path: root/asyncgit/src/sync/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'asyncgit/src/sync/')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/asyncgit/src/sync/ b/asyncgit/src/sync/
index ac6d567a..fc076f59 100644
--- a/asyncgit/src/sync/
+++ b/asyncgit/src/sync/
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ use super::utils::{repo, work_dir};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use scopetime::scope_time;
use std::{
- fs::File,
- io::{Read, Write},
- path::Path,
- process::Command,
+ fs::File,
+ io::{Read, Write},
+ path::Path,
+ process::Command,
const HOOK_POST_COMMIT: &str = ".git/hooks/post-commit";
@@ -18,372 +18,372 @@ const HOOK_COMMIT_MSG_TEMP_FILE: &str = ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG";
/// the commit message at `.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG` and pass it's relative path as the only
/// parameter to the hook script.
pub fn hooks_commit_msg(
- repo_path: &str,
- msg: &mut String,
+ repo_path: &str,
+ msg: &mut String,
) -> Result<HookResult> {
- scope_time!("hooks_commit_msg");
+ scope_time!("hooks_commit_msg");
- let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
+ let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
- if hook_runable(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_COMMIT_MSG) {
- let temp_file = Path::new(work_dir.as_str())
- File::create(&temp_file)?.write_all(msg.as_bytes())?;
+ if hook_runable(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_COMMIT_MSG) {
+ let temp_file = Path::new(work_dir.as_str())
+ File::create(&temp_file)?.write_all(msg.as_bytes())?;
- let res = run_hook(
- work_dir.as_str(),
- )?;
+ let res = run_hook(
+ work_dir.as_str(),
+ )?;
- // load possibly altered msg
- msg.clear();
- File::open(temp_file)?.read_to_string(msg)?;
+ // load possibly altered msg
+ msg.clear();
+ File::open(temp_file)?.read_to_string(msg)?;
- Ok(res)
- } else {
- Ok(HookResult::Ok)
- }
+ Ok(res)
+ } else {
+ Ok(HookResult::Ok)
+ }
/// this hook is documented here <>
pub fn hooks_pre_commit(repo_path: &str) -> Result<HookResult> {
- scope_time!("hooks_pre_commit");
+ scope_time!("hooks_pre_commit");
- let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
+ let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
- if hook_runable(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_PRE_COMMIT) {
- Ok(run_hook(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, &[])?)
- } else {
- Ok(HookResult::Ok)
- }
+ if hook_runable(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_PRE_COMMIT) {
+ Ok(run_hook(work_dir.as_str(), HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, &[])?)
+ } else {
+ Ok(HookResult::Ok)
+ }
pub fn hooks_post_commit(repo_path: &str) -> Result<HookResult> {
- scope_time!("hooks_post_commit");
+ scope_time!("hooks_post_commit");
- let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
- let work_dir_str = work_dir.as_str();
+ let work_dir = work_dir_as_string(repo_path)?;
+ let work_dir_str = work_dir.as_str();
- if hook_runable(work_dir_str, HOOK_POST_COMMIT) {
- Ok(run_hook(work_dir_str, HOOK_POST_COMMIT, &[])?)
- } else {
- Ok(HookResult::Ok)
- }
+ if hook_runable(work_dir_str, HOOK_POST_COMMIT) {
+ Ok(run_hook(work_dir_str, HOOK_POST_COMMIT, &[])?)
+ } else {
+ Ok(HookResult::Ok)
+ }
fn work_dir_as_string(repo_path: &str) -> Result<String> {
- let repo = repo(repo_path)?;
- work_dir(&repo)?
- .to_str()
- .map(std::string::ToString::to_string)
- .ok_or_else(|| {
- Error::Generic(
- "workdir contains invalid utf8".to_string(),
- )
- })
+ let repo = repo(repo_path)?;
+ work_dir(&repo)?
+ .to_str()
+ .map(std::string::ToString::to_string)
+ .ok_or_else(|| {
+ Error::Generic(
+ "workdir contains invalid utf8".to_string(),
+ )
+ })
fn hook_runable(path: &str, hook: &str) -> bool {
- let path = Path::new(path);
- let path = path.join(hook);
+ let path = Path::new(path);
+ let path = path.join(hook);
- path.exists() && is_executable(&path)
+ path.exists() && is_executable(&path)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum HookResult {
- /// Everything went fine
- Ok,
- /// Hook returned error
- NotOk(String),
+ /// Everything went fine
+ Ok,
+ /// Hook returned error
+ NotOk(String),
/// this function calls hook scripts based on conventions documented here
/// see <>
fn run_hook(
- path: &str,
- hook_script: &str,
- args: &[&str],
+ path: &str,
+ hook_script: &str,
+ args: &[&str],
) -> Result<HookResult> {
- let arg_str = format!("{} {}", hook_script, args.join(" "));
- let bash_args = vec!["-c".to_string(), arg_str];
- let output = Command::new("bash")
- .args(bash_args)
- .current_dir(path)
- // This call forces Command to handle the Path environment correctly on windows,
- // the specific env set here does not matter
- // see
- .env(
- "FixPathHandlingOnWindows",
- )
- .output()?;
- if output.status.success() {
- Ok(HookResult::Ok)
- } else {
- let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
- let out = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
- let formatted = format!("{}{}", out, err);
- Ok(HookResult::NotOk(formatted))
- }
+ let arg_str = format!("{} {}", hook_script, args.join(" "));
+ let bash_args = vec!["-c".to_string(), arg_str];
+ let output = Command::new("bash")
+ .args(bash_args)
+ .current_dir(path)
+ // This call forces Command to handle the Path environment correctly on windows,
+ // the specific env set here does not matter
+ // see
+ .env(
+ "FixPathHandlingOnWindows",
+ )
+ .output()?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ Ok(HookResult::Ok)
+ } else {
+ let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
+ let out = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
+ let formatted = format!("{}{}", out, err);
+ Ok(HookResult::NotOk(formatted))
+ }
fn is_executable(path: &Path) -> bool {
- use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
- let metadata = match path.metadata() {
- Ok(metadata) => metadata,
- Err(_) => return false,
- };
- let permissions = metadata.permissions();
- permissions.mode() & 0o111 != 0
+ use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
+ let metadata = match path.metadata() {
+ Ok(metadata) => metadata,
+ Err(_) => return false,
+ };
+ let permissions = metadata.permissions();
+ permissions.mode() & 0o111 != 0
/// windows does not consider bash scripts to be executable so we consider everything
/// to be executable (which is not far from the truth for windows platform.)
const fn is_executable(_: &Path) -> bool {
- true
+ true
mod tests {
- use super::*;
- use crate::sync::tests::repo_init;
- use std::fs::{self, File};
- #[test]
- fn test_smoke() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let mut msg = String::from("test");
- let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- let res = hooks_post_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- }
- fn create_hook(path: &Path, hook_path: &str, hook_script: &[u8]) {
- File::create(&path.join(hook_path))
- .unwrap()
- .write_all(hook_script)
- .unwrap();
- #[cfg(not(windows))]
- {
- Command::new("chmod")
- .args(&["+x", hook_path])
- .current_dir(path)
- .output()
- .unwrap();
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_hooks_commit_msg_ok() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::sync::tests::repo_init;
+ use std::fs::{self, File};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_smoke() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ let mut msg = String::from("test");
+ let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ let res = hooks_post_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ }
+ fn create_hook(path: &Path, hook_path: &str, hook_script: &[u8]) {
+ File::create(&path.join(hook_path))
+ .unwrap()
+ .write_all(hook_script)
+ .unwrap();
+ #[cfg(not(windows))]
+ {
+ Command::new("chmod")
+ .args(&["+x", hook_path])
+ .current_dir(path)
+ .output()
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_hooks_commit_msg_ok() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
exit 0
- create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
- let mut msg = String::from("test");
- let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
+ let mut msg = String::from("test");
+ let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- assert_eq!(msg, String::from("test"));
- }
+ assert_eq!(msg, String::from("test"));
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_pre_commit_sh() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_pre_commit_sh() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
exit 0
- create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
- let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- }
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
+ let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_pre_commit_fail_sh() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_pre_commit_fail_sh() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
echo 'rejected'
exit 1
- create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
- let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
- assert!(res != HookResult::Ok);
- }
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
+ let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
+ assert!(res != HookResult::Ok);
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_pre_commit_py() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_pre_commit_py() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- // mirror how python pre-commmit sets itself up
- #[cfg(not(windows))]
- let hook = b"#!/usr/bin/env python
+ // mirror how python pre-commmit sets itself up
+ #[cfg(not(windows))]
+ let hook = b"#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
- #[cfg(windows)]
- let hook = b"#!/bin/env python.exe
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/env python.exe
import sys
- create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
- let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- }
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
+ let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_pre_commit_fail_py() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_pre_commit_fail_py() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- // mirror how python pre-commmit sets itself up
- #[cfg(not(windows))]
- let hook = b"#!/usr/bin/env python
+ // mirror how python pre-commmit sets itself up
+ #[cfg(not(windows))]
+ let hook = b"#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
- #[cfg(windows)]
- let hook = b"#!/bin/env python.exe
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/env python.exe
import sys
- create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
- let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
- assert!(res != HookResult::Ok);
- }
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_PRE_COMMIT, hook);
+ let res = hooks_pre_commit(repo_path).unwrap();
+ assert!(res != HookResult::Ok);
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_hooks_commit_msg_reject() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_hooks_commit_msg_reject() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
echo 'msg' > $1
echo 'rejected'
exit 1
- create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
- let mut msg = String::from("test");
- let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
+ let mut msg = String::from("test");
+ let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- res,
- HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
- );
+ assert_eq!(
+ res,
+ HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
+ );
- assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
- }
+ assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_hooks_commit_msg_reject_in_subfolder() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- // let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_hooks_commit_msg_reject_in_subfolder() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ // let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
echo 'msg' > $1
echo 'rejected'
exit 1
- create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
- let subfolder = root.join("foo/");
- fs::create_dir_all(&subfolder).unwrap();
+ let subfolder = root.join("foo/");
+ fs::create_dir_all(&subfolder).unwrap();
- let mut msg = String::from("test");
- let res =
- hooks_commit_msg(subfolder.to_str().unwrap(), &mut msg)
- .unwrap();
+ let mut msg = String::from("test");
+ let res =
+ hooks_commit_msg(subfolder.to_str().unwrap(), &mut msg)
+ .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- res,
- HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
- );
+ assert_eq!(
+ res,
+ HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
+ );
- assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
- }
+ assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_commit_msg_no_block_but_alter() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_commit_msg_no_block_but_alter() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ let repo_path = root.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
echo 'msg' > $1
exit 0
- create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_COMMIT_MSG, hook);
- let mut msg = String::from("test");
- let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
+ let mut msg = String::from("test");
+ let res = hooks_commit_msg(repo_path, &mut msg).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
- assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
- }
+ assert_eq!(res, HookResult::Ok);
+ assert_eq!(msg, String::from("msg\n"));
+ }
- #[test]
- fn test_post_commit_hook_reject_in_subfolder() {
- let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
- let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn test_post_commit_hook_reject_in_subfolder() {
+ let (_td, repo) = repo_init().unwrap();
+ let root = repo.path().parent().unwrap();
- let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
+ let hook = b"#!/bin/sh
echo 'rejected'
exit 1
- create_hook(root, HOOK_POST_COMMIT, hook);
+ create_hook(root, HOOK_POST_COMMIT, hook);
- let subfolder = root.join("foo/");
- fs::create_dir_all(&subfolder).unwrap();
+ let subfolder = root.join("foo/");
+ fs::create_dir_all(&subfolder).unwrap();
- let res =
- hooks_post_commit(subfolder.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
+ let res =
+ hooks_post_commit(subfolder.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- res,
- HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
- );
- }
+ assert_eq!(
+ res,
+ HookResult::NotOk(String::from("rejected\n"))
+ );
+ }