path: root/Process.c
diff options
authorBenny Baumann <>2021-04-10 13:31:39 +0200
committerBenBE <>2021-05-23 09:22:21 +0200
commitbcb18ef82269c68d54a160290e5f8b2e939674ec (patch)
treee5967c038b2d11ed906b8fdda0babe114dab3c46 /Process.c
parentc0d02024407411f75a4d7d5b63f26b74c727027b (diff)
Move Process_makeCommandStr to global Process implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'Process.c')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Process.c b/Process.c
index 5334d885..4bcb9dc6 100644
--- a/Process.c
+++ b/Process.c
@@ -252,35 +252,389 @@ void Process_fillStarttimeBuffer(Process* this) {
strftime(this->starttime_show, sizeof(this->starttime_show) - 1, (this->starttime_ctime > (time(NULL) - 86400)) ? "%R " : "%b%d ", &date);
-static inline void Process_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseattr, RichString* str) {
- int start = RichString_size(str);
- int len = 0;
- const char* cmdline = this->cmdline;
- if (this->settings->highlightBaseName || !this->settings->showProgramPath) {
- int basename = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < this->cmdlineBasenameEnd; i++) {
- if (cmdline[i] == '/') {
- basename = i + 1;
- } else if (cmdline[i] == ':') {
- len = i + 1;
- break;
+ * TASK_COMM_LEN is defined to be 16 for /proc/[pid]/comm in man proc(5), but it is
+ * not available in an userspace header - so define it.
+ *
+ * Note: This is taken from LINUX headers, but implicitly taken for other platforms
+ * for sake of brevity.
+ *
+ * Note: when colorizing a basename with the comm prefix, the entire basename
+ * (not just the comm prefix) is colorized for better readability, and it is
+ * implicit that only upto (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) could be comm.
+ */
+#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
+static bool findCommInCmdline(const char *comm, const char *cmdline, int cmdlineBasenameStart, int *pCommStart, int *pCommEnd) {
+ /* Try to find procComm in tokenized cmdline - this might in rare cases
+ * mis-identify a string or fail, if comm or cmdline had been unsuitably
+ * modified by the process */
+ const char *tokenBase;
+ size_t tokenLen;
+ const size_t commLen = strlen(comm);
+ if (cmdlineBasenameStart < 0)
+ return false;
+ for (const char *token = cmdline + cmdlineBasenameStart; *token;) {
+ for (tokenBase = token; *token && *token != '\n'; ++token) {
+ if (*token == '/') {
+ tokenBase = token + 1;
- if (len == 0) {
- if (this->settings->showProgramPath) {
- start += basename;
- } else {
- cmdline += basename;
+ tokenLen = token - tokenBase;
+ if ((tokenLen == commLen || (tokenLen > commLen && commLen == (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1))) &&
+ strncmp(tokenBase, comm, commLen) == 0) {
+ *pCommStart = tokenBase - cmdline;
+ *pCommEnd = token - cmdline;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (*token) {
+ do {
+ ++token;
+ } while (*token && '\n' == *token);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static int matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(const char *cmdline, int cmdlineBaseOffset, const char *exe, int exeBaseOffset, int exeBaseLen) {
+ int matchLen; /* matching length to be returned */
+ char delim; /* delimiter following basename */
+ /* cmdline prefix is an absolute path: it must match whole exe. */
+ if (cmdline[0] == '/') {
+ matchLen = exeBaseLen + exeBaseOffset;
+ if (strncmp(cmdline, exe, matchLen) == 0) {
+ delim = cmdline[matchLen];
+ if (delim == 0 || delim == '\n' || delim == ' ') {
+ return matchLen;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* cmdline prefix is a relative path: We need to first match the basename at
+ * cmdlineBaseOffset and then reverse match the cmdline prefix with the exe
+ * suffix. But there is a catch: Some processes modify their cmdline in ways
+ * that make htop's identification of the basename in cmdline unreliable.
+ * For e.g. /usr/libexec/gdm-session-worker modifies its cmdline to
+ * "gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-autologin]" and htop ends up with
+ * proccmdlineBasenameEnd at "gdm-autologin]". This issue could arise with
+ * chrome as well as it stores in cmdline its concatenated argument vector,
+ * without NUL delimiter between the arguments (which may contain a '/')
+ *
+ * So if needed, we adjust cmdlineBaseOffset to the previous (if any)
+ * component of the cmdline relative path, and retry the procedure. */
+ bool delimFound; /* if valid basename delimiter found */
+ do {
+ /* match basename */
+ matchLen = exeBaseLen + cmdlineBaseOffset;
+ if (cmdlineBaseOffset < exeBaseOffset &&
+ strncmp(cmdline + cmdlineBaseOffset, exe + exeBaseOffset, exeBaseLen) == 0) {
+ delim = cmdline[matchLen];
+ if (delim == 0 || delim == '\n' || delim == ' ') {
+ int i, j;
+ /* reverse match the cmdline prefix and exe suffix */
+ for (i = cmdlineBaseOffset - 1, j = exeBaseOffset - 1;
+ i >= 0 && j >= 0 && cmdline[i] == exe[j]; --i, --j)
+ ;
+ /* full match, with exe suffix being a valid relative path */
+ if (i < 0 && j >= 0 && exe[j] == '/')
+ return matchLen;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to find the previous potential cmdlineBaseOffset - it would be
+ * preceded by '/' or nothing, and delimited by ' ' or '\n' */
+ for (delimFound = false, cmdlineBaseOffset -= 2; cmdlineBaseOffset > 0; --cmdlineBaseOffset) {
+ if (delimFound) {
+ if (cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset - 1] == '/') {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset] == ' ' || cmdline[cmdlineBaseOffset] == '\n') {
+ delimFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (delimFound);
+ return 0;
+/* stpcpy, but also converts newlines to spaces */
+static inline char *stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(char *dstStr, const char *srcStr) {
+ for (; *srcStr; ++srcStr) {
+ *dstStr++ = (*srcStr == '\n') ? ' ' : *srcStr;
+ }
+ *dstStr = 0;
+ return dstStr;
+ * This function makes the merged Command string. It also stores the offsets of the
+ * basename, comm w.r.t the merged Command string - these offsets will be used by
+ * Process_writeCommand() for coloring. The merged Command string is also
+ * returned by Process_getCommandStr() for searching, sorting and filtering.
+ */
+void Process_makeCommandStr(Process *this) {
+ ProcessMergedCommand *mc = &this->mergedCommand;
+ const Settings *settings = this->settings;
+ bool showMergedCommand = settings->showMergedCommand;
+ bool showProgramPath = settings->showProgramPath;
+ bool searchCommInCmdline = settings->findCommInCmdline;
+ bool stripExeFromCmdline = settings->stripExeFromCmdline;
+ /* this->mergedCommand.str needs updating only if its state or contents changed.
+ * Its content is based on the fields cmdline, comm, and exe. */
+ if (
+ mc->prevMergeSet == showMergedCommand &&
+ mc->prevPathSet == showProgramPath &&
+ mc->prevCommSet == searchCommInCmdline &&
+ mc->prevCmdlineSet == stripExeFromCmdline &&
+ !mc->cmdlineChanged &&
+ !mc->commChanged &&
+ !mc->exeChanged
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The field separtor "│" has been chosen such that it will not match any
+ * valid string used for searching or filtering */
+ const char *SEPARATOR = CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT];
+ const int SEPARATOR_LEN = strlen(SEPARATOR);
+ /* Check for any changed fields since we last built this string */
+ if (mc->cmdlineChanged || mc->commChanged || mc->exeChanged) {
+ free(mc->str);
+ /* Accommodate the column text, two field separators and terminating NUL */
+ mc->str = xCalloc(1, mc->maxLen + 2 * SEPARATOR_LEN + 1);
+ }
+ /* Preserve the settings used in this run */
+ mc->prevMergeSet = showMergedCommand;
+ mc->prevPathSet = showProgramPath;
+ mc->prevCommSet = searchCommInCmdline;
+ mc->prevCmdlineSet = stripExeFromCmdline;
+ /* Mark everything as unchanged */
+ mc->cmdlineChanged = false;
+ mc->commChanged = false;
+ mc->exeChanged = false;
+ /* Reset all locations that need extra handling when actually displaying */
+ mc->highlightCount = 0;
+ memset(mc->highlights, 0, sizeof(mc->highlights));
+ size_t mbMismatch = 0;
+ #define WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(_offset, _length, _attr, _flags) \
+ do { \
+ /* Check if we still have capacity */ \
+ assert(mc->highlightCount < ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)); \
+ if (mc->highlightCount >= ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)) \
+ continue; \
+ \
+ mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].offset = str - strStart + _offset - mbMismatch; \
+ mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].length = _length; \
+ mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].attr = _attr; \
+ mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].flags = _flags; \
+ mc->highlightCount++; \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ mbMismatch += SEPARATOR_LEN - 1; \
+ str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR); \
+ } while (0)
+ const int baseAttr = Process_isThread(this) ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME] : CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME];
+ const int commAttr = Process_isThread(this) ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_COMM] : CRT_colors[PROCESS_COMM];
+ const int delAttr = CRT_colors[FAILED_READ];
+ /* Establish some shortcuts to data we need */
+ const char *cmdline = this->cmdline;
+ const char *procComm = this->procComm;
+ const char *procExe = this->procExe;
+ char *strStart = mc->str;
+ char *str = strStart;
+ int cmdlineBasenameStart = this->cmdlineBasenameStart;
+ int cmdlineBasenameEnd = this->cmdlineBasenameEnd;
+ if (!cmdline) {
+ cmdlineBasenameStart = 0;
+ cmdlineBasenameEnd = 0;
+ cmdline = "(zombie)";
+ }
+ assert(cmdlineBasenameStart >= 0);
+ assert(cmdlineBasenameStart <= (int)strlen(cmdline));
+ if (!showMergedCommand || !procExe || !procComm) { /* fall back to cmdline */
+ if (showMergedCommand && !procExe && procComm && strlen(procComm)) { /* Prefix column with comm */
+ if (strncmp(cmdline + cmdlineBasenameStart, procComm, MINIMUM(TASK_COMM_LEN - 1, strlen(procComm))) != 0) {
+ str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
+ }
+ }
+ if (showProgramPath) {
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(cmdlineBasenameStart, cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameStart, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
+ (void)stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
+ } else {
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(0, cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameStart, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
+ (void)stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline + cmdlineBasenameStart);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ int exeLen = strlen(this->procExe);
+ int exeBasenameOffset = this->procExeBasenameOffset;
+ int exeBasenameLen = exeLen - exeBasenameOffset;
+ assert(exeBasenameOffset >= 0);
+ assert(exeBasenameOffset <= (int)strlen(procExe));
+ bool haveCommInExe = false;
+ if (procExe && procComm) {
+ haveCommInExe = strncmp(procExe + exeBasenameOffset, procComm, TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) == 0;
+ }
+ /* Start with copying exe */
+ if (showProgramPath) {
+ if (haveCommInExe)
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, commAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_COMM);
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
+ if (this->procExeDeleted)
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, delAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_DELETED);
+ str = stpcpy(str, procExe);
+ } else {
+ if (haveCommInExe)
+ if (this->procExeDeleted)
+ str = stpcpy(str, procExe + exeBasenameOffset);
+ }
+ bool haveCommInCmdline = false;
+ int commStart = 0;
+ int commEnd = 0;
+ /* Try to match procComm with procExe's basename: This is reliable (predictable) */
+ if (searchCommInCmdline) {
+ /* commStart/commEnd will be adjusted later along with cmdline */
+ haveCommInCmdline = findCommInCmdline(procComm, cmdline, cmdlineBasenameStart, &commStart, &commEnd);
+ }
+ int matchLen = matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(cmdline, cmdlineBasenameStart, procExe, exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen);
+ bool haveCommField = false;
+ if (!haveCommInExe && !haveCommInCmdline && procComm) {
+ str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
+ haveCommField = true;
+ }
+ if (matchLen) {
+ /* strip the matched exe prefix */
+ cmdline += matchLen;
+ commStart -= matchLen;
+ commEnd -= matchLen;
+ }
+ if (!matchLen || (haveCommField && *cmdline)) {
+ /* cmdline will be a separate field */
+ }
+ if (!haveCommInExe && haveCommInCmdline && !haveCommField)
+ WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(commStart, commEnd - commStart, commAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_COMM);
+ /* Display cmdline if it hasn't been consumed by procExe */
+ if (*cmdline)
+ (void)stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
+void Process_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseAttr, RichString* str) {
+ (void)baseAttr;
+ const ProcessMergedCommand *mc = &this->mergedCommand;
+ int strStart = RichString_size(str);
+ const bool highlightBaseName = this->settings->highlightBaseName;
+ const bool highlightSeparator = true;
+ const bool highlightDeleted = true;
+ if (!this->mergedCommand.str) {
+ int len = 0;
+ const char* cmdline = this->cmdline;
+ if (highlightBaseName || !this->settings->showProgramPath) {
+ int basename = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->cmdlineBasenameEnd; i++) {
+ if (cmdline[i] == '/') {
+ basename = i + 1;
+ } else if (cmdline[i] == ':') {
+ len = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
- len = this->cmdlineBasenameEnd - basename;
+ if (len == 0) {
+ if (this->settings->showProgramPath) {
+ strStart += basename;
+ } else {
+ cmdline += basename;
+ }
+ len = this->cmdlineBasenameEnd - basename;
+ }
+ }
+ RichString_appendWide(str, attr, cmdline);
+ if (this->settings->highlightBaseName) {
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, baseAttr, strStart, len);
+ return;
- RichString_appendWide(str, attr, cmdline);
+ RichString_appendWide(str, attr, this->mergedCommand.str);
+ for (size_t i = 0, hlCount = CLAMP(mc->highlightCount, 0, ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)); i < hlCount; i++) {
+ const ProcessCmdlineHighlight *hl = &mc->highlights[i];
+ if (!hl->length)
+ continue;
+ if (!highlightSeparator)
+ continue;
+ if (!highlightBaseName)
+ continue;
+ if (!highlightDeleted)
+ continue;
- if (this->settings->highlightBaseName) {
- RichString_setAttrn(str, baseattr, start, len);
+ RichString_setAttrn(str, hl->attr, strStart + hl->offset, hl->length);