path: root/go.sum
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-04chore(deps): bump from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1dependabot/go_modules/[bot]
2024-02-13chore(deps): bump from 0.0.14 to 0.0.15 (#576)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13chore(deps): bump from 1.6.1 to 1.8.0 (#577)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13feat(deps): bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 (#570)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13chore(deps): bump (#575)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13feat(deps): bump (#567)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13feat(deps): bump from 0.12.0 to 0.17.0 (#568)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13feat(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.17.0 (#569)dependabot[bot]
2023-11-17feat: use x/editor (#543)Carlos Alexandro Becker
2023-07-13feat(deps): update some dependenciesCarlos Alexandro Becker
2023-05-09chore: bump charm depv1.5.1Christian Muehlhaeuser
2023-01-20fix: performance scrollingChristian Rocha
2023-01-06feat(deps): bump[bot]
2023-01-06feat(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.6.0dependabot[bot]
2022-11-11feat: bump depsCarlos A Becker
2022-11-11Bump Bubble Tea, Bubbles, Glamour, Lip Gloss, and Termenv and do related updatesChristian Rocha
2022-10-26feat(ci): use config files from meta repo (#389)Ayman Bagabas
2022-05-26feat(deps): update cobra and viper (#346)Carlos Alexandro Becker
2021-04-08Bump bubbletea, glamour, and go-runewidth depsv1.4.1Christian Muehlhaeuser
2021-04-03Bump termenv to v0.8.1Christian Muehlhaeuser
2021-03-13Bump bubbletea dependency to v0.13.1v1.4.0Christian Muehlhaeuser
2021-03-12Bump bubbletea dependencyChristian Muehlhaeuser
2021-03-11Bump glamour dependencyChristian Muehlhaeuser
2021-03-11Bump charm, babyenv, termenv, cobra, and viper dependenciesChristian Muehlhaeuser
2021-03-02Bump Bubble Tea dependencyChristian Rocha
2021-03-01Bump gitcha to v0.2.0Christian Muehlhaeuser
2021-01-19Bump Bubble Tea and Bubbles dependenciesChristian Rocha
2020-12-24Use ANSI-aware truncationChristian Rocha
2020-12-24Fine tuning + subtle behavioral adjustments to spinners + status messagesChristian Rocha
2020-12-24Make news stashableChristian Rocha
2020-11-17Switch to `sahilm/fuzzy` for fuzzy-filtering and text highlightingNicolas Martin
2020-11-17Upgrade to Bubble Tea v0.12.2 and Bubbles v0.7.5Christian Rocha
2020-11-17Add fuzzy filtering for stash notesNicolas Martin
2020-10-24Add config file supportChristian Muehlhaeuser
2020-10-22Bump Bubble Tea and Bubbles deps for keybinding improvementsChristian Rocha
2020-10-19Update to bubbletea 0.12.0; minimum required changesChristian Rocha
2020-10-13Bump bubbletea dependency for arrow key support on WindowsChristian Rocha
2020-10-12Windows support + bump termenv dependencyChristian Rocha
2020-10-06Bump bubbletea, bubbles, charm & glamour dependenciesChristian Muehlhaeuser
2020-10-05Bump bubbletea for post-panic terminal restorationChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Hop back to Muesli's gitcha repo at masterChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Don't allow stashing until authed + introduce "offline mode" in UIChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Bump charm lib for stash-on-first-run fixChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Bump charm lib to fix crash if user data dir doesn't existChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Move ignore stuff to gitcha (and temporarily use the meowgorithm fork)Christian Rocha
2020-10-05Bump gitcha depChristian Muehlhaeuser
2020-10-05Apply fine-grained spinner display rules to file listing viewChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Always show spinner for a minimum amount of time when stashingChristian Rocha
2020-10-05Bump gitcha depChristian Muehlhaeuser
2020-10-05Bump Termenv to 0.7.2Christian Rocha