path: root/plpa-1.3.2/src/libplpa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plpa-1.3.2/src/libplpa/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/plpa-1.3.2/src/libplpa/ b/plpa-1.3.2/src/libplpa/
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index 6ee3e4ac..00000000
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-/* -*- c -*-
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
- * All rights reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Cisco, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Additional copyrights may follow
- *
- * $HEADER$
- */
- * Some notes about the declarations and definitions in this file:
- *
- * This file is a mix of internal and public declarations.
- * Applications are warned against using the internal types; they are
- * subject to change with no warning.
- *
- * The PLPA_NAME() and PLPA_NAME_CAPS() macros are used for prefixing
- * the PLPA type names, enum names, and symbol names when embedding
- * PLPA. When not embedding, the default prefix is "plpa_" (or
- * "PLPA_" when using PLPA_NAME_CAPS()). Hence, if you see a
- * declaration like this:
- *
- * int PLPA_NAME(foo)(void);
- *
- * It's a function named plpa_foo() that returns an int and takes no
- * arguments when building PLPA as a standalone library. It's a
- * function with a different prefix than "plpa_" when the
- * --enable-included-mode and --with-plpa-symbol-prefix options are
- * supplied to PLPA's configure script.
- *
- * Note that this header file differentiates between a
- * processor/socket/core ID and a processor/socket/core number. The
- * "ID" is the integer that is used by Linux to identify that entity.
- * These integers may or may not be contiguous. The "number" is a
- * contiguous set of integers starting with 0 and going to (count-1),
- * where (count) is the number of processors, sockets, and cores
- * (where the count of cores is dependent upon the socket). Hence,
- * "number" is a human convenience, and "ID" is the actual Linux
- * identifier.
- */
-#ifndef PLPA_H
-#define PLPA_H
-/* Absolutely must not include <sched.h> here or it will generate
- conflicts. */
-/* For memset() */
-#include <string.h>
-/* For pid_t and size_t */
-#include <sys/types.h>
- * Internal types
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* If we're building PLPA itself, <plpa_config.h> will have already
- been included. But <plpa_config.h> is a private header file; it is
- not installed into $includedir. Hence, applications including
- <plpa.h> will not have included <plpa_config.h> (this is by
- design). So include just enough information here to allow us to
- continue. */
-#ifndef PLPA_CONFIG_H
-/* The PLPA symbol prefix */
-#define PLPA_SYM_PREFIX plpa_
-/* The PLPA symbol prefix in all caps */
-/* Preprocessors are fun -- the double inderection is unfortunately
- necessary. */
-#define PLPA_MUNGE_NAME(a, b) PLPA_MUNGE_NAME2(a, b)
-#define PLPA_MUNGE_NAME2(a, b) a ## b
- * Public type
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Values that can be returned from plpa_api_probe() */
-typedef enum {
- /* Sentinel value */
- /* sched_setaffinity syscall available */
- /* syscall unavailable/unimplemented */
- /* we experienced some strange failure that the user should report */
-} PLPA_NAME(api_type_t);
- * Internal types
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Internal PLPA bitmask type. This type should not be used by
- external applications! */
-typedef unsigned long int PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t);
-#define PLPA_BITMASK_T_NUM_BITS (sizeof(PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t)) * 8)
-#define PLPA_BITMASK_CPU_MAX 1024
- * Public type
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Public type for the PLPA cpu set. */
-typedef struct { PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t) bitmask[PLPA_BITMASK_NUM_ELEMENTS]; } PLPA_NAME(cpu_set_t);
- * Internal macros
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Internal macro for identifying the byte in a bitmask array. This
- macro should not be used by external applications! */
-#define PLPA_CPU_BYTE(num) ((num) / PLPA_BITMASK_T_NUM_BITS)
-/* Internal macro for identifying the bit in a bitmask array. This
- macro should not be used by external applications! */
-#define PLPA_CPU_BIT(num) ((num) % PLPA_BITMASK_T_NUM_BITS)
- * Public macros
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Public macro to zero out a PLPA cpu set (analogous to the FD_ZERO()
- macro; see select(2)). */
-#define PLPA_CPU_ZERO(cpuset) \
- memset((cpuset), 0, sizeof(PLPA_NAME(cpu_set_t)))
-/* Public macro to set a bit in a PLPA cpu set (analogous to the
- FD_SET() macro; see select(2)). */
-#define PLPA_CPU_SET(num, cpuset) \
- (cpuset)->bitmask[PLPA_CPU_BYTE(num)] |= ((PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t))1 << PLPA_CPU_BIT(num))
-/* Public macro to clear a bit in a PLPA cpu set (analogous to the
- FD_CLR() macro; see select(2)). */
-#define PLPA_CPU_CLR(num, cpuset) \
- (cpuset)->bitmask[PLPA_CPU_BYTE(num)] &= ~((PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t))1 << PLPA_CPU_BIT(num))
-/* Public macro to test if a bit is set in a PLPA cpu set (analogous
- to the FD_ISSET() macro; see select(2)). */
-#define PLPA_CPU_ISSET(num, cpuset) \
- (0 != (((cpuset)->bitmask[PLPA_CPU_BYTE(num)]) & ((PLPA_NAME(bitmask_t))1 << PLPA_CPU_BIT(num))))
- * Public functions
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* Setup PLPA internals. This function is optional; it will be
- automatically invoked by all the other API functions if you do not
- invoke it explicitly. Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(init)(void);
-/* Check what API is on this machine. If api_type returns
- PLPA_PROBE_OK, then PLPA can function properly on this machine.
- Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(api_probe)(PLPA_NAME(api_type_t) *api_type);
-/* Set processor affinity. Use the PLPA_CPU_* macros to set the
- cpuset value. The same rules and restrictions about pid apply as
- they do for the sched_setaffinity(2) system call. Bits set in the
- CPU mask correspond to Linux processor IDs. Returns 0 upon
- success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(sched_setaffinity)(pid_t pid, size_t cpusetsize,
- const PLPA_NAME(cpu_set_t) *cpuset);
-/* Get processor affinity. Use the PLPA_CPU_* macros to analyze the
- returned value of cpuset. The same rules and restrictions about
- pid apply as they do for the sched_getaffinity(2) system call.
- Bits set in the CPU mask corresopnd to Linux processor IDs.
- Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(sched_getaffinity)(pid_t pid, size_t cpusetsize,
- PLPA_NAME(cpu_set_t) *cpuset);
-/* Return whether topology information is available (i.e.,
- plpa_map_to_*, plpa_max_*). The topology functions will be
- available if supported == 1 and the function returns 0. */
-int PLPA_NAME(have_topology_information)(int *supported);
-/* Map (socket_id,core_id) tuple to virtual processor ID. processor_id is
- then suitable for use with the PLPA_CPU_* macros, probably leading
- to a call to plpa_sched_setaffinity(). Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(map_to_processor_id)(int socket_id, int core_id,
- int *processor_id);
-/* Map processor_id to (socket_id,core_id) tuple. The processor_id input is
- usually obtained from the return from the plpa_sched_getaffinity()
- call, using PLPA_CPU_ISSET to find individual bits in the map that
- were set/unset. plpa_map_to_socket_core() can map the bit indexes
- to a socket/core tuple. Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(map_to_socket_core)(int processor_id,
- int *socket_id, int *core_id);
-/* This function is deprecated and will disappear in a future release.
- It is exactly equivalent to calling
- plpa_get_processor_data(PLPA_COUNT_ALL, num_processors,
- max_processor_id). */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_processor_info)(int *num_processors, int *max_processor_id);
-/* Typedefs for specifying which processors / sockets / cores to count
- in get_processor_data() and get_processor_id() */
-typedef enum {
- /* Only count online processors */
- /* Only count offline processors */
- /* Count all processors (online and offline) */
-} PLPA_NAME(count_specification_t);
-/* Returns both the number of processors in a system and the maximum
- Linux virtual processor ID (because it may be higher than the
- number of processors if there are "holes" in the available Linux
- virtual processor IDs). The count_spec argument specifies whether
- to count all processors, only online processors, or only offline
- processors. Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_processor_data)(PLPA_NAME(count_specification_t) count_spec,
- int *num_processors, int *max_processor_id);
-/* Returns the Linux processor ID for the Nth processor. For example,
- if the Linux processor IDs have "holes", use this function to say
- "give me the Linux processor ID of the 4th processor." count_spec
- specifies whether to count online, offline, or all processors when
- looking for the processor_num'th processor. Returns 0 upon
- success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_processor_id)(int processor_num,
- PLPA_NAME(count_specification_t) count_spec,
- int *processor_id);
-/* Check to see if a given Linux processor ID exists / is online.
- Returns 0 on success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_processor_flags)(int processor_id, int *exists, int *online);
-/* Returns both the number of sockets in the system and the maximum
- socket ID number (in case there are "holes" in the list of available
- socket IDs). Returns 0 upon sucess. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_socket_info)(int *num_sockets, int *max_socket_id);
-/* Returns the Linux socket ID for the Nth socket. For example, if
- the socket IDs have "holes", use this function to say "give me the
- Linux socket ID of the 2nd socket." Linux does not specify the
- socket/core tuple information for offline processors, so a
- plpa_count_specification_t parameter is not used here. Returns 0
- upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_socket_id)(int socket_num, int *socket_id);
-/* Return both the number of cores and the max code ID for a given
- socket (in case there are "holes" in the list of available core
- IDs). Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_core_info)(int socket_id, int *num_cores, int *max_core_id);
-/* Given a specific socket, returns the Linux core ID for the Nth
- core. For example, if the core IDs have "holes", use this function
- to say "give me the Linux core ID of the 4th core on socket ID 7."
- Linux does not specify the socket/core tuple information for
- offline processors, so a plpa_count_specification_t parameter is
- not used here. Returns 0 upon success. Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_core_id)(int socket_id, int core_num, int *core_id);
-/* Check to see if a given Linux (socket_id,core_id) tuple exists / is
- online. Returns 0 on success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(get_core_flags)(int socket_id, int core_id,
- int *exists, int *online);
-/* Typedefs for specifying the cache behavior via
- plpa_set_cache_behavior() */
-typedef enum {
- /* Use the cache (default behavior); fills the cache right now if
- it's not already full */
- /* Never use the cache; always look up the information in
- the kernel */
- /* Refresh the cache right now */
-} PLPA_NAME(cache_behavior_t);
-/* Set PLPA's cache behavior. Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(set_cache_behavior)(PLPA_NAME(cache_behavior_t));
-/* Shut down PLPA. This function releases resources used by the PLPA.
- It should be the last PLPA function invoked, or can be used to
- forcibly cause PLPA to dump its topology cache and re-analyze the
- underlying system the next time another PLPA function is called.
- Specifically: it is safe to call plpa_init() (or any other PLPA
- function) again after plpa_finalized(). Returns 0 upon success. */
-int PLPA_NAME(finalize)(void);
-#endif /* PLPA_H */