path: root/glances/plugins/sensors/
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Diffstat (limited to 'glances/plugins/sensors/')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/glances/plugins/sensors/ b/glances/plugins/sensors/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a9f5cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glances/plugins/sensors/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Glances.
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+"""Sensors plugin."""
+import psutil
+import warnings
+from glances.logger import logger
+from glances.globals import iteritems, to_fahrenheit
+from glances.timer import Counter
+from glances.plugins.sensors.sensor.glances_batpercent import PluginModel as BatPercentPluginModel
+from glances.plugins.sensors.sensor.glances_hddtemp import PluginModel as HddTempPluginModel
+from glances.outputs.glances_unicode import unicode_message
+from glances.plugins.plugin.model import GlancesPluginModel
+SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE = 'temperature_core'
+SENSOR_FAN_TYPE = 'fan_speed'
+class PluginModel(GlancesPluginModel):
+ """Glances sensors plugin.
+ The stats list includes both sensors and hard disks stats, if any.
+ The sensors are already grouped by chip type and then sorted by name.
+ The hard disks are already sorted by name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, args=None, config=None):
+ """Init the plugin."""
+ super(PluginModel, self).__init__(args=args, config=config, stats_init_value=[])
+ start_duration = Counter()
+ # Init the sensor class
+ start_duration.reset()
+ self.glances_grab_sensors = GlancesGrabSensors()
+ logger.debug("Generic sensor plugin init duration: {} seconds".format(start_duration.get()))
+ # Instance for the HDDTemp Plugin in order to display the hard disks
+ # temperatures
+ start_duration.reset()
+ self.hddtemp_plugin = HddTempPluginModel(args=args, config=config)
+ logger.debug("HDDTemp sensor plugin init duration: {} seconds".format(start_duration.get()))
+ # Instance for the BatPercent in order to display the batteries
+ # capacities
+ start_duration.reset()
+ self.batpercent_plugin = BatPercentPluginModel(args=args, config=config)
+ logger.debug("Battery sensor plugin init duration: {} seconds".format(start_duration.get()))
+ # We want to display the stat in the curse interface
+ self.display_curse = True
+ # Not necessary to refresh every refresh time
+ # By default set to refresh * 2
+ if self.get_refresh() == args.time:
+ self.set_refresh(self.get_refresh() * 2)
+ def get_key(self):
+ """Return the key of the list."""
+ return 'label'
+ @GlancesPluginModel._check_decorator
+ @GlancesPluginModel._log_result_decorator
+ def update(self):
+ """Update sensors stats using the input method."""
+ # Init new stats
+ stats = self.get_init_value()
+ if self.input_method == 'local':
+ # Update stats using the dedicated lib
+ stats = []
+ # Get the temperature
+ try:
+ temperature = self.__set_type(self.glances_grab_sensors.get(SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE), SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot grab sensors temperatures (%s)" % e)
+ else:
+ # Append temperature
+ stats.extend(temperature)
+ # Get the FAN speed
+ try:
+ fan_speed = self.__set_type(self.glances_grab_sensors.get(SENSOR_FAN_TYPE), SENSOR_FAN_TYPE)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot grab FAN speed (%s)" % e)
+ else:
+ # Append FAN speed
+ stats.extend(fan_speed)
+ # Update HDDtemp stats
+ try:
+ hddtemp = self.__set_type(self.hddtemp_plugin.update(), 'temperature_hdd')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot grab HDD temperature (%s)" % e)
+ else:
+ # Append HDD temperature
+ stats.extend(hddtemp)
+ # Update batteries stats
+ try:
+ bat_percent = self.__set_type(self.batpercent_plugin.update(), 'battery')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot grab battery percent (%s)" % e)
+ else:
+ # Append Batteries %
+ stats.extend(bat_percent)
+ elif self.input_method == 'snmp':
+ # Update stats using SNMP
+ # No standard:
+ #
+ pass
+ # Global change on stats
+ self.stats = self.get_init_value()
+ for stat in stats:
+ # Do not take hide stat into account
+ if not self.is_display(stat["label"].lower()):
+ continue
+ # Set the alias for each stat
+ # alias = self.has_alias(stat["label"].lower())
+ # if alias:
+ # stat["label"] = alias
+ stat["label"] = self.__get_alias(stat)
+ # Update the stats
+ self.stats.append(stat)
+ return self.stats
+ def __get_alias(self, stats):
+ """Return the alias of the sensor."""
+ # Get the alias for each stat
+ if self.has_alias(stats["label"].lower()):
+ return self.has_alias(stats["label"].lower())
+ elif self.has_alias("{}_{}".format(stats["label"], stats["type"]).lower()):
+ return self.has_alias("{}_{}".format(stats["label"], stats["type"]).lower())
+ else:
+ return stats["label"]
+ def __set_type(self, stats, sensor_type):
+ """Set the plugin type.
+ 4 types of stats is possible in the sensors plugin:
+ - Core temperature: SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE
+ - Fan speed: SENSOR_FAN_TYPE
+ - HDD temperature: 'temperature_hdd'
+ - Battery capacity: 'battery'
+ """
+ for i in stats:
+ # Set the sensors type
+ i.update({'type': sensor_type})
+ # also add the key name
+ i.update({'key': self.get_key()})
+ return stats
+ def update_views(self):
+ """Update stats views."""
+ # Call the father's method
+ super(PluginModel, self).update_views()
+ # Add specifics information
+ # Alert
+ for i in self.stats:
+ if not i['value']:
+ continue
+ # Alert processing
+ if i['type'] == SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE:
+ if self.is_limit('critical', stat_name='sensors_temperature_' + i['label']):
+ # By default use the thresholds configured in the glances.conf file (see #2058)
+ alert = self.get_alert(current=i['value'], header='temperature_' + i['label'])
+ else:
+ # Else use the system thresholds
+ if i['critical'] is None:
+ alert = 'DEFAULT'
+ elif i['value'] >= i['critical']:
+ alert = 'CRITICAL'
+ elif i['warning'] is None:
+ alert = 'DEFAULT'
+ elif i['value'] >= i['warning']:
+ alert = 'WARNING'
+ else:
+ alert = 'OK'
+ elif i['type'] == 'battery':
+ alert = self.get_alert(current=100 - i['value'], header=i['type'])
+ else:
+ alert = self.get_alert(current=i['value'], header=i['type'])
+ # Set the alert in the view
+ self.views[i[self.get_key()]]['value']['decoration'] = alert
+ def battery_trend(self, stats):
+ """Return the trend character for the battery"""
+ if 'status' not in stats:
+ return ''
+ if stats['status'].startswith('Charg'):
+ return unicode_message('ARROW_UP')
+ elif stats['status'].startswith('Discharg'):
+ return unicode_message('ARROW_DOWN')
+ elif stats['status'].startswith('Full'):
+ return unicode_message('CHECK')
+ return ''
+ def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None):
+ """Return the dict to display in the curse interface."""
+ # Init the return message
+ ret = []
+ # Only process if stats exist and display plugin enable...
+ if not self.stats or self.is_disabled():
+ return ret
+ # Max size for the interface name
+ name_max_width = max_width - 12
+ # Header
+ msg = '{:{width}}'.format('SENSORS', width=name_max_width)
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, "TITLE"))
+ # Stats
+ for i in self.stats:
+ # Do not display anything if no battery are detected
+ if i['type'] == 'battery' and i['value'] == []:
+ continue
+ # New line
+ ret.append(self.curse_new_line())
+ msg = '{:{width}}'.format(i["label"][:name_max_width], width=name_max_width)
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ if i['value'] in (b'ERR', b'SLP', b'UNK', b'NOS'):
+ msg = '{:>14}'.format(i['value'])
+ ret.append(
+ self.curse_add_line(msg, self.get_views(item=i[self.get_key()], key='value', option='decoration'))
+ )
+ else:
+ if args.fahrenheit and i['type'] != 'battery' and i['type'] != SENSOR_FAN_TYPE:
+ trend = ''
+ value = to_fahrenheit(i['value'])
+ unit = 'F'
+ else:
+ trend = self.battery_trend(i)
+ value = i['value']
+ unit = i['unit']
+ try:
+ msg = '{:.0f}{}{}'.format(value, unit, trend)
+ msg = '{:>14}'.format(msg)
+ ret.append(
+ self.curse_add_line(
+ msg, self.get_views(item=i[self.get_key()], key='value', option='decoration')
+ )
+ )
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ return ret
+class GlancesGrabSensors(object):
+ """Get sensors stats."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Init sensors stats."""
+ # Temperatures
+ self.init_temp = False
+ self.sensor_temps = {}
+ try:
+ # psutil>=5.1.0, Linux-only
+ self.sensor_temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
+ except AttributeError:
+ logger.debug("Cannot grab temperatures. Platform not supported.")
+ else:
+ self.init_temp = True
+ # Solve an issue #1203 concerning a RunTimeError warning message displayed
+ # in the curses interface.
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+ # Fans
+ self.init_fan = False
+ self.sensor_fans = {}
+ try:
+ # psutil>=5.2.0, Linux-only
+ self.sensor_fans = psutil.sensors_fans()
+ except AttributeError:
+ logger.debug("Cannot grab fans speed. Platform not supported.")
+ else:
+ self.init_fan = True
+ # Init the stats
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ """Reset/init the stats."""
+ self.sensors_list = []
+ def __update__(self):
+ """Update the stats."""
+ # Reset the list
+ self.reset()
+ if not self.init_temp:
+ return self.sensors_list
+ # Temperatures sensors
+ self.sensors_list.extend(self.build_sensors_list(SENSOR_TEMP_UNIT))
+ # Fans sensors
+ self.sensors_list.extend(self.build_sensors_list(SENSOR_FAN_UNIT))
+ return self.sensors_list
+ def build_sensors_list(self, type):
+ """Build the sensors list depending of the type.
+ output: a list
+ """
+ ret = []
+ if type == SENSOR_TEMP_UNIT and self.init_temp:
+ input_list = self.sensor_temps
+ self.sensor_temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
+ elif type == SENSOR_FAN_UNIT and self.init_fan:
+ input_list = self.sensor_fans
+ self.sensor_fans = psutil.sensors_fans()
+ else:
+ return ret
+ for chip_name, chip in iteritems(input_list):
+ label_index = 1
+ for chip_name_index, feature in enumerate(chip):
+ sensors_current = {}
+ # Sensor name
+ if feature.label == '':
+ sensors_current['label'] = chip_name + ' ' + str(chip_name_index)
+ elif feature.label in [i['label'] for i in ret]:
+ sensors_current['label'] = feature.label + ' ' + str(label_index)
+ label_index += 1
+ else:
+ sensors_current['label'] = feature.label
+ # Sensors value, limit and unit
+ sensors_current['unit'] = type
+ sensors_current['value'] = int(getattr(feature, 'current', 0) if getattr(feature, 'current', 0) else 0)
+ system_warning = getattr(feature, 'high', None)
+ system_critical = getattr(feature, 'critical', None)
+ sensors_current['warning'] = int(system_warning) if system_warning is not None else None
+ sensors_current['critical'] = int(system_critical) if system_critical is not None else None
+ # Add sensor to the list
+ ret.append(sensors_current)
+ return ret
+ def get(self, sensor_type=SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE):
+ """Get sensors list."""
+ self.__update__()
+ if sensor_type == SENSOR_TEMP_TYPE:
+ ret = [s for s in self.sensors_list if s['unit'] == SENSOR_TEMP_UNIT]
+ elif sensor_type == SENSOR_FAN_TYPE:
+ ret = [s for s in self.sensors_list if s['unit'] == SENSOR_FAN_UNIT]
+ else:
+ # Unknown type
+ logger.debug("Unknown sensor type %s" % sensor_type)
+ ret = []
+ return ret