.. _folders: Folders ======= The folders plugin allows user, through the configuration file, to monitor size of a predefined folders list. .. image:: ../_static/folders.png If the size cannot be computed, a ``'?'`` (non-existing folder) or a ``'!'`` (permission denied) is displayed. Each item is defined by: - ``path``: absolute path to monitor (mandatory) - ``careful``: optional careful threshold (in MB) - ``warning``: optional warning threshold (in MB) - ``critical``: optional critical threshold (in MB) - ``refresh``: interval in second between two refresh (default is 30 seconds) Up to ``10`` items can be defined. For example, if you want to monitor the ``/tmp`` folder every minute, the following definition should do the job: .. code-block:: ini [folders] folder_1_path=/tmp folder_1_careful=2500 folder_1_warning=3000 folder_1_critical=3500 folder_1_refresh=60 In client/server mode, the list is defined on the ``server`` side. .. warning:: Symbolic links are not followed. .. warning:: Do **NOT** define folders containing lot of files and subfolders or use an huge refresh time...