.. _monitor: Monitored Processes List ======================== The monitored processes list allows user, through the configuration file, to group processes and quickly show if the number of running processes is not good. .. image:: ../_static/monitored.png Each item is defined by: - ``description``: description of the processes (max 16 chars). - ``regex``: regular expression of the processes to monitor. - ``command``: (optional) full path to shell command/script for extended - stat. Should return a single line string. Use with caution. - ``countmin``: (optional) minimal number of processes. A warning will - be displayed if number of processes < count. - ``countmax``: (optional) maximum number of processes. A warning will be displayed if number of processes > count. Up to ``10`` items can be defined. For example, if you want to monitor the Nginx processes on a web server, the following definition should do the job: .. code-block:: ini [monitor] list_1_description=Nginx server list_1_regex=.*nginx.* list_1_command=nginx -v list_1_countmin=1 list_1_countmax=4 If you also want to monitor the PHP-FPM daemon processes, you should add another item: .. code-block:: ini [monitor] list_1_description=Nginx server list_1_regex=.*nginx.* list_1_command=nginx -v list_1_countmin=1 list_1_countmax=4 list_2_description=PHP-FPM list_2_regex=.*php-fpm.* list_2_countmin=1 list_2_countmax=20 In client/server mode, the list is defined on the server side. A new method, called `getAllMonitored`, is available in the APIs and get the JSON representation of the monitored processes list. Alerts are set as following: ================= ============ # of process Status ================= ============ ``0`` ``CRITICAL`` ``min < p < max`` ``OK`` ``p > max`` ``WARNING`` ================= ============