diff options
authorSean E. Russell <>2020-04-23 10:41:20 -0500
committerSean E. Russell <>2020-04-23 10:41:20 -0500
commit5ada5315d940038fcd83777b1e73797bbbada108 (patch)
parent3fcab5a42054c84895c4f6da5097360d35414fde (diff)
Fixes #92, configurable temps; help text & docs clean-up; versions are now built into binaries at compile time; clean up old extensions params; adds --list command; adds --write-config command; fixes bug in colorscheme loading; fixes bug in Colorschemes -- all had empty Name attrs; adds ability to list devices.
15 files changed, 313 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index 191b144..6390f46 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -29,5 +29,3 @@ jobs:
repository: xxxserxxx/gotop-linux
event-type: my-release
client-payload: '{"tag": "${{ steps.tag_name.outputs.tag }}"}'
-# TODO: Build the plugins too
diff --git a/ b/
index f61b2c9..5b67eab 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Ignore lines matching `/^#.*/` in layout files.
- Instructions for Gentoo (thanks @tormath1!)
- Graph labels that don't fit (vertically) in the window are now drawn in additional columns (#40)
+- Adds ability to filter reported temperatures (#92)
### Changed
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Memory line colors were inconsistently assigned (#91)
- The disk code was truncating values instead of rounding (#90)
- Temperatures on Darwin were all over the place, and wrong (#48)
+- Config file loading from `~/.config/gotop` wasn't working
## [3.5.1] - 2020-04-09
diff --git a/ b/
index 5b3ce0f..fd37437 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -127,12 +127,30 @@ Move `gotop` to somewhere in your `$PATH`.
- click to select process
- mouse wheel to scroll through processes
+### Config file
+Most command-line settings can be persisted into a configuration file. The config file is named `gotop.conf` and can be located in several places. The first place gotop will look is in the current directory; after this, the locations depend on the OS and distribution. On Linux using XDG, for instance, the home location of `~/.config/gotop/gotop.conf` is the second location. The last location is a system-wide global location, such as `/etc/gotop/gotop.conf`. The `-h` help command will print out all of the locations, in order. Command-line options override values in any config files, and only the first config file found is loaded.
+A configuration file can be created using the `--write-config` command-line argument. This will try to place the config file in the home config directory (the second location), but if it's unable to do so it'll write a file to the current directory.
+Config file changes can be made by combining command-line arguments with `--write-config`. For example, to persist the `solarized` theme, call:
+gotop -c solarized --write-config
### Colorschemes
gotop ships with a few colorschemes which can be set with the `-c` flag followed by the name of one. You can find all the colorschemes in the [colorschemes folder](./colorschemes).
To make a custom colorscheme, check out the [template](./colorschemes/template.go) for instructions and then use [default.json](./colorschemes/default.json) as a starter. Then put the file at `~/.config/gotop/<name>.json` and load it with `gotop -c <name>`. Colorschemes PR's are welcome!
+To list all built-in color schemes, call:
+gotop --list colorschemes
### Layouts
gotop can parse and render layouts from a specification file. The format is
@@ -206,6 +224,49 @@ and these are separated by spaces.
Yes, you're clever enough to break the layout algorithm, but if you try to
build massive edifices, you're in for disappointment.
+To list all built-in color schemes, call:
+gotop --list layouts
+### Device filtering
+Some devices have quite a number of data points; on OSX, for instance, there are dozens of temperature readings. These can be filtered through a configuration file. There is no command-line argument for this filter.
+The list will grow, but for now the only device that supports filtering is the temperature widget. The configuration entry is called `temperature`, and it contains an exact-match list of comma-separated values with no spaces. To see the list of valid values, run gotop with the `--list devices` command. Gotop will print out the type of device and the legal values. For example, on Linux:
+$ gotop --list devices
+ acpitz
+ nvme_composite
+ nvme_sensor1
+ nvme_sensor2
+ pch_cannonlake
+ coretemp_packageid0
+ coretemp_core0
+ coretemp_core1
+ coretemp_core2
+ coretemp_core3
+ ath10k_hwmon
+You might then add the following line to the config file. First, find where gotop looks for config files:
+$ gotop -h | tail -n 6
+Colorschemes & layouts that are not built-in are searched for (in order) in:
+/home/USER/workspace/gotop.d/gotop, /home/USER/.config/gotop, /etc/xdg/gotop
+The first path in this list is always the cwd. The config file
+'gotop.config' can also reside in one of these directories.
+Log files are stored in /home/ser/.cache/gotop/errors.log
+So you might use `/home/YOU/.config/gotop.conf`, and add (or modify) this line:
+This will cause the temp widget to show only four of the eleven temps.
### CLI Options
Run `gotop -h` to see the list of all command line options.
diff --git a/cmd/gotop/main.go b/cmd/gotop/main.go
index f44d7a2..18525c6 100644
--- a/cmd/gotop/main.go
+++ b/cmd/gotop/main.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+ "sort"
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import (
+ ""
w ""
@@ -37,8 +39,8 @@ const (
var (
- // TODO: Set this at compile time; having to check this in sucks.
- Version = ""
+ Version = "0.0.0"
+ BuildDate = "Hadean"
conf gotop.Config
help *w.HelpMenu
bar *w.StatusBar
@@ -48,17 +50,14 @@ var (
// TODO: Add tab completion for Linux
// TODO: state:merge #135 linux console font (cmatsuoka/console-font)
-// TODO: state:deferred 157 FreeBSD fixes & Nvidia GPU support (kraust/master). Significant CPU use impact for NVidia changes.
-// TODO: Virtual devices from Prometeus metrics @feature
// TODO: Abstract out the UI toolkit. mum4k/termdash, VladimirMarkelov/clui, gcla/gowid, rivo/tview, marcusolsson/tui-go might work better for some OS/Archs. Performance/memory use comparison would be interesting.
-// TODO: Add fans
func parseArgs(conf *gotop.Config) error {
cds := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.All)
cpaths := make([]string, len(cds))
for i, p := range cds {
cpaths[i] = p.Path
- usage := fmt.Sprintf(`
+ usage := fmt.Sprintln(`
Usage: gotop [options]
@@ -77,40 +76,15 @@ Options:
-l, --layout=NAME Name of layout spec file for the UI. Looks first in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gotop, then as a path. Use "-" to pipe.
-i, --interface=NAME Select network interface [default: all]. Several interfaces can be defined using comma separated values. Interfaces can also be ignored using !
-x, --export=PORT Enable metrics for export on the specified port.
- -X, --extensions=NAMES Enables the listed extensions. This is a comma-separated list without the .so suffix. The current and config directories will be searched.
--mbps Net widget shows mb(its)ps for RX/TX instead of scaled bytes per second.
--test Runs tests and exits with success/failure code.
- --print-paths List out the paths that gotop will look for gotop.conf, layouts, color schemes, and extensions.
- --print-keys Show the keyboard bindings.
-Built-in layouts:
- default
- minimal
- battery
- kitchensink
- default
- default-dark (for white background)
- solarized
- solarized16-dark
- solarized16-light
- monokai
- vice
-Colorschemes and layouts that are not built-in are searched for (in order) in:
-The first path in this list is always the cwd.
-Log files are stored in %s
-`, strings.Join(cpaths, ", "), filepath.Join(conf.ConfigDir.QueryCacheFolder().Path, logging.LOGFILE))
- var err error
- conf.Colorscheme, err = colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, "default")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
+ --list <devices|layouts|colorschemes|paths|keys>
+ devices: Prints out device names for widgets supporting filters.
+ layouts: Lists build-in layouts
+ colorschemes: Lists built-in colorschemes
+ paths: List out the paths that gotop will look for gotop.conf, layouts, and color schemes.
+ keys: Show the keyboard bindings.
+ --write-config Write out a sample config file, either to the home config location, or current directory. Command-line arguments specificed at the same time will overwrite values in the config file.`)
args, err := docopt.ParseArgs(usage, os.Args[1:], Version)
if err != nil {
@@ -127,6 +101,7 @@ Log files are stored in %s
conf.Colorscheme = cs
if args["--averagecpu"].(bool) {
conf.AverageLoad, _ = args["--averagecpu"].(bool)
@@ -166,10 +141,6 @@ Log files are stored in %s
if val, _ := args["--interface"]; val != nil {
conf.NetInterface, _ = args["--interface"].(string)
- if val, _ := args["--extensions"]; val != nil {
- exs, _ := args["--extensions"].(string)
- conf.Extensions = strings.Split(exs, ",")
- }
if val, _ := args["--test"]; val != nil {
conf.Test = val.(bool)
@@ -189,16 +160,35 @@ Log files are stored in %s
if args["--mbps"].(bool) {
conf.Mbps = true
- if args["--print-paths"].(bool) {
- paths := make([]string, 0)
- for _, d := range conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.All) {
- paths = append(paths, d.Path)
- }
- fmt.Println(strings.Join(paths, "\n"))
- os.Exit(0)
- }
- if args["--print-keys"].(bool) {
- fmt.Println(`
+ if val, _ := args["--list"]; val != nil {
+ switch val {
+ case "layouts":
+ fmt.Println("Built-in layouts:")
+ fmt.Println("\tdefault")
+ fmt.Println("\tminimal")
+ fmt.Println("\tbattery")
+ fmt.Println("\tkitchensink")
+ case "colorschemes":
+ fmt.Println("Built-in colorschemes:")
+ fmt.Println("\tdefault")
+ fmt.Println("\tdefault-dark (for white background)")
+ fmt.Println("\tsolarized")
+ fmt.Println("\tsolarized16-dark")
+ fmt.Println("\tsolarized16-light")
+ fmt.Println("\tmonokai")
+ fmt.Println("\tvice")
+ case "paths":
+ fmt.Println("Loadable colorschemes & layouts, and the config file, are searched for, in order:")
+ paths := make([]string, 0)
+ for _, d := range conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.All) {
+ paths = append(paths, d.Path)
+ }
+ fmt.Println(strings.Join(paths, "\n"))
+ fmt.Printf("\nThe log file is in %s\n", filepath.Join(conf.ConfigDir.QueryCacheFolder().Path, logging.LOGFILE))
+ case "devices":
+ listDevices()
+ case "keys":
+ fmt.Println(`
Quit: q or <C-c>
Process navigation:
k and <Up>: up
@@ -227,6 +217,19 @@ CPU and Mem graph scaling:
h: scale in
l: scale out
?: toggles keybind help menu`)
+ default:
+ fmt.Printf("Unknown option \"%s\"; try layouts, colorschemes, or devices\n", val)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ os.Exit(0)
+ }
+ if args["--write-config"].(bool) {
+ path, err := conf.Write()
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("Failed to write configuration file: %s\n", err)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("Config written to %s\n", path)
@@ -437,9 +440,11 @@ func makeConfig() gotop.Config {
MaxLogSize: 5000000,
Layout: "default",
+ conf.Colorscheme, _ = colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, "default")
return conf
+// TODO: Add fans
// TODO: mpd visualizer widget
func main() {
// This is just to make sure gotop returns a useful exit code, but also
@@ -567,3 +572,14 @@ func runTests(conf gotop.Config) int {
return 0
+func listDevices() {
+ ms := devices.Domains
+ sort.Strings(ms)
+ for _, m := range ms {
+ fmt.Printf("%s:\n", m)
+ for _, d := range devices.Devices(m) {
+ fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", d)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/colorschemes/registry.go b/colorschemes/registry.go
index b6263c9..d120eb8 100644
--- a/colorschemes/registry.go
+++ b/colorschemes/registry.go
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ func register(name string, c Colorscheme) {
if registry == nil {
registry = make(map[string]Colorscheme)
+ c.Name = name
registry[name] = c
diff --git a/config.go b/config.go
index 3d1ae38..7809918 100644
--- a/config.go
+++ b/config.go
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package gotop
import (
+ "bytes"
- "io"
- "os"
+ "path/filepath"
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
-// TODO: test, build, release [#119] [#120] [#121]
type Config struct {
ConfigDir configdir.ConfigDir
@@ -32,30 +31,31 @@ type Config struct {
Layout string
MaxLogSize int64
ExportPort string
- Extensions []string
Mbps bool
+ Temps []string
Test bool
func (conf *Config) Load() error {
- var in io.Reader
+ var in []byte
+ var err error
cfn := "gotop.conf"
folder := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolderContainsFile(cfn)
if folder != nil {
- // FIXME: Shouldn't this be looking in folder??
- if cf, err := os.Open(cfn); err == nil {
- defer cf.Close()
- } else {
+ if in, err = folder.ReadFile(cfn); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return nil
- r := bufio.NewScanner(in)
+ r := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(in))
var lineNo int
for r.Scan() {
l := strings.TrimSpace(r.Text())
+ if l[0] == '#' {
+ continue
+ }
kv := strings.Split(l, "=")
if len(kv) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("bad config file syntax; should be KEY=VALUE, was %s", l)
@@ -70,72 +70,125 @@ func (conf *Config) Load() error {
log.Printf("logdir is deprecated. Ignored logdir=%s", kv[1])
case "logfile":
log.Printf("logfile is deprecated. Ignored logfile=%s", kv[1])
- case "graphhorizontalscale":
+ case graphhorizontalscale:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return err
conf.GraphHorizontalScale = iv
- case "helpvisible":
+ case helpvisible:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: %v", lineNo, err)
conf.HelpVisible = bv
- case "colorscheme":
+ case colorscheme:
cs, err := colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: %v", lineNo, err)
conf.Colorscheme = cs
- case "updateinterval":
+ case updateinterval:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return err
conf.UpdateInterval = time.Duration(iv)
- case "averagecpu":
+ case averagecpu:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: %v", lineNo, err)
conf.AverageLoad = bv
- case "percpuload":
+ case percpuload:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: %v", lineNo, err)
conf.PercpuLoad = bv
- case "tempscale":
+ case tempscale:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return err
conf.TempScale = widgets.TempScale(iv)
- case "statusbar":
+ case statusbar:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: %v", lineNo, err)
conf.Statusbar = bv
- case "netinterface":
+ case netinterface:
conf.NetInterface = kv[1]
- case "layout":
+ case layout:
conf.Layout = kv[1]
- case "maxlogsize":
+ case maxlogsize:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return err
conf.MaxLogSize = int64(iv)
- case "export":
+ case export:
conf.ExportPort = kv[1]
- case "extensions":
- conf.Extensions = strings.Split(kv[1], ",")
- case "mbps":
+ case mbps:
conf.Mbps = true
+ case temperatures:
+ conf.Temps = strings.Split(kv[1], ",")
return nil
+func (c *Config) Write() (string, error) {
+ cfn := "gotop.conf"
+ ds := c.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.Global)
+ if len(ds) == 0 {
+ ds = c.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.Local)
+ if len(ds) == 0 {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("error locating config folders")
+ }
+ }
+ marshalled := marshal(c)
+ err := ds[0].WriteFile(cfn, marshalled)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return filepath.Join(ds[0].Path, cfn), nil
+func marshal(c *Config) []byte {
+ buff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", graphhorizontalscale, c.GraphHorizontalScale)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", helpvisible, c.HelpVisible)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", colorscheme, c.Colorscheme.Name)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", updateinterval, c.UpdateInterval)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", averagecpu, c.AverageLoad)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", percpuload, c.PercpuLoad)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", tempscale, c.TempScale)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", statusbar, c.Statusbar)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", netinterface, c.NetInterface)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", layout, c.Layout)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", maxlogsize, c.MaxLogSize)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", export, c.ExportPort)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", mbps, c.Mbps)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", temperatures, strings.Join(c.Temps, ","))
+ return buff.Bytes()
+const (
+ graphhorizontalscale = "graphhorizontalscale"
+ helpvisible = "helpvisible"
+ colorscheme = "colorscheme"
+ updateinterval = "updateinterval"
+ averagecpu = "averagecpu"
+ percpuload = "percpuload"
+ tempscale = "tempscale"
+ statusbar = "statusbar"
+ netinterface = "netinterface"
+ layout = "layout"
+ maxlogsize = "maxlogsize"
+ export = "metricsexportport"
+ mbps = "mbps"
+ temperatures = "temperatures"
diff --git a/devices/devices.go b/devices/devices.go
index 91a8815..efdc404 100644
--- a/devices/devices.go
+++ b/devices/devices.go
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ package devices
import "log"
+const (
+ Temperatures = "Temperatures"
+var Domains []string = []string{Temperatures}
var shutdownFuncs []func() error
+var _devs map[string][]string
// RegisterShutdown stores a function to be called by gotop on exit, allowing
// extensions to properly release resources. Extensions should register a
@@ -24,3 +30,18 @@ func Shutdown() {
+func RegisterDeviceList(typ string, f func() []string) {
+ if _devs == nil {
+ _devs = make(map[string][]string)
+ }
+ if ls, ok := _devs[typ]; ok {
+ _devs[typ] = append(ls, f()...)
+ return
+ }
+ _devs[typ] = f()
+func Devices(domain string) []string {
+ return _devs[domain]
diff --git a/devices/temp_darwin.go b/devices/temp_darwin.go
index 4e068a4..fe98fc2 100644
--- a/devices/temp_darwin.go
+++ b/devices/temp_darwin.go
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import smc ""
func init() {
+ RegisterDeviceList(Temperatures, devs)
ts = make(map[string]float32)
@@ -17,7 +18,19 @@ func update(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
return map[string]error{"temps": err}
for k, v := range ts {
- temps[k] = int(v + 0.5)
+ if _, ok := temps[k]; ok {
+ temps[k] = int(v + 0.5)
+ }
return nil
+// TODO: Set reasonable default devices
+// CPU (TC[01]P), GPU (TG0P), Memory (Ts0S) and Disk (TH0P)
+func devs() []string {
+ rv := make([]string, len(smc.AppleTemp))
+ for i, v := range smc.AppleTemp {
+ rv[i] = v.Desc
+ }
+ return rv
diff --git a/devices/temp_freebsd.go b/devices/temp_freebsd.go
index 54355fc..a0277a6 100644
--- a/devices/temp_freebsd.go
+++ b/devices/temp_freebsd.go
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
func init() {
+ RegisterDeviceList(Temperatures, devs)
var sensorOIDS = map[string]string{
@@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ func update(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
var errors map[string]error
for k, v := range sensorOIDS {
+ if _, ok := temps[k]; !ok {
+ continue
+ }
output, err := exec.Command("sysctl", "-n", k).Output()
if err != nil {
errors[v] = err
@@ -43,3 +47,11 @@ func update(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
return errors
+func devs() []string {
+ rv := make([]string, 0, len(sensorOIDS))
+ for k, _ := range sensorOIDS {
+ rv = append(rv, k)
+ }
+ return rv
diff --git a/devices/temp_linux.go b/devices/temp_linux.go
index ec4ff95..2ca01f5 100644
--- a/devices/temp_linux.go
+++ b/devices/temp_linux.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
func init() {
+ RegisterDeviceList(Temperatures, devs)
func getTemps(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
@@ -18,12 +19,31 @@ func getTemps(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
return map[string]error{"psHost": err}
for _, sensor := range sensors {
+ // removes '_input' from the end of the sensor name
+ idx := strings.Index(sensor.SensorKey, "_input")
+ if idx >= 0 {
+ label := sensor.SensorKey[:idx]
+ if _, ok := temps[label]; ok {
+ temps[label] = int(sensor.Temperature)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func devs() []string {
+ sensors, err := psHost.SensorsTemperatures()
+ if err != nil {
+ return []string{}
+ }
+ rv := make([]string, 0, len(sensors))
+ for _, sensor := range sensors {
// only sensors with input in their name are giving us live temp info
if strings.Contains(sensor.SensorKey, "input") && sensor.Temperature != 0 {
// removes '_input' from the end of the sensor name
label := sensor.SensorKey[:strings.Index(sensor.SensorKey, "_input")]
- temps[label] = int(sensor.Temperature)
+ rv = append(rv, label)
- return nil
+ return rv
diff --git a/devices/temp_openbsd.go b/devices/temp_openbsd.go
index 410cc4a..d889d78 100644
--- a/devices/temp_openbsd.go
+++ b/devices/temp_openbsd.go
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
+// TODO: Add filtering. Getting the temperature sensor names is non-trivial for OpenBSD, and until I can test it, leave it unimplemented
func init() {
@@ -66,7 +67,9 @@ func getTemp(temps map[string]int, mib [], mlen int, snsrdev *C.struct_sens
key := C.GoString(&snsrdev.xname[0]) + ".temp" + strconv.Itoa(index)
temp := int((snsr.value - 273150000.0) / 1000000.0)
- temps[key] = temp
+ if _, ok := temps[key]; ok {
+ temps[key] = temp
+ }
diff --git a/devices/temp_windows.go b/devices/temp_windows.go
index 230e902..54fe0eb 100644
--- a/devices/temp_windows.go
+++ b/devices/temp_windows.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
func init() {
+ RegisterDeviceList(Temperatures, devs)
func update(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
@@ -16,9 +17,23 @@ func update(temps map[string]int) map[string]error {
return map[string]error{"gopsutil": err}
for _, sensor := range sensors {
- if sensor.Temperature != 0 {
- temps[sensor.SensorKey] = int(sensor.Temperature)
+ if _, ok := temps[sensor.SensorKey]; ok {
+ temps[sensor.SensorKey] = int(sensor.Temperature + 0.5)
return nil
+func devs() []string {
+ sensors, err := psHost.SensorsTemperatures()
+ if err != nil {
+ return []string{}
+ }
+ rv := make([]string, 0, len(sensors))
+ for _, sensor := range sensors {
+ if sensor.Temperature != 0 {
+ rv = append(rv, sensor.SensorKey)
+ }
+ }
+ return rv
diff --git a/layout/layout.go b/layout/layout.go
index c59e718..6fb7c58 100644
--- a/layout/layout.go
+++ b/layout/layout.go
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func makeWidget(c gotop.Config, widRule widgetRule) interface{} {
assignColors(b.Data, c.Colorscheme.BattLines, b.LineColors)
w = b
case "temp":
- t := widgets.NewTempWidget(c.TempScale)
+ t := widgets.NewTempWidget(c.TempScale, c.Temps)
t.TempLowColor = ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.TempLow)
t.TempHighColor = ui.Color(c.Colorscheme.TempHigh)
w = t
diff --git a/widgets/disk.go b/widgets/disk.go
index b53df9d..e2b3eb2 100644
--- a/widgets/disk.go
+++ b/widgets/disk.go
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ type DiskWidget struct {
metric map[string]prometheus.Gauge
+// TODO: Add filtering
+// TODO: Abstract out device from widget
func NewDiskWidget() *DiskWidget {
self := &DiskWidget{
Table: ui.NewTable(),
diff --git a/widgets/temp.go b/widgets/temp.go
index 1b9f650..3e1b067 100644
--- a/widgets/temp.go
+++ b/widgets/temp.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type TempWidget struct {
// TODO: state:deferred 156 Added temperatures for NVidia GPUs (azak-azkaran/master). Crashes on non-nvidia machines.
-func NewTempWidget(tempScale TempScale) *TempWidget {
+func NewTempWidget(tempScale TempScale, filter []string) *TempWidget {
self := &TempWidget{
Block: ui.NewBlock(),
updateInterval: time.Second * 5,
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ func NewTempWidget(tempScale TempScale) *TempWidget {
TempScale: tempScale,
self.Title = " Temperatures "
+ if len(filter) > 0 {
+ for _, t := range filter {
+ self.Data[t] = 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, t := range devices.Devices(devices.Temperatures) {
+ self.Data[t] = 0
+ }
+ }
if tempScale == Fahrenheit {
self.TempThreshold = utils.CelsiusToFahrenheit(self.TempThreshold)