#!/bin/bash help(){ echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]..." echo "Run gitlint's test suite(s) or some convience commands" echo " -h, --help Show this help output" echo " -c, --clean Clean the project of temporary files" echo " -p, --pep8 Run pep8 checks" echo " -l, --lint Run pylint checks" echo " -g, --git Run gitlint checks" echo " -i, --integration Run integration tests" echo " -b, --build Run build tests" echo " -a, --all Run all tests and checks (unit, integration, pep8, git)" echo " -e, --envs [ENV1],[ENV2] Run tests against specified python environments" echo " (envs: 27,35,36,37,pypy2,pypy35)." echo " Also works for integration, pep8 and lint tests." echo " -C, --container Run the specified command in the container for the --envs specified" echo " --all-env Run all tests against all python environments" echo " --install Install virtualenvs for the --envs specified" echo " --uninstall Remove virtualenvs for the --envs specified" echo " --install-container Build and run Docker container for the --envs specified" echo " --uninstall-container Kill Docker container for the --envs specified" echo " --exec [CMD] Execute [CMD] in the --envs specified" echo " -s, --stats Show some project stats" echo " --no-coverage Don't make a unit test coverage report" echo "" exit 0 } RED="\033[31m" YELLOW="\033[33m" BLUE="\033[94m" GREEN="\033[32m" NO_COLOR="\033[0m" title(){ MSG="$BLUE$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG } subtitle(){ MSG="$YELLOW$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG } fatal(){ MSG="$RED$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG exit 1 } assert_root(){ if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then fatal "$1" fi } # Utility method that prints SUCCESS if a test was succesful, or FAIL together with the test output handle_test_result(){ EXIT_CODE=$1 RESULT="$2" # Change color to red or green depending on SUCCESS if [ $EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}SUCCESS" else echo -e "${RED}FAIL" fi # Print RESULT if not empty if [ -n "$RESULT" ] ; then echo -e "\n$RESULT" fi # Reset color echo -e "${NO_COLOR}" } run_pep8_check(){ # FLAKE 8 target=${testargs:-"gitlint qa examples"} echo -ne "Running flake8..." RESULT=$(flake8 $target) local exit_code=$? handle_test_result $exit_code "$RESULT" return $exit_code } run_unit_tests(){ clean # py.test -s => print standard output (i.e. show print statement output) # -rw => print warnings OMIT="*pypy*,*venv*,*virtualenv*,*gitlint/tests/*" target=${testargs:-"gitlint"} coverage run --omit=$OMIT -m pytest -rw -s $target TEST_RESULT=$? if [ $include_coverage -eq 1 ]; then COVERAGE_REPORT=$(coverage report -m) echo "$COVERAGE_REPORT" fi return $TEST_RESULT; } run_integration_tests(){ clean # Make sure the version of python used by the git hooks in our integration tests # is the same one as the one that is currently active. In order to achieve this, we need to set # GIT_EXEC_PATH (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Environment-Variables) to the current PATH, otherwise # the git hooks will use the default PATH variable as defined by .bashrc which doesn't contain the current # virtualenv's python binary path. export GIT_EXEC_PATH="$PATH" echo "" gitlint --version echo -e "Using $(which gitlint)\n" # py.test -s => print standard output (i.e. show print statement output) # -rw => print warnings target=${testargs:-"qa/"} py.test -s $target } run_git_check(){ echo -ne "Running gitlint...${RED}" RESULT=$(gitlint $testargs 2>&1) local exit_code=$? handle_test_result $exit_code "$RESULT" # FUTURE: check if we use str() function: egrep -nriI "( |\(|\[)+str\(" gitlint | egrep -v "\w*#(.*)" return $exit_code } run_lint_check(){ echo -ne "Running pylint...${RED}" target=${testargs:-"gitlint qa"} RESULT=$(pylint $target --rcfile=".pylintrc" -r n) local exit_code=$? handle_test_result $exit_code "$RESULT" return $exit_code } run_build_test(){ clean datestr=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") temp_dir="/tmp/gitlint-build-test-$datestr" # Copy gitlint to a new temp dir echo -n "Copying gitlint to $temp_dir..." mkdir "$temp_dir" rsync -az --exclude ".vagrant" --exclude ".git" --exclude ".venv*" . "$temp_dir" echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" # Update the version to include a timestamp echo -n "Writing new version to file..." version_file="$temp_dir/gitlint/__init__.py" version_str="$(cat $version_file)" version_str="${version_str:0:${#version_str}-1}-$datestr\"" echo "$version_str" > $version_file echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" # Attempt to build the package echo "Building package ..." pushd "$temp_dir" # Copy stdout file descriptor so we can both print output to stdout as well as capture it in a variable # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12451278/bash-capture-stdout-to-a-variable-but-still-display-it-in-the-console exec 5>&1 output=$(python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel | tee /dev/fd/5) local exit_code=$? popd # Cleanup :-) rm -rf "$temp_dir" # Print success/no success if [ $exit_code -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "Building package...${RED}FAIL${NO_COLOR}" else echo -e "Building package...${GREEN}SUCCESS${NO_COLOR}" fi return $exit_code } run_stats(){ clean # required for py.test to count properly echo "*** Code ***" radon raw -s gitlint | tail -n 11 echo "*** Docs ***" echo " Markdown: $(cat docs/*.md | wc -l | tr -d " ") lines" echo "*** Tests ***" nr_unit_tests=$(py.test gitlint/ --collect-only | grep TestCaseFunction | wc -l) nr_integration_tests=$(py.test qa/ --collect-only | grep TestCaseFunction | wc -l) echo " Unit Tests: ${nr_unit_tests//[[:space:]]/}" echo " Integration Tests: ${nr_integration_tests//[[:space:]]/}" echo "*** Git ***" echo " Commits: $(git rev-list --all --count)" echo " Commits (master): $(git rev-list master --count)" echo " First commit: $(git log --pretty="%aD" $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD))" echo " Contributors: $(git log --format='%aN' | sort -u | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" echo " Releases (tags): $(git tag --list | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" latest_tag=$(git tag --sort=creatordate | tail -n 1) echo " Latest Release (tag): $latest_tag" echo " Commits since $latest_tag: $(git log --format=oneline HEAD...$latest_tag | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" echo " Line changes since $latest_tag: $(git diff --shortstat $latest_tag)" # PyPi API: https://pypistats.org/api/ echo "*** PyPi ***" info=$(curl -Ls https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gitlint/json) echo " Current version: $(echo $info | jq -r .info.version)" echo "*** PyPi (Downloads) ***" overall_stats=$(curl -s https://pypistats.org/api/packages/gitlint/overall) recent_stats=$(curl -s https://pypistats.org/api/packages/gitlint/recent) echo " Last 6 Months: $(echo $overall_stats | jq -r '.data[].downloads' | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}')" echo " Last Month: $(echo $recent_stats | jq .data.last_month)" echo " Last Week: $(echo $recent_stats | jq .data.last_week)" echo " Last Day: $(echo $recent_stats | jq .data.last_day)" } clean(){ echo -n "Cleaning the *.pyc, site/, build/, dist/ and all __pycache__ directories..." find gitlint -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null find qa -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null find gitlint -iname *.pyc -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null find qa -iname *.pyc -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null rm -rf "site" "dist" "build" echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" } run_all(){ local exit_code=0 subtitle "# UNIT TESTS ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) #" run_unit_tests exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) subtitle "# INTEGRATION TESTS ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) #" run_integration_tests exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) subtitle "# BUILD TEST ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) #" run_build_test exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) subtitle "# STYLE CHECKS ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) #" run_pep8_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) run_lint_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) run_git_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) return $exit_code } uninstall_virtualenv(){ version="$1" venv_name=".venv$version" echo -n "Uninstalling $venv_name..." deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment rm -rf "$venv_name" echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" } install_virtualenv(){ version="$1" venv_name=".venv$version" # For regular python: the binary has a dot between the first and second char of the version string python_binary="/usr/bin/python${version:0:1}.${version:1:1}" # For pypy: custom path + fetch from the web if not installed (=distro agnostic) if [[ $version == *"pypy2"* ]]; then python_binary="/opt/pypy2.7-v7.3.0-linux64/bin/pypy" if [ ! -f $python_binary ]; then assert_root "Must be root to install pypy2.7, use sudo" title "### DOWNLOADING PYPY2 ($pypy_archive) ###" pushd "/opt" pypy_archive="pypy2.7-v7.3.0-linux64.tar.bz2" wget "https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/downloads/$pypy_archive" title "### EXTRACTING PYPY TARBALL ($pypy_archive) ###" tar xvf $pypy_archive popd fi fi if [[ $version == *"pypy35"* ]]; then python_binary="/opt/pypy3.5-v7.0.0-linux64/bin/pypy3" if [ ! -f $python_binary ]; then assert_root "Must be root to install pypy3.5, use sudo" title "### DOWNLOADING PYPY3 ($pypy_archive) ###" pushd "/opt" pypy_archive="pypy3.5-v7.0.0-linux64.tar.bz2" wget "https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/downloads/$pypy_archive" title "### EXTRACTING PYPY TARBALL ($pypy_archive) ###" tar xvf $pypy_archive popd fi fi title "### INSTALLING $venv_name ($python_binary) ###" deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment virtualenv -p "$python_binary" "$venv_name" source "${venv_name}/bin/activate" pip install --ignore-requires-python -r requirements.txt pip install --ignore-requires-python -r test-requirements.txt deactivate 2> /dev/null } container_name(){ echo "jorisroovers/gitlint:dev-python-$1" } start_container(){ container_name="$1" echo -n "Starting container $1..." container_details=$(docker container inspect $container_name 2>&1 > /dev/null) local exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code -gt 0 ]; then docker run -t -d -v $(pwd):/gitlint --name $container_name $container_name exit_code=$? echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}SKIP (ALREADY RUNNING)${NO_COLOR}" exit_code=0 fi return $exit_code } stop_container(){ container_name="$1" echo -n "Stopping container $container_name..." result=$(docker kill $container_name 2> /dev/null) local exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}SKIP (DOES NOT EXIST)${NO_COLOR}" exit_code=0 else echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" fi return $exit_code } install_container(){ local exit_code=0 python_version="$1" python_version_dotted="${python_version:0:1}.${python_version:1:1}" container_name="$(container_name $python_version)" title "Installing container $container_name" image_details=$(docker image inspect $container_name 2> /dev/null) tmp_exit_code=$? if [ $tmp_exit_code -gt 0 ]; then subtitle "Building container image from python:${python_version_dotted}-stretch..." docker build -f Dockerfile.dev --build-arg python_version_dotted="$python_version_dotted" -t $container_name . exit_code=$? else subtitle "Building container image from python:${python_version_dotted}-stretch...SKIP (ALREADY-EXISTS)" echo " Use '$0 --uninstall-container; $0 --install-container' to rebuild" exit_code=0 fi return $exit_code } uninstall_container(){ python_version="$1" container_name="$(container_name $python_version)" echo -n "Removing container image $container_name..." image_details=$(docker image inspect $container_name 2> /dev/null) tmp_exit_code=$? if [ $tmp_exit_code -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}SKIP (DOES NOT EXIST)${NO_COLOR}" exit_code=0 else result=$(docker image rm -f $container_name 2> /dev/null) exit_code=$? fi return $exit_code } assert_specific_env(){ if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" == "default" ]; then fatal "ERROR: Please specify one or more valid python environments using --envs: 27,35,36,37,pypy2,pypy35" exit 1 fi } switch_env(){ if [ "$1" != "default" ]; then # If we activated a virtualenv within this script, deactivate it deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment # If this script was run from within an existing virtualenv, manually remove the current VIRTUAL_ENV from the # current path. This ensures that our PATH is clean of that virtualenv. # Note that the 'deactivate' function from the virtualenv is not available here unless the script was invoked # as 'source ./run_tests.sh'). # Thanks internet stranger! https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/496050/38465 if [ ! -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then export PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | grep -v "$VIRTUAL_ENV" | tr "\n" ":"); fi set -e # Let's error out if you try executing against a non-existing env source "/vagrant/.venv${1}/bin/activate" set +e fi title "### PYTHON ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) ###" } run_in_container(){ python_version="$1" envs="$2" args="$3" container_name="$(container_name $python_version)" container_command=$(echo "$0 $args" | sed -E "s/( -e | --envs )$envs//" | sed -E "s/( --container| -C)//") title "### CONTAINER $container_name" start_container "$container_name" docker exec "$container_name" $container_command } ############################################################################## # The magic starts here: argument parsing and determining what to do # default behavior just_pep8=0 just_lint=0 just_git=0 just_integration_tests=0 just_build_tests=0 just_stats=0 just_all=0 just_clean=0 just_install=0 just_uninstall=0 just_install_container=0 just_uninstall_container=0 just_exec=0 container_enabled=0 include_coverage=1 envs="default" cmd="" testargs="" original_args="$@" while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) shift; help;; -c|--clean) shift; just_clean=1;; -p|--pep8) shift; just_pep8=1;; -l|--lint) shift; just_lint=1;; -g|--git) shift; just_git=1;; -b|--build) shift; just_build_tests=1;; -s|--stats) shift; just_stats=1;; -i|--integration) shift; just_integration_tests=1;; -a|--all) shift; just_all=1;; -e|--envs) shift; envs="$1"; shift;; --exec) shift; just_exec=1; cmd="$1"; shift;; --install) shift; just_install=1;; --uninstall) shift; just_uninstall=1;; --install-container) shift; just_install_container=1;; --uninstall-container) shift; just_uninstall_container=1;; --all-env) shift; envs="all";; -C|--container) shift; container_enabled=1;; --no-coverage)shift; include_coverage=0;; *) testargs="$1"; shift; esac done old_virtualenv="$VIRTUAL_ENV" # Store the current virtualenv so we can restore it at the end trap exit_script INT # Exit on interrupt (i.e. ^C) exit_script(){ echo -e -n $NO_COLOR # make sure we don't have color left on the terminal exit } exit_code=0 # If the users specified 'all', then just replace $envs with the list of all envs if [ "$envs" == "all" ]; then envs="27,35,36,37,38,pypy2,pypy35" fi original_envs="$envs" envs=$(echo "$envs" | tr ',' '\n') # Split the env list on comma so we can loop through it for environment in $envs; do if [ $container_enabled -eq 1 ]; then run_in_container "$environment" "$original_envs" "$original_args" elif [ $just_pep8 -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_pep8_check elif [ $just_stats -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_stats elif [ $just_integration_tests -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_integration_tests elif [ $just_build_tests -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_build_test elif [ $just_git -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_git_check elif [ $just_lint -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_lint_check elif [ $just_all -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_all elif [ $just_clean -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" clean elif [ $just_exec -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" eval "$cmd" elif [ $just_uninstall -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" uninstall_virtualenv "$environment" elif [ $just_install -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" install_virtualenv "$environment" elif [ $just_install_container -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" install_container "$environment" elif [ $just_uninstall_container -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" uninstall_container "$environment" else switch_env "$environment" run_unit_tests fi # We add up all the exit codes and use that as our final exit code # While we lose the meaning of the exit code per individual environment by doing this, we do ensure that the end # exit code reflects success (=0) or failure (>0). exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) done # reactivate the virtualenv if we had one before if [ ! -z "$old_virtualenv" ]; then source "$old_virtualenv/bin/activate" fi # Report some overall status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n${GREEN}### OVERALL STATUS: SUCCESS ###${NO_COLOR}" else echo -e "\n${RED}### OVERALL STATUS: FAILURE ###${NO_COLOR}" fi exit $exit_code