Prevent data race happening between `` and ``Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-07Introduce a mode to suppress all warnings (#1283)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-03Replaced unmaintained OAuth plugin with new httpie-oauth1 plugin. (#1302)Hoylen Sue
2022-03-03Fix displaying of status code without a status message. (#1301)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-03-03Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#1311)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-01Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3 (#1307)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-01Update commands for Arch (#1306)Sebastian Stasiak