/* htop - DebugMemory.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include #include #include #include #include #undef strdup #undef malloc #undef realloc #undef calloc #undef free #include "DebugMemory.h" /*{ typedef struct DebugMemoryItem_ DebugMemoryItem; struct DebugMemoryItem_ { int magic; void* data; char* file; int line; DebugMemoryItem* next; }; typedef struct DebugMemory_ { DebugMemoryItem* first; int allocations; int deallocations; int size; bool totals; FILE* file; } DebugMemory; }*/ #if defined(DEBUG) static DebugMemory* singleton = NULL; void DebugMemory_new() { if (singleton) return; singleton = malloc(sizeof(DebugMemory)); singleton->first = NULL; singleton->allocations = 0; singleton->deallocations = 0; singleton->size = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC singleton->file = fopen("/tmp/htop-debug-alloc.txt", "w"); #else singleton->file = NULL; #endif singleton->totals = true; //singleton->file = NULL; } void* DebugMemory_malloc(int size, char* file, int line, char* str) { void* data = malloc(size); DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); if (singleton->file) { if (singleton->totals) fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t", singleton->size); fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d (%s)\n", size, file, line, str); } return data; } void* DebugMemory_calloc(int a, int b, char* file, int line) { void* data = calloc(a, b); DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); if (singleton->file) { if (singleton->totals) fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t", singleton->size); fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", a*b, file, line); } return data; } void* DebugMemory_realloc(void* ptr, int size, char* file, int line, char* str) { if (ptr != NULL) DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(ptr, file, line); void* data = realloc(ptr, size); DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); if (singleton->file) { if (singleton->totals) fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t", singleton->size); fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d (%s)\n", size, file, line, str); } return data; } void* DebugMemory_strdup(const char* str, char* file, int line) { assert(str); char* data = strdup(str); DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); if (singleton->file) { if (singleton->totals) fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t", singleton->size); fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", (int) strlen(str), file, line); } return data; } void DebugMemory_free(void* data, char* file, int line) { if (!data) return; DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(data, file, line); if (singleton->file) { if (singleton->totals) fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t", singleton->size); fprintf(singleton->file, "free\t%s:%d\n", file, line); } free(data); } void DebugMemory_assertSize() { if (!singleton->first) { assert (singleton->size == 0); } DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; int i = 0; while (walk != NULL) { assert(walk->magic == 11061980); i++; walk = walk->next; } assert (i == singleton->size); } int DebugMemory_getBlockCount() { if (!singleton->first) { return 0; } DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; int i = 0; while (walk != NULL) { assert(walk->magic == 11061980); i++; walk = walk->next; } return i; } void DebugMemory_registerAllocation(void* data, char* file, int line) { if (!singleton) DebugMemory_new(); DebugMemory_assertSize(); DebugMemoryItem* item = (DebugMemoryItem*) malloc(sizeof(DebugMemoryItem)); item->magic = 11061980; item->data = data; item->file = file; item->line = line; item->next = NULL; int val = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); if (singleton->first == NULL) { assert (val == 0); singleton->first = item; } else { DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; while (true) { if (walk->next == NULL) { walk->next = item; break; } assert(walk->magic == 11061980); walk = walk->next; } } int nval = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); assert(nval == val + 1); singleton->allocations++; singleton->size++; DebugMemory_assertSize(); } void DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(void* data, char* file, int line) { assert(singleton); assert(singleton->first); DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; DebugMemoryItem* prev = NULL; int val = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); while (walk != NULL) { assert(walk->magic == 11061980); if (walk->data == data) { if (prev == NULL) { singleton->first = walk->next; } else { prev->next = walk->next; } free(walk); assert(DebugMemory_getBlockCount() == val - 1); singleton->deallocations++; singleton->size--; DebugMemory_assertSize(); return; } DebugMemoryItem* tmp = walk; walk = walk->next; prev = tmp; } DebugMemory_report(); fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find allocation for memory freed at %s:%d\n", file, line); assert(false); } void DebugMemory_report() { assert(singleton); DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; int i = 0; while (walk != NULL) { assert(walk->magic == 11061980); i++; fprintf(stderr, "%p %s:%d\n", walk->data, walk->file, walk->line); DebugMemoryItem* old = walk; walk = walk->next; free(old->file); free(old); } fprintf(stderr, "Total:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%d allocations\n", singleton->allocations); fprintf(stderr, "%d deallocations\n", singleton->deallocations); fprintf(stderr, "%d size\n", singleton->size); fprintf(stderr, "%d non-freed blocks\n", i); if (singleton->file) fclose(singleton->file); free(singleton); } #elif defined(DEBUGLITE) //#include "efence.h" #endif