use crate::app::command::Command; use crate::app::launcher::App; use crate::app::mode::Mode; use crate::app::prompt::OutputType; use crate::app::selection::Selection; use crate::app::tab::Tab; use crate::app::util; use crate::gpg::key::KeyType; use crate::term::tui::Tui; use crate::widget::row::ScrollDirection; use anyhow::Result; use crossterm::event::{KeyCode as Key, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers as Modifiers}; use std::str::FromStr; use tui::backend::Backend; /// Handles the key events and executes the application command. pub fn handle_events( key_event: KeyEvent, tui: &mut Tui, app: &mut App, ) -> Result<()> { handle_command_execution(handle_key_event(key_event, app), tui, app) } /// Returns the corresponding application command for a key event. fn handle_key_event(key_event: KeyEvent, app: &mut App) -> Command { let mut command = Command::None; if app.prompt.is_enabled() { match key_event.code { Key::Char(c) => { app.prompt.text.push(c); if app.prompt.is_search_enabled() { app.keys_table.reset_state(); } } Key::Up => app.prompt.previous(), Key::Down =>, Key::Tab => { if app.prompt.is_command_input_enabled() { app.prompt.enable_search(); } else if app.prompt.is_search_enabled() { app.prompt.enable_command_input(); app.keys_table.items = app.keys_table.default_items.clone(); } } Key::Backspace => { app.prompt.text.pop(); if app.prompt.is_search_enabled() { app.keys_table.reset_state(); } } Key::Esc => { app.prompt.clear(); if app.prompt.is_search_enabled() { app.keys_table.reset_state(); } } Key::Enter => { if app.prompt.is_search_enabled() || app.prompt.text.len() < 2 { app.prompt.clear(); } else if let Ok(cmd) = Command::from_str(&app.prompt.text) { app.prompt.history.push(app.prompt.text.clone()); app.prompt.clear(); command = cmd; } else { app.prompt.set_output(( OutputType::Failure, format!( "invalid command: {}", app.prompt.text.replacen(":", "", 1) ), )); } } _ => {} } } else { command = match key_event.code { Key::Char('?') => Command::ShowHelp, Key::Char('q') | Key::Char('Q') => Command::Quit, Key::Esc => { if app.mode != Mode::Normal { Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Normal) } else if app.state.show_options { Command::None } else if app.prompt.command.is_some() { app.prompt.clear(); Command::None } else { Command::Quit } } Key::Char('d') | Key::Char('D') | Key::Backspace => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL && key_event.code != Key::Backspace { Command::Quit } else { match app.keys_table.selected() { Some(selected_key) => { Command::Confirm(Box::new(Command::DeleteKey( match { Tab::Keys(key_type) => key_type, _ => KeyType::Public, }, selected_key.get_id(), ))) } None => Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Failure, String::from("invalid selection"), ), } } } Key::Char('c') | Key::Char('C') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::Quit } else { Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Copy) } } Key::Char('v') | Key::Char('V') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::Paste } else { Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Visual) } } Key::Char('p') | Key::Char('P') => Command::Paste, Key::Char('r') | Key::Char('R') | Key::F(5) => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::RefreshKeys } else { Command::Refresh } } Key::Up | Key::Char('k') | Key::Char('K') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Top, false) } else { Command::Scroll( ScrollDirection::Up(1), key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::ALT, ) } } Key::Right | Key::Char('l') | Key::Char('L') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::ALT { Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Right(1), true) } else { Command::NextTab } } Key::Down | Key::Char('j') | Key::Char('J') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Bottom, false) } else { Command::Scroll( ScrollDirection::Down(1), key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::ALT, ) } } Key::Left | Key::Char('h') | Key::Char('H') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::ALT { Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Left(1), true) } else { Command::PreviousTab } } Key::PageUp => Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Top, false), Key::PageDown => Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Bottom, false), Key::Char('t') | Key::Char('T') => Command::ToggleDetail(true), Key::Tab => Command::ToggleDetail(false), Key::Char('`') => Command::Set( String::from("margin"), String::from(if app.keys_table_margin == 1 { "0" } else { "1" }), ), Key::Char('s') | Key::Char('S') => { if key_event.modifiers == Modifiers::CONTROL { Command::Set( String::from("colored"), (!app.state.colored).to_string(), ) } else { match app.keys_table.selected() { Some(selected_key) => { Command::SignKey(selected_key.get_id()) } None => Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Failure, String::from("invalid selection"), ), } } } Key::Char('e') | Key::Char('E') => { match app.keys_table.selected() { Some(selected_key) => { Command::EditKey(selected_key.get_id()) } None => Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Failure, String::from("invalid selection"), ), } } Key::Char('x') | Key::Char('X') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::Key) } else { match app.keys_table.selected() { Some(selected_key) => Command::ExportKeys( match { Tab::Keys(key_type) => key_type, _ => KeyType::Public, }, vec![selected_key.get_id()], false, ), None => Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Failure, String::from("invalid selection"), ), } } } Key::Char('g') | Key::Char('G') => Command::GenerateKey, Key::Char('a') | Key::Char('A') => Command::Set( String::from("armor"), (!app.gpgme.config.armor).to_string(), ), Key::Char('n') | Key::Char('N') => { if app.prompt.command.is_some() { app.prompt.clear(); Command::None } else { Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Normal) } } Key::Char('1') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::TableRow(1)) } else { Command::Set( String::from("detail"), String::from("minimum"), ) } } Key::Char('2') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::TableRow(2)) } else { Command::Set( String::from("detail"), String::from("standard"), ) } } Key::Char('3') => { Command::Set(String::from("detail"), String::from("full")) } Key::Char('i') | Key::Char('I') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::KeyId) } else { Command::Set( String::from("prompt"), String::from(":import "), ) } } Key::Char('f') | Key::Char('F') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::KeyFingerprint) } else { Command::Set( String::from("prompt"), String::from(":receive "), ) } } Key::Char('u') | Key::Char('U') => { if app.mode == Mode::Copy { Command::Copy(Selection::KeyUserId) } else { match app.keys_table.selected() { Some(selected_key) => Command::Confirm(Box::new( Command::SendKey(selected_key.get_id()), )), None => Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Failure, String::from("invalid selection"), ), } } } Key::Char('m') | Key::Char('M') => Command::ToggleTableSize, Key::Char('y') | Key::Char('Y') => { if let Some(command) = &app.prompt.command { command.clone() } else { Command::None } } Key::Char('o') | Key::Char(' ') | Key::Enter => { if app.state.show_options { app.options.selected().cloned().unwrap_or(Command::None) } else if !app.keys_table.items.is_empty() { Command::ShowOptions } else { Command::None } } Key::Char(':') => Command::EnableInput, Key::Char('/') => Command::Search(None), _ => Command::None, }; } command } /// Handles the execution of an application command. /// /// It checks the additional conditions for determining /// if the execution of the given command is applicable. /// For example, depending on the command, it toggles the /// [`paused`] state of [`Tui`] or enables/disables the mouse capture. /// /// [`Tui`]: Tui /// [`paused`]: Tui::paused fn handle_command_execution( mut command: Command, tui: &mut Tui, app: &mut App, ) -> Result<()> { if app.state.show_splash && command != Command::Quit { command = Command::None; } if let Tab::Help = { match command { Command::ShowOptions | Command::Scroll(_, _) | Command::ListKeys(_) | Command::SwitchMode(_) | Command::Paste | Command::EnableInput | Command::NextTab | Command::PreviousTab | Command::Refresh | Command::Quit | Command::None => {} Command::Set(ref option, _) => { if option != "colored" { command = Command::None } } _ => command = Command::None, } } let mut toggle_pause = false; match command { Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Normal) | Command::Refresh => { tui.enable_mouse_capture()? } Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Visual) => tui.disable_mouse_capture()?, Command::Set(ref option, ref value) => { if option == "mode" { match Mode::from_str(value) { Ok(Mode::Normal) => tui.enable_mouse_capture()?, Ok(Mode::Visual) => tui.disable_mouse_capture()?, _ => {} } } else if option == "prompt" && value == ":import " { tui.toggle_pause()?; toggle_pause = true; match util::run_xplr() { Ok(files) => { command = Command::ImportKeys(files, false); } Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e), } } } Command::ExportKeys(_, _, _) | Command::DeleteKey(_, _) | Command::GenerateKey | Command::RefreshKeys | Command::EditKey(_) | Command::SignKey(_) | Command::ImportKeys(_, true) => { tui.toggle_pause()?; toggle_pause = true; } Command::Copy(Selection::Key) => { if app.gpgme.config.armor { tui.toggle_pause()?; toggle_pause = true; } else { command = Command::ShowOutput( OutputType::Warning, String::from( "enable armored output for copying the exported key(s)", ), ); } } _ => {} } app.run_command(command)?; if toggle_pause { tui.toggle_pause()?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "gpg-tests")] #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::app::command::Command; use crate::args::Args; use crate::gpg::config::GpgConfig; use crate::gpg::context::GpgContext; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use std::env; #[test] fn test_app_handler() -> Result<()> { env::set_var( "GNUPGHOME", dirs_next::cache_dir() .unwrap() .join(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")) .to_str() .unwrap(), ); let args = Args::default(); let config = GpgConfig::new(&args)?; let mut context = GpgContext::new(config)?; let mut app = App::new(&mut context, &args)?; let key_id = app.gpgme.get_all_keys()?.get(&KeyType::Public).unwrap() [0] .get_id(); let test_cases = vec![ ( Command::Confirm(Box::new(Command::DeleteKey( KeyType::Public, key_id.to_string(), ))), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('d'), Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Backspace, Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Confirm(Box::new(Command::SendKey( key_id.to_string(), ))), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('u'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::ExportKeys( KeyType::Public, vec![key_id.to_string()], false, ), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('x'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::EditKey(key_id.to_string()), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('e'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::SignKey(key_id), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('s'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::ShowHelp, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('?'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::ShowOptions, vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('o'), Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char(' '), Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Enter, Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::GenerateKey, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('g'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::RefreshKeys, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('r'), Modifiers::CONTROL)], ), ( Command::ToggleDetail(true), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('t'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::ToggleDetail(false), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Tab, Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Top, false), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Up, Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('k'), Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::PageUp, Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Up(1), false), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Up, Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('k'), Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Right(1), true), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Right, Modifiers::ALT), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('l'), Modifiers::ALT), ], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Bottom, false), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Down, Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('j'), Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::PageDown, Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Down(1), false), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Down, Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('j'), Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Scroll(ScrollDirection::Left(1), true), vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Left, Modifiers::ALT), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('h'), Modifiers::ALT), ], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("margin"), String::from("0")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('`'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("colored"), String::from("true")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('s'), Modifiers::CONTROL)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("armor"), String::from("true")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('a'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("detail"), String::from("minimum")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('1'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("detail"), String::from("standard")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('2'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("detail"), String::from("full")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('3'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("prompt"), String::from(":import ")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('i'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Set(String::from("prompt"), String::from(":receive ")), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('f'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::ToggleTableSize, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('m'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Normal), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('n'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Visual), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('v'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Copy), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('c'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::Paste, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('v'), Modifiers::CONTROL)], ), ( Command::Paste, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('p'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::EnableInput, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char(':'), Modifiers::CONTROL)], ), ( Command::Search(None), vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('/'), Modifiers::CONTROL)], ), ( Command::NextTab, vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Right, Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('l'), Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::PreviousTab, vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Left, Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('h'), Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Refresh, vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('r'), Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::F(5), Modifiers::NONE), ], ), ( Command::Quit, vec![ KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('q'), Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Esc, Modifiers::NONE), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('d'), Modifiers::CONTROL), KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('c'), Modifiers::CONTROL), ], ), ( Command::None, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('y'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ( Command::None, vec![KeyEvent::new(Key::Char('รถ'), Modifiers::NONE)], ), ]; for (command, key_events) in test_cases { for key_event in key_events { assert_eq!(command, handle_key_event(key_event, &mut app)); } } app.prompt.enable_command_input(); handle_key_event(KeyEvent::new(Key::Esc, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app); assert!(!app.prompt.is_enabled()); app.prompt.enable_search(); handle_key_event(KeyEvent::new(Key::Tab, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app); for c in String::from("normal-").chars() { handle_key_event( KeyEvent::new(Key::Char(c), Modifiers::NONE), &mut app, ); } handle_key_event( KeyEvent::new(Key::Backspace, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app, ); assert_eq!(":normal", app.prompt.text); assert_eq!( Command::SwitchMode(Mode::Normal), handle_key_event( KeyEvent::new(Key::Enter, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app, ) ); app.prompt.enable_command_input(); handle_key_event(KeyEvent::new(Key::Down, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app); handle_key_event(KeyEvent::new(Key::Up, Modifiers::NONE), &mut app); assert_eq!(":normal", app.prompt.text); Ok(()) } }