package main import ( "bufio" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "syscall" "time" //_ "net/http/pprof" "" jj "" ui "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" w "" ) const ( graphHorizontalScaleDelta = 3 defaultUI = "2:cpu\ndisk/1 2:mem/2\ntemp\n2:net 2:procs" minimalUI = "cpu\nmem procs" batteryUI = "cpu/2 batt/1\ndisk/1 2:mem/2\ntemp\nnet procs" procsUI = "cpu 4:procs\ndisk\nmem\nnet" kitchensink = "3:cpu/2 3:mem/1\n4:temp/1 3:disk/2\npower\n3:net 3:procs" ) var ( // Version of the program; set during build from git tags Version = "0.0.0" // BuildDate when the program was compiled; set during build BuildDate = "Hadean" conf gotop.Config help *w.HelpMenu bar *w.StatusBar statusbar bool stderrLogger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0) tr lingo.Translations ) func parseArgs() error { cds := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.All) cpaths := make([]string, len(cds)) for i, p := range cds { cpaths[i] = p.Path } help := opflag.BoolP("help", "h", false, tr.Value("")) color := opflag.StringP("color", "c", conf.Colorscheme.Name, tr.Value("args.color")) opflag.IntVarP(&conf.GraphHorizontalScale, "graphscale", "S", conf.GraphHorizontalScale, tr.Value("args.scale")) version := opflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, tr.Value("args.version")) versioN := opflag.BoolP("", "V", false, tr.Value("args.version")) opflag.BoolVarP(&conf.PercpuLoad, "percpu", "p", conf.PercpuLoad, tr.Value("args.percpu")) opflag.BoolVarP(&conf.AverageLoad, "averagecpu", "a", conf.AverageLoad, tr.Value("args.cpuavg")) fahrenheit := opflag.BoolP("fahrenheit", "f", conf.TempScale == 'F', tr.Value("args.temp")) opflag.BoolVarP(&conf.Statusbar, "statusbar", "s", conf.Statusbar, tr.Value("args.statusbar")) opflag.DurationVarP(&conf.UpdateInterval, "rate", "r", conf.UpdateInterval, tr.Value("args.rate")) opflag.StringVarP(&conf.Layout, "layout", "l", conf.Layout, tr.Value("args.layout")) opflag.StringVarP(&conf.NetInterface, "interface", "i", "all", tr.Value("")) opflag.StringVarP(&conf.ExportPort, "export", "x", conf.ExportPort, tr.Value("args.export")) opflag.BoolVarP(&conf.Mbps, "mbps", "", conf.Mbps, tr.Value("args.mbps")) opflag.BoolVar(&conf.Test, "test", conf.Test, tr.Value("args.test")) opflag.StringP("", "C", "", tr.Value("args.conffile")) list := opflag.String("list", "", tr.Value("args.list")) wc := opflag.Bool("write-config", false, tr.Value("args.write")) opflag.SortFlags = false opflag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, tr.Value("usage", os.Args[0])) opflag.PrintDefaults() } opflag.Parse() if *version || *versioN { fmt.Printf("gotop %s (%s)\n", Version, BuildDate) os.Exit(0) } if *help { opflag.Usage() os.Exit(0) } cs, err := colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, *color) if err != nil { return err } conf.Colorscheme = cs if *fahrenheit { conf.TempScale = 'F' } else { conf.TempScale = 'C' } if *list != "" { switch *list { case "layouts": fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.layouts")) case "colorschemes": fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.colorschemes")) case "paths": fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.paths")) paths := make([]string, 0) for _, d := range conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.All) { paths = append(paths, d.Path) } fmt.Println(strings.Join(paths, "\n")) fmt.Println() fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.log", filepath.Join(conf.ConfigDir.QueryCacheFolder().Path, logging.LOGFILE))) case "devices": listDevices() case "keys": fmt.Println(tr.Value("")) case "widgets": fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.widgets")) default: fmt.Printf(tr.Value("error.unknownopt", *list)) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } if *wc { path, err := conf.Write() if err != nil { fmt.Println(tr.Value("error.writefail", err.Error())) os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println(tr.Value("help.written", path)) os.Exit(0) } return nil } func setDefaultTermuiColors(c gotop.Config) { ui.Theme.Default = ui.NewStyle(ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.Fg), ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.Bg)) ui.Theme.Block.Title = ui.NewStyle(ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.BorderLabel), ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.Bg)) ui.Theme.Block.Border = ui.NewStyle(ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.BorderLine), ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.Bg)) } func eventLoop(c gotop.Config, grid *layout.MyGrid) { drawTicker := time.NewTicker(c.UpdateInterval).C // handles kill signal sent to gotop sigTerm := make(chan os.Signal, 2) signal.Notify(sigTerm, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) uiEvents := ui.PollEvents() previousKey := "" for { select { case <-sigTerm: return case <-drawTicker: if !c.HelpVisible { ui.Render(grid) if statusbar { ui.Render(bar) } } case e := <-uiEvents: if grid.Proc != nil && grid.Proc.HandleEvent(e) { ui.Render(grid.Proc) break } switch e.ID { case "q", "": return case "?": c.HelpVisible = !c.HelpVisible case "": payload := e.Payload.(ui.Resize) termWidth, termHeight := payload.Width, payload.Height if statusbar { grid.SetRect(0, 0, termWidth, termHeight-1) bar.SetRect(0, termHeight-1, termWidth, termHeight) } else { grid.SetRect(0, 0, payload.Width, payload.Height) } help.Resize(payload.Width, payload.Height) ui.Clear() } if c.HelpVisible { switch e.ID { case "?": ui.Clear() ui.Render(help) case "": c.HelpVisible = false ui.Render(grid) case "": ui.Render(help) } } else { switch e.ID { case "?": ui.Render(grid) case "h": c.GraphHorizontalScale += graphHorizontalScaleDelta for _, item := range grid.Lines { item.Scale(c.GraphHorizontalScale) } ui.Render(grid) case "l": if c.GraphHorizontalScale > graphHorizontalScaleDelta { c.GraphHorizontalScale -= graphHorizontalScaleDelta for _, item := range grid.Lines { item.Scale(c.GraphHorizontalScale) ui.Render(item) } } case "b": if grid.Net != nil { grid.Net.Mbps = !grid.Net.Mbps } case "": ui.Render(grid) if statusbar { ui.Render(bar) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { payload := e.Payload.(ui.Mouse) grid.Proc.HandleClick(payload.X, payload.Y) ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "k", "", "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollUp() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "j", "", "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollDown() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollTop() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "g": if grid.Proc != nil { if previousKey == "g" { grid.Proc.ScrollTop() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } } case "G", "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollBottom() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollHalfPageDown() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollHalfPageUp() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollPageDown() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ScrollPageUp() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "d": if grid.Proc != nil { if previousKey == "d" { grid.Proc.KillProc("SIGTERM") } } case "3": if grid.Proc != nil { if previousKey == "d" { grid.Proc.KillProc("SIGQUIT") } } case "9": if grid.Proc != nil { if previousKey == "d" { grid.Proc.KillProc("SIGKILL") } } case "": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ToggleShowingGroupedProcs() ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "m", "c", "p": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.ChangeProcSortMethod(w.ProcSortMethod(e.ID)) ui.Render(grid.Proc) } case "/": if grid.Proc != nil { grid.Proc.SetEditingFilter(true) ui.Render(grid.Proc) } } if previousKey == e.ID { previousKey = "" } else { previousKey = e.ID } } } } } // TODO: state:merge #135 linux console font (cmatsuoka/console-font) func main() { // TODO: Make this an option, for performance testing //go func() { // log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":7777", nil)) //}() // This is just to make sure gotop returns a useful exit code, but also // executes all defer statements and so cleans up before exit. Sort of // annoying work-around for a lack of a clean way to exit Go programs // with exit codes. ec := run() if ec > 0 { if ec < 2 { logpath := filepath.Join(conf.ConfigDir.QueryCacheFolder().Path, logging.LOGFILE) fmt.Println(tr.Value("error.checklog", logpath)) bs, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(logpath) fmt.Println(string(bs)) } } os.Exit(ec) } func run() int { ling, err := lingo.New("en_US", "translations", translations.AssetFile()) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to load language files: %s\n", err) return 2 } lang, err := jj.DetectIETF() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to get language setting from environment: %s\n", err) return 2 } lang = strings.Replace(lang, "-", "_", -1) // Get the locale from the os tr = ling.TranslationsForLocale(lang) conf = gotop.NewConfig() // Find the config file; look in (1) local, (2) user, (3) global // Check the last argument first fs := flag.NewFlagSet("config", flag.ContinueOnError) cfg := fs.String("C", "", tr.Value("configfile")) fs.SetOutput(bufio.NewWriter(nil)) fs.Parse(os.Args[1:]) if *cfg != "" { conf.ConfigFile = *cfg } err = conf.Load() if err != nil { fmt.Println(tr.Value("error.configparse", err.Error())) return 2 } // Override with command line arguments err = parseArgs() if err != nil { fmt.Println(tr.Value("error.cliparse", err.Error())) return 2 } logfile, err := logging.New(conf) if err != nil { fmt.Println(tr.Value("logsetup", err.Error())) return 2 } defer logfile.Close() errs := devices.Startup(conf.ExtensionVars) if len(errs) > 0 { for _, err := range errs { stderrLogger.Print(err) } return 1 } lstream, err := getLayout(conf) if err != nil { stderrLogger.Print(err) return 1 } ly := layout.ParseLayout(lstream) if conf.Test { return runTests(conf) } if err = ui.Init(); err != nil { stderrLogger.Print(err) return 1 } defer ui.Close() setDefaultTermuiColors(conf) // done before initializing widgets to allow inheriting colors help = w.NewHelpMenu(tr) if statusbar { bar = w.NewStatusBar() } grid, err := layout.Layout(ly, conf) if err != nil { stderrLogger.Print(err) return 1 } termWidth, termHeight := ui.TerminalDimensions() if statusbar { grid.SetRect(0, 0, termWidth, termHeight-1) } else { grid.SetRect(0, 0, termWidth, termHeight) } help.Resize(termWidth, termHeight) ui.Render(grid) if statusbar { bar.SetRect(0, termHeight-1, termWidth, termHeight) ui.Render(bar) } // TODO if conf.ExportPort != "" { go func() { http.HandleFunc("/metrics", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { metrics.WritePrometheus(w, true) }) http.ListenAndServe(conf.ExportPort, nil) }() } eventLoop(conf, grid) return 0 } func getLayout(conf gotop.Config) (io.Reader, error) { switch conf.Layout { case "-": return os.Stdin, nil case "default": return strings.NewReader(defaultUI), nil case "minimal": return strings.NewReader(minimalUI), nil case "battery": return strings.NewReader(batteryUI), nil case "procs": return strings.NewReader(procsUI), nil case "kitchensink": return strings.NewReader(kitchensink), nil default: folder := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolderContainsFile(conf.Layout) if folder == nil { paths := make([]string, 0) for _, d := range conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.Existing) { paths = append(paths, d.Path) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable find layout file %s in %s", conf.Layout, strings.Join(paths, ", ")) } lo, err := folder.ReadFile(conf.Layout) if err != nil { return nil, err } return strings.NewReader(string(lo)), nil } } func runTests(_ gotop.Config) int { fmt.Printf("PASS") return 0 } func listDevices() { ms := devices.Domains sort.Strings(ms) for _, m := range ms { fmt.Printf("%s:\n", m) for _, d := range devices.Devices(m, true) { fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", d) } } }