.. _disk: Disk I/O ======== .. image:: ../_static/diskio.png Glances displays the disk I/O throughput. The unit is adapted dynamically. You can display: - bytes per second (default behavior / Bytes/s, KBytes/s, MBytes/s, etc) - requests per second (using --diskio-iops option or *B* hotkey) There is no alert on this information. It's possible to define: - a list of disk to show (white list) - a list of disks to hide - aliases for disk name under the ``[diskio]`` section in the configuration file. For example, if you want to hide the loopback disks (loop0, loop1, ...) and the specific ``sda5`` partition: .. code-block:: ini [diskio] hide=sda5,loop.* or another example: .. code-block:: ini [diskio] show=sda.* Filtering is based on regular expression. Please be sure that your regular expression works as expected. You can use an online tool like `regex101`_ in order to test your regular expression. .. _regex101: https://regex101.com/