We'd love for you to [contribute to gitlint](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint). Just create an issue or open a pull request and we'll get right on it! We maintain a [wishlist on our wiki](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/wiki/Wishlist), but we're obviously open to any suggestions! ### Development ### There is a Vagrantfile in this repository that can be used for development. ```bash vagrant up vagrant ssh ``` Or you can choose to use your local environment: ```bash virtualenv .venv pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt -r doc-requirements.txt python setup.py develop ``` To run tests: ```bash ./run_tests.sh # run unit tests and print test coverage ./run_test.sh gitlint/tests/test_body_rules.py::BodyRuleTests::test_body_missing # run a single test ./run_tests.sh --no-coverage # run unit tests without test coverage ./run_tests.sh --integration # Run integration tests (requires that you have gitlint installed) ./run_tests.sh --pep8 # pep8 checks ./run_tests.sh --stats # print some code stats ./run_tests.sh --git # inception: run gitlint against itself ./run_tests.sh --lint # run pylint checks ``` To see the package description in HTML format ``` pip install docutils export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 python setup.py --long-description | rst2html.py > output.html ``` ### Documentation ### Outside the vagrant box (on your host machine): ```bash mkdocs serve ``` Then access the documentation website on your host machine on [http://localhost:8000]().