[flake8] ignore = W504 # line break after binary operator # --- flake8-bugbear plugin B007 # Loop control variable 'keyword' not used within the loop body. If this is intended, start the name with an underscore. B014 # Redundant exception types in `except (IOError, OSError) as err:`. Write `except OSError as err:`, which catches exactly the same exceptions. B008 # Do not perform function calls in argument defaults. # --- flake8-blind-except plugin B902 # blind except Exception: statement # --- flake8-quotes plugin Q000 # Double quotes found but single quotes preferred # --- flake8-quotes naming; disable all except N804 and N805 N801, N802, N803, N806, N807, N811, N812, N813, N814, N815, N816, N817, N818 # lines should not exceed 120 characters max-line-length = 120