#!/bin/bash help(){ echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]..." echo "Run gitlint's test suite(s) or some convience commands" echo " -h, --help Show this help output" echo " -c, --clean Clean the project of temporary files" echo " -p, --pep8 Run pep8 checks" echo " -l, --lint Run pylint checks" echo " -g, --git Run gitlint checks" echo " -i, --integration Run integration tests" echo " -a, --all Run all tests and checks (unit, integration, pep8, git)" echo " -e, --envs [ENV1],[ENV2] Run tests against specified python environments (envs: 26,27,33,34,35)." echo " Also works for integration, pep8 and lint tests." echo " --all-env Run all tests against all python environments" echo " --install Install virtualenvs for the --envs specified" echo " --uninstall Remove virtualenvs for the --envs specified" echo " --switch Switch environments (as per --envs)" echo " -s, --stats Show some project stats" echo " --no-coverage Don't make a unit test coverage report" echo "" exit 0; } RED="\033[31m" YELLOW="\033[33m" BLUE="\033[94m" GREEN="\033[32m" NO_COLOR="\033[0m" title(){ MSG="$BLUE$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG } subtitle() { MSG="$YELLOW$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG } fatal(){ MSG="$RED$1$NO_COLOR" echo -e $MSG exit 1 } run_pep8_check(){ # FLAKE 8 # H307: like imports should be grouped together # H405: multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line # H803: git title must end with a period # H904: Wrap long lines in parentheses instead of a backslash # H802: git commit title should be under 50 chars # H701: empty localization string FLAKE8_IGNORE="H307,H405,H803,H904,H802,H701" # exclude settings files and virtualenvs FLAKE8_EXCLUDE="*settings.py,*.venv/*.py" echo "Running flake8..." flake8 --ignore=$FLAKE8_IGNORE --max-line-length=120 --exclude=$FLAKE8_EXCLUDE gitlint qa examples } run_unit_tests(){ clean # py.test -s => print standard output (i.e. show print statement output) # -rw => print warnings if [ -n "$testargs" ]; then coverage run -m pytest -rw -s "$testargs" else coverage run -m pytest -rw -s gitlint fi TEST_RESULT=$? if [ $include_coverage -eq 1 ]; then COVERAGE_REPORT=$(coverage report -m) echo "$COVERAGE_REPORT" fi return $TEST_RESULT; } run_integration_tests(){ clean # Make sure the version of python used by the git hooks in our integration tests # is the same one as the one that is currently active. In order to achieve this, we need to set # GIT_EXEC_PATH (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Environment-Variables) to the current PATH, otherwise # the git hooks will use the default PATH variable as defined by .bashrc which doesn't contain the current # virtualenv's python binary path. export GIT_EXEC_PATH="$PATH" # py.test -s => print standard output (i.e. show print statement output) # -rw => print warnings if [ -n "$testargs" ]; then py.test -s "$testargs" else py.test -s qa/ fi } run_git_check(){ echo -e "Running gitlint...${RED}" gitlint local exit_code=$? echo -ne "$NO_COLOR" return $exit_code } run_lint_check(){ echo -e "Running pylint...${RED}" pylint gitlint qa --rcfile=".pylintrc" -r n local exit_code=$? echo -ne "$NO_COLOR" return $exit_code } run_stats(){ echo "*** Code ***" radon raw -s gitlint | tail -n 6 echo "*** Tests ***" nr_unit_tests=$(py.test gitlint/ --collect-only | grep TestCaseFunction | wc -l) nr_integration_tests=$(py.test qa/ --collect-only | grep TestCaseFunction | wc -l) echo " Unit Tests: ${nr_unit_tests//[[:space:]]/}" echo " Integration Tests: ${nr_integration_tests//[[:space:]]/}" echo "*** Git ***" echo " Number of commits: $(git rev-list --all --count)" echo " Number of authors: $(git log --format='%aN' | sort -u | wc -l)" } clean(){ echo -n "Cleaning the site, build, dist and all __pycache__directories..." find gitlint -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null find qa -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null rm -rf "site" "dist" "build" echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" } run_all(){ local exit_code=0 subtitle "# UNIT TESTS #" run_unit_tests exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) subtitle "# INTEGRATION TESTS #" run_integration_tests exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) subtitle "# STYLE CHECKS #" run_pep8_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) run_lint_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) run_git_check exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) return $exit_code } uninstall_virtualenv(){ version="$1" venv_name=".venv$version" echo -n "Uninstalling $venv_name..." deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment rm -rf "$venv_name" echo -e "${GREEN}DONE${NO_COLOR}" } install_virtualenv(){ version="$1" venv_name=".venv$version" # The binary puts a dot between the first and second char of the version string python_binary="/usr/bin/python${version:0:1}.${version:1:1}" title "### INSTALLING $venv_name ($python_binary) ###" deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment virtualenv -p "$python_binary" "$venv_name" source "${venv_name}/bin/activate" easy_install -U pip pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r test-requirements.txt deactivate } assert_specific_env(){ if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" == "default" ]; then fatal "ERROR: Please specify one or more valid python environments using --envs: 26,27,33,34,35" exit 1 fi } switch_env(){ if [ "$1" != "default" ]; then deactivate 2> /dev/null # deactivate any active environment set -e # Let's error out if you try executing against a non-existing env source "/vagrant/.venv${1}/bin/activate" set +e fi title "### PYTHON ($(python --version 2>&1), $(which python)) ###" } ############################################################################## # The magic starts here: argument parsing and determining what to do # default behavior just_pep8=0 just_lint=0 just_git=0 just_integration_tests=0 just_stats=0 just_all=0 just_clean=0 just_install=0 just_uninstall=0 include_coverage=1 envs="default" testargs="" while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) shift; help;; -c|--clean) shift; just_clean=1;; -p|--pep8) shift; just_pep8=1;; -l|--lint) shift; just_lint=1;; -g|--git) shift; just_git=1;; -s|--stats) shift; just_stats=1;; -i|--integration) shift; just_integration_tests=1;; -a|--all) shift; just_all=1;; -e|--envs) shift; envs="$1"; shift;; --install) shift; just_install=1;; --uninstall) shift; just_uninstall=1;; --all-env) shift; envs="all";; --no-coverage)shift; include_coverage=0;; *) testargs="$1"; shift; esac done old_virtualenv="$VIRTUAL_ENV" # Store the current virtualenv so we can restore it at the end trap exit INT # Exit on interrupt (i.e. ^C) exit_code=0 # If the users specified 'all', then just replace $envs with the list of all envs if [ "$envs" == "all" ]; then envs="26,27,33,34,35" fi envs=$(echo "$envs" | tr ',' '\n') # Split the env list on comma so we can loop through it for environment in $envs; do if [ $just_pep8 -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_pep8_check elif [ $just_stats -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_stats elif [ $just_integration_tests -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_integration_tests elif [ $just_git -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_git_check elif [ $just_lint -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_lint_check elif [ $just_all -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" run_all elif [ $just_clean -eq 1 ]; then switch_env "$environment" clean elif [ $just_uninstall -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" uninstall_virtualenv "$environment" elif [ $just_install -eq 1 ]; then assert_specific_env "$environment" install_virtualenv "$environment" else switch_env "$environment" run_unit_tests fi # We add up all the exit codes and use that as our final exit code # While we lose the meaning of the exit code per individual environment by doing this, we do ensure that the end # exit code reflects success (=0) or failure (>0). exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) done # reactivate the virtualenv if we had one before if [ ! -z "$old_virtualenv" ]; then source "$old_virtualenv/bin/activate" fi # Report some overall status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n${GREEN}### OVERALL STATUS: SUCCESS ###${NO_COLOR}" else echo -e "\n${RED}### OVERALL STATUS: FAILURE ###${NO_COLOR}" fi exit $exit_code