diff options
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4ea03bac..8dd5e8a9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,88 +1,95 @@
LASTTAG = $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
+# if the command is only `make`, the default tasks will be the printing of the help.
+.DEFAULT_GOAL := help
+.PHONY: help
+help: ## List all make commands available
+ @grep -E '^[\.a-zA-Z_%-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' | grep -v % | sed 's/\\//g' | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":[^:]*?##"}; {printf "\033[1;34mmake %-50s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
+install: ## Open a Web Browser to the installation procedure
sensible-browser ""
+venv-python: ## Install Python 3 venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
+venv-dev: ## Install Python 3 dev dependencies
./venv/bin/pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
./venv/bin/pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
+venv-dev-upgrade: ## Upgrade Python 3 dev dependencies
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r dev-requirements.txt
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r doc-requirements.txt
+venv: ## Install Python 3 run-time dependencies
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./venv/bin/pip install -r optional-requirements.txt
+venv-upgrade: ## Upgrade Python 3 run-time dependencies
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r dev-requirements.txt
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r optional-requirements.txt
-test: venv
+test: venv ## Run unit tests
./venv/bin/python ./
./venv/bin/python ./
./venv/bin/python ./
./venv/bin/python -m black ./glances --check --exclude outputs/static
-format: venv
+format: venv ## Format the code
./venv/bin/python -m black ./glances --exclude outputs/static
-docs: venv-dev
+docs: venv-dev ## Create the documentation
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --api-doc > ./docs/api.rst
cd docs && ./ && cd ..
-docs-server: docs
+docs-server: docs ## Start a Web server to serve the documentation
(sleep 2 && sensible-browser "http://localhost:$(PORT)") &
cd docs/_build/html/ && ../../../venv/bin/python -m http.server $(PORT)
-webui: venv-dev
+webui: venv-dev ## Build the Web UI
cd glances/outputs/static/ && npm ci && npm run build
+run: ## Start Glances in console mode (also called standalone)
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf
+run-debug: ## Start Glances in debug console mode (also called standalone)
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -d
+run-webserver: ## Start Glances in Web server mode
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -w
+run-restapiserver: ## Start Glances in REST API server mode
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -w --disable-webui
+run-server: ## Start Glances in server mode (RPC)
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -s
+run-client: ## Start Glances in client mode (RPC)
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -c localhost
+run-browser: ## Start Glances in browser mode (RPC)
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --browser
+show-version: ## Show Glances version number
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf -V
+show-issue: ## Generate output for a new issue
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --issue
+profiling: ## How to start the profiling of the Glances software
@echo "Please complete and run: sudo ./venv/bin/py-spy record -o ./docs/_static/glances-flame.svg -d 60 -s --pid <GLANCES PID>"
+trace-malloc: ## Trace the malloc() calls
@echo "Malloc test is running, please wait ~30 secondes..."
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --trace-malloc --stop-after 15 --quiet
+memory-leak: ## Profile memory leaks
./venv/bin/python -m glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --memory-leak
+release-note: ## Generate release note
git --no-pager log $(LASTTAG)..HEAD --first-parent --pretty=format:"* %s"
@echo "\n"
git --no-pager shortlog -s -n $(LASTTAG)..HEAD