:orphan: glances ======= SYNOPSIS -------- **glances** [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION ----------- **glances** is a cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool which aims to present a maximum of information in a minimum of space, ideally to fit in a classical 80x24 terminal or higher to have additional information. It can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the terminal size. It can also work in client/server mode. Remote monitoring could be done via terminal or web interface. **glances** is written in Python and uses the *psutil* library to get information from your system. OPTIONS ------- .. include:: cmds.rst CONFIGURATION ------------- .. include:: config.rst EXAMPLES -------- Monitor local machine (standalone mode): $ glances Monitor local machine with the web interface (Web UI): $ glances -w Monitor local machine and export stats to a CSV file: $ glances --export-csv Monitor local machine and export stats to a InfluxDB server with 5s refresh time (also possible to export to OpenTSDB, Cassandra, Statsd, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and Riemann): $ glances -t 5 --export-influxdb Start a Glances server (server mode): $ glances -s Connect Glances to a Glances server (client mode): $ glances -c Connect to a Glances server and export stats to a StatsD server: $ glances -c --export-statsd Start the client browser (browser mode): $ glances --browser AUTHOR ------ Nicolas Hennion aka Nicolargo