.. _api: API (Restfull/JSON) documentation ================================= The Glances Restfull/API server could be ran using the following command line: .. code-block:: bash # glances -w --disable-webui Note: Change request URL api/3 by api/2 if you use Glances 2.x. GET Plugins list ---------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/pluginslist ['alert', 'amps', 'cloud', 'connections', 'core', 'cpu', 'diskio', 'docker', 'folders', 'fs', 'gpu', 'help', 'ip', 'irq', 'load', 'mem', 'memswap', 'network', 'now', 'percpu', 'ports', 'processcount', 'processlist', 'psutilversion', 'quicklook', 'raid', 'sensors', 'smart', 'system', 'uptime', 'wifi'] GET alert --------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/alert [[1626506953.0, -1, 'WARNING', 'MEM', 73.75089692241458, 73.75089692241458, 73.75089692241458, 73.75089692241458, 1, [], '', 'memory_percent']] GET amps -------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/amps [{'count': 0, 'countmax': None, 'countmin': 1.0, 'key': 'name', 'name': 'Dropbox', 'refresh': 3.0, 'regex': True, 'result': None, 'timer': 0.11381411552429199}, {'count': 0, 'countmax': 20.0, 'countmin': None, 'key': 'name', 'name': 'Python', 'refresh': 3.0, 'regex': True, 'result': None, 'timer': 0.11371397972106934}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/amps/name {'name': ['Dropbox', 'Python', 'Conntrack', 'Nginx', 'Systemd', 'SystemV']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/amps/name/Dropbox {'Dropbox': [{'count': 0, 'countmax': None, 'countmin': 1.0, 'key': 'name', 'name': 'Dropbox', 'refresh': 3.0, 'regex': True, 'result': None, 'timer': 0.11381411552429199}]} GET core -------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/core {'log': 4, 'phys': 2} Fields descriptions: * **phys**: Number of physical cores (hyper thread CPUs are excluded) (unit is *number*) * **log**: Number of logical CPUs. A logical CPU is the number of physical cores multiplied by the number of threads that can run on each core (unit is *number*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/core/phys {'phys': 2} GET cpu ------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu {'cpucore': 4, 'ctx_switches': 0, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 67.7, 'interrupts': 0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'nice': 0.0, 'soft_interrupts': 0, 'softirq': 8.9, 'steal': 0.0, 'syscalls': 0, 'system': 7.0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'total': 32.7, 'user': 16.5} Fields descriptions: * **total**: Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle) (unit is *percent*) * **system**: percent time spent in kernel space. System CPU time is the time spent running code in the Operating System kernel (unit is *percent*) * **user**: CPU percent time spent in user space. User CPU time is the time spent on the processor running your program's code (or code in libraries) (unit is *percent*) * **iowait**: *(Linux)*: percent time spent by the CPU waiting for I/O operations to complete (unit is *percent*) * **idle**: percent of CPU used by any program. Every program or task that runs on a computer system occupies a certain amount of processing time on the CPU. If the CPU has completed all tasks it is idle (unit is *percent*) * **irq**: *(Linux and BSD)*: percent time spent servicing/handling hardware/software interrupts. Time servicing interrupts (hardware + software) (unit is *percent*) * **nice**: *(Unix)*: percent time occupied by user level processes with a positive nice value. The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been *niced* (unit is *percent*) * **steal**: *(Linux)*: percentage of time a virtual CPU waits for a real CPU while the hypervisor is servicing another virtual processor (unit is *percent*) * **ctx_switches**: number of context switches (voluntary + involuntary) per second. A context switch is a procedure that a computer's CPU (central processing unit) follows to change from one task (or process) to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict (unit is *percent*) * **interrupts**: number of interrupts per second (unit is *percent*) * **soft_interrupts**: number of software interrupts per second. Always set to 0 on Windows and SunOS (unit is *percent*) * **cpucore**: Total number of CPU core (unit is *number*) * **time_since_update**: Number of seconds since last update (unit is *seconds*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/total {'total': 32.7} GET diskio ---------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/diskio [{'disk_name': 'sda', 'key': 'disk_name', 'read_bytes': 0, 'read_count': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'write_bytes': 0, 'write_count': 0}, {'disk_name': 'sda1', 'key': 'disk_name', 'read_bytes': 0, 'read_count': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'write_bytes': 0, 'write_count': 0}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/diskio/disk_name {'disk_name': ['sda', 'sda1', 'sda2', 'sda5', 'dm-0', 'dm-1', 'sdc', 'sdc1']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/diskio/disk_name/sda {'sda': [{'disk_name': 'sda', 'key': 'disk_name', 'read_bytes': 0, 'read_count': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'write_bytes': 0, 'write_count': 0}]} GET fs ------ .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/fs [{'device_name': '/dev/mapper/ubuntu--gnome--vg-root', 'free': 36254167040, 'fs_type': 'ext4', 'key': 'mnt_point', 'mnt_point': '/', 'percent': 84.3, 'size': 243396149248, 'used': 194754527232}, {'device_name': '/dev/sdc1', 'free': 3814915088384, 'fs_type': 'fuseblk', 'key': 'mnt_point', 'mnt_point': '/media/nicolargo/Elements', 'percent': 4.6, 'size': 4000750497792, 'used': 185835409408}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/fs/mnt_point {'mnt_point': ['/', '/media/nicolargo/Elements']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/fs/mnt_point// {'/': [{'device_name': '/dev/mapper/ubuntu--gnome--vg-root', 'free': 36254167040, 'fs_type': 'ext4', 'key': 'mnt_point', 'mnt_point': '/', 'percent': 84.3, 'size': 243396149248, 'used': 194754527232}]} GET ip ------ .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/ip {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'mask': '', 'mask_cidr': 24} Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/ip/address {'address': ''} GET load -------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/load {'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.44, 'min15': 1.1, 'min5': 0.83} Fields descriptions: * **min1**: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 1 minute (unit is *number*) * **min5**: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 5 minutes (unit is *number*) * **min15**: Average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 15 minutes (unit is *number*) * **cpucore**: Total number of CPU core (unit is *number*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/load/min1 {'min1': 0.44} GET mem ------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/mem {'active': 4698603520, 'available': 2060308480, 'buffers': 686833664, 'cached': 1725063168, 'free': 2060308480, 'inactive': 1597227008, 'percent': 73.8, 'shared': 700612608, 'total': 7849062400, 'used': 5788753920} Fields descriptions: * **total**: Total physical memory available (unit is *bytes*) * **available**: The actual amount of available memory that can be given instantly to processes that request more memory in bytes; this is calculated by summing different memory values depending on the platform (e.g. free + buffers + cached on Linux) and it is supposed to be used to monitor actual memory usage in a cross platform fashion (unit is *bytes*) * **percent**: The percentage usage calculated as (total - available) / total * 100 (unit is *percent*) * **used**: Memory used, calculated differently depending on the platform and designed for informational purposes only (unit is *bytes*) * **free**: Memory not being used at all (zeroed) that is readily available; note that this doesn't reflect the actual memory available (use 'available' instead) (unit is *bytes*) * **active**: *(UNIX)*: memory currently in use or very recently used, and so it is in RAM (unit is *bytes*) * **inactive**: *(UNIX)*: memory that is marked as not used (unit is *bytes*) * **buffers**: *(Linux, BSD)*: cache for things like file system metadata (unit is *bytes*) * **cached**: *(Linux, BSD)*: cache for various things (unit is *bytes*) * **wired**: *(BSD, macOS)*: memory that is marked to always stay in RAM. It is never moved to disk (unit is *bytes*) * **shared**: *(BSD)*: memory that may be simultaneously accessed by multiple processes (unit is *bytes*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/mem/total {'total': 7849062400} GET memswap ----------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/memswap {'free': 6102118400, 'percent': 24.5, 'sin': 8697491456, 'sout': 13157560320, 'time_since_update': 1, 'total': 8082419712, 'used': 1980301312} Fields descriptions: * **total**: Total swap memory (unit is *bytes*) * **used**: Used swap memory (unit is *bytes*) * **free**: Free swap memory (unit is *bytes*) * **percent**: Used swap memory in percentage (unit is *percent*) * **sin**: The number of bytes the system has swapped in from disk (cumulative) (unit is *bytes*) * **sout**: The number of bytes the system has swapped out from disk (cumulative) (unit is *bytes*) * **time_since_update**: Number of seconds since last update (unit is *seconds*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/memswap/total {'total': 8082419712} GET network ----------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/network [{'alias': None, 'cumulative_cx': 0, 'cumulative_rx': 0, 'cumulative_tx': 0, 'cx': 0, 'interface_name': 'mpqemubr0-dummy', 'is_up': False, 'key': 'interface_name', 'rx': 0, 'speed': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'tx': 0}, {'alias': None, 'cumulative_cx': 3715365760, 'cumulative_rx': 1857682880, 'cumulative_tx': 1857682880, 'cx': 200, 'interface_name': 'lo', 'is_up': True, 'key': 'interface_name', 'rx': 100, 'speed': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'tx': 100}] Fields descriptions: * **interface_name**: Interface name (unit is *string*) * **alias**: Interface alias name (optional) (unit is *string*) * **rx**: The received/input rate (in bit per second) (unit is *bps*) * **tx**: The sent/output rate (in bit per second) (unit is *bps*) * **cumulative_rx**: The number of bytes received through the interface (cumulative) (unit is *bytes*) * **cumulative_tx**: The number of bytes sent through the interface (cumulative) (unit is *bytes*) * **speed**: Maximum interface speed (in bit per second). Can return 0 on some operating-system (unit is *bps*) * **is_up**: Is the interface up ? (unit is *bool*) * **time_since_update**: Number of seconds since last update (unit is *seconds*) Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/network/interface_name {'interface_name': ['mpqemubr0-dummy', 'lo', 'mpqemubr0', 'tap-838a195875f', 'docker0', 'wlp2s0', 'br-119e6ee04e05', 'vboxnet0', 'br-87386b77b676']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/network/interface_name/mpqemubr0-dummy {'mpqemubr0-dummy': [{'alias': None, 'cumulative_cx': 0, 'cumulative_rx': 0, 'cumulative_tx': 0, 'cx': 0, 'interface_name': 'mpqemubr0-dummy', 'is_up': False, 'key': 'interface_name', 'rx': 0, 'speed': 0, 'time_since_update': 1, 'tx': 0}]} GET now ------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/now '2021-07-17 09:29:13 CEST' GET percpu ---------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/percpu [{'cpu_number': 0, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 21.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 10.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 0.0, 'total': 79.0, 'user': 0.0}, {'cpu_number': 1, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 22.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 1.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 1.0, 'total': 78.0, 'user': 1.0}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/percpu/cpu_number {'cpu_number': [0, 1, 2, 3]} GET ports --------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/ports [{'description': 'DefaultGateway', 'host': '', 'indice': 'port_0', 'port': 0, 'refresh': 30, 'rtt_warning': None, 'status': 0.006171, 'timeout': 3}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/ports/host {'host': ['']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/ports/host/ {'': [{'description': 'DefaultGateway', 'host': '', 'indice': 'port_0', 'port': 0, 'refresh': 30, 'rtt_warning': None, 'status': 0.006171, 'timeout': 3}]} GET processcount ---------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/processcount {'pid_max': 0, 'running': 1, 'sleeping': 285, 'thread': 1427, 'total': 347} Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/processcount/total {'total': 347} GET processlist --------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/processlist [{'cmdline': ['/home/nicolargo/dev/glances/venv/bin/python3.8', '/home/nicolargo/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2021.5.926500501/pythonFiles/run-jedi-language-server.py'], 'cpu_percent': 0.0, 'cpu_times': pcputimes(user=5793.51, system=343.17, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, iowait=15.24), 'gids': pgids(real=1000, effective=1000, saved=1000), 'io_counters': [678944768, 109338624, 0, 0, 0], 'key': 'pid', 'memory_info': pmem(rss=668692480, vms=912785408, shared=3633152, text=2846720, lib=0, data=692174848, dirty=0), 'memory_percent': 8.519393093371255, 'name': 'python3.8', 'nice': 0, 'num_threads': 4, 'pid': 2702806, 'ppid': 2702621, 'status': 'S', 'time_since_update': 1, 'username': 'nicolargo'}, {'cmdline': ['/usr/share/code/code', '--type=renderer', '--disable-color-correct-rendering', '--no-sandbox', '--field-trial-handle=12394583116449707336,2893691487865030553,131072', '--enable-features=WebComponentsV0Enabled', '--disable-features=CertVerifierService,CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure,SameSiteByDefaultCookies,SpareRendererForSitePerProcess', '--lang=en-US', '--enable-crash-reporter=7c06f526-63e8-47aa-8c08-b95f6ad2ec2d,no_channel', '--global-crash-keys=7c06f526-63e8-47aa-8c08-b95f6ad2ec2d,no_channel,_companyName=Microsoft,_productName=VSCode,_version=1.56.2', '--standard-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file', '--secure-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file', '--bypasscsp-schemes', '--cors-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file', '--fetch-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file', '--service-worker-schemes=vscode-webview', '--streaming-schemes', '--app-path=/usr/share/code/resources/app', '--no-sandbox', '--no-zygote', '--num-raster-threads=2', '--enable-main-frame-before-activation', '--renderer-client-id=5', '--no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations', '--shared-files=v8_context_snapshot_data:100', '--vscode-window-config=vscode:9f2589e5-1786-4a6a-98fc-d85b382d2411'], 'cpu_percent': 0.0, 'cpu_times': pcputimes(user=6616.73, system=540.33, children_user=17.21, children_system=3.63, iowait=6.73), 'gids': pgids(real=1000, effective=1000, saved=1000), 'io_counters': [1004748800, 48324608, 0, 0, 0], 'key': 'pid', 'memory_info': pmem(rss=437821440, vms=54421401600, shared=50536448, text=123428864, lib=0, data=862879744, dirty=0), 'memory_percent': 5.578009419316121, 'name': 'code', 'nice': 0, 'num_threads': 20, 'pid': 2702582, 'ppid': 2702525, 'status': 'S', 'time_since_update': 1, 'username': 'nicolargo'}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/processlist/pid {'pid': [2702806, 2702582, 2993144, 2993020, 2993283, 9122, 3079121, 42230, 2993375, 2702621, 3078543, 3075417, 2993148, 3090242, 2938292, 2702525, 744165, 2702553, 3056321, 2702636, 2993158, 3107593, 8654, 2702653, 2791638, 2702815, 3244, 3103852, 8639, 3124708, 2741015, 2791637, 2702565, 2791665, 8540, 3419, 3120308, 2702789, 2817004, 3076986, 2625397, 2598927, 2994159, 4497, 9696, 3120307, 28036, 8538, 9412, 1, 3120328, 1101, 9880, 2739211, 2702662, 9520, 9915, 2791760, 10076, 3120327, 9918, 1140, 9539, 218114, 2625601, 1264, 9975, 9421, 42244, 9791, 7479, 8496, 8553, 9911, 1675998, 3074778, 9427, 3074791, 9962, 3074785, 3201, 8594, 9608, 2625324, 2702529, 2625388, 2702528, 9936, 1099, 8546, 1636, 9073, 2625339, 3103956, 9910, 9820, 2078532, 9432, 10009, 223473, 1141, 1137, 9957, 9934, 2625334, 3075380, 9596, 10001, 2035399, 9903, 44159, 1085, 9929, 10045, 2622728, 9453, 8623, 9925, 10017, 2625605, 223504, 9953, 1093, 9877, 1115, 2625489, 43602, 2614935, 8822, 8672, 3056033, 9762, 8650, 9941, 169607, 9420, 2548721, 2525291, 1905447, 627089, 9010, 713820, 1122, 9016, 9969, 8995, 3124696, 298444, 1110, 8664, 43938, 8575, 8614, 1134, 1096, 3103851, 1316, 8633, 2625337, 1168, 2879345, 1001, 8586, 2879435, 2625021, 1097, 4504, 1125, 9066, 2625338, 3217, 1462, 8953, 2620923, 9512, 1086, 3124707, 3953, 3229, 3103980, 3077281, 3225, 1310, 978, 1171, 370, 13314, 8498, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 112, 121, 139, 181, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 206, 207, 238, 288, 289, 309, 360, 364, 390, 439, 450, 451, 452, 453, 513, 514, 531, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 1323, 1527, 1529, 1531, 1533, 1534, 1537, 1538, 1540, 8648, 11754, 14346, 45609, 45610, 45621, 45622, 45623, 45624, 45625, 45626, 217392, 574771, 1893153, 2058173, 2318240, 2624916, 2624918, 2702007, 2717801, 2777389, 2779024, 2780261, 2816759, 2816957, 2817447, 2817525, 2817644, 2848355, 2848483, 2848744, 2891750, 2892014, 2926441, 2927027, 2927659, 2938027, 2939167, 2981539, 3043867, 3055870, 3055871, 3055872, 3076088, 3076171, 3076588, 3106441, 3115093, 3115308, 3119366, 3120203, 3120204, 3120205, 3122021, 3122327, 3122446, 3122549, 3122955, 3123701, 3123728, 3124311, 3124426]} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/processlist/pid/2702806 {'2702806': [{'cmdline': ['/home/nicolargo/dev/glances/venv/bin/python3.8', '/home/nicolargo/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2021.5.926500501/pythonFiles/run-jedi-language-server.py'], 'cpu_percent': 0.0, 'cpu_times': [5793.51, 343.17, 0.0, 0.0, 15.24], 'gids': [1000, 1000, 1000], 'io_counters': [678944768, 109338624, 0, 0, 0], 'key': 'pid', 'memory_info': [668692480, 912785408, 3633152, 2846720, 0, 692174848, 0], 'memory_percent': 8.519393093371255, 'name': 'python3.8', 'nice': 0, 'num_threads': 4, 'pid': 2702806, 'ppid': 2702621, 'status': 'S', 'time_since_update': 1, 'username': 'nicolargo'}]} GET psutilversion ----------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/psutilversion (5, 8, 0) GET quicklook ------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/quicklook {'cpu': 32.7, 'cpu_hz': 3000000000.0, 'cpu_hz_current': 2674333250.0, 'cpu_name': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GH', 'mem': 73.8, 'percpu': [{'cpu_number': 0, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 21.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 10.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 0.0, 'total': 79.0, 'user': 0.0}, {'cpu_number': 1, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 22.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 1.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 1.0, 'total': 78.0, 'user': 1.0}, {'cpu_number': 2, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 20.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 0.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 1.0, 'total': 80.0, 'user': 1.0}, {'cpu_number': 3, 'guest': 0.0, 'guest_nice': 0.0, 'idle': 7.0, 'iowait': 0.0, 'irq': 0.0, 'key': 'cpu_number', 'nice': 0.0, 'softirq': 0.0, 'steal': 0.0, 'system': 2.0, 'total': 93.0, 'user': 15.0}], 'swap': 24.5} Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/quicklook/cpu {'cpu': 32.7} GET sensors ----------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/sensors [{'critical': 105, 'key': 'label', 'label': 'acpitz 1', 'type': 'temperature_core', 'unit': 'C', 'value': 27, 'warning': 105}, {'critical': 105, 'key': 'label', 'label': 'acpitz 2', 'type': 'temperature_core', 'unit': 'C', 'value': 29, 'warning': 105}] Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/sensors/label {'label': ['acpitz 1', 'acpitz 2', 'CPU', 'Ambient', 'SODIMM', 'Package id 0', 'Core 0', 'Core 1', 'Battery']} Get a specific item when field matchs the given value: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/sensors/label/acpitz 1 {'acpitz 1': [{'critical': 105, 'key': 'label', 'label': 'acpitz 1', 'type': 'temperature_core', 'unit': 'C', 'value': 27, 'warning': 105}]} GET system ---------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/system {'hostname': 'XPS13-9333', 'hr_name': 'Ubuntu 20.04 64bit', 'linux_distro': 'Ubuntu 20.04', 'os_name': 'Linux', 'os_version': '5.4.0-66-generic', 'platform': '64bit'} Get a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/system/os_name {'os_name': 'Linux'} GET uptime ---------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/uptime {'seconds': 7859840} GET all stats ------------- .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/all Return a very big dictionnary (avoid using this request, performances will be poor)... GET stats history ----------------- History of a plugin: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/history {'system': [['2021-07-17T09:29:13.323534', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367310', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463434', 1.8]], 'user': [['2021-07-17T09:29:13.323529', 16.5], ['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367307', 16.5], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463430', 2.5]]} Limit history to last 2 values: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/history/2 {'system': [['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367310', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463434', 1.8]], 'user': [['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367307', 16.5], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463430', 2.5]]} History for a specific field: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/system/history {'system': [['2021-07-17T09:29:13.323534', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367310', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463434', 1.8]]} Limit history for a specific field to last 2 values: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/system/history {'system': [['2021-07-17T09:29:14.367310', 7.0], ['2021-07-17T09:29:15.463434', 1.8]]} GET limits (used for thresholds) -------------------------------- All limits/thresholds: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/all/limits {'alert': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'amps': {'amps_disable': ['False'], 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'cloud': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'connections': {'connections_disable': ['True'], 'connections_nf_conntrack_percent_careful': 70.0, 'connections_nf_conntrack_percent_critical': 90.0, 'connections_nf_conntrack_percent_warning': 80.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'core': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'cpu': {'cpu_ctx_switches_careful': 160000.0, 'cpu_ctx_switches_critical': 200000.0, 'cpu_ctx_switches_warning': 180000.0, 'cpu_disable': ['False'], 'cpu_iowait_careful': 20.0, 'cpu_iowait_critical': 25.0, 'cpu_iowait_warning': 22.5, 'cpu_steal_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_steal_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_steal_warning': 70.0, 'cpu_system_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_system_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_system_log': ['False'], 'cpu_system_warning': 70.0, 'cpu_total_careful': 65.0, 'cpu_total_critical': 85.0, 'cpu_total_log': ['True'], 'cpu_total_warning': 75.0, 'cpu_user_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_user_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_user_log': ['False'], 'cpu_user_warning': 70.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'diskio': {'diskio_disable': ['False'], 'diskio_hide': ['loop.*', '/dev/loop*'], 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'docker': {'docker_all': ['False'], 'docker_disable': ['False'], 'docker_max_name_size': 20.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'folders': {'folders_disable': ['False'], 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'fs': {'fs_careful': 50.0, 'fs_critical': 90.0, 'fs_disable': ['False'], 'fs_hide': ['/boot.*', '/snap.*'], 'fs_warning': 70.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'gpu': {'gpu_disable': ['False'], 'gpu_mem_careful': 50.0, 'gpu_mem_critical': 90.0, 'gpu_mem_warning': 70.0, 'gpu_proc_careful': 50.0, 'gpu_proc_critical': 90.0, 'gpu_proc_warning': 70.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}, 'help': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'ip': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'irq': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'irq_disable': ['True']}, 'load': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'load_careful': 0.7, 'load_critical': 5.0, 'load_disable': ['False'], 'load_warning': 1.0}, 'mem': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'mem_careful': 50.0, 'mem_critical': 90.0, 'mem_disable': ['False'], 'mem_warning': 70.0}, 'memswap': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'memswap_careful': 50.0, 'memswap_critical': 90.0, 'memswap_disable': ['False'], 'memswap_warning': 70.0}, 'network': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'network_disable': ['False'], 'network_rx_careful': 70.0, 'network_rx_critical': 90.0, 'network_rx_warning': 80.0, 'network_tx_careful': 70.0, 'network_tx_critical': 90.0, 'network_tx_warning': 80.0}, 'now': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'percpu': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'percpu_disable': ['False'], 'percpu_iowait_careful': 50.0, 'percpu_iowait_critical': 90.0, 'percpu_iowait_warning': 70.0, 'percpu_system_careful': 50.0, 'percpu_system_critical': 90.0, 'percpu_system_warning': 70.0, 'percpu_user_careful': 50.0, 'percpu_user_critical': 90.0, 'percpu_user_warning': 70.0}, 'ports': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'ports_disable': ['False'], 'ports_port_default_gateway': ['True'], 'ports_refresh': 30.0, 'ports_timeout': 3.0}, 'processcount': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'processcount_disable': ['False']}, 'processlist': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'processlist_cpu_careful': 50.0, 'processlist_cpu_critical': 90.0, 'processlist_cpu_warning': 70.0, 'processlist_disable': ['False'], 'processlist_mem_careful': 50.0, 'processlist_mem_critical': 90.0, 'processlist_mem_warning': 70.0, 'processlist_nice_warning': ['-20', '-19', '-18', '-17', '-16', '-15', '-14', '-13', '-12', '-11', '-10', '-9', '-8', '-7', '-6', '-5', '-4', '-3', '-2', '-1', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19']}, 'psutilversion': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'quicklook': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'quicklook_cpu_careful': 50.0, 'quicklook_cpu_critical': 90.0, 'quicklook_cpu_warning': 70.0, 'quicklook_disable': ['False'], 'quicklook_mem_careful': 50.0, 'quicklook_mem_critical': 90.0, 'quicklook_mem_warning': 70.0, 'quicklook_percentage_char': ['|'], 'quicklook_swap_careful': 50.0, 'quicklook_swap_critical': 90.0, 'quicklook_swap_warning': 70.0}, 'raid': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'raid_disable': ['True']}, 'sensors': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'sensors_battery_careful': 80.0, 'sensors_battery_critical': 95.0, 'sensors_battery_warning': 90.0, 'sensors_disable': ['False'], 'sensors_refresh': 4.0, 'sensors_temperature_core_careful': 60.0, 'sensors_temperature_core_critical': 80.0, 'sensors_temperature_core_warning': 70.0, 'sensors_temperature_hdd_careful': 45.0, 'sensors_temperature_hdd_critical': 60.0, 'sensors_temperature_hdd_warning': 52.0}, 'smart': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'smart_disable': ['True']}, 'system': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'system_disable': ['False'], 'system_refresh': 60}, 'uptime': {'history_size': 3600.0}, 'wifi': {'history_size': 3600.0, 'wifi_careful': -65.0, 'wifi_critical': -85.0, 'wifi_disable': ['True'], 'wifi_hide': ['lo', 'docker.*'], 'wifi_warning': -75.0}} Limits/thresholds for the cpu plugin: .. code-block:: json # curl http://localhost:61208/api/3/cpu/limits {'cpu_ctx_switches_careful': 160000.0, 'cpu_ctx_switches_critical': 200000.0, 'cpu_ctx_switches_warning': 180000.0, 'cpu_disable': ['False'], 'cpu_iowait_careful': 20.0, 'cpu_iowait_critical': 25.0, 'cpu_iowait_warning': 22.5, 'cpu_steal_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_steal_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_steal_warning': 70.0, 'cpu_system_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_system_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_system_log': ['False'], 'cpu_system_warning': 70.0, 'cpu_total_careful': 65.0, 'cpu_total_critical': 85.0, 'cpu_total_log': ['True'], 'cpu_total_warning': 75.0, 'cpu_user_careful': 50.0, 'cpu_user_critical': 90.0, 'cpu_user_log': ['False'], 'cpu_user_warning': 70.0, 'history_size': 3600.0}