# Key Config The default keys are based on arrow keys to navigate. However popular demand lead to fully customizability of the key bindings. Create a `key_bindings.ron` file like this: ``` ( move_left: Some(( code: Char('h'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), move_right: Some(( code: Char('l'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), move_up: Some(( code: Char('k'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), move_down: Some(( code: Char('j'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), stash_open: Some(( code: Char('l'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), open_help: Some(( code: F(1), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)), ) ``` The config file format based on the [Ron file format](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron). The location of the file depends on your OS: * `$HOME/.config/gitui/key_bindings.ron` (mac) * `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gitui/key_bindings.ron` (linux using XDG) * `$HOME/.config/gitui/key_bindings.ron` (linux) * `%APPDATA%/gitui/key_bindings.ron` (Windows) See all possible keys to overwrite in code: [here](https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui/blob/master/src/keys/key_list.rs#L83) Here is a [vim style key config](vim_style_key_config.ron) with `h`, `j`, `k`, `l` to navigate. Use it to copy the content into `key_bindings.ron` to get vim style key bindings. # Key Symbols Similar to the above GitUI allows you to change the way the UI visualizes key combos containing special keys like `enter`(default: `⏎`) and `shift`(default: `⇧`). If we can find a file `key_symbols.ron` in the above folders we apply the overwrites in it. Example content of this file looks like: ``` ( enter: Some("enter"), shift: Some("shift-") ) ``` This example will only overwrite two symbols. Find all possible symbols to overwrite in `symbols.rs` in the type `KeySymbolsFile` ([src/keys/symbols.rs](https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui/blob/master/src/keys/symbols.rs))