.. _ps: Processes List ============== Compact view: .. image:: ../_static/processlist.png Full view: .. image:: ../_static/processlist-wide.png Filtered view: .. image:: ../_static/processlist-filter.png The process view consists of 3 parts: - Processes summary - Monitored processes list (optional) - Processes list The processes summary line displays: - Tasks number (total number of processes) - Threads number - Running tasks number - Sleeping tasks number - Other tasks number (not running or sleeping) - Sort key By default, or if you hit the ``a`` key, the processes list is automatically sorted by: - ``CPU``: if there is no alert (default behavior) - ``CPU``: if a CPU or LOAD alert is detected - ``MEM``: if a memory alert is detected - ``DISK I/O``: if a CPU iowait alert is detected The number of processes in the list is adapted to the screen size. Columns display --------------- ========================= ============================================== ``CPU%`` % of CPU used by the process If Irix/Solaris mode is off, the value is divided by logical core number ``MEM%`` % of MEM used by the process ``VIRT`` Virtual Memory Size The total amount of virtual memory used by the process ``RES`` Resident Memory Size The non-swapped physical memory a process is using ``PID`` Process ID ``USER`` User ID ``NI`` Nice level of the process ``S`` Process status The status of the process: - ``R``: running - ``S``: sleeping (may be interrupted) - ``D``: disk sleep (may not be interrupted) - ``T``: traced/stopped - ``Z``: zombie ``TIME+`` Cumulative CPU time used by the process ``R/s`` Per process I/O read rate in B/s ``W/s`` Per process I/O write rate in B/s ``COMMAND`` Process command line or command name User can switch to the process name by pressing on the ``'/'`` key ========================= ============================================== Process filtering ----------------- It's possible to filter the processes list using the ``ENTER`` key. Filter syntax is the following (examples): - python > Filter processes name or command line starting with *python* (regexp) - .*python.* > Filter processes name or command line containing *python* (regexp) - username:nicolargo > Processes of nicolargo user (key:regexp) - cmdline:\/usr\/bin.* > Processes starting by */usr/bin* Extended info ------------- .. image:: ../_static/processlist-top.png In standalone mode, additional information are provided for the top process: ========================= ============================================== ``CPU affinity`` Number of cores used by the process ``Memory info`` Extended memory information about the process For example, on Linux: swap, shared, text, lib, data and dirty ``Open`` The number of threads, files and network sessions (TCP and UDP) used by the process ``IO nice`` The process I/O niceness (priority) ========================= ============================================== The extended stats feature can be enabled using the ``--enable-process-extended`` option (command line) or the ``e`` key (curses interface). .. note:: Limit values can be overwritten in the configuration file under the ``[process]`` section.