AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-20Allow CI pipeline to install on Test PyPIissue1850nicolargo
2021-04-20Correct an issue with build wheels pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-20Correct an issue with build wheels pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-20Refactor build wheels pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-20Add Github action for unitestsnicolargo
2021-04-19Add Pypi pipeline in Github Actionsnicolargo
2021-04-19Clean build pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-19Clean build pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-19Clean build pipelinenicolargo
2021-04-19Add new build Github Actionnicolargo
2021-04-19Merge branch 'issue1847' into developnicolargo
2021-04-19Add Glances and PsUtil versionnicolargo
2021-04-18Add update stats timenicolargo
2021-04-17First version but should be optimize to display plugin grab timenicolargo
2021-04-17First version but should be optimize to display plugin grab timenicolargo
2021-04-11Add webui in Makefilenicolargo
2021-04-11Update Web UI depnicolargo
2021-04-11Merge pull request #1843 from nicolargo/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/glances/outpu...Nicolas Hennion
2021-04-11Merge pull request #1844 from nicolargo/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/glances/outpu...Nicolas Hennion
2021-04-11Merge pull request #1845 from nicolargo/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/glances/outpu...Nicolas Hennion
2021-04-11Bump yargs-parser from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /glances/outputs/staticdependabot[bot]
2021-04-11Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /glances/outputs/staticdependabot[bot]
2021-04-11Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in /glances/outputs/staticdependabot[bot]
2021-04-03'/api/3/processlist/pid/3936'use this api can't get right info,all messy code...nicolargo
2021-04-01Merge pull request #1833 from mjc/patch-1Nicolas Hennion
2021-03-30Fix typoMichael J. Cohen
2021-03-21Add a new decision tree (not used for the moment)nicolargo
2021-03-21Refactor the way importants stats are displayed #1826nicolargo
2021-03-17Correct one of the issue of #1822 (get_bool_value error)nicolargo
2021-03-13Correct launch issue in Snapcraft another try again...nicolargo
2021-03-13Correct launch issue in Snapcraft another try...nicolargo
2021-03-13Correct launch issue in Snapcraftnicolargo
2021-03-13Add debug message for snap packaging againnicolargo
2021-03-13One more try for snapcraftnicolargo
2021-03-13Add debug message for snap packagingnicolargo
2021-03-13Correct typo in documentationnicolargo
2021-03-13Update documentation for HDDTemp pluginnicolargo
2021-03-13Reaplly the Add hide option to sensors plugin #1596 PRnicolargo
2021-03-05Smart plugin error while start glances as root #1806nicolargo
2021-03-03Plugin quicklook takes more than one seconds to update #1820nicolargo
2021-03-03Add perf stats for processcountnicolargo
2021-03-03Replace Pystache by Chevron 2/2 See #1817nicolargo
2021-02-28Merge branch 'issues1817' into developnicolargo
2021-02-28Remove pystache by chevron (mustache implementation) #1817nicolargo
2021-02-28Merge pull request #1818 from stesser/developNicolas Hennion
2021-02-28Merge pull request #1815 from Hierosme/developNicolas Hennion
2021-02-27Update README.rstStefan Eßer
2021-02-17Fixe issue #1814Tuux
2021-02-07Correct an issue if section did not existnicolargo
2021-02-07Disable hide zero function by default because it is under developement...nicolargo