var glancesApp = angular.module('glancesApp', ['ngRoute']) .config(["$routeProvider", "$locationProvider", function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/:refresh_time?', { templateUrl : 'stats.html', controller : 'statsController', resolve: { help: ["GlancesStats", function(GlancesStats) { return GlancesStats.getHelp(); }], arguments: ["GlancesStats", "$route", function(GlancesStats, $route) { return GlancesStats.getArguments().then(function(arguments) { var refreshTimeRoute = parseInt($route.current.params.refresh_time); if (!isNaN(refreshTimeRoute) && refreshTimeRoute > 1) { arguments.time = refreshTimeRoute; } return arguments; }); }] } }); $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); }]) .run(["$rootScope", function($rootScope) { $rootScope.title = "Glances"; }]); glancesApp.directive("sortableTh", function() { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { sorter: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass('sortable'); scope.$watch(function() { return scope.sorter.column; }, function(newValue, oldValue) { if (angular.isArray(newValue)) { if (newValue.indexOf(attrs.column) !== -1) { element.addClass('sort'); } else { element.removeClass('sort'); } } else { if (attrs.column === newValue) { element.addClass('sort'); } else { element.removeClass('sort'); } } }); element.on('click', function() { scope.sorter.column = attrs.column; scope.$apply(); }); } }; }); glancesApp.filter('min_size', function() { return function(input, max) { var max = max || 8; if (input.length > max) { return "_" + input.substring(input.length - max) } return input }; }); glancesApp.filter('exclamation', function() { return function(input) { if (input === undefined || input === '') { return '?'; } return input; }; }); glancesApp.filter('bytes', function() { return function (bytes, low_precision) { low_precision = low_precision || false; if (isNaN(parseFloat(bytes)) || !isFinite(bytes) || bytes == 0){ return bytes; } var symbols = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']; var prefix = { 'Y': 1208925819614629174706176, 'Z': 1180591620717411303424, 'E': 1152921504606846976, 'P': 1125899906842624, 'T': 1099511627776, 'G': 1073741824, 'M': 1048576, 'K': 1024 }; var reverseSymbols = _(symbols).reverse().value(); for (var i = 0; i < reverseSymbols.length; i++) { var symbol = reverseSymbols[i]; var value = bytes / prefix[symbol]; if(value > 1) { var decimal_precision = 0; if(value < 10) { decimal_precision = 2; } else if(value < 100) { decimal_precision = 1; } if(low_precision) { if(symbol == 'MK') { decimal_precision = 0; } else { decimal_precision = _.min([1, decimal_precision]); } } else if(symbol == 'K') { decimal_precision = 0; } return parseFloat(value).toFixed(decimal_precision) + symbol; } } return bytes.toFixed(0); } }); glancesApp.filter('bits', ["$filter", function($filter) { return function (bits, low_precision) { bits = Math.round(bits) * 8; return $filter('bytes')(bits, low_precision) + 'b'; } }]); glancesApp.filter('leftPad', ["$filter", function($filter) { return function (value, length, chars) { length = length || 0; chars = chars || ' '; return _.padStart(value, length, chars); } }]); glancesApp.filter('timemillis', function() { return function (array) { var sum = 0.0; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sum += array[i] * 1000.0; } return sum; } }); glancesApp.filter('timedelta', ["$filter", function($filter) { return function (value) { var sum = $filter('timemillis')(value); var d = new Date(sum); return { hours: d.getUTCHours(), // TODO : multiple days ( * (d.getDay() * 24))) minutes: d.getUTCMinutes(), seconds: d.getUTCSeconds(), milliseconds: parseInt("" + d.getUTCMilliseconds() / 10) }; } }]); glancesApp.controller('statsController', ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$interval", "GlancesStats", "help", "arguments", function ($scope, $rootScope, $interval, GlancesStats, help, arguments) { $ = help; $scope.arguments = arguments; $scope.sorter = { column: "cpu_percent", auto: true, isReverseColumn: function (column) { return !(column == 'username' || column == 'name'); }, getColumnLabel: function (column) { if (_.isEqual(column, ['io_read', 'io_write'])) { return 'io_counters'; } else { return column; } } }; $scope.dataLoaded = false; $scope.refreshData = function () { GlancesStats.getData().then(function (data) { $scope.statsAlert = GlancesStats.getPlugin('alert'); $scope.statsCpu = GlancesStats.getPlugin('cpu'); $scope.statsDiskio = GlancesStats.getPlugin('diskio'); $scope.statsIrq = GlancesStats.getPlugin('irq'); $scope.statsDocker = GlancesStats.getPlugin('docker'); $scope.statsFs = GlancesStats.getPlugin('fs'); $scope.statsFolders = GlancesStats.getPlugin('folders'); $scope.statsIp = GlancesStats.getPlugin('ip'); $scope.statsLoad = GlancesStats.getPlugin('load'); $scope.statsMem = GlancesStats.getPlugin('mem'); $scope.statsMemSwap = GlancesStats.getPlugin('memswap'); $scope.statsAmps = GlancesStats.getPlugin('amps'); $scope.statsNetwork = GlancesStats.getPlugin('network'); $scope.statsPerCpu = GlancesStats.getPlugin('percpu'); $scope.statsProcessCount = GlancesStats.getPlugin('processcount'); $scope.statsProcessList = GlancesStats.getPlugin('processlist'); $scope.statsQuicklook = GlancesStats.getPlugin('quicklook'); $scope.statsRaid = GlancesStats.getPlugin('raid'); $scope.statsSensors = GlancesStats.getPlugin('sensors'); $scope.statsSystem = GlancesStats.getPlugin('system'); $scope.statsUptime = GlancesStats.getPlugin('uptime'); $scope.statsPorts = GlancesStats.getPlugin('ports'); $rootScope.title = $scope.statsSystem.hostname + ' - Glances'; $scope.is_disconnected = false; $scope.dataLoaded = true; }, function() { $scope.is_disconnected = true; }); }; $scope.refreshData(); $interval(function () { $scope.refreshData(); }, arguments.time * 1000); // in milliseconds $scope.onKeyDown = function ($event) { switch (true) { case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.a: // a => Sort processes automatically $scope.sorter.column = "cpu_percent"; $ = true; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.A: // A => Enable/disable AMPs $scope.arguments.disable_amps = !$scope.arguments.disable_amps; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.c: // c => Sort processes by CPU% $scope.sorter.column = "cpu_percent"; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.m: // m => Sort processes by MEM% $scope.sorter.column = "memory_percent"; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.u: // u => Sort processes by user $scope.sorter.column = "username"; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.p: // p => Sort processes by name $scope.sorter.column = "name"; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.i: // i => Sort processes by I/O rate $scope.sorter.column = ['io_read', 'io_write']; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.t: // t => Sort processes by time $scope.sorter.column = "timemillis"; $ = false; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.d: // d => Show/hide disk I/O stats $scope.arguments.disable_diskio = !$scope.arguments.disable_diskio; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.Q: // R => Show/hide IRQ $scope.arguments.disable_irq = !$scope.arguments.disable_irq; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.f: // f => Show/hide filesystem stats $scope.arguments.disable_fs = !$scope.arguments.disable_fs; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.n: // n => Show/hide network stats $scope.arguments.disable_network = !$scope.arguments.disable_network; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.s: // s => Show/hide sensors stats $scope.arguments.disable_sensors = !$scope.arguments.disable_sensors; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.TWO: // 2 => Show/hide left sidebar $scope.arguments.disable_left_sidebar = !$scope.arguments.disable_left_sidebar; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.z: // z => Enable/disable processes stats $scope.arguments.disable_process = !$scope.arguments.disable_process; break; case $event.keyCode == keycodes.SLASH: // SLASH => Enable/disable short processes name $scope.arguments.process_short_name = !$scope.arguments.process_short_name; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.D: // D => Enable/disable Docker stats $scope.arguments.disable_docker = !$scope.arguments.disable_docker; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.b: // b => Bytes or bits for network I/O $scope.arguments.byte = !$scope.arguments.byte; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.b: // 'B' => Switch between bit/s and IO/s for Disk IO $scope.arguments.diskio_iops = !$scope.arguments.diskio_iops; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.l: // l => Show/hide alert logs $scope.arguments.disable_log = !$scope.arguments.disable_log; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.ONE: // 1 => Global CPU or per-CPU stats $scope.arguments.percpu = !$scope.arguments.percpu; break; case !$event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.h: // h => Show/hide this help screen $scope.arguments.help_tag = !$scope.arguments.help_tag; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.T: // T => View network I/O as combination $scope.arguments.network_sum = !$scope.arguments.network_sum; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.u: // U => View cumulative network I/O $scope.arguments.network_cumul = !$scope.arguments.network_cumul; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.f: // F => Show filesystem free space $scope.arguments.fs_free_space = !$scope.arguments.fs_free_space; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.THREE: // 3 => Enable/disable quick look plugin $scope.arguments.disable_quicklook = !$scope.arguments.disable_quicklook; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.FIVE: $scope.arguments.disable_quicklook = !$scope.arguments.disable_quicklook; $scope.arguments.disable_cpu = !$scope.arguments.disable_cpu; $scope.arguments.disable_mem = !$scope.arguments.disable_mem; $scope.arguments.disable_swap = !$scope.arguments.disable_swap; $scope.arguments.disable_load = !$scope.arguments.disable_load; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.i: // I => Show/hide IP module $scope.arguments.disable_ip = !$scope.arguments.disable_ip; break; case $event.shiftKey && $event.keyCode == keycodes.p: // I => Enable/disable ports module $scope.arguments.disable_ports = !$scope.arguments.disable_ports; break; } }; }]); var keycodes = { 'a' : '65', 'c' : '67', 'm' : '77', 'p' : '80', 'i' : '73', 't' : '84', 'u' : '85', 'd' : '68', 'f' : '70', 'n' : '78', 's' : '83', 'z' : '90', 'e' : '69', 'SLASH': '191', 'D' : '68', 'b' : '66', 'l' : '76', 'w' : '87', 'x' : '88', 'ONE': '49', 'TWO': '50', 'THREE': '51', 'FOUR': '52', 'FIVE': '53', 'h' : '72', 'T' : '84', 'F' : '70', 'g' : '71', 'r' : '82', 'q' : '81', 'A' : '65', 'R' : '82', } glancesApp.service('GlancesStats', ["$http", "$injector", "$q", "GlancesPlugin", function($http, $injector, $q, GlancesPlugin) { var _stats = [], _views = [], _limits = []; var _plugins = { 'alert': 'GlancesPluginAlert', 'cpu': 'GlancesPluginCpu', 'diskio': 'GlancesPluginDiskio', 'irq' : 'GlancesPluginIrq', 'docker': 'GlancesPluginDocker', 'ip': 'GlancesPluginIp', 'fs': 'GlancesPluginFs', 'folders': 'GlancesPluginFolders', 'load': 'GlancesPluginLoad', 'mem': 'GlancesPluginMem', 'memswap': 'GlancesPluginMemSwap', 'amps': 'GlancesPluginAmps', 'network': 'GlancesPluginNetwork', 'percpu': 'GlancesPluginPerCpu', 'processcount': 'GlancesPluginProcessCount', 'processlist': 'GlancesPluginProcessList', 'quicklook': 'GlancesPluginQuicklook', 'raid': 'GlancesPluginRaid', 'sensors': 'GlancesPluginSensors', 'system': 'GlancesPluginSystem', 'uptime': 'GlancesPluginUptime', 'ports': 'GlancesPluginPorts' }; this.getData = function() { return $q.all([ this.getAllStats(), this.getAllViews() ]).then(function(results) { return { 'stats': results[0], 'view': results[1] }; }); }; this.getAllStats = function() { return $http.get('/api/2/all').then(function (response) { _stats =; return; }); }; this.getAllLimits = function() { return $http.get('/api/2/all/limits').then(function (response) { _limits =; return; }); }; this.getAllViews = function() { return $http.get('/api/2/all/views').then(function (response) { _views =; return; }); }; this.getHelp = function() { return $http.get('/api/2/help').then(function (response) { return; }); }; this.getArguments = function() { return $http.get('/api/2/args').then(function (response) { return; }); }; this.getPlugin = function(name) { var plugin = _plugins[name]; if (plugin === undefined) { throw "Plugin '" + name + "' not found"; } plugin = $injector.get(plugin); plugin.setData(_stats, _views); return plugin; }; // load limits to init GlancePlugin helper this.getAllLimits().then(function(limits) { GlancesPlugin.setLimits(limits); }); }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginAlert', function () { var _pluginName = "alert"; var _alerts = []; this.setData = function (data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; _alerts = []; if(!_.isArray(data)) { data = []; } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var alertData = data[i]; var alert = {}; = alertData[3]; alert.level = alertData[2]; alert.begin = alertData[0] * 1000; alert.end = alertData[1] * 1000; alert.ongoing = alertData[1] == -1; alert.min = alertData[6]; alert.mean = alertData[5]; alert.max = alertData[4]; if (!alert.ongoing) { var duration = alert.end - alert.begin; var seconds = parseInt((duration / 1000) % 60) , minutes = parseInt((duration / (1000 * 60)) % 60) , hours = parseInt((duration / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24); alert.duration = _.padLeft(hours, 2, '0') + ":" + _.padLeft(minutes, 2, '0') + ":" + _.padLeft(seconds, 2, '0'); } _alerts.push(alert); } }; this.hasAlerts = function () { return _alerts.length > 0; }; this.getAlerts = function () { return _alerts; }; this.count = function () { return _alerts.length; }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginAmps', function() { var _pluginName = "amps"; this.processes = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { var processes = data[_pluginName]; this.processes = []; angular.forEach(processes, function(process) { if (process.result !== null) { this.processes.push(process); } }, this); }; this.getDescriptionDecoration = function(process) { var count = process.count; var countMin = process.countmin; var countMax = process.countmax; var decoration = "ok"; if (count > 0) { if ((countMin == null || count >= countMin) && (countMax == null || count <= countMax)) { decoration = 'ok'; } else { decoration = 'careful'; } } else { decoration = countMin == null ? 'ok' : 'critical'; } return decoration; } }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginCpu', function() { var _pluginName = "cpu"; var _view = {}; = null; this.user = null; this.system = null; this.idle = null; this.nice = null; this.irq = null; this.iowait = null; this.steal = null; this.ctx_switches = null; this.interrupts = null; this.soft_interrupts = null; this.syscalls = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; _view = views[_pluginName]; =; this.user = data.user; this.system = data.system; this.idle = data.idle; this.nice = data.nice; this.irq = data.irq; this.iowait = data.iowait; this.steal = data.steal; if (data.ctx_switches) { this.ctx_switches = Math.floor(data.ctx_switches / data.time_since_update); } if (data.interrupts) { this.interrupts = Math.floor(data.interrupts / data.time_since_update); } if (data.soft_interrupts) { this.soft_interrupts = Math.floor(data.soft_interrupts / data.time_since_update); } if (data.syscalls) { this.syscalls = Math.floor(data.syscalls / data.time_since_update); } } this.getDecoration = function(value) { if(_view[value] == undefined) { return; } return _view[value].decoration.toLowerCase(); } }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginDiskio', ["$filter", function($filter) { var _pluginName = "diskio"; this.disks = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; data = $filter('orderBy')(data,'disk_name'); this.disks = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var diskioData = data[i]; var timeSinceUpdate = diskioData['time_since_update']; var diskio = { 'name': diskioData['disk_name'], 'bitrate': { 'txps': $filter('bytes')(diskioData['read_bytes'] / timeSinceUpdate), 'rxps': $filter('bytes')(diskioData['write_bytes'] / timeSinceUpdate) }, 'count': { 'txps': $filter('bytes')(diskioData['read_count'] / timeSinceUpdate), 'rxps': $filter('bytes')(diskioData['write_count'] / timeSinceUpdate) }, 'alias': diskioData['alias'] !== undefined ? diskioData['alias'] : null }; this.disks.push(diskio); } }; }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginDocker', ["GlancesPlugin", function(GlancesPlugin) { var _pluginName = "docker"; this.containers = []; this.version = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.containers = []; if(_.isEmpty(data)) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < data['containers'].length; i++) { var containerData = data['containers'][i]; var container = { 'id': containerData.Id, 'name': containerData.Names[0].split('/').splice(-1)[0], 'status': containerData.Status, 'cpu':, 'memory': containerData.memory.usage != undefined ? containerData.memory.usage : '?', 'ior': != undefined ? : '?', 'iow': != undefined ? : '?', 'io_time_since_update':, 'rx': != undefined ? : '?', 'tx': != undefined ? : '?', 'net_time_since_update':, 'command': containerData.Command, 'image': containerData.Image }; this.containers.push(container); } this.version = data['version']['Version']; }; }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginFolders', function() { var _pluginName = "folders"; this.folders = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.folders = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var folderData = data[i]; var folder = { 'path': folderData['path'], 'size': folderData['size'], 'careful': folderData['careful'], 'warning': folderData['warning'], 'critical': folderData['critical'] }; this.folders.push(folder); } }; this.getDecoration = function(folder) { if (!Number.isInteger(folder.size)) { return; } if (folder.critical !== null && folder.size > (folder.critical * 1000000)) { return 'critical'; } else if (folder.warning !== null && folder.size > (folder.warning * 1000000)) { return 'warning'; } else if (folder.careful !== null && folder.size > (folder.careful * 1000000)) { return 'careful'; } return 'ok'; }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginFs', function() { var _pluginName = "fs"; var _view = {}; this.fileSystems = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { _view = views[_pluginName]; data = data[_pluginName]; this.fileSystems = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var fsData = data[i]; var fs = { 'name': fsData['device_name'], 'mountPoint': fsData['mnt_point'], 'percent': fsData['percent'], 'size': fsData['size'], 'used': fsData['used'], 'free': fsData['free'] }; this.fileSystems.push(fs); } }; this.getDecoration = function(mountPoint, field) { if(_view[mountPoint][field] == undefined) { return; } return _view[mountPoint][field].decoration.toLowerCase(); }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginIp', function() { var _pluginName = "ip"; this.address = null; this.gateway = null; this.mask = null; this.maskCidr = null; this.publicAddress = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.address = data.address; this.gateway = data.gateway; this.mask = data.mask; this.maskCidr = data.mask_cidr; this.publicAddress = data.public_address }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginIrq', function() { var _pluginName = "irq"; this.irqs = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.irqs = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var IrqData = data[i]; var timeSinceUpdate = IrqData['time_since_update']; var irq = { 'irq_line': IrqData['irq_line'], 'irq_rate': IrqData['irq_rate'] }; this.irqs.push(irq); } }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginLoad', function() { var _pluginName = "load"; var _view = {}; this.cpucore = null; this.min1 = null; this.min5 = null; this.min15 = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { _view = views[_pluginName]; data = data[_pluginName]; this.cpucore = data['cpucore']; this.min1 = data['min1']; this.min5 = data['min5']; this.min15 = data['min15']; }; this.getDecoration = function(value) { if(_view[value] == undefined) { return; } return _view[value].decoration.toLowerCase(); }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginMem', function() { var _pluginName = "mem"; var _view = {}; this.percent = null; = null; this.used = null; = null; this.version = null; = null; this.inactive = null; this.buffers = null; this.cached = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { _view = views[_pluginName]; data = data[_pluginName]; this.percent = data['percent']; = data['total']; this.used = data['used']; = data['free']; = data['active']; this.inactive = data['inactive']; this.buffers = data['buffers']; this.cached = data['cached']; }; this.getDecoration = function(value) { if(_view[value] == undefined) { return; } return _view[value].decoration.toLowerCase(); }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginMemSwap', function() { var _pluginName = "memswap"; var _view = {}; this.percent = null; = null; this.used = null; = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { _view = views[_pluginName]; data = data[_pluginName]; this.percent = data['percent']; = data['total']; this.used = data['used']; = data['free']; }; this.getDecoration = function(value) { if(_view[value] == undefined) { return; } return _view[value].decoration.toLowerCase(); }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginNetwork', function() { var _pluginName = "network"; this.networks = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { this.networks = []; for (var i = 0; i < data[_pluginName].length; i++) { var networkData = data[_pluginName][i]; var network = { 'interfaceName': networkData['interface_name'], 'rx': networkData['rx'], 'tx': networkData['tx'], 'cx': networkData['cx'], 'time_since_update': networkData['time_since_update'], 'cumulativeRx': networkData['cumulative_rx'], 'cumulativeTx': networkData['cumulative_tx'], 'cumulativeCx': networkData['cumulative_cx'] }; this.networks.push(network); } }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginPerCpu', ["$filter", "GlancesPlugin", function($filter, GlancesPlugin) { var _pluginName = "percpu"; this.cpus = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.cpus = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var cpuData = data[i]; this.cpus.push({ 'total':, 'user': cpuData.user, 'system': cpuData.system, 'idle': cpuData.idle, 'iowait': cpuData.iowait, 'steal': cpuData.steal }); } }; this.getUserAlert = function(cpu) { return GlancesPlugin.getAlert(_pluginName, 'percpu_user_', cpu.user) }; this.getSystemAlert = function(cpu) { return GlancesPlugin.getAlert(_pluginName, 'percpu_system_', cpu.system); }; }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPlugin', function () { var plugin = { 'limits': {}, 'limitSuffix': ['critical', 'careful', 'warning'] }; plugin.setLimits = function(limits){ this.limits = limits; }; plugin.getAlert = function (pluginName, limitNamePrefix, current, maximum, log) { current = current || 0; maximum = maximum || 100; log = log || false; var log_str = log ? '_log' : ''; var value = (current * 100) / maximum; if (this.limits[pluginName] != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < this.limitSuffix.length; i++) { var limitName = limitNamePrefix + this.limitSuffix[i]; var limit = this.limits[pluginName][limitName]; if (value >= limit) { var pos = limitName.lastIndexOf("_"); var className = limitName.substring(pos + 1); return className + log_str; } } } return "ok" + log_str; }; plugin.getAlertLog = function (pluginName, limitNamePrefix, current, maximum) { return this.getAlert(pluginName, limitNamePrefix, current, maximum, true); }; return plugin; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginPorts', function() { var _pluginName = "ports"; this.ports = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { var ports = data[_pluginName]; this.ports = []; angular.forEach(ports, function(port) { this.ports.push(port); }, this); }; this.getDecoration = function(port) { if (port.status === null) { return 'careful'; } if (port.status === false) { return 'critical'; } if (port.rtt_warning !== null && port.status > port.rtt_warning) { return 'warning'; } return 'ok'; }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginProcessCount', function() { var _pluginName = "processcount"; = null; this.running = null; this.sleeping = null; this.stopped = null; this.thread = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; = data['total'] || 0; this.running = data['running'] || 0; this.sleeping = data['sleeping'] || 0; this.stopped = data['stopped'] || 0; this.thread = data['thread'] || 0; }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginProcessList', ["$filter", "GlancesPlugin", function($filter, GlancesPlugin) { var _pluginName = "processlist"; var _ioReadWritePresent = false; this.processes = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { this.processes = []; this.ioReadWritePresent = false; for (var i = 0; i < data[_pluginName].length; i++) { var process = data[_pluginName][i]; process.memvirt = process.memory_info[1]; process.memres = process.memory_info[0]; process.timeplus = $filter('timedelta')(process.cpu_times); process.timemillis = $filter('timemillis')(process.cpu_times); process.ioRead = null; process.ioWrite = null; if (process.io_counters) { this.ioReadWritePresent = true; process.ioRead = (process.io_counters[0] - process.io_counters[2]) / process.time_since_update; if (process.ioRead != 0) { process.ioRead = $filter('bytes')(process.ioRead); } process.ioWrite = (process.io_counters[1] - process.io_counters[3]) / process.time_since_update; if (process.ioWrite != 0) { process.ioWrite = $filter('bytes')(process.ioWrite); } } process.isNice = process.nice !== undefined && ((data['system'].os_name === 'Windows' && process.nice != 32) || (data['system'].os_name !== 'Windows' && process.nice != 0)); if (Array.isArray(process.cmdline)) { process.cmdline = process.cmdline.join(' '); } this.processes.push(process); } }; this.getCpuPercentAlert = function(process) { return GlancesPlugin.getAlert(_pluginName, 'processlist_cpu_', process.cpu_percent); }; this.getMemoryPercentAlert = function(process) { return GlancesPlugin.getAlert(_pluginName, 'processlist_mem_', process.cpu_percent); }; }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginQuicklook', function() { var _pluginName = "quicklook"; var _view = {}; this.mem = null; this.cpu = null; this.cpu_name = null; this.cpu_hz_current = null; this.cpu_hz = null; this.swap = null; this.percpus = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; _view = views[_pluginName]; this.mem = data.mem; this.cpu = data.cpu; this.cpu_name = data.cpu_name; this.cpu_hz_current = data.cpu_hz_current; this.cpu_hz = data.cpu_hz; this.swap = data.swap; this.percpus = []; angular.forEach(data.percpu, function(cpu) { this.percpus.push({ 'number': cpu.cpu_number, 'total': }); }, this); } this.getDecoration = function(value) { if(_view[value] == undefined) { return; } return _view[value].decoration.toLowerCase(); } }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginRaid', function () { var _pluginName = "raid"; this.disks = []; this.setData = function (data, views) { this.disks = []; data = data[_pluginName]; _.forIn(data, function(diskData, diskKey) { var disk = { 'name': diskKey, 'type': diskData.type == null ? 'UNKNOWN' : diskData.type, 'used': diskData.used, 'available': diskData.available, 'status': diskData.status, 'degraded': diskData.used < diskData.available, 'config': diskData.config == null ? '' : diskData.config.replace('_', 'A'), 'inactive': diskData.status == 'inactive', 'components': [] }; _.forEach(diskData.components, function(number, name) { disk.components.push({ 'number': number, 'name': name }); }); this.disks.push(disk); }, this); }; this.hasDisks = function() { return this.disks.length > 0; } this.getAlert = function(disk) { if (disk.inactive) { return 'critical'; } if (disk.degraded) { return 'warning'; } return 'ok' } }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginSensors', ["GlancesPlugin", function(GlancesPlugin) { var _pluginName = "sensors"; this.sensors = []; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; _.remove(data, function(sensor) { return (_.isArray(sensor.value) && _.isEmpty(sensor.value)) || sensor.value === 0; }); this.sensors = data; }; this.getAlert = function(sensor) { var current = sensor.type == 'battery' ? 100 - sensor.value : sensor.value; return GlancesPlugin.getAlert(_pluginName, 'sensors_' + sensor.type + '_', current); }; }]); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginSystem', function() { var _pluginName = "system"; this.hostname = null; this.platform = null; this.humanReadableName = null; this.os = { 'name': null, 'version': null }; this.setData = function(data, views) { data = data[_pluginName]; this.hostname = data['hostname']; this.platform = data['platform']; = data['os_name']; this.os.version = data['os_version']; this.humanReadableName = data['hr_name']; }; this.isBsd = function() { return === 'FreeBSD'; }; this.isLinux = function() { return === 'Linux'; }; this.isMac = function() { return === 'Darwin'; }; this.isWindows = function() { return === 'Windows'; }; }); glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginUptime', function() { this.uptime = null; this.setData = function(data, views) { this.uptime = data['uptime']; }; });