package widgets import ( "sort" "strconv" "time" ui "" cpu "" ps "" ) const ( DOWN = "▼" UP = "▲" ) // Process represents each process type Process struct { PID int32 Command string CPU float64 Mem float32 } // Proc is the widget type Proc struct { *ui.Table cpuCount int interval time.Duration sortMethod string groupedProcs []Process ungroupedProcs []Process group bool KeyPressed chan bool } // Creates a new Proc widget func NewProc(loaded, keyPressed chan bool) *Proc { cpuCount, _ := cpu.Counts(false) p := &Proc{ Table: ui.NewTable(), interval: time.Second, cpuCount: cpuCount, sortMethod: "c", group: true, KeyPressed: keyPressed, } p.Label = "Process List" p.UniqueCol = 0 if { p.UniqueCol = 1 } p.keyBinds() go func() { p.update() loaded <- true }() ticker := time.NewTicker(p.interval) go func() { for range ticker.C { p.update() } }() return p } func (p *Proc) update() { psProcs, _ := ps.Processes() processes := make([]Process, len(psProcs)) for i, pr := range psProcs { pid := pr.Pid command, _ := pr.Name() cpu, _ := pr.CPUPercent() mem, _ := pr.MemoryPercent() processes[i] = Process{ pid, command, cpu / float64(p.cpuCount), mem, } } p.ungroupedProcs = processes p.groupedProcs = Group(processes) p.Sort() } // Sort sorts either the grouped or ungrouped []Process based on the sortMethod func (p *Proc) Sort() { p.Header = []string{"Count", "Command", "CPU%", "Mem%"} if ! { p.Header[0] = "PID" } processes := &p.ungroupedProcs if { processes = &p.groupedProcs } switch p.sortMethod { case "c": sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(ProcessByCPU(*processes))) p.Header[2] += DOWN case "p": if { sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(ProcessByPID(*processes))) } else { sort.Sort(ProcessByPID(*processes)) } p.Header[0] += DOWN case "m": sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(ProcessByMem(*processes))) p.Header[3] += DOWN } p.Rows = FieldsToStrings(*processes) } func (p *Proc) keyBinds() { ui.On("MouseLeft", func(e ui.Event) { p.Click(e.MouseX, e.MouseY) ui.Render(p) }) ui.On("MouseWheelUp", "MouseWheelDown", func(e ui.Event) { switch e.Key { case "MouseWheelDown": p.Down() case "MouseWheelUp": p.Up() } p.KeyPressed <- true }) ui.On("", "", func(e ui.Event) { switch e.Key { case "": p.Up() case "": p.Down() } p.KeyPressed <- true }) viKeys := []string{"j", "k", "gg", "G", "C-d", "C-u", "C-f", "C-b"} ui.On(viKeys, func(e ui.Event) { switch e.Key { case "j": p.Down() case "k": p.Up() case "gg": p.Top() case "G": p.Bottom() case "C-d": p.HalfPageDown() case "C-u": p.HalfPageUp() case "C-f": p.PageDown() case "C-b": p.PageUp() } p.KeyPressed <- true }) ui.On("dd", func(e ui.Event) { p.Kill() }) ui.On("", func(e ui.Event) { = ! if { p.UniqueCol = 1 } else { p.UniqueCol = 0 } p.sortMethod = "c" p.Sort() p.Top() p.KeyPressed <- true }) ui.On("m", "c", "p", func(e ui.Event) { if p.sortMethod != e.Key { p.sortMethod = e.Key p.Top() p.Sort() p.KeyPressed <- true } }) } // Group groupes a []Process based on command name. // The first field changes from PID to count. // CPU and Mem are added together for each Process. func Group(P []Process) []Process { groupMap := make(map[string]Process) for _, p := range P { val, ok := groupMap[p.Command] if ok { newP := Process{ val.PID + 1, val.Command, val.CPU + p.CPU, val.Mem + p.Mem, } groupMap[p.Command] = newP } else { newP := Process{ 1, p.Command, p.CPU, p.Mem, } groupMap[p.Command] = newP } } groupList := make([]Process, len(groupMap)) i := 0 for _, val := range groupMap { groupList[i] = val i++ } return groupList } // FieldsToStrings converts a []Process to a [][]string func FieldsToStrings(P []Process) [][]string { strings := make([][]string, len(P)) for i, p := range P { strings[i] = make([]string, 4) strings[i][0] = strconv.Itoa(int(p.PID)) strings[i][1] = p.Command strings[i][2] = strconv.FormatFloat(p.CPU, 'f', 1, 64) strings[i][3] = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(p.Mem), 'f', 1, 32) } return strings } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sorting type ProcessByCPU []Process // Len implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByCPU) Len() int { return len(P) } // Swap implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByCPU) Swap(i, j int) { P[i], P[j] = P[j], P[i] } // Less implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByCPU) Less(i, j int) bool { return P[i].CPU < P[j].CPU } type ProcessByPID []Process // Len implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByPID) Len() int { return len(P) } // Swap implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByPID) Swap(i, j int) { P[i], P[j] = P[j], P[i] } // Less implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByPID) Less(i, j int) bool { return P[i].PID < P[j].PID } type ProcessByMem []Process // Len implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByMem) Len() int { return len(P) } // Swap implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByMem) Swap(i, j int) { P[i], P[j] = P[j], P[i] } // Less implements Sort interface func (P ProcessByMem) Less(i, j int) bool { return P[i].Mem < P[j].Mem }