path: root/asyncgit/src/sync/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'asyncgit/src/sync/')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/asyncgit/src/sync/ b/asyncgit/src/sync/
index 06caeecb..6d8f4b20 100644
--- a/asyncgit/src/sync/
+++ b/asyncgit/src/sync/
@@ -30,288 +30,288 @@ pub mod utils;
pub use blame::{blame_file, BlameHunk, FileBlame};
pub use branch::{
- branch_compare_upstream, checkout_branch, config_is_pull_rebase,
- create_branch, delete_branch, get_branch_remote,
- get_branches_info, merge_commit::merge_upstream_commit,
- merge_ff::branch_merge_upstream_fastforward,
- merge_rebase::merge_upstream_rebase, rename::rename_branch,
- validate_branch_name, BranchCompare, BranchInfo,
+ branch_compare_upstream, checkout_branch, config_is_pull_rebase,
+ create_branch, delete_branch, get_branch_remote,
+ get_branches_info, merge_commit::merge_upstream_commit,
+ merge_ff::branch_merge_upstream_fastforward,
+ merge_rebase::merge_upstream_rebase, rename::rename_branch,
+ validate_branch_name, BranchCompare, BranchInfo,
pub use commit::{amend, commit, tag};
pub use commit_details::{
- get_commit_details, CommitDetails, CommitMessage, CommitSignature,
+ get_commit_details, CommitDetails, CommitMessage, CommitSignature,
pub use commit_files::get_commit_files;
pub use commits_info::{
- get_commit_info, get_commits_info, CommitId, CommitInfo,
+ get_commit_info, get_commits_info, CommitId, CommitInfo,
pub use config::{
- get_config_string, untracked_files_config,
- ShowUntrackedFilesConfig,
+ get_config_string, untracked_files_config,
+ ShowUntrackedFilesConfig,
pub use diff::get_diff_commit;
pub use hooks::{
- hooks_commit_msg, hooks_post_commit, hooks_pre_commit, HookResult,
+ hooks_commit_msg, hooks_post_commit, hooks_pre_commit, HookResult,
pub use hunks::{reset_hunk, stage_hunk, unstage_hunk};
pub use ignore::add_to_ignore;
pub use logwalker::{LogWalker, LogWalkerFilter};
pub use merge::{
- abort_merge, merge_branch, merge_commit, merge_msg, mergehead_ids,
+ abort_merge, merge_branch, merge_commit, merge_msg, mergehead_ids,
pub use remotes::{
- get_default_remote, get_remotes, push::AsyncProgress,
- tags::PushTagsProgress,
+ get_default_remote, get_remotes, push::AsyncProgress,
+ tags::PushTagsProgress,
pub use reset::{reset_stage, reset_workdir};
pub use staging::{discard_lines, stage_lines};
pub use stash::{
- get_stashes, stash_apply, stash_drop, stash_pop, stash_save,
+ get_stashes, stash_apply, stash_drop, stash_pop, stash_save,
pub use state::{repo_state, RepoState};
pub use tags::{
- delete_tag, get_tags, get_tags_with_metadata, CommitTags,
- TagWithMetadata, Tags,
+ delete_tag, get_tags, get_tags_with_metadata, CommitTags,
+ TagWithMetadata, Tags,
pub use tree::{tree_file_content, tree_files, TreeFile};
pub use utils::{
- get_head, get_head_tuple, is_bare_repo, is_repo, repo_dir,
- stage_add_all, stage_add_file, stage_addremoved, Head,
+ get_head, get_head_tuple, is_bare_repo, is_repo, repo_dir,
+ stage_add_all, stage_add_file, stage_addremoved, Head,
mod tests {
- use super::{
- commit, stage_add_file,
- status::{get_status, StatusType},
- utils::{get_head_repo, repo, repo_write_file},
- CommitId, LogWalker,
- };
- use crate::error::Result;
- use git2::Repository;
- use std::{path::Path, process::Command};
- use tempfile::TempDir;
- /// Calling `set_search_path` with an empty directory makes sure that there
- /// is no git config interfering with our tests (for example user-local
- /// `.gitconfig`).
- #[allow(unsafe_code)]
- fn sandbox_config_files() {
- use git2::{opts::set_search_path, ConfigLevel};
- use std::sync::Once;
- static INIT: Once = Once::new();
- // Adapted from
- INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
- let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
- let path = temp_dir.path();
- set_search_path(ConfigLevel::System, &path).unwrap();
- set_search_path(ConfigLevel::Global, &path).unwrap();
- set_search_path(ConfigLevel::XDG, &path).unwrap();
- set_search_path(ConfigLevel::ProgramData, &path).unwrap();
- });
- }
- /// write, stage and commit a file
- pub fn write_commit_file(
- repo: &Repository,
- file: &str,
- content: &str,
- commit_name: &str,
- ) -> CommitId {
- repo_write_file(repo, file, content).unwrap();
- stage_add_file(
- repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(),
- Path::new(file),
- )
- .unwrap();
- commit(repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), commit_name)
- .unwrap()
- }
- /// write, stage and commit a file giving the commit a specific timestamp
- pub fn write_commit_file_at(
- repo: &Repository,
- file: &str,
- content: &str,
- commit_name: &str,
- time: git2::Time,
- ) -> CommitId {
- repo_write_file(repo, file, content).unwrap();
- let path = repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
- stage_add_file(path, Path::new(file)).unwrap();
- commit_at(path, commit_name, time)
- }
- fn commit_at(
- repo_path: &str,
- msg: &str,
- time: git2::Time,
- ) -> CommitId {
- let repo = repo(repo_path).unwrap();
- let signature =
- git2::Signature::new("name", "email", &time).unwrap();
- let mut index = repo.index().unwrap();
- let tree_id = index.write_tree().unwrap();
- let tree = repo.find_tree(tree_id).unwrap();
- let parents = if let Ok(id) = get_head_repo(&repo) {
- vec![repo.find_commit(id.into()).unwrap()]
- } else {
- Vec::new()
- };
- let parents = parents.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
- let commit = repo
- .commit(
- Some("HEAD"),
- &signature,
- &signature,
- msg,
- &tree,
- parents.as_slice(),
- )
- .unwrap()
- .into();
- commit
- }
- ///
- pub fn repo_init_empty() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
- sandbox_config_files();
- let td = TempDir::new()?;
- let repo = Repository::init(td.path())?;
- {
- let mut config = repo.config()?;
- config.set_str("", "name")?;
- config.set_str("", "email")?;
- }
- Ok((td, repo))
- }
- ///
- pub fn repo_init() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
- sandbox_config_files();
- let td = TempDir::new()?;
- let repo = Repository::init(td.path())?;
- {
- let mut config = repo.config()?;
- config.set_str("", "name")?;
- config.set_str("", "email")?;
- let mut index = repo.index()?;
- let id = index.write_tree()?;
- let tree = repo.find_tree(id)?;
- let sig = repo.signature()?;
- repo.commit(
- Some("HEAD"),
- &sig,
- &sig,
- "initial",
- &tree,
- &[],
- )?;
- }
- Ok((td, repo))
- }
- ///
- pub fn repo_clone(p: &str) -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
- sandbox_config_files();
- let td = TempDir::new()?;
- let td_path = td.path().as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let repo = Repository::clone(p, td_path).unwrap();
- let mut config = repo.config()?;
- config.set_str("", "name")?;
- config.set_str("", "email")?;
- Ok((td, repo))
- }
- /// Same as repo_init, but the repo is a bare repo (--bare)
- pub fn repo_init_bare() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
- let tmp_repo_dir = TempDir::new()?;
- let bare_repo = Repository::init_bare(tmp_repo_dir.path())?;
- Ok((tmp_repo_dir, bare_repo))
- }
- /// helper returning amount of files with changes in the (wd,stage)
- pub fn get_statuses(repo_path: &str) -> (usize, usize) {
- (
- get_status(repo_path, StatusType::WorkingDir)
- .unwrap()
- .len(),
- get_status(repo_path, StatusType::Stage).unwrap().len(),
- )
- }
- ///
- pub fn debug_cmd_print(path: &str, cmd: &str) {
- let cmd = debug_cmd(path, cmd);
- eprintln!("\n----\n{}", cmd);
- }
- /// helper to fetch commmit details using log walker
- pub fn get_commit_ids(
- r: &Repository,
- max_count: usize,
- ) -> Vec<CommitId> {
- let mut commit_ids = Vec::<CommitId>::new();
- LogWalker::new(r, max_count)
- .unwrap()
- .read(&mut commit_ids)
- .unwrap();
- commit_ids
- }
- fn debug_cmd(path: &str, cmd: &str) -> String {
- let output = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
- Command::new("cmd")
- .args(&["/C", cmd])
- .current_dir(path)
- .output()
- .unwrap()
- } else {
- Command::new("sh")
- .arg("-c")
- .arg(cmd)
- .current_dir(path)
- .output()
- .unwrap()
- };
- let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
- let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
- format!(
- "{}{}",
- if stdout.is_empty() {
- String::new()
- } else {
- format!("out:\n{}", stdout)
- },
- if stderr.is_empty() {
- String::new()
- } else {
- format!("err:\n{}", stderr)
- }
- )
- }
+ use super::{
+ commit, stage_add_file,
+ status::{get_status, StatusType},
+ utils::{get_head_repo, repo, repo_write_file},
+ CommitId, LogWalker,
+ };
+ use crate::error::Result;
+ use git2::Repository;
+ use std::{path::Path, process::Command};
+ use tempfile::TempDir;
+ /// Calling `set_search_path` with an empty directory makes sure that there
+ /// is no git config interfering with our tests (for example user-local
+ /// `.gitconfig`).
+ #[allow(unsafe_code)]
+ fn sandbox_config_files() {
+ use git2::{opts::set_search_path, ConfigLevel};
+ use std::sync::Once;
+ static INIT: Once = Once::new();
+ // Adapted from
+ INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
+ let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+ let path = temp_dir.path();
+ set_search_path(ConfigLevel::System, &path).unwrap();
+ set_search_path(ConfigLevel::Global, &path).unwrap();
+ set_search_path(ConfigLevel::XDG, &path).unwrap();
+ set_search_path(ConfigLevel::ProgramData, &path).unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ /// write, stage and commit a file
+ pub fn write_commit_file(
+ repo: &Repository,
+ file: &str,
+ content: &str,
+ commit_name: &str,
+ ) -> CommitId {
+ repo_write_file(repo, file, content).unwrap();
+ stage_add_file(
+ repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(),
+ Path::new(file),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ commit(repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), commit_name)
+ .unwrap()
+ }
+ /// write, stage and commit a file giving the commit a specific timestamp
+ pub fn write_commit_file_at(
+ repo: &Repository,
+ file: &str,
+ content: &str,
+ commit_name: &str,
+ time: git2::Time,
+ ) -> CommitId {
+ repo_write_file(repo, file, content).unwrap();
+ let path = repo.workdir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
+ stage_add_file(path, Path::new(file)).unwrap();
+ commit_at(path, commit_name, time)
+ }
+ fn commit_at(
+ repo_path: &str,
+ msg: &str,
+ time: git2::Time,
+ ) -> CommitId {
+ let repo = repo(repo_path).unwrap();
+ let signature =
+ git2::Signature::new("name", "email", &time).unwrap();
+ let mut index = repo.index().unwrap();
+ let tree_id = index.write_tree().unwrap();
+ let tree = repo.find_tree(tree_id).unwrap();
+ let parents = if let Ok(id) = get_head_repo(&repo) {
+ vec![repo.find_commit(id.into()).unwrap()]
+ } else {
+ Vec::new()
+ };
+ let parents = parents.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let commit = repo
+ .commit(
+ Some("HEAD"),
+ &signature,
+ &signature,
+ msg,
+ &tree,
+ parents.as_slice(),
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .into();
+ commit
+ }
+ ///
+ pub fn repo_init_empty() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
+ sandbox_config_files();
+ let td = TempDir::new()?;
+ let repo = Repository::init(td.path())?;
+ {
+ let mut config = repo.config()?;
+ config.set_str("", "name")?;
+ config.set_str("", "email")?;
+ }
+ Ok((td, repo))
+ }
+ ///
+ pub fn repo_init() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
+ sandbox_config_files();
+ let td = TempDir::new()?;
+ let repo = Repository::init(td.path())?;
+ {
+ let mut config = repo.config()?;
+ config.set_str("", "name")?;
+ config.set_str("", "email")?;
+ let mut index = repo.index()?;
+ let id = index.write_tree()?;
+ let tree = repo.find_tree(id)?;
+ let sig = repo.signature()?;
+ repo.commit(
+ Some("HEAD"),
+ &sig,
+ &sig,
+ "initial",
+ &tree,
+ &[],
+ )?;
+ }
+ Ok((td, repo))
+ }
+ ///
+ pub fn repo_clone(p: &str) -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
+ sandbox_config_files();
+ let td = TempDir::new()?;
+ let td_path = td.path().as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ let repo = Repository::clone(p, td_path).unwrap();
+ let mut config = repo.config()?;
+ config.set_str("", "name")?;
+ config.set_str("", "email")?;
+ Ok((td, repo))
+ }
+ /// Same as repo_init, but the repo is a bare repo (--bare)
+ pub fn repo_init_bare() -> Result<(TempDir, Repository)> {
+ let tmp_repo_dir = TempDir::new()?;
+ let bare_repo = Repository::init_bare(tmp_repo_dir.path())?;
+ Ok((tmp_repo_dir, bare_repo))
+ }
+ /// helper returning amount of files with changes in the (wd,stage)
+ pub fn get_statuses(repo_path: &str) -> (usize, usize) {
+ (
+ get_status(repo_path, StatusType::WorkingDir)
+ .unwrap()
+ .len(),
+ get_status(repo_path, StatusType::Stage).unwrap().len(),
+ )
+ }
+ ///
+ pub fn debug_cmd_print(path: &str, cmd: &str) {
+ let cmd = debug_cmd(path, cmd);
+ eprintln!("\n----\n{}", cmd);
+ }
+ /// helper to fetch commmit details using log walker
+ pub fn get_commit_ids(
+ r: &Repository,
+ max_count: usize,
+ ) -> Vec<CommitId> {
+ let mut commit_ids = Vec::<CommitId>::new();
+ LogWalker::new(r, max_count)
+ .unwrap()
+ .read(&mut commit_ids)
+ .unwrap();
+ commit_ids
+ }
+ fn debug_cmd(path: &str, cmd: &str) -> String {
+ let output = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
+ Command::new("cmd")
+ .args(&["/C", cmd])
+ .current_dir(path)
+ .output()
+ .unwrap()
+ } else {
+ Command::new("sh")
+ .arg("-c")
+ .arg(cmd)
+ .current_dir(path)
+ .output()
+ .unwrap()
+ };
+ let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
+ let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
+ format!(
+ "{}{}",
+ if stdout.is_empty() {
+ String::new()
+ } else {
+ format!("out:\n{}", stdout)
+ },
+ if stderr.is_empty() {
+ String::new()
+ } else {
+ format!("err:\n{}", stderr)
+ }
+ )
+ }