path: root/linux/LinuxProcess.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'linux/LinuxProcess.c')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/linux/LinuxProcess.c b/linux/LinuxProcess.c
index 6bed3322..1d1f9004 100644
--- a/linux/LinuxProcess.c
+++ b/linux/LinuxProcess.c
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
/* semi-global */
long long btime;
+/* Used to identify kernel threads in Comm and Exe columns */
+static const char *const kthreadID = "KTHREAD";
ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
[0] = { .name = "", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
[PID] = { .name = "PID", .title = " PID ", .description = "Process/thread ID", .flags = 0, },
@@ -114,6 +117,8 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
[M_PSSWP] = { .name = "M_PSSWP", .title = " PSSWP ", .description = "shows proportional swap share of this mapping, Unlike \"Swap\", this does not take into account swapped out page of underlying shmem objects.", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SMAPS, },
[CTXT] = { .name = "CTXT", .title = " CTXT ", .description = "Context switches (incremental sum of voluntary_ctxt_switches and nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches)", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CTXT, },
[SECATTR] = { .name = "SECATTR", .title = " Security Attribute ", .description = "Security attribute of the process (e.g. SELinux or AppArmor)", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SECATTR, },
+ [PROC_COMM] = { .name = "COMM", .title = "COMM ", .description = "comm string of the process from /proc/[pid]/comm", .flags = 0, },
+ [PROC_EXE] = { .name = "EXE", .title = "EXE ", .description = "Basename of exe of the process from /proc/[pid]/exe", .flags = 0, },
[LAST_PROCESSFIELD] = { .name = "*** report bug! ***", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
@@ -130,6 +135,17 @@ ProcessPidColumn Process_pidColumns[] = {
{ .id = 0, .label = NULL },
+/* This function returns the string displayed in Command column, so that sorting
+ * happens on what is displayed - whether comm, full path, basename, etc.. So
+ * this follows LinuxProcess_writeField(COMM) and LinuxProcess_writeCommand */
+static const char* LinuxProcess_getCommandStr(const Process *this) {
+ const LinuxProcess *lp = (const LinuxProcess *)this;
+ if ((Process_isUserlandThread(this) && this->settings->showThreadNames) || !lp->mergedCommand.str) {
+ return this->comm;
+ }
+ return lp->mergedCommand.str;
Process* LinuxProcess_new(const Settings* settings) {
LinuxProcess* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(LinuxProcess));
Object_setClass(this, Class(LinuxProcess));
@@ -148,6 +164,9 @@ void Process_delete(Object* cast) {
+ free(this->procExe);
+ free(this->procComm);
+ free(this->mergedCommand.str);
@@ -195,6 +214,348 @@ static void LinuxProcess_printDelay(float delay_percent, char* buffer, int n) {
+TASK_COMM_LEN is defined to be 16 for /proc/[pid]/comm in man proc(5), but it is
+not available in an userspace header - so define it. Note: when colorizing a
+basename with the comm prefix, the entire basename (not just the comm prefix) is
+colorized for better readability, and it is implicit that only upto
+(TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) could be comm
+#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
+static bool findCommInCmdline(const char *comm, const char *cmdline, int cmdlineBasenameOffset, int *pCommStart, int *pCommEnd) {
+ /* Try to find procComm in tokenized cmdline - this might in rare cases
+ * mis-identify a string or fail, if comm or cmdline had been unsuitably
+ * modified by the process */
+ const char *token;
+ const char *tokenBase;
+ size_t tokenLen;
+ const size_t commLen = strlen(comm);
+ for (token = cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset; *token; ) {
+ for (tokenBase = token; *token && *token != '\n'; ++token) {
+ if (*token == '/') {
+ tokenBase = token + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ tokenLen = token - tokenBase;
+ if (((commLen < (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) && tokenLen == commLen) ||
+ (commLen == (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) && tokenLen >= commLen)) &&
+ strncmp(tokenBase, comm, commLen) == 0) {
+ *pCommStart = tokenBase - cmdline;
+ *pCommEnd = token - cmdline;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (*token) {
+ do {
+ ++token;
+ } while ('\n' == *token);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static int matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(const char *cmdline, int cmdlineBaseOffset, const char *exe, int exeBaseOffset, int exeBaseLen) {
+ int matchLen; /* matching length to be returned */
+ char delim; /* delimiter following basename */
+ /* cmdline prefix is an absolute path: it must match whole exe. */
+ if (cmdline[0] == '/') {
+ matchLen = exeBaseLen + exeBaseOffset;
+ if (strncmp(cmdline, exe, matchLen) == 0) {
+ delim = cmdline[matchLen];
+ if (delim == 0 || delim == '\n' || delim == ' ') {
+ return matchLen;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* cmdline prefix is a relative path: We need to first match the basename at
+ * cmdlineBaseOffset and then reverse match the cmdline prefix with the exe
+ * suffix. But there is a catch: Some processes modify their cmdline in ways
+ * that make htop's identification of the basename in cmdline unreliable.
+ * For e.g. /usr/libexec/gdm-session-worker modifies its cmdline to
+ * "gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-autologin]" and htop ends up with
+ * procCmdlineBasenameOffset at "gdm-autologin]". This issue could arise with
+ * chrome as well as it stores in cmdline its concatenated argument vector,
+ * without NUL delimiter between the arguments (which may contain a '/')
+ *
+ * So if needed, we adjust cmdlineBaseOffset to the previous (if any)
+ * component of the cmdline relative path, and retry the procedure. */
+ bool delimFound; /* if valid basename delimiter found */
+ do {
+ /* match basename */
+ matchLen = exeBaseLen + cmdlineBaseOffset;
+ if (cmdlineBaseOffset < exeBaseOffset &&
+ strncmp(cmdline + cmdlineBaseOffset, exe + exeBaseOffset, exeBaseLen) == 0) {
+ delim = cmdline[matchLen];
+ if (delim == 0 || delim == '\n' || delim == ' ') {
+ int i, j;
+ /* reverse match the cmdline prefix and exe suffix */
+ for (i = cmdlineBaseOffset - 1, j = exeBaseOffset - 1;
+ i >= 0 && cmdline[i] == exe[j]; --i, --j)
+ ;
+ /* full match, with exe suffix being a valid relative path */
+ if (i < 0 && exe[j] == '/') {
+ return matchLen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to find the previous potential cmdlineBaseOffset - it would be
+ * preceded by '/' or nothing, and delimited by ' ' or '\n' */
+ for (delimFound = false, cmdlineBaseOffset -= 2; cmdlineBaseOffset > 0; --cmdlineBaseOffset) {
+ if (delimFound) {
+ if (cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset - 1] == '/') {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset] == ' ' || cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset] == '\n') {
+ delimFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (delimFound);
+ return 0;
+/* stpcpy, but also converts newlines to spaces */
+static inline char *stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(char *dstStr, const char *srcStr) {
+ for (; *srcStr; ++srcStr) {
+ *dstStr++ = (*srcStr == '\n') ? ' ' : *srcStr;
+ }
+ *dstStr = 0;
+ return dstStr;
+This function makes the merged Command string. It also stores the offsets of the
+basename, comm w.r.t the merged Command string - these offsets will be used by
+LinuxProcess_writeCommand() for coloring. The merged Command string is also
+returned by LinuxProcess_getCommandStr() for searching, sorting and filtering.
+void LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
+ LinuxProcess *lp = (LinuxProcess *)this;
+ bool showMergedCommand = this->settings->showMergedCommand;
+ bool showProgramPath = this->settings->showProgramPath;
+ bool searchCommInCmdline = this->settings->findCommInCmdline;
+ bool stripExeFromCmdline = this->settings->stripExeFromCmdline;
+ /* lp->mergedCommand.str needs to be remade only if there is a change in its
+ * state consisting of the relevant settings and the three fields cmdline,
+ * comm and exe */
+ if (showMergedCommand == lp->mergedCommand.prevMergeSet && showProgramPath == lp->mergedCommand.prevPathSet &&
+ searchCommInCmdline == lp->mergedCommand.prevCommSet && stripExeFromCmdline == lp->mergedCommand.prevCmdlineSet &&
+ !lp->mergedCommand.cmdlineChanged && !lp->mergedCommand.commChanged && !lp->mergedCommand.exeChanged) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The field separtor "│" has been chosen such that it will not match any
+ * valid search string used for sorting or filtering */
+ const char *SEPARATOR = CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT];
+ const int SEPARATOR_LEN = strlen(SEPARATOR);
+ if (lp->mergedCommand.cmdlineChanged || lp->mergedCommand.commChanged || lp->mergedCommand.exeChanged) {
+ free(lp->mergedCommand.str);
+ /* Also accomodate two field separators and a NUL */
+ lp->mergedCommand.str = xMalloc(lp->mergedCommand.maxLen + 2*SEPARATOR_LEN + 1);
+ }
+ lp->mergedCommand.prevMergeSet = showMergedCommand;
+ lp->mergedCommand.prevPathSet = showProgramPath;
+ lp->mergedCommand.prevCommSet = searchCommInCmdline;
+ lp->mergedCommand.prevCmdlineSet = stripExeFromCmdline;
+ lp->mergedCommand.cmdlineChanged = false;
+ lp->mergedCommand.commChanged = false;
+ lp->mergedCommand.exeChanged = false;
+ char *str;
+ char *strStart = lp->mergedCommand.str;
+ const char *cmdline = this->comm;
+ const char *procExe = lp->procExe;
+ const char *procComm = lp->procComm;
+ int cmdlineBasenameOffset = lp->procCmdlineBasenameOffset;
+ if (!showMergedCommand || !procExe || !procComm) { /* fall back to cmdline */
+ if (showProgramPath) {
+ (void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(strStart, cmdline);
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseStart = cmdlineBasenameOffset;
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd = lp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd;
+ } else {
+ (void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(strStart, cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset);
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseStart = 0;
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd = lp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameOffset;
+ }
+ lp->mergedCommand.commEnd = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ int commStart = 0;
+ int commEnd = 0;
+ int exeBasenameOffset = lp->procExeBasenameOffset;
+ int exeLen = lp->procExeLen;
+ int exeBaseLen = exeLen - exeBasenameOffset;
+ bool commInCmdline = false;
+ /* Start with copying exe */
+ if (showProgramPath) {
+ str = stpcpy(strStart, procExe);
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseStart = exeBasenameOffset;
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd = exeLen;
+ } else {
+ str = stpcpy(strStart, procExe + exeBasenameOffset);
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseStart = 0;
+ lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd = exeBaseLen;
+ }
+ /* Try to match procComm with procExe's basename: This is reliable (predictable) */
+ if (strncmp(procExe + exeBasenameOffset, procComm, TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) == 0) {
+ commStart = lp->mergedCommand.baseStart;
+ commEnd = lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd;
+ } else if (searchCommInCmdline) {
+ /* commStart/commEnd will be adjusted later along with cmdline */
+ commInCmdline = findCommInCmdline(procComm, cmdline, cmdlineBasenameOffset, &commStart, &commEnd);
+ }
+ int matchLen = matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(cmdline, cmdlineBasenameOffset,
+ procExe, exeBasenameOffset, exeBaseLen);
+ /* Note: commStart, commEnd are offsets into RichString. But the multibyte
+ * separator (with size SEPARATOR_LEN) has size 1 in RichString. The offset
+ * adjustments below reflect this. */
+ if (commEnd) {
+ if (matchLen) { /* strip the matched exe prefix */
+ lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe = false;
+ cmdline += matchLen;
+ if (commInCmdline) {
+ commStart += str - strStart - matchLen;
+ commEnd += str - strStart - matchLen;
+ }
+ } else { /* cmdline will be a separate field */
+ lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe = true;
+ str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
+ if (commInCmdline) {
+ commStart += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
+ commEnd += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lp->mergedCommand.separateComm = false; /* procComm merged */
+ } else {
+ str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
+ commStart = str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
+ str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
+ commEnd = str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1; /* or commStart + strlen(procComm) */
+ if (matchLen) {
+ lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe = false;
+ if (stripExeFromCmdline) {
+ cmdline += matchLen;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe = true;
+ }
+ if (*cmdline) {
+ str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
+ }
+ lp->mergedCommand.separateComm = true; /* procComm a separate field */
+ }
+ /* Display cmdline if it hasn't been consumed by procExe */
+ if (*cmdline) {
+ (void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
+ }
+ lp->mergedCommand.commStart = commStart;
+ lp->mergedCommand.commEnd = commEnd;
+ return;
+static void LinuxProcess_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseattr, RichString* str) {
+ const LinuxProcess *lp = (const LinuxProcess *)this;
+ int strStart = RichString_size(str);
+ int baseStart = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.baseStart;
+ int baseEnd = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd;
+ bool highlightBaseName = this->settings->highlightBaseName;
+ RichString_append(str, attr, lp->mergedCommand.str);
+ if (lp->mergedCommand.commEnd) {
+ int commStart = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.commStart;
+ int commEnd = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.commEnd;
+ int commAttr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
+ if (lp->mergedCommand.separateComm) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, commAttr, commStart, commEnd - 1);
+ if (lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], commEnd, commEnd);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* If it was matched with procExe's basename, make it bold if needed */
+ if (commStart == baseStart && highlightBaseName) {
+ if (commEnd > baseEnd) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, commStart, baseEnd - 1);
+ baseStart = baseEnd;
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, commAttr, baseStart, commEnd - 1);
+ } else {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, commStart, commEnd - 1);
+ baseStart = commEnd;
+ }
+ } else {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, commAttr, commStart, commEnd - 1);
+ }
+ if (lp->mergedCommand.unmatchedExe) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], baseEnd, baseEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (baseStart < baseEnd && highlightBaseName) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, baseattr, baseStart, baseEnd - 1);
+ }
+static void LinuxProcess_writeCommandField(const Process *this, RichString *str, char *buffer, int n, int attr) {
+ /* This code is from Process_writeField for COMM, but we invoke
+ * LinuxProcess_writeCommand to display
+ * /proc/pid/exe (or its basename)│/proc/pid/comm│/proc/pid/cmdline */
+ int baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME];
+ if (this->settings->highlightThreads && Process_isThread(this)) {
+ attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD];
+ baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME];
+ }
+ if (!this->settings->treeView || this->indent == 0) {
+ LinuxProcess_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str);
+ } else {
+ char* buf = buffer;
+ int maxIndent = 0;
+ bool lastItem = (this->indent < 0);
+ int indent = (this->indent < 0 ? -this->indent : this->indent);
+ int vertLen = strlen(CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+ if (indent & (1U << i)) {
+ maxIndent = i+1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxIndent - 1; i++) {
+ if (indent & (1 << i)) {
+ if (buf - buffer + (vertLen + 3) > n) {
+ break;
+ }
+ buf = stpcpy(buf, CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT]);
+ buf = stpcpy(buf, " ");
+ } else {
+ if (buf - buffer + 4 > n) {
+ break;
+ }
+ buf = stpcpy(buf, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ n -= (buf - buffer);
+ const char* draw = CRT_treeStr[lastItem ? (this->settings->direction == 1 ? TREE_STR_BEND : TREE_STR_TEND) : TREE_STR_RTEE];
+ xSnprintf(buf, n, "%s%s ", draw, this->showChildren ? CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_SHUT] : CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_OPEN] );
+ RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE], buffer);
+ LinuxProcess_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str);
+ }
+ return;
static void LinuxProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) {
const LinuxProcess* lp = (const LinuxProcess*) this;
bool coloring = this->settings->highlightMegabytes;
@@ -289,6 +650,35 @@ static void LinuxProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, Proces
xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%5lu ", lp->ctxt_diff);
case SECATTR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%-30s ", lp->secattr ? lp->secattr : "?"); break;
+ case COMM: {
+ if ((Process_isUserlandThread(this) && this->settings->showThreadNames) || !lp->mergedCommand.str) {
+ Process_writeField(this, str, field);
+ } else {
+ LinuxProcess_writeCommandField(this, str, buffer, n, attr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case PROC_COMM: {
+ if (lp->procComm) {
+ attr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
+ /* 15 being (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) */
+ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-15.15s ", lp->procComm);
+ } else {
+ attr = CRT_colors[FAILED_READ];
+ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-15.15s ", Process_isKernelThread(lp) ? kthreadID : "?");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case PROC_EXE: {
+ if (lp->procExe) {
+ attr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME : PROCESS_BASENAME];
+ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-15.15s ", lp->procExe + lp->procExeBasenameOffset);
+ } else {
+ attr = CRT_colors[FAILED_READ];
+ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-15.15s ", Process_isKernelThread(lp) ? kthreadID : "?");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
Process_writeField(this, str, field);
@@ -385,6 +775,16 @@ static long LinuxProcess_compare(const void* v1, const void* v2) {
return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(p2->ctxt_diff, p1->ctxt_diff);
return SPACESHIP_NULLSTR(p1->secattr, p2->secattr);
+ case PROC_COMM: {
+ const char *comm1 = p1->procComm ? p1->procComm : (Process_isKernelThread(p1) ? kthreadID : "");
+ const char *comm2 = p2->procComm ? p2->procComm : (Process_isKernelThread(p2) ? kthreadID : "");
+ return strcmp(comm1, comm2);
+ }
+ case PROC_EXE: {
+ const char *exe1 = p1->procExe ? (p1->procExe + p1->procExeBasenameOffset) : (Process_isKernelThread(p1) ? kthreadID : "");
+ const char *exe2 = p2->procExe ? (p2->procExe + p2->procExeBasenameOffset) : (Process_isKernelThread(p2) ? kthreadID : "");
+ return strcmp(exe1, exe2);
+ }
return Process_compare(v1, v2);
@@ -401,5 +801,6 @@ const ProcessClass LinuxProcess_class = {
.delete = Process_delete,
.compare = LinuxProcess_compare
- .writeField = LinuxProcess_writeField
+ .writeField = LinuxProcess_writeField,
+ .getCommandStr = LinuxProcess_getCommandStr